Meeting Him

Under the Blossoms [Hiatus]

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Hun Min stayed up late as usual reading a U-Kiss fan fiction that she is hooked on. When she passed out reading at about 2AM, she began to dream of the story, and that it was her meeting U-Kiss. She was in a situation with Dongho and Kevin where they were fighing over her. ~She couldn't take it anymore and screamed. The two boys froze and stared at her. Her eyes began to water. Dongho walked up to her and tried to comfort her, but she nudged him away. He hung his head low for a few seconds, and then looked at her deeply. He stepped closer to her until he was inches away from her face. He used his hand to gently lift her chin up so that their eyes met; hers still teary. He gently closed his eyes and leaned in. Only centimeters away from her lips...~

"YAH! Hun Mi get your up!!" she heard her umma yell and she smacked your rear. She jolted up from her comfortable dream state. "You're going to be late for school agian!" she yelled from the kitchen.

Hun Mi slowly sat up, still groggy, and felt her forehead. It was perspired from her intensely real dream. She sighed, then looked at her clock beside her bed. It read  7:15. *OH MY GOD* She thought as she bolted up, but slipped on the wooden floor from her fuzzy socks. She got back up and wipped off the socks. *Aish..*

After doing her morning business, she ran into her room and got dressed. She swooped up her iPhone and continued to read her fan fiction with interest. Not even bothering to glance in the mirror before leaving, she waved her umma good-bye and walked out the door all while her eyes glued to the phone screen. She didn't bother riding her bike since she were late and lived a block away from school. Plus the extra time to lock it up would be a bother. She looked at her watch and it was 7:50. "Aaee" she squeeled as she sprinted towards school.

She finally made it to her home room and stopped to catch her breath before opening the door while also fixing herself. She entered and bowed three times to show that she was sorry for being late again. "Mianhabnida (sorry)." She pleaded. Her teacher told her to talk to him after class, and motioned for Hun Mi to take her seat. She did.

She actually loved school, and loved to learn; but for some reason she couldn't focus on todays lesson. She stared out the window and began to day dream. She thought back to the dream she had last night. She couldn't help but realize how real it felt. Almost like it was a vision of some sort.. Her train of thought was halted when her teacher caught her not paying any attention. "Hun Mi. If you aren't gonig to bother learning today, why don't you step outside for the remainder of the lecture?" It was more of an order than a question. Her instructer practically gave her no choice. So she sighed and went to the door, and bowed slightly before stepping out and sitting in the hall. She decided to take advantage of this time and read her fan fiction.

She practically lost track of time when she heard the lunch bell ring. A wave of students suddenly flooded the hallways and she stoop up sliding against the wall doing so. She stepped back inside of the classroom remembering that her teacher wanted a word with her after class. She entered and walked up to her teacher.

"You know that you're late very often Hun Mi." she nodded and let him continue. "One more tardy from you and you'll have to clean up the classroom after school hours as punishment." She nodded with her head down. "Okay then, you may be excused." He finished.

"Thank you. I'll try my best not to be late again." Hun Mi said as she bowed her way out of the room. She headed over to the canteen and got her lunch. She didn't see her friend, Mi Kyong anywhere. *I wonder where she is.* She thought as she made her way to an empty table somewhat secluded from other people and ate her lunch quietly.


School was over and Hun Mi went to her locker and gathered all of her things and looked around for Mi Kyong. Their lockers were next to each other, but she never came to hers after school. She headed for the front doors thinking that she might be outside. She waited for about 10 minutes out side of the school waiting for her; but she didn't show so she began walking.

Instead of going straight home, Hun Mi went to her usual place at a park just 2 blocks away from her school. She walked there and headed over to the small field of vibrant pink blossom trees. She went to go sit under her famous blossom tree and brought her legs practically up to her chest and breathed in the crisp air that had a hint of fragrance from the surrounding trees. She then brought your phone out and engrossed herself into her fan ficiton.

Completely oblivious to her surroundings, she bit her bottom lip in anticipation to what she was reading. It read: "... I turned away and curled up crying on the ground. Just then Dongho put his hand on my shoulder-"... her reading was interrupted when she heard someone say "Yah. What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?" She were startled a bit and your heart skipped a beat at the sudden sound of someone.This was a familiar voice that she could have sworn she'd heard before. She slowly lifted her head up to see where the mysterious voice was coming from. It was the famous Shin Dongho nearly two feet away from her. She just sat frozen with  in the shape of an O.



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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 5: Omg love you're story and pls be my friend
KissMeAng5l #2
Chapter 5: I would have squealed my head off if that actually happended to me lol
KissMeAng5l #3
Chapter 4: Ahh the awesomeness of
KissMeAng5l #4
Chapter 3: The horror of I know REAL Kissmes arent like that though. They might fangirl a bit then get all sad the Dongho is in a date with another girl but thats it! ;)
KissMeAng5l #5
Chapter 1: OMG OMG OMG OMG lol thats what im doing write now!!!!! Reading fanfiction about dongho and me at 2:00AM!!!! My fav members are kevin and dongho but i like dongho a bit more. WE ARE SOOO ALIKE!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Omg hun mi dont give up !! FIGHTING !!