I'm Lucky To Meet You

Your Love, Is It True?

Finally, you and family arrived at Seoul. Everything looks new to you. You just pray that everything gonna be fine. You guys then arrived at the apartment. You and your family will stay at that apartment starting from today.

You guys went into the apartment and started to unpack all your things. The apartment is kinda big. It have 3 rooms and each room have their own bathroom. The living room and kitchen also big. Although this apartment is much more bigger than your old house, but still, you love your house more.


You went to your room and unpacked all of your things. Not long after that, your dad knocked the door and went into your room.

DAD : ___-ah.. Have you done unpacked all your things?

YOU : Nae, appa. Wae?

DAD : I just want to inform you that you will start going to your new school tomorrow. I already bought your uniform just now. Here. *give you a beg with your uniform in it*

YOU : *take the beg* Owh~ Arasso. Gomawo, appa.

DAD : I’m sorry but you have to go to the school all by your own tomorrow. You have to use the bus and go to school tomorrow. I can’t send you because I need to go out very early tomorrow. You understand, right?

YOU : Hmm.. Arasso, appa. I understand. It’s okay. I’ll go to school by myself.

DAD : Thank you for understanding me. I should go out now. Don’t forget to eat dinner later on.

YOU : Nae, appa.

Your father then walked out from the room. You felt a little bit disappointed after hearing your father’s words just now. How am I supposed to go to new school all by my own? This is crazy! Haish~ What should I do?


The next day, you woke up early and get ready to school. After that, you went to the kitchen and you saw at the table that your breakfast was already there. You knew that your parents had already gone to work. You take a seat and have your breakfast. After done with your breakfast, you went out from your house and locked the door first before you walked to the bus stop.

You saw that there were many students waiting for the bus too. You felt a little bit relieved when you discovered that there were a few students that using the same uniform as you. You assumed that they were your schoolmates and decided to just follow them. When the bus arrived, you quickly went into the bus and take your seat. You were sitting near to the student that using the same uniform as you so that it will be easier for you to follow them. They were looking at you with weird face but you just ignored them.

During the journey to school, you felt a little bit sleepy. You tried your best not to sleep but you can’t help it and fall asleep in the bus. You didn’t realised how long you were sleeping but as soon as you woke up, you saw that the other students were not there anymore! You were really panicked at that time! You then asked the driver to stop and went out from the bus. You didn’t know what should you do and you just walked without knowing where will you go. You lost!

YOU : Aigoo~ Pabo me! Pabo pabo pabo! Why did I slept in the the bus just now? This would’t happened to me if I didn’t slept in the bus. Eottoke? This is crazy! I’m lost! *cries* Where am I?


You can’t help it but to cry at that time because you really afraid. You didn’t know where were you now and how were you supposed to go to the school. Suddenly, you heard a voice and you think that it’s calling for you. You turn around and saw there’s a boy standing there.~

DH : Excuse me~ Are you okay?

YOU : Who.. Who are you? *sob sob*

DH   : I’m Jung Daehyun. Just call me Daehyun. And you?

YOU : I’m ____ .

DH   : ___-ssi.. Actually, I rode the same bus with you just now. And I noticed that you were sleeping in the bus and since you were sitting with the other students, I thought they were your friends. But, they didn’t wake you up when we already arrived at the school. I didn’t have the guts to wake you up so I decided to just wait for you until you wake up. I followed you until here and I’m sorry that I heard your words just now.

YOU : Really? It’s okay. So, you do know that I’m already lost now right? And are you attending the same school as me?

DH    : Nae, I’m attending the same school as you. Our school is not too far from here. We can just walk to school now. Shall we?

YOU  : *wipe your tears* Nae. Let’s go. And I’m sorry that I’m crying. I just really afraid.

DH    : It’s okay~ *give you a handkerchief* Here. You can use this.

YOU : *take it* Nae. Gomawo, Daehyun-ssi.


You and Daehyun then started to walk to school.

DH    : By the way, may I ask you something? Are you from Busan?

YOU  : Nae. Waeyo?

DH    : *laugh* I knew it! It’s too obvious that you’re from Busan when I heard your accent just now. Actually, I’m from Busan too!

YOU : Owh, jinjja? *laugh* We’re the same then.

DH    : *laugh* You must be a new student right? I never remember seeing your face before this. Am I right?

YOU : Nae, Daehyun-ssi. I’m a new student. I just came from Busan yesterday and today is my first day of school. It’s a nightmare for me to lost on my first day of school. Haish~

DH   : *laugh* You won’t lost anymore after this because I’m here!~

You just laughed at his words and you felt really relieved now that you already make a friend here. You really looking forward to your first day of school and you hope that everything gonna be just fine.


Finally, both you and Daehyun arrived at the school. Luckily, you guys managed to arrive at school in time. Daehyun then walked you to the principal room before leaving you.

DH  : I guess I’ll go to my own class now, ___-ssi.

YOU : Nae, Daehyun-ssi. Thank you so much for helping me. Jeongmal kamsahamida. *bows*

DH    : Nae. See you again later! Welcome to our school. I’m sure you will enjoy your time here. Annyeong~

Daehyun walked to his class and you went into the principal room. The principal was glad to see you and after having a little conversation with you, she asked you to follow her to your class. You nodded and followed her. Deep inside your heart, you felt really nervous to meet your new classmates.~

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Yura23 #1
i love this story
Yura23 #2
when i read this i thing that daehyun could be the hero but zelo.zelo so mean and then he become sweet
Everything happened a little too fast but... I love it! ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
I LOVE your story so far. Despite the fact that situation happen all of a sudden and pass by quickly, I believe this story was awesome! :D
OchiyoEgawa28 #5
Chapter 16: For my opinion..i think the plot is a bit off because of the sudden happenings and everything happens so fast..also, it needs more common sense..i can tell that the main character is a fool for believing someone like Zelo and they easily became a couple.. anyway i guess it's a good story unless i keep on reading it... :D
Please don't hate me, just stating my opinion..
xxamytjeexx #6
Chapter 53: Yourvstory was awsome loved the ending i still feel bad about yongguk poor guy T.T good story though ^^
Chapter 53: Wahhh!!! I LOVE THE HOW U ENDED IT... It's hard though... For me since I love this story so much... Fighting for ur next!!
Chapter 53: awww!!! thats a cute endding!!!>< congradulation that you have end it!!:DD cuz you know its hard to finish a fanfic! like there's soooo many that doesn't have endding..!
Chapter 16: hiii!! just to let you know that I'm the person on FB thats reviewing your fanfic. im really slow sorry for that.. but im reading it!!:DD
Chapter 5: EWWW! i hate those like Zelo in this FF. hope he gets better in the story..! cuz i really dont like his like personality -.-