I never see her as a ghost,she's an angel.

In Love With A Ghost? Or A Human?

Donghae POV:

The next morning,i wake up and look beside me,Yoon was not here. 

I wonder where is she now. 

"Hae!" I was shocked to hear her voice coming from outside the house.I look outside the window and she waves at me.

"Wow,it's so early,where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm just going to a morning walk,hehe.I always like the fresh air during morning." She said while smiling. 

I was going to reply her as i heard a voice from Minnie hyung.

"Hae,who are you talking with?" He walked to me and look outside the window.

"I'm talking with Yo.........." Oh ! I forget that no one can see Yoon except some special incident! Minnie hyung just stare at me.

"I'm talking with you now of course!" I try to joke and laugh while pulling him to go down to have breakfast.


I'm having breakfast with my hyungs,my parents already going to travel earlier.Suddenly something just pop in my mind.

Is Yoon going to have breakfast too? I wonder what will she eat.....

"Hyung ah,i'm going to my room to have breakfast!" I started to take my plate of food and walk to upstair to my room.

"Hae,why did you wanna have breakfast at your room? You never did this before and you're the one who always scold us when we're eating in our room." 

Wonnie hyung said and other of my hyungs agree that.

"Umm...i just wanna finish my project earlier while having breakfast!" I never wait for their replies and i quickly run to my room and closed the door.

"Yoon,where are you?" I whispered and she appeared from the bathroom.

"Hae,i'm here." She walked to me while staring at the food.I begged she's hungry now.

"Let's share this breakfast,shall we?" I asked and she nodded happily and eat with me.


I was wonder what she eats usually...

"Yoon,what did you usually eats?" I stared at her while she just stopped eating.

"I....I don't have anything to eat.I always ended up eating bread from some bakery shop which they don't want." 

After she said,i feel pity for her,i swear i won't let her get hungry anymore.


After we finish our breakfast,i was prepared to go to the school library to do my projects eventhough today it's Saturday.

"Hae,can i follow you?" She asked me.

Now i realise one thing again,aren't ghost can't appear at the daylight...I paused for awhile...She seems understand what i'm thinking.

"I don't know why but i'm not like others,i can appear in anytime even in daylight.Hehe..and i love reading." She smiled and i smiled back.

Actually i love reading too,and we found a common interest now.

I said goodbye to my hyungs and headed to the school library.


We're sitting opposite each other when we're in the school library.

She sit down and started to read and write down.I can see that she really loves reading,maybe she's a good student when she's alive...

I walk to the shelf to look for the book that i want. I took a book while staring at her who is sitting at there not far away.

She just's like an angel,something always attract me to stare at her.My mind was blank out when i see her...

It's just like the time was stop at that moment.

Another second,she look up and stare at my direction and chunkled.

I feel embaressed and i guess she notices that i'm staring at her.

I just put on an awkward smile while walking back to the place we sited.

End POV.







Haha,Hae is shy around Yoon X)

Next chapter will be story about Yoona's past again.

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i will update tomorrow,tired today T.T


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Chapter 7: wowowo~~ More than a friend! Friend Zone :))
Chapter 5: awww ~~!! cute couple :)) I can't stop blushing when I read this chapter.
Chapter 4: aww ~~!! DongHae stared at YoonA! cute XD
Chapter 3: cute! hehe ;) update soon I like your fanfic ;)
Chapter 3: update soon :D
Chapter 2: I like it... it's a cute story, update soon author-nim ;)
Yoonayoona1 #7
It's interesting please update I bet there is going to be some playful love in this story