
The Fanfic World

Onew sat in front of the computer, his hands posed on the keyboard ready to write.


But...he didn’t know what to write.


He had already been sitting in front of the computer for the past 20 minutes or so, his computer screen still blank.


Onew sighed and, logged out of his me2day and walked out of their computer room, annoyed and slightly flustered.


“Oh! Hyung, are you done?” Onew saw Taemin stand up from Key, Minho and Jonghyun’s card game.


Onew gave Taemin a small smile and then nodded.


With his thumb pointing in the direction of their computer room, he said to SHINee’s adorable maknae,


“You can go use it if you want.”


Taemin smiled brightly.


“Gomawo hyung!” Taemin rushed out of the living room, and into the computer room, leaving Key, Minho, Jonghyun and Onew there.


Onew sighed and walked into the kitchen to get a drink.


As Onew was getting the cold water carton from their fridge, Onew’s remaining dongsaeng’s, Key, Minho and Jonghyun came into the kitchen.


“Do you want to take Taemin’s place and play with us Onew hyung?” Minho asked him with his deep and alluring voice.


Onew finished pouring himself water and was about to put the carton back when Key snatched it from him and put it back for him.


“Wha-“ Onew said surprised as Key took it from him but then shrugged and, taking his cup, he walked into the living room and sat down in front of the card game where Taemin was just sitting.


“Is that a yes Onew hyung?” Jonghyun said as he sat down next to Onew, an arm draped over Onew’s shoulder.


“What are you playing?” Onew asked before taking a large gulp of water from his cup.


“Snap.” Minho answered before sitting cross legged on the floor.


“You wanna play?” Key asked again and sat next to Jonghyun.


Onew looked at the cards and then back at his dongsaeng’s.


After a moment of thought Onew stood up and when back into the kitchen, his hand still holding onto his cup, now half filled with water.


Onew put the cup on their table and then walked back to the living room which an apologetic smile on his face.


“Mianhae dongsaeng. I want to go take a shower first.” Onew said.


Key smiled.


“It’s fine hyung. Why don’t we start a new game then? I bet Taemin will take forever on the computer and I don’t want to wait.” Key pouted, his arms crossed against his chest.


Onew smiled at his dongsaeng’s as they began to put the cards together, reshuffling them and chatting happily among themselves.


Onew walked back into his room to get a fresh pair of underclothes and then walked into their closet and, taking out a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants along with his towel, e went into their bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.


Onew put his clothes on the rack against the wall with his towel on the side closest to the showerhead.


Onew turned the tap on and walker began to spray out from the shower head.


Onew began to take his t-shirt off and when he was done with his pants and underclothes, he stepped into the shower while the mist was rising.


As Onew stood there, his face up against the shower head, the water on his face he began to wonder what was wrong with him today.


Maybe his dongsaeng’s hadn’t realised but Onew wasn’t Onew today.


Usually he would have so much to write about on his me2day and yet today he wrote nothing, not even the title.


Usually, when his dongsaeng’s asked if he wanted to play with them, he would always be really excited and say yes but today he felt no such thing and instead of saying no, he told them he wanted to go have a shower.


“What’s wrong with me today?” Onew muttered to himself, still standing there, his face getting the full force of the water coming out.


Onew sighed and rubbed his face with both his hands, pushing his hair back.


After a few minutes more of thinking about what was wrong with him today, he dismissed the thought and began to shampoo his hair thoroughly.


When he was done, he opened the shower cubicle, took his towel and, wrapping it around his waist, he walked out of the shower, towards the big mirror on the wall.


Taking a cloth that was on the side of the sink, put there especially by Key to wipe the glass, he began to wipe the fogged up glass pane where he wanted to see his reflection.


For some reason, he eyes looked…sad? Unhappy?


Onew didn’t know.


“What’s wrong with me today?” Onew muttered to himself again.


Onew sighed and began to get dressed.


When he had done dressing, he took his dirty clothes out with him and his towel around his neck so he can dry out his hair.


“Hyung, do you want to play now?” Key asked being the first one to spot Onew coming out of the bathroom.


Onew smiled at his dongsaeng’s and then nodded.


As Minho was handing out the cards, Taemin walked out with a frown on his face and Jonghyun was the first to realise.


“Taemin, what’s with the face?” Everyone looked up at Taemin except for Minho who was concentrating on dealing out the cards.


“Taemin-ah,” Key said, waving his hand in front of Taemin’s eyes, hoping to get a reaction but got none.


“A fan commented on my me2day.”




“Isn’t that a good thing?” Onew asked, worried about Taemin, the youngest of the five.


“It is I guess…but…”


Taemin trailed off.


“But what?” Minho asked, finally speaking.


“The fan asked me a few questions.”


“What questions?” Key asked and Onew wasn’t surprised that he was curious, they all were he was sure.


Taemin didn’t say anything and Onew could tell that he was in deep thought.


“Is it about us?” Onew asked.


Taemin looked up at Onew and shook his head, his long straight hair flailing everywhere before resting back to its original position.


“Then what is it?” Jonghyun asked and Onew hinted a bit of impatience in Jonghyun’s unique voice.


“The fan asked me if we’ve ever thought of marrying a fan.”

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How sweet c:
You have awesome dreams~! I dreamt of... Me drinking milk... And also once my umbrella turned into a Popsicle O.o
-xMomo #4
Sweet ! Lobe it :)
marshielisa12 #5
raar haha so cute!
Even though, this was short...I really liked it!! Like really really like it!! I get dreams about Beast and SHINee all the time...sometimes, it even continues which is really weird. I really like this. You should really continue it!!!!I hope you do!!!