Call Me Key

Only My Job and Nothing More

"Sir, your hair is done."

"Ah, thank you," Key yawned. He'd been getting pretty tired waiting for the girl to finish dyeing his hair. He looked into the mirror and smiled. Of course he looked great no matter how his hair looked.

Although Key had gotten his hair done, he was still pretty peeved off. He had specifically wrote down every single instruction on handing the y customer, and yet, the employee went on his own to deal with her. How annoying. It was a thing that Key hated most - not listening to him. And not to mention someone dared to get on his nerves in a coffee shop. He really could have killed that weirdo.

Key strutted over to the salon counter to pay, and dug around his bag for his wallet. It wasn't there. After a few more minutes of rummaging through the bag, he huffed, quite aggravated. He must've left it in the coffee shop or something.

"Sorry, hold on please," Key apologized. Thank the gods he was smart enough to carry his cards and his cash in different wallets. He quickly pulled out a fat wallet, and stuffed out a bunch of bills. "How much was it?"

"Uh, 80,000 won, sir..."

Key handed her the fat bills and tapped his fingers as she counted them. When she was satisfied, he headed out, checking to see if he had left something. Once he was out, he raced to the coffee shop, in hope of finding his precious wallet. Why couldn't he have dropped his wallet with the cash instead?

Key hated running. By the time he reached the coffee shop, he was panting like a hot dog in the summer. It wasn't like it was unattractive, but Key thought so.


Key didn't even bother looking at the girl at the register again, and speed walked over to the place he was sitting some hours ago. There was another couple there, not that Key cared. He bent down, and looked around the floor, and around the table. The couple looked at him as if he were insane. He glared back at them.

"Did you happen to see a wallet here?" The couple shook their heads, their "you've-got-eight-heads" expression still smeared across their faces. Key growled, and walked out quickly.

He was angry. Really angry. Another thing had just been thrown in the fire, and he was going to explode at the next person that talked to him. He was so uncontrollably mad that he accidentally kicked the nearest thing to him, not realizing it was a bucket full of flowers belonging to the flower shop right in front of him.

Key just stared at the mess he made, the water was spilled and Key's shoe was wet. Oh, great. Key growled again, and bent down to examine his brand new million dollar shoes. If the water seeped through into his million dollar socks, he swore he was going to run home and grab his father's shotgun. Just then, a man stepped out of the flower shop, checking to see what caused such a loud crash. Key gulped as he stared at the broken pot and the flowers.

"Look I'll pay for them oka--"

"Nah, it's fine. I was gonna get rid of these if no one bought them anyway. Flowers don't seem to be selling well during the allergy season..." the guy said, with a wave of his hand. "Still in a bad mood? Your hair changed."

"Yeah...wait what? How would you know?" Key asked, surprised. He patted his hair softly and squinted at the man's face for a while, and suddenly recognized him as the guy from the coffee shop. He grunted in embarrassment. 

The guy laughed. "Recognize me yet?" Key just nodded. The boy bent down to pick up the flowers, and took them into the shop and mention for Key to follow. Key followed him in. When they were in, he set the flowers on the counter, and grabbed his bag.

"You...left something before I think. This your's, Kim Kibum-ssi?" The guy grinned, and pulled out a small black Balmain wallet.

"OH MY GOD. MY POOR BABY!" Key gasped, and snatched the wallet out of the boy's hands. "THANK THE GODS." The other just laughed as Key opened up the wallet to see that everything was still in there and neat. Key sighed of relieve. Somehow, he felt better already. "Thanks uh..."


"Oh hey, I'm Ke--"

"Yeah, Kim Kibum. It says so on your ID card," Jonghyun grinned again.

"Oh...Actually, you...nevermind," Kibum shrugged it off. It wasn't like Jonghyun was such a good friend that he needed to know his nickname...

"Kibum-ssi, do you like flowers?" Jonghyun suddenly asked.

"Uh, they're nice. Why?"

"Do you want these? I can't bear to throw them away, actually..." Jonghyun stared at the flowers laid on the counter. They were still pretty nice, it was only starting its beginning phase of withering.

"Then don't throw them away."

"Boss told me to throw them away. Besides, I can't take them home. My sister and my mother are allergic. Can you? Take them?"

"Uh...I guess so...?" Key touched the flowers gently. They really were pretty. Besides, it was his fault for destroying their bucket anyway. "I'll take them," he decided.

"GREAT! THANKS!" Jonghyun immediately went to wrap the flowers.

"Hey uh, thanks. And uh, sorry about what happened in that coffee shop," Key coughed out.

"Bad day, right? It's understandable. I didn't expect that you'd kill me, so it's alright." Key almost blushed. Jonghyun handed Key the wrapped flowers. It was prettier wrapped up, a bunch of vibrant colors. Even though the colors won't last long. 

"Thanks." Key held the flowers awkwardly in his fists. Jonghyun just grinned. "Thanks too!" he chipped.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a screechingly loud beeping, and Jonghyun jumped, startled.

"Sorry, my beeper. I gotta go...thanks again for these," Key waved the flowers in his still awkwardly tight fist. "Bye."

"Bye!" Jonghyun shouted happily.

"Oh, and it's Key."

"Huh?" Jonghyun asked, confused.

"Everyone calles me 'Key'," Key explained. And then he headed out, waving the bouquet again.

Jonghyun smiled to himself.

This actually might not take long...Better than last time...Key. I think this might take faster than I thought... Jonghyun though, grinning to himself. And he was earning quite some extra money from this flower job he decided to take.

Key walked in a normal pace, different from the fast furious pace he walked when he was...well, furious. His mood had actually been lightened up, and he didn't even get annoyed thinking about that stupid employee. Heh.

As he walked on, a tiny visible smile made its way onto Kim Kibum's face for the first time that day.

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awwww key fell his wallet :)