Chapter 6


•••¤ Chapter 6 ¤•••


A week later

jikyeobwa wat janha ni sarangeul gin ibyeoreul

“I am surprise that the music came from this room and I heard myself singing,” said a deep voice. It was L. Oh, his singing voice, I should have known. He was leaning on the study room archway, holding Mr. Jensen’s spell book and wore a red hooded jacket which has white fur lining on the hood, possibly with a black T-shirt or long sleeve shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I must admit that red jacket popped colour to him.

I replied a different answer. “Mr. Jensen errand boy is a celebrity now? Gosh, what is next? A super model servant?”

He walked in with his hands in his pocket. “You two seem close. He talked about you during my training. Did you ever date him?”

I laughed without humour. “Robert? No,” I said, shaking my head. “No matter how irresistible I am, he never falls for it. We are more like brothers and sisters kind of relationship.”

L was opening the books around the study room. What was he searching for? Most of the books were mainly in English and Latin languages. He wowed one of the spell books which were in Spanish.

“You look free,” I said while leaning myself to sit on the edge of a table. “Do you not have training to do or concert to perform?”

“Robert  hyung is currently training Sung Yeol hyung in the archery. He portal me back here to get his spell book. And, told me he going to create some invisible charms for me and Sung Yeol hyung.”

Charm is an object which a sorcerer store a small amount of specific spell allowing anyone to wield some magic. The wielder must read the incantation to activate the charm. Charm could only be use once or twice before the magic runs out inside the object.

I have no interest in making charms. “How generous of him. He usually charges for every charm he creates.”

“There you go again. You talk about Robert. Whenever I missed a punch, he said Nina can do better than you. Most friends who always talks about a friend are considered to be a potential lover.”

It was the second time I heard him saying out my English name. How unusual. It sounded sweet on his lips and deep voice. Ugh! What is wrong with me? He just quoted what Robert say. Nothing special.

I rolled my eyes. “Jealous? I don’t have that many friends –”Oh! I totally forget about Lu Han. He is searching for me. Where could I possibly meet him again without an interruption?  Shaking me away from my thoughts, L dropped my stack of books.

“I am not jealous,” he said with an expressionless face as he was picking up my fallen books. After putting them back, he looked at me and then cocked his head. “You look like you have not sleep in days.”

Well, he was right about that. I have a messy hair, wearing a blue sweater that was huge for my size, SpongeBob’s pyjamas pants and fuzzy lion head slippers. “I suffer hypbophobia. Whenever I go or even about to fall asleep, the past hunted me. I was prescribed for some sleeping pills but taking them every day would not be good. Meeting countless therapists does not cure me either.”And the last time I have a good night sleep was – I cut off my thought. There was no way that I could fall asleep when he was beside me. Maybe, that time, I was truly exhausted.

He frowned. “How do you fall asleep?”

“I passed out or knock out.” An idea struck me. “I have some place that I want to show you. Meet me in the living room.”

I went to my room, have a quick shower and dressed – A dark brown ped Biker’s jacket, a black lace long sleeve top, black leathered skin tight pants and black heel boots. Rarely, I wear thick make-ups, putting on some black mascara and pink lip gloss that will always do the trick.

L reacted the same way like other guys would react when they saw my bad girl attire. Oh good girls’ gone bad. Well not really bad but a rebellious look. I walked closer to him, grabbing his arm and gave him a sideway smile.


The third time I teleported with L had to be my perfect teleportation. We just stood next to each other. Thank you to Jeong Hoon for improving my teleportation spell.

He created a distance between us. “Where are we?”

“New York subway tunnel.”

 “New York!” His jawed drop. “I love your teleportation spell.”

This was my first time my magic gets praised. Most of my magic were extremely flammable, flying people around and manipulate eyes. Maybe he probably liked it because it was convenient than travelling by an aeroplane. But my heartfelt heavy with his sudden complement.

I led L to an invisible black door marked ‘NO COVENANT BUSINESS’. Inside, it was a vampire club. The multi coloured disco lights – hot pink, tortoise blue, laser beamed green and yellow played over the dry-ice smoke floor. There was a huge cage in the middle which has four women wearing corset and black short pants dancing around the cage wall. We walked pass the dancing crowds heading to the bar. Suddenly, someone pulled me before we reach. I turned to look at this person. It was a male vampire – afro hair, flashing shades, hip hop styled T-shirt and baggy jeans.

“Oh my bet, scary sorcerer,” the vampire said. He fled into the crowd.

I paced myself to bar which L was waiting. “What was that all about?”he asked. Of course he could hear that through his vampire hearing.

“Vampires hate sorcerers. They are afraid of what we are capable of.” I showed him in a distance. Just a few feet away from the huge cage, there was a stage which had an exotic armchair sat by a master vampire named Jericho. He has a medium long blonde hair wearing ed leopard coat revealing his six packs and leathered glitter pants. Standing beside Jericho, a sired vampire named Fattos – wearing shirtless long black hooded silky robe and golden short pants.

“Sire bond vampire.” I pointed a finger at Fattos. “Only a master vampire can create a sired vampire. If you had not been registered into the Covenant, you will become like Fattos. You follow your master command direct and indirect. And, always worship your master showing your loyalty which yours was Gabriel. The Covenant helped you breaking the sire bond.”

I ordered blood from the bar and gave it toward L. He drank it right away without asking questions. Meanwhile, my eyes scanned through the crowd to find some familiar face. I caught my old vampire friend, Buck. He was bald, taller than L, wearing his black boring coat and rings around his slim finger. I went to talk to him, leaving L alone, just for a while.

The club transformed a moment later. The music abruptly stopped. Disco lights were turned off replacing them with some white fluorescent lights. The dancer inside the cage left to join in the surrounding crowd. Buck’s voice suddenly boomed in the club. He was holding a microphone as he step in the empty cage.

“Ladies and gentle vampires. Tonight, we will be entertained with a vampire knock out match. Without wasting any of your time or save to say no time to be wasted. On my left, it is our champion FAT...TOS.” Fattos proceed entering the cage, leaving out his black hood. Buck went on, “And fighting against Fattos tonight will be a new rookie vampire.” He cleared his throat, “L.”

L blinked, wondering why his name was being called. He clearly needs to learn English. Buck ran to him, removed L’s red jacket and tossed it to me. A moment later, he threw L in the cage. The cage was closely sealed as soon as L stepped in.

“What is going on here?” L asked me when I approached near the cage.

“You are fighting Fattos.”

Not sooner I said “Fattos” the match bell rang. TINK TINK TINK. Fattos caught L’s shoulders, striking L forehead with his head. That head surely gave L a concussion. L dropped to the ground, touching his painful forehead. Fattos did not even wait for L to regain his stability. He kicked L brutally, concentrating on his ribs. L managed to defend himself by covering it with his arms. Fattos stopped kicking L eventually and growled like a lion, roared to the noisy crowds. Meanwhile, L slowly stood up from the ground. Within a blink of an eye, Fattos choked his neck against the cage wall.

 “Come on L,” I shouted while showing him my tiny little fist and smiled. How not convincing. I would be the only one supporting him. The crowds either booed at him or laugh out loud.

“Owh... A pretty girlfriend. I will beat you up and she is mine,” Fattos said to L.

That really taunted L. Using both of his legs, he kicked Fattos’ chest hard. The energy transferred from L kick shoving away Fattos was eerie for a new vampire. L stood up and his hand reached out his neck. He was gasping for air into his lungs nonetheless his y eyes did not leave his opponent. Fattos looked surprise with the unexpected turn of event. L used that opportunity for counter attack. He swung two punches, but Fattos managed to dodge him using vampire reflex. The unexpected third blow, L twisted his hips, spinning one leg on the ground and the other hit Fattos’ head hard. Fattos flew off to the ground.

However, Fattos regained his conscious immediately. After all, he was the man who went through countless of match. He growled exposing his long fangs. L twitched seeing Fattos ugly face. LOL, L seen worst. Fattos launched to grab L’s body. Yet L was fast. He anticipated Fattos movement by dashing behind Fattos. Fury burned in his y eyes, he grabbed Fattos’ head from behind. ‘Crack’ in single twist broke Fattos neck. Fattos body fell forward onto the ground.


Buck voiced boomed again. “KNOCKED OUT! The winner of the vampire knock out match for the first time goes to our new rookie vampire, L ... L!”

The crowd was too shocked to cheer for him. Buck opened the cage, letting L out. His post fighting look was so y in other woman’s eyes. The female vampires followed him. They had that look like they wanted to have with L. But unfortunately, L did not care about the crowds. He locked his gaze on me. Yikes!

“You were beautiful in there,” I said with bright smile on my face. I handed over his jacket and fresh towel. His hair was so messy from all the fighting.

“Beautiful?” he flustered, slowly using his jacket. “You set me up! No wonder Robert could only stands you.”

I rolled my eyes and looked at his hair. “Level yourself with me,” I said. L shot a glare at me. I gestured my hand and he slowly bend down his body to my height, facing close to each other. I started arranging his bangs and side burns. He was just looking at me, working his hair out with a pleasing face. I was amused, actually. “There you go. Still looking good as ever,” I said brightly, patting his shoulder. He immediately straightened his back, clearing his throat and smirked.

My next sentence was cancelled by the appearance of a beautiful vampire lady with blonde hair curly, brown eyes, thick red lipstick matched to her beautiful one shoulder white cocktail dress and golden spiky heels. She has a faint accent of Russian when she spoke.

“Nina Morgenstern. I am Catharina. My master would like to meet you.”

“Jericho,” I said. “To what do I owe him a pleasure?”

Catharina smiled as if she got her prey. “My order is to you either by force or willingly.”

“Now, the offer sounds like kidnapping. No need to use force, I will come with you.”

I translated what Catharina say to L. Shockingly he wanted to join me. I insisted him to go back but he ignored all my negotiations. It seemed Catharina did not even bother about him joining. She led us toward the archway behind the Jericho’s stage. Dang! I envied her walk. She walked like a runaway model.

Behind the archway, there was a huge black French door. As we stepped inside, the room has a cocktail bar, romantic dim light and gothic set of four red armchairs. We were gestured to sit while Catharina prepared a drink. Hope I do not get some blood as a drink.

Something cold brushed through my right cheek. I jerked up to look what was brushing my cheek. My thought was screaming but my expression remained calm.

“I missed you, Nina.”

Gabriel Wentz. His styled always never ceased to amaze me – a dark blue shirtless blazer and black jeans. His hair was messy but hot. He sat across me and I could feel the tense in the air.

“Hello Gabriel. Sad to say, I do not miss you at all,” I said it with a confidence. “I got your message. It was truly dramatic. It is that I do not understand why you have to turn him? Sending dead pigeons would be nice.”

He chuckled. “Glad you like it.” He snapped his finger once. A huge white teddy bear which was my height and big red bow around its neck was given to me. He went on, “Another gift from me.”

Awoh! You should not have,” I said, hugging the teddy bear, “What is meaning behind this?”

“I am trying to win your heart back. Without your love, my eternity life feels so empty. Your presence, love, body and soul – completes me.”

I stuck out my tongue, a little. “After you attacked my brother, my answer to your request is a big no.”

“Lord Claude denied me to marry you.” He smirked. “He finally gets what he deserved.”

We just dated for couple of days and he already wanted to marry me. No wonder my brother refused him. My brother must have seen Gabriel’s true colour. Revenge fuelled my heart but I knew that my brother will not be at peace seeing his little sister wanting to kill his former best friend. “So you do not want this boy?” I pointed L who was tensed by the appearance of Gabriel.

Gabriel shook his head. “I have no interest in the boy anymore since he is under the Covenant.”

“Then why did you turn him?” I demanded calmly, “For fun, I presume?”

He looked amused. “You know me too well, sweetheart. That is why I am so obsess with you. Your attitude and beauty makes me so addicted to you.”

I felt nausea well up. “The daylight charms is for your sired vampire, am I right?”

He nodded.

I stood out of my chair. “Well Gabriel if you want to win my heart again, try harder. Until then, good bye.”

Gabriel did not say anything. He just smiled like a Lucifer fell from heaven. So, I texted Robert before teleporting. What a way to meet your hot ex-boyfriend.

Happy Birthday to Luhan: 20th April 1990.

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Chapter 1: Yay, you updated! Great work, love myungsoo.
Chapter 21: Hello. I just subscribed. Your story is is awesome, the plot is pretty good. Each character's personality is clear, and Nina is very likable. Looking forward to your next update. ^ ^