Meeting the 'Guys'

Under the Blossoms [Hiatus]

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Eun Mi had spent 20 minutes, before going to meet Dongho, walking around frantically. She started to worry about what Dongho had said before Mi Kyong had interrupted them. *What was he going to do?* She thought.

He was going to kiss you.

… No he wasn’t.. Eun mi was debating with herself.

Don’t lie to yourself, all the evidence is there.

“No! He wouldn’t do that.”

“Who wouldn’t do what?” A familiar voice came out of nowhere. Eun Mi was completely involved with her own thoughts that she didn’t realize that those 20 minutes had passed, and Dongho was there.

“Oh, heh,” She stammered, embarrassed “no one. So, uhm, what did you want to meet me for again?” Dongho smiled and shook his head at her cuteness before stepping closer, making Eun Mi’s eyes widen.

“Wanna go get ice cream with me? I know a small little business a few blocks over.” He looked up and their eyes met. (Their eyes always seem to meet XD) Eun Mi just nodded shyly. Dongho then gave a beaming smile and took Eun Mi’s hand and ran off in the direction of the ice cream shop.


They arrived at the shop, just a little out of breath, but didn’t seem to mind. Eun Mi stood in line slightly behind Dongho as her eyes wondered around quietly. Her eyes suddenly planted on their hands still tangled together. Her eyes widened and jerked her hand away quickly which caused Dongho to look back with sudden shock. He noticed how her cheeks had began to flush with a cherry color as she held her hands together tightly in front of her. He smirked, “Oh, gamsa.”

“It’s fine..” Eun Mi’s voice was very quiet. He could tell just how shy she was, and he made it a mental goal to break that shy barrier. Dongho asked what flavor Eun Mi would like, and he ordered for them both.

The guy working at the shop hands Dongho the two ice cream cones, but before Eun Mi could even reach for her wallet, Dongho had already paid for the ice cream. “Hey I was going to pay.” Eun Mi pouted.

“I know, but it wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me if I let the lady pay.” Daehyun winked your way, making you turn red.Eun Mi made a mental note-to-self that Dongho was a gentleman, and a sly smile formed on her lips as she her strawberry ice cream cone, and Dongho his chocolate one. He looked over at her and chuckled. Eun Mi made a face at him. “Is there something wrong?” She wondered. He just chuckled more.

“You have ice cream on the side of your mouth.” He smiled. “Here.” He leaned in really close to her face and Eun Mi could feel his warm, yet slightly chilled breath from the ice cream, on her face. Eun Mi blinked when other memories of this same closeness between them had occurred. Dongho lifted up his hand and used his thumb to wipe the ice cream away and wiped it onto a napkin that he got from the shop. “There, all gone.” He returned to his ice cream cone, practically devouring it.

Eun Mi turned away to hide her pinking face, and they continued to walk and eat. Soon they both finished their ice cream, Dongho before Eun Mi, and were then just taking a stroll on the sidewalks. Eun Mi made sure to keep at least a five inch distance between them, not wanting to seem like a couple, but yet not like complete strangers. Dongho noticed this, but let it be, even though he wished to be closer..

“Hey, I have an idea.” He blurted, breaking the silence between them.

“Huh?” Eun Mi tilted her head curiously.

“Let’s go to my place. You can meet the guys.” He beamed brightly.

Eun Mi froze in her place, making them stop. *The… Guys…?* She thought nervously. *Is he talking about the rest of U-Kiss??* Her thoughts were interrupted.

“You know Kevin, Eli, Kiseop, Hoon, and Soohyun, right?”


“Come on.” And without a word of response from Eun Mi, he pulled her away, to what only seemed like the way to his dorm that he shared with the other members of U-Kiss.

* * *

“Here we are.” Dongho started they neared the door. “Ready?” Eun Mi shook her head vigorously, but Dongho pretended not to see and turned the door knob, and the door opened. Eun Mi couldn’t help her wide-eyed expression as she knowingly stepped into the residence. They went all the way inside and they took off their shoes as Dongho closed the door behind them.

After the door made a surprisingly loud sound as it shut, Eun Mi heard footsteps coming from the stairs, which meant that someone, no, not just anyone, was coming down.To them. To her. But who?

“Dongho? Is that you?” Eun Mi could tell who it was just by his sweet voice. It was Kevin. Kevin turned the corner, and he seemed surprised. “Oh, who’s this?” He asked kind-heartedly.

“Oh, this is Eun Mi. I met her in the blossom tree park; and that is Kevin Woo.” He smiled over at Eun Mi as she just stood there bewildered.

Kevin smiled at her, bowed respectively, approached her and reached his hand out to shake her hand; but she just stared at him. Kevin gave off a light chuckle. “You must know who we are.” Eun Mi nodded slowly, still staring. “Then I won’t push it.” He gave her a knowing smile.

“Thanks…” Eun Mi said, barely audible.

“Where’s the rest of the guys?” Dongho asked Kevin.

“Uhh, Eli, Hoon and Kiseop are upstairs playing a video game, and Soohyun and AJ went out to get groceries for dinner.” Dongho then pulled Eun Mi up the stairs excitedly, and Kevin followed.

They arrived in front of a closed door where playful, but competitive comments could be heard. Dongho opened the door and stepped in with a grip on Eun Mi’s wrist, forcing her to enter too.

“Hey guys.” Dongho greeted, but the other boy’s eyes never left their TV screen. Dongho huffed and went to turn off the monitor. Bad idea.

“YAH. WHAT DO YOU THI-“ Eli stopped when his eyes met Eun Mi’s. “Who the heck is she?”

“Yah, Eli. Don’t be rude.” Kevin stepped in. “She’s Dongho’s friend, Eun Mi.”

“Oh, well then,” Eli rubbed his nape. “Sorry, I got caught up in the competition of the game. I’m Eli.” Then Eli, hoon and Kiseop all got up from the floor, and stood in a line to greet Eun Mi by bowing and saying their names. Then Kevin chuckled a little and informed them that she knew who they were. The whole time Eun Mi stood still and didn’t say a word. She wasn’t ready to personally meet all of her idols at once. It was too much for her, and before she knew it, she had ran out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door and too her house.

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 5: Omg love you're story and pls be my friend
KissMeAng5l #2
Chapter 5: I would have squealed my head off if that actually happended to me lol
KissMeAng5l #3
Chapter 4: Ahh the awesomeness of
KissMeAng5l #4
Chapter 3: The horror of I know REAL Kissmes arent like that though. They might fangirl a bit then get all sad the Dongho is in a date with another girl but thats it! ;)
KissMeAng5l #5
Chapter 1: OMG OMG OMG OMG lol thats what im doing write now!!!!! Reading fanfiction about dongho and me at 2:00AM!!!! My fav members are kevin and dongho but i like dongho a bit more. WE ARE SOOO ALIKE!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Omg hun mi dont give up !! FIGHTING !!