
Short Stories.

credit: 100 themes writing challenge, No. 70. 67%






I turned around and there I saw Taemin is running towards the fence of his yard. His newly-changed auburn red hair is glowing under the orangey sunset.

“Hey, you’re home already? That’s odd.” Usually he would go play basketball or practicing in dance studio. I smiled to him… and to the girl who’s sitting on the terrace. It’s should be his new lab partner he told me about.

“Yeah, we have this homework together, so..” He turned his head to show me what he’s been doing on this evening. There’s a pile of books and notes on the terrace floor.

I ruffled his hair and say, “Just give me a shout if you need help, okay?”

He’s nodding so I continue to walk to my house, but then,


I turned around again, “Yes?”

“There’s one question that I couldn’t answer.” He smiled out of embarrassment. I laugh as I replied, “Even she couldn’t find the answer?”

“Who,..?” He tilted his head, “Ah, Jangmi? No, she.. um, she doesn’t.”

“Okay.” I smiled and he opened the fence for me to walk in. I greeted the girl, “Annyeong.”

She replied politely, but I caught an unpleasant feeling from her eyes. Maybe she’s a bit jealous because of me. I don’t know, and I don’t want to think it that way any further. Me and Taemin, we’re close as neighbor also because he’s on the same age as my younger brother-

“This one.” Taemin pointed at one unsolved problem, I take a look at it. He told me to sit by his side, so then I sit down.

“Minnie-ah.” The girl, who’s sitting on the chair behind us called him, but I can’t help to giggle as I heard the name.

He turned his head to the girl, but he stared at me, as if he’s asking me ‘why the hell did you laugh?’

“So cute.. Minnie-ah.” I just shrugged, as then I opened his notebook to wrote down the formula. I’m not going to write the answer, just like I always do when I tutored him since he’s a kid.

“Yah.” He scolded me but I glance at him and he’s suddenly become looks like a little puppy again, remembered that I’m older than him.

But then I frowned, “98%? What is- ah, the matchmaker counting thing? Taemin-Jangmi.” I read it out loud to make him embarrassed actually, in front of the girl.

“What- Noona!!” He grabbed the note from my hand and held it close his skinny chest.

I stick out my tongue, but to my surprise he was almost yelling at the girl, “I told you not to play around or write something embarrassing on my notebook!”

The girl looks scared so I called his name with a warning tone, “Taemin.”


“Don’t be such an .” I chuckled, “Besides, I played with that counting thing back in my school days too, I’m surprise that kids nowadays know that too.”

Then with a smaller voice, I whispered at him, “Say sorry to her.”

He rolled his eyes, but then he mumbled, “Sorry, Jangmi-ah.”

“I couldn’t hear you.” I said again.

“SORRY, JANGMI-AH.” He said as I need to cover my ears since we’re sitting close enough. And he whispered to me, “Satisfied now?”

I looked at the girl, but her expression falls flat, as then she stuttered while she collected her books and took her bag, saying, “M-minnie, it’s getting late, I think I need to go now.”

“’Kay.” Taemin replied shortly as then the girl bowed at me politely and I waved my hand goodbye to her.

As she walks out from the yard, I shoved Taemin’s shoulder with mine, “Good job, kid. Now your partner is upset because of you.”

He chuckled and then he says, “It’s you, not me.”

I frowned, “What?”

“As soon as I called you ‘Noona’, I bet she already upset.” He shrugged as he opened his notebook.

“Why me-“ but I stopped as I saw something he showed me, written on the last page.

“Because she already saw this.”

67% Taemin-Noona

“You.. Why-”

“Oh come on, Noona. It’s time for you to stop rejecting me.” He laughs, “Even Eommonim knows it already.” He meant my mother.

This crush you have on me, quite troubling me, kiddo.

“And don’t say that reason again, ‘Taemin, it’s inappropriate because I’m older than you.’. Bull.”

My eyes widen after I heard him cursing and also because I think he could read my mind. “Great.” I muttered.

But then I just said to him by pointing that 67%, “Well, you’re still a silly kid. Why did you do the counting test using ‘Noona’, you need to use my name!”

He blinked twice as he seems startled, but then he laughs because of my snarky comment, and he said, “So you think Im silly? Fine.” He did that matchmaking test immediately, using my name this time. I try to peek, but he pulled the note closer to him, not letting me to look at it.

Less than 2 minutes later, he laughs, “Daebak!” Great? What’s so great?

He showed me the result and his handwritten writes two big numbers;


How’s it possible?

Then he smirked at me, “Looks like 67 is our number, Noona.”

I closed the notebook and turned away like I didn’t care, “But you have that 98% with Jangmi.”

To my surprise, what I got is big laugh from him. And I swear I never feel like taking back my words like now, because being so satisfied he pulled me into his embrace so happily, “Awwww, so you’re freaking jealous, aren’t you Noona!”




comments again, please? ;p


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Chapter 2: Taemin! *^*
chasethestars #2

Primarily because it shows a human side to her; sure she's the childhood friend who can do no wrong [or must do no wrong a.k.a. shouldn't overstep boundaries clearly laid out since day one], but beneath that surface is someone who has desires and weaknesses that are on the verge of awakening if provoked. Of course it is by a conscious choice if one wants to give in, and in this case she did, knowing full well that it's both unreal and temporary. Maybe that's why I like the twist, not because Jonghyun mistook her as Jieun, but because she succumbed to the same "nightmare" as Jonghyun: being loved, even if he's seeing someone else.

I'm not sure if I made much sense in the last few sentences, so I apologize in advance if there's anything unclear OTL As usual, you've done a good job and delivered with these stories, so do keep it up! ^o^
chasethestars #3

# 11: ... How scary is it that we think alike [in regards to that ring] o_o Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when I saw that ring on his finger for the first time was: "Are you finally off the market, Taeminnie?" LOL. Jokes and assumptions aside, I was smiling to myself while reading this chapter. Leave it to Taemin to be 19/20 years of age and get away with being childish and childlike, which in turn can be frustrating at times because even if noona tries to be annoyed/angry/etc. at him, she wouldn't find the heart to because noona loves him a lot [as long as what he does is still within reason, of course] XD Also, is it wrong of me to picture Taemin giving noona the couple ring even before she could say a word or hug him? I don't know, I feel that it's just so him to do such a thing, being somewhat careless when he's excited and forgetting for a moment that there might be fans lurking about and watching his every move XD;;

I personally liked Taemin's 1920's look in the MV and had hoped that they wouldn't let him wear the extensions for too long. Those extensions were just... hilarious and tragic at the same time =-= And that would be putting it lightly on my part, believe me.

# 12: Jonghyun, I could always say your high fever has gotten the best of you and clouded your judgment, but there's no denying that you must've been extremely hurt and distraught with the breakup. Poor thing x-x [Then again, as I told you in regards to Alarm Clock's lyrics, Jonghyun doesn't seem like he's over Sekyung...]

And then there's his forever best friend who knows the truth about why Jieun broke up with him, and she also happens to be battling her feelings for him, too. It's tough to not take advantage of his vulnerable situation, and it sounds so wrong to be saying this, but I'm glad she did.
leave it to you to have twists like this. it's very fitting to the song though, so brava!

on another note, to make readers who imagined themselves as the protagonist of the story:
hey, he forgot his ex's birthday once, but he never forgot yours! so there must be a future for you two!!! lol.
hey thanks you for all of this oneshots =) they are all so beautiful and I like how you described all the charachters =)
I hope you will be able to update soon
chasethestars #6

It's funny, but when Key mentioned an ex, I immediately thought about Minho. I went to the next line and I gasped aloud when I saw his name; I didn't know if I should be happy or speechless about it! XD;; I kinda agree with Jjong's sentiment of wanting to see friends'/relatives' ex-lovers and see how they've turned out after breaking up with them. Well, sorry Jjongie, but Minho is one of those rare types that could never transform into a toad no matter how many years shall pass. Heaven has been good to him by giving him superior genes [what is with my vocabulary these days LMAO]. So... tough luck on this one? XD I wished for more backstory between Minho and the female lead, but I also understand at the same time that he's not the highlight of the story anyway so it's okay~

The relationship between the six characters is so lovely. Reading this feels like I'm almost intruding in their lives, and it was so easy to get into the flow and mood of things =3

I'm running out of words [says the person whose comments are split into two OTL], but as usual, you've done a good job with this piece ^o^ I apologize if most of them came off more as rambling, though ;~; That aside, looking forward to the future stories; do update when time permits~! ^^
chasethestars #7

Where to start... *___*

Key, you are so... you XD The overbearing, naggy, but surprisingly sweet you XD There's something about him in this comeback that's making me view him in an entirely new light--or maybe I just miss his blunt, cool self and I can't wait until he graces all of us with his presence during the comeback 8D His nagging seems toned down in this one; I'm guessing he and the female lead have been together for a long time that bickering even about the smallest things is just so normal and effortless for the both of them =3

Onew, oh Onew; I've been missing him for a while, but I'm glad to see he's doing well with their comeback teasers contrary to what rumors are saying. That aside, was his sangtae acting up when he asked his sister if she was pregnant? XD But he SO would be the type to drop heart-stopping questions during unguarded moments, so it kinda fits. The part where Onew said he couldn't do anything to Key when he asked for his sister's hand in marriage had me sniggering for some reason; probably because I imagined Onew wanting so badly to give him a taste of his ttakbam but couldn't, and all because of Key's piercing gaze [and solid conviction] XDD;;

TAEMIN~! X3 This... man-child LOL. How is it even possible to be a kid and an adult at the same time? He pulls it off so effortlessly despite the rebellious and cheeky undertones to his character, which I like. A lot. Probably more than I should, I dunno, but I really like it XD;; That part about the plushie made me go "Aww~!" and when he babbled out the secret, I kinda knew it was coming, but it was still shocking that he said all those things without even batting an eyelash O_o Taemin, don't worry; your noona cousin will still love you and you'll always be her number one monster, all flaws included XD
zuttor412 #9
Below are all my replies, and i hope i didnt miss anyone >.<
Once again thank you for all your support to my stories, it means a lot to me!

Til we meet again on my new updates! see yaaa
zuttor412 #10
Hello hello~~~
I have notice that i havent reply all the comments one by one properly through the comment segment! OMG i feel so terrible! :S
So now here I am, wanting to thankyou all of you to give it a time to read and comment on my Short Stories :)

Cutterpillow, you're right, it is fun to have SHINee members in every chapters, but where are you now, do you still read this? how are you btw?

Wondershobe, thank you for liking the EPIC Taemin's chapter. and im happy that you're finding my other stories interesting too! really, i dont think im good enough to get your praises, but i do hope that anyone will enjoy my story whenever they choose to read it :) so you want me to write a story that longer? i thought you're happy it's a short stories heheee

Blue_toast, Blood's title lead to a misunderstand about how the story might go, isnt it? XDD but im happy that you enjoy it!

sweetmarshmallow6594, Onew is your bias? so maybe that's also why you're happy to read chapter 3 teehee

min_rae, i do write another stories like you hoped for, so i hope you have read it too :)

sillyshinee5, yes, i've just realized that ALL stories in here that featured Minho doesnt really end happily XDD thankyou for help me realizing it hahaa

SHiN_MiNt, thankyou for commenting :)

3DHEART, i hope you enjoy the other stories too :)

haeyoungKIM, i finally updated :p

kurohitsuji12, i hope you like the other stories as well :D

Taemininne and ParkMiyoung,
I have explained through personal message and i hope you like the story more as you now understand it :)

Miss_Iah, but Key suits the role, doesnt he? *winks* thanks for reading my stories!

chasethestars and shineeninja, two of my closest fellow readers, and also two of my favorite authors here! thank you for always give me comment that makes me wanting to be a better writer, and i hope we are all can still enjoy each other's stories until.. forever? lol xP

Anonymous_15 thank youuu! im glad you're enjoying it..