Didn't Expect You to Look Like That

Only My Job and Nothing More

"Hyung. Hyung!"

"Huh? What? What is it, Minho..." Jonghyun's brain returned to his head.

"I've been calling you for the past six minutes. What could you possibly be thinking about so deeply...?" Minho asked, irritated. The most Jonghyun had ever spaced out and returned with a call was a small good two minutes. But six?

"Minho. They said they'd triple my pay. Can even be more," Jonghyun said, a bit still deep in thought. Minho almost fell off his chair.

"Th - three? Even more?! What are you so good for?!" Minho questioned.

"Don't doubt me, Minho, I'm the smartest one there," Jonghyun scoffed and rolled his eyes. Minho just shoke his head.

"All of them must be pretty stupid then," Minho reasoned.

"Mind you, Minho, we're a pretty successful company, if you haven't noticed."

"Yeah, alright."

"Anyway, they said they can raise my pay. Three to five. But there's this job I have to do, and I don't know if I can handle it..." Jonghyun said, going back to the original topic.

"Huh, I knew it." Jonghyun gave him a dirty look. Minho turned away. "What do you have to do?"

"I have to get the heir of our rival company to step down."

Minho just stared at his hyung quietly. After a bit of silence he spoke up. 

"I think you'd be able to handle it..." he said, quite truthfully. Jonghyun looked over at him.

"Really? You think so?" he asked, getting a bit optimistic about it.

"I think you can. You've done something like this before." Jonghyun gave him one of his weirdest looks.

"I have?" he asked, confused. Jonghyun didn't remember anything like this.

"Dunno. But I'm pretty sure you'd be able to do this," Minho shrugged. Jonghyun followed his movements and shrugged too.

"I'll try it."

Kim Kibum. Kim Kibum. Kim. Kibum. Kimkibum.

Jonghyun practiced the name in his head so it'd roll out perfectly fine if he got too nervous and jumbled his words up.

Kim Kibum. Kim Kibum. 

Jonghyun wondered where the hell he was supposed to find this Kibum kid. He had the photo his boss gave him, not that it did anything but show him how this boy would look. The latter sighed and headed into the coffee shop around the corner. It was new, and he'd been planning to try it out. Besides, the boss allowed him to stay away from the company while he tried to accomplish this mission. 

Once Jonghyun entered, he quickly had second thoughts. Apparently, this was a coffee shop for rich people, as it seems. The whole place was decorated so beautifully, Jonghyun would've bought it as a house. There were even sofas and bean bags on the whole other side of the store, and even a little rack for magazines for people who had come in to relieve themselves. But Jonghyun certainly didn't want to leave.

So he painfully handed the pretty lady at the cashier the huge amount of cash for a small hot chocolate. Afraid he'd spill something on the sofas or bean bags, he stayed away from them and sat by the windows. There were only four other customers around him.

As Jonghyun drank and looked around, he pulled out his picture of Kim Kibum. He stared at it questioningly. The guy was actually pretty good looking. He had some sort of sharp feline eyes and cute lips in Jonghyun's opinion. His hair was quite shocking though, his bangs cut so that it was slanting down, covering part of his left eye, and highlighted in a bunch of fluorescent colors. Jonghyun felt a bit creepy staring at some other guy's picture.

Jonghyun put down the picture and sipped on his hot chocolate. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice behing him.

"I told you to do it exactly the way I wrote it down, meaning no changes, nothing! And now everything's gone wrong right? I purposely wrote down all those instructions for you, and you can't follow them - I'll call you back when I come up with something to fix this mess you made, and I hope you don't change it again," a guy about his age was spitting out  words in a quite annoyed voice. The guy snapped his phone and huffed in anger.

Jonghyun just stared at him. 

This guy. He had brown hair, his short bangs kinda wavy looking, giving off a cute vibe. But he also had those feline eyes and those bow shaped lips. Jonghyun peeked at him, looked at the photo, and peeked again. Did Kim Kibum have a twin?

Not know what he should do, Jonghyun turned up to look at "Kibum", and decided to strike up kind of conversation.

"Great weather we're having, huh," Jonghyun tried. Stupid fool, he thought to himself. People only say that in movies you .

Kibum barely looked up. "Yeah," was all he said.

Jonghyun winced. This wasn't going quite good. 

"Bad mood?" Jonghyun tried again. This time, Kibum looked up, but he looked even more pissed than he had when he was yelling into the phone.

"Look, do I know you?" Kibum snarled. "No, I don't. And if I seem like I was in a bad mood, why even bother talking to me? Who knows if I'd attempt to kill you or something?"

Jonghyun just stared at this guy in front of him.


But before Jonghyun could even make out another word, Kibum angrily grabbed his bag and headed out, not even checking if he had dropped anything, and left his drink again. Jonghyun just watched helplessly at the retreating figure.

"Come back soon!" Jonghyun heard the cashier girl yell from a distance. And then Key was gone.

That had not gone well.

Jonghyun sighed and went back to drinking his coffee, but something caught his eye. Did something really fall out of the boy's bag? Jonghyun leaned towards under the table, and picked up what seemed to be a small dusty wallet. Jonghyun smiled.

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awwww key fell his wallet :)