Behind It All pt. 2 and Question's Answered

Like Glass




Everything went black and the next thing I knew I was on the hard floor, my limbs sprawled all around me. I opened my eyes and took in the shocked, pale face of Jaehyo. I blushed and shakily tried to get to my feet, wobbling slightly as I did so.

He helped me to stand up steadying me as my legs threatened to fail me again. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. He helped me walk into the living room and sat me down on the couch. He rubbed my back slowly as I cried. I hadn't cried up til that point, I had been pretty numb.
"It's okay Miri" he whispered.
It wasn't okay. It was as if I had lost a part of myself when Sehun left me. I wonder if this is how a discarded toy felt like when they had been abandoned. I wasn't thinking rationally. Toys didn't have emotions or feeling but if they did this is probably how they would feel. What did I lack? Was it because I wasn't rich or my family wasn't powerful.  I wiped my tears with my hand not caring how I looked.
I looked up at Jaehyo. I had never notice how handsome he was. He had black hair with brown highlights which were either natural or done by a professional to look natural. He had wrinkles around his eyes but they were so light and that they didn't distract from his clear complexion. When he was younger he was probably a handsome man that many women wanted to be with, some may still even what to be with him now.
He probably deceived an innocent girl more then once back when he wasn't so old. He probably still did it now considering that he didn't look half bad. This made me feel slightly resentful of the wrong that he did to this imaginary innocent girl he had deceived.
"Thank you Jaehyo. I am sorry that I have to cancel our dinner. I just got home and  I am not in any condition to be going anywhere right now." To be truthful I just wanted to wallow in self misery alone.
"That is all right, Miri. We can always reschedule until tomorrow."
I looked at him a little perplexed. He still wanted to go to dinner with me even though I looked like this and It was pretty obvious what had happened to me the night before. He had also came to my home which wasn't exactly what he was normally use to. I knew instinctively that he would not take no for an answer. So to say myself some trouble I agree to go to dinner with him the next day.
Later on I came to realize that he didn't mind because he had planned to do the exact same thing Sehun had. At the time I thought since Sehun had left me I was more worldly, that I knew what Jaehyo wanted, i was onto his plans. Well those plans didn't go exactly as he wanted them to.
The date, If you could call it that, was nothing special just dinner and a lot of wine. He showed me his house as an excuse to get me to come over. So I slept with him that night because I wanted to compare him to Sehun. Plus in a way it was a way to get back at Sehun even if he would never find out.  I thought I wasn't naïve about   anymore. was just that not a confession of lasting love, or any other fairy tale I had made it out to be in my naivety.
Comparatively Jaehyo was just as rough as Sehun but at the end of the night he didn't leave me. I was the one who left him sleeping there alone. I left as soon as he fell asleep which was pretty much right after he had finished. I caught a cab home even though it wasn't that late I still felt that I was safer to get a cab, plus I was quite sore.
I hadn't seen my mom in over a month so it was a surprise to see her home for once. She was sitting in the living room with only the lamp on. I didn't know what she was doing before I came in.
She looked at me with her tired eyes, the look she was giving me wasn't like anything I had seen before.  She looked both disappointed and mad. I remember thinking that whatever happened that it was going to change the way we treated each other.
"Hi, Mom."
"Miri, Have you become a ?"
I was shocked speechless. How could my mother say such a thing. I had only slept with two men ever and she was already calling me a . I didn't know where this came from.
"What...why?...How could you say that to me?" I sputtered
She held up the Sapphire necklace that Sehun had given me. The light from the lamp was caught in the diamond surrounding the small necklace. Little spots of light danced around the dark room. It was beautiful.
I just stared at her with the necklace in her hands. I still didn't understand how that necklace made me a .  The word made me cringe even when I was only thinking it,  We stayed like that for a second then my mother threw Sehun's necklace at me.
"If your going to e yourself out to guys you could at least help with the bill instead of buying things for yourself. That's selfish and I didn't raise you to be a e or selfish." She said as she stood up.
I picked up the necklace off the floor. She left the room before I could defend myself properly. I went to my room because I know it would do me no good to go look for my mom and try to convince her to change her mind. She was pig-headed when it came to being right.  
Who knew that what would happen then next morning would change my life forever.
Hyesung had just written the last note down of his new piece when he heard laughter coming from his kitchen. He smiled, perfect timing, his brothers were here to bother him. He didn't mind in the least because he needed a break from his work. He had been at it all morning composing his new song. Hopefully it would help him with his financial dilemma.
Andy, Junjin, and Dongwan came bustling out of the kitchen holding drinks. Hyesung waited for Minwoo to join them but he didn't come out of the kitchen. Usually when his brothers came over they came over in a group.
"So where's Minwoo?" Hyesung questioned.
"Don't know. He has been gone most of the day yesterday and hasn't been around since." Dongwan said as he leaned against the wall next to the keyboard that Hyesung had been working at.
"We came to play." Junjin said with a mischievous smile. He held up the drink that they had before. It smelled delicious, even though I shouldn't be able to smell it Hyesung thought.  Andy handed Hyesung a drink.
"What is this called?" Hyesung asked.
"You wouldn't be able to pronounce it even if you tried." Junjin  answered.
"Just let me try"
"Alright. It's yikfkhlmyukibtrin" said Andy
"Your right. I probably couldn't pronounce it properly." Hyesung laughed then took a sip of his yikfkhlmyukibtrin.
"Now lets go play." Junjin said after downing the rest of his drink. He had a little twinkle in his eye which Hyesung didn't trust.
"No I can't. I have work to do today." Hyesung answered.
"Why don't we just tell you a story while you work?" Dongwan suggested.
"That's boring though" Junjin said."
"Why don't we finally go meet your Eric?" Andy said
They all nodded enthusiastically. They're eagerness was adorable, it made Hyesung smile.
"I can't..... work remember?." he answered
They all pouted and looked disappointed.
"I have been wondering about the Faerie courts. When I tried to research it most of the information I found was about myths and tales that I assume are not all truth. Why don't you tell me more about Faerie?" Hyesung suggested.
They turned and looked at each other with a serious expression. Hyesung hadn't seen this side of them, they were normally happy and bubbly. They all sat down on the couch and looked at Hyesung with serrious faces. Hyesung sat down on his stool again he felt the room settle into a serious ambience.
"Ask us something. We'll tell you everything, even though Min said not to." Junjin replied with a mischievous smile.
"I have always wondered what is the difference between The Unseelie and The Seelie courts?"
"The Seelie Court is portrayed as the "Good or the Golden Court". They go around in arrays of light and do good deeds. The Unseelie Court are the outcasts of the Seelie court; the exiles. They go around spreading terror and do evil things to humans. This what people think but truthfully both courts are capable of spreading terror and doing bad things. We are a lot like humans in that it depends on our personalities. Mainly the courts are designated by powers, the darker your powers are the more Unseelie you are. The more flashy or earth type powers you have the more Seelie you are. Truth is that we do get a lot of exiles from the Seelie court. A lot of people have offended the King of the Seelie court, that is the main way to become exiled." Andy replied grinning
This was information that was pretty much the same as the things I read but it's pretty obvious that not all unseelie are evil or bad. These three weren't as horrible as the information that was give about the Unseelie. Then again Minwoo had said they were part Seelie. I wonder who their father was but that would just be too rude to ask right now.
They all burst into laughter after a few minutes. Andy was slumped over Junjin's lap chortling when Junjin pushed him off. Andy rolled around laughing on the floor.
" Okay, back to my questions. I also read that you're immortal is this true? Do you guys not age?"
They stopped laughing and sat up pretending to be serious again. "We age but at a slower rate and we can be killed in various ways that most don't talk about because it takes quite a lot to kill a Fae."  Dongwans covering his mounth to supress a snort.
"Lots and lots of blood.  I think we termed the phrase bloodbath because literally puddles." Junjin proclaimed with a nod.
" As I was saying we are very much immortal. No one I know has died but I am not that old to begin with. No, I am not going to tell you how old I am." Dongwan answered and slightly glared a Hyesung as well as his brothers
They all laughed at Dongwan's last statement. He assumed that they were pretty old if he didn't want to tell him who old he really was. Andy almost fell on the floor again if not for Dongwan grabbing his collar and giving him a stern glare which sent Junjin into a fit of laughter knocking Andy back into the couch.
They calmed themselve before I asked "Do you guys have any cool powers?"
"I can control time but it is pretty limited. Once I tried to turn back a whole day but I only turned back about 5 hours. Afterward I slept for a week because I used up too much energy.  My power is really only good for healing I can turn back a whole day when it's a small area like your arm or another body part. " Andy answered
"So your like a Faerie time machine." Hyesung said.  We all laughed.
"More like Orihime from Bleach" Andy clarified. Dongwan and Junjin rolled their eyes. I wanted to ask what he meant by that but I noticed Dongwan and Junjin both shake their heads and mouthing no.
" I have Seelie powers also. My powers are plant based. I can make dead pants come back to life. Call me Poison Ivy." Dongwan answered and put his hand on his hip and posed. " Also my powers can be unseelie too. I once saw a flower faerie wrap a rose bush around an adversary and make the thorns impale him."
"Most powers can be interpreted that way, Wannie." Junjin said. "Andy can also do the opposite with his powers. He can speed up time and make you bleed out in seconds."
They all nodded.  I waited for Junjin to explain his powers when the phone rang startling me. I jumped a little and picked up my cell phone.
"Is this Hyesung Shin?" the person on the other end asked
"Yes. I am Hyesung Shin."
" I am calling from Lee & Ko's in regards to the law suit about theft. As it turns out the charges were dropped because the property was recovered. We just wanted to inform you of this development."
I sighed in relief. Miri won't be happy but I was relieved that I did have to ask Eric's father for help or spend money on legal counsel." Thank you very much for the update."
" Have a nice day Mr, Shin." She said then hung up.
My brothers were sitting there smiling. I smiled back at them.
"This calls for more of the Yik-something drink." Hyesung said as his brothers laughed at him for not saying the name of the drink.  Hyesung finished his Yik drink as andy passed around more.
Sorry this took forever for me to write and update. I have tons of excuse but I just want to say I am sorry. Also If you have anymore questions you want answered about the Faerie Courts or anything that confuses you please comment and I will clarify it in the story. Thank you so much for subscribing, commenting and upvoting!
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My editor is rereading the story. I am making random corrections here and there. I promise to have a new chpt up soon. I am writing it now.


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Chapter 18: There's a lot if good story lines with Like Glass and it has definitely been an interesting story. Kudos to you Author-nim! This story could have 10 or 20 more chapters and it will still be interesting. I would have loved to know if Hyesung has any powers since he has fairy blood...the fairy stepbrothers were also interesting bunch. They still have not met and interacted with Eric. Eric I think has a lot if stories to tell from his family side.. As for Ricsyung there were definitely some highlight chapters that I like.. My favorite was during the show where Eric was apparently part of a popular band and he ended up living the show as he grabbed Hyesung from the crowd to the envy of all the fans!! Wow I love it!.. I was just sad that apparently all the endings were left hanging.. (sigh..) ... Thanks Author-nim for all the good chapters... if there will be a sequel I would definitely read it as well!
Harem_King_Pete #2
Chapter 1: Good story! I really liked it very much.
Chapter 14: oh.........
Chapter 17: Thank you for the amazing fanficition. I loved reading it.
milu23 #5
I liked this fic so much...did you drop it? ㅠ.ㅠ
feelgyo #6
Chapter 6: Cinder-sungie is really hilarious!! XD *rolling on the floor*
feelgyo #7 reader here ^^
Just found this one. I like the foreword, so I subs immediately :D
Thank you for ur story author-nim ^^
No update yet?? :(
Chapter 17: I want to read more about their powers and about the courts. It's very interesting! I'm trying to imagine this other world in my head as I read your story.
Can't wait for more!
Love u <3
Chapter 17: Yikehekwjshnskawo something drink XD