Chapter 2 -- "He" is coming back

Only One



“Yah, what are you doing there, BoA?” with a slight lift on his eyebrows as he said it.

“Hi Babe, good morning.” I greeted him. 

Who else would I call 'babe' except for my beloved Eunhyuk. 


“‘Babe’ your face, BoA. Stop your nonsense. Can't you see the hairs on my arms standing up?" Then he showed me his arms and acted as if he was creeped out.

"Aigoo~" then I held his arms. "You just want to show off your muscles so that I can touch them. Hihi. I'll gladly oblige."   

I pinched his arms.


OMG! Why is this guy so muscular?? He’s supposed to be skinny coz he’s gay… But I guess

He suddenly withdrew his arm from my grasp

NOO!! I want to pinch you some more!!


Forgive me if I'm beginning to sound like a . (Y_Y)

“OMG, BoA. Stop it! Ya know I can't like you, coz we're both girls.” the he rolled his eyes at me. "I like boys... not girls."

I couldn't help but feel a tinge of pain when he said those words. I wanna slap him and tell him to wake up. Coz everytime he says the words.. "I can't like you." I feel like my heart is crumbling into pieces.

But being me, of course I didn't. I smiled at him and even laughed, I hope it didn't sound fake.

"Yah! I was just kidding, sis. Even if you are extremely hot, I never forget the fact that you're gay." I said, then stood and went out of the practice room.

Before I forget, we're here at school. We're attending Soo Man University for Performing Arts and Eunhyuk and I are both majoring in Dance. We learn various dance styles from classical ballet to jazz and most especially modern dances like HipHop. There’s also a program for the vocally talented people and there also the acting program.

I went straight to the fountain beside the boys' locker room.

I could smell the aftershave from where I was standing. And guys were going in and out of the locker room either sweating after practice or smelling heavenly after a quick shower.

I suddenly wish one of them could just sweep me off my feet and take my heart away from Hyukjae. At least if they ever cheat on me, it's because of another girl and not coz of a guy.

“Hey, BoA… Huweyt!” then he ran towards me. [Huweyt = Wait!]


That's the sound of a foot being dragged along the floor. You know, the kind of sound produced when you feel like you're a skater not on ice but on concrete floor?

I was still drinking when suddenly, I was pushed onto the fountain.

Sh*t! I thought as I coughed.

"Yah! Are you crazy?! I was drinking water, can't you see? Aish! Neon jinjja paboya?!” [Are you really stupid?!] I couldn't help but get mad. Aish!

“You’re no fun today, BoA. What’s wrong with you?”  he asked.

He even had the nerve to ask me that. Tsk! It’s your fault you dumdum! You never look my way. *sigh*

I raised one eyebrow at him and crossed my arms. I’m just feeling so irritated coz he’s such an @ss without him knowing it.

And instead of being intimidated by my look, he gave me a pretty hilarious reaction. He imitated what I was doing, raised eyebrow with crossed arms and all, with an even more flare with his eyebrows and with pouting lips.


I dunno why, but instead of feeling more irriated with his pouted lips and an I-can-do-that-better-than-you look, he looked so cute so I pinched his cheeks.


“OUCH! What the heck are you doing, BoA?!”


“HAHAHAHAH.” (^____________^)V

All I could do was laugh while he was holding his now red cheeks.

“Apeuda~…” [It hurts.] he said then he covered his cheeks to avoid an onlaught if ever I had the urge to pinch his cheeks again.

(/=3=\) <== That’s him covering his cheeks. Isn’t he so cute?

“Aigoo… Yah, BoA!” then Eunhyuk stomped on the floor.

“Then why were you imitating me? It’s your fault. You looked so cute!” then I tried to grab his cheeks once again, but I couldn’t.

Eunhyuk ===> (/=3=\) <(^___^<)  <=== Me ^_^

“Arasseo… Mianhae.” He said then gave me this look….

Aigoo~ how can I stay mad at him? Aegyo is really my weakness, that’s why I can’t stay mad at people.

I smiled at him and nodded, meaning I accept his apology. It wasn’t that big of a deal really.

“Yay! You’re not mad anymore!” then he danced his happy dance. And I lost it! HAHAHAHA.

“Okay, let’s go.”  He said then dragged me back to the practice room to stop me from laughing. I swear, his happy dance always craks me up.

“Yah… What’s going on with you two?” I looked at the side and saw Yoon Hye coming our way. I was still giggling coz I keep on imagining how Eunhyuk danced his happy dance.

“He did his happy dance again.” I told her and I laughed once again. Seriously, I just can’t stop everytime I think of this….

“So that’s why.” She said understanding my dilemma. Yoon Hye has also experienced seeing Eunhyuk’s happy dance once, and the two of us just can’t stop laughing. We only stopped when we got hungry and had to stop laughing to eay.

“Hey, where’s Ms. Kim?” asken Eunhyuk.

Ms. Kim is our choreographer here at SMU. She’s really nice, but when I mean nice, that doesn’t include having a 10 minutes break after a 50-minutes straight practice and being scold for laughing at your mistakes during practice.

“She’s still not here. I think she’s at the headmaster’s office.” Answered Yoon Hye then sat down beside me.

“Okay then. See you girls later. Have to go. Boyhunting before the devil comes back. Ciao!” then Eunhyuk ran to the other side of the practice room and went to the crowd of boys there.

“Tss.” I just muttered. What can I do?

“I saw you two earlier by the fountain. How sweet.” Then she blinked her eyes rapidly to seem as if they’re twinkling.

“Yeah right. As if being pushed while you’re drinking water from the fountain is something to be joyful about.”

“Aigoo~ Don’t you dare tell me you didn’t enjoy his aegyo session when he apologized.” Then Yoon Hye raised her eyebrow at me.

“I didn’t.” I lied.

“Liar.” She said. “You enjoyed it.”

“Whatever.” I just gave up. But I can’t help but blush. My best friend can see through me even if I had my eyes closed.

So I looked away and did something with my hands when I’m flustered.

“See?”  then she laughed.

“What do you mean, see?” Eunhyuk was suddenly there.

Shoot! I started panicking. Did he hear what Yoonhye say? Omo~!!!

“Since when have you been here?” I asked. I was so sure he was by the boys a moment ago.

“I heard you say ‘whatever’, did your weird gesture with your hands and Yoonhye replied ‘See’.” Eunhyuk looked confused.

Thank God!

“It’s nothing. We’re just planning your wedding.” Then Yoonhye stood up and gave me an evil grin.

WTF??!!! You’re so going to pay for this! I swear, if I ever see Kyuhyun by the hallways, I’m gonna tell him you like him Yoonhye!


“Puhlease!! Gurl, come on. Please don’t say bad words.” Then Eunhyuk sat down by my right side.

“Send me an invite, okay?” then she waved at me.

“What’s with your best friend?” he asked as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“Oh, you know how best friends are. They say and do crazy stuff.”

I felt him nod. “BoA-yah…” he said.

I suddenly smelled his cologne. Wait! Is this even cologne? I think it’s just his normal manly scent.


His voice is so manly. Who can even think that he’s gay?

“Ya, Kwon BoA!”

I suddenly snapped out of my smelling-his-manly-scent moment.

He calls me using my last name when he’s really pissed that I’m not listening to him.

“Yes?” I asked in a still dreamy voice. I still can’t get over his scent. He smells heavenly.

“I have something to say to you.” Hyuk said, and it’s as if he’s hesitating.

Wait, wait, WAIT! Is he going to say the words that I’ve been wanting to hear all these years?


“Mwondae?” [What is it?]

But instead of hearing the words… I like you or even I love you… What he said was…

“He’s back.” He said.


“Who’s back?” I asked. There’s so many ‘he’ in the world.

“Lee…”  it was as if he was having a hard time saying the name.

Come on! Who is it?

“I have so many Lee’s on my mind. One is you, there’s also Lee Min Ho, Lee Sungmin, Lee Hyori… wait, she’s a girl…. Hmm, wo else?”

“Hae’s coming back.” He said then stood up.

“Hae?” I was still confused.

Hae? Who’s Hae? Lee Hae?

“Lee Donghae.” Then he walked off and started streching.

Lee Donghae… Lee Donghae.

“I love him, BoA.” I suddenly remember his words back then.

His best friend’s coming back from China, Taiwan and the US after filming a drama with Siwon-ssi, and 2 movies. The guy whom Eunhyuk loves until now… Lee Donghae, he’s coming back.

I don’t think I can do this. Not again…

To be continued…


Author’s note:

                I hope you liked this chapter and where the story is going. Please feel free to leave your comments. Thanks for reading!!^_^

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Chapter 3: dont worry boa , i think everyone in the world can agree that performancee was just TOOOOO y for words aswell ;) hahhahaha cool chapter ^.^
Chapter 2: omg ^.^ this is so cool :) and i can not WAIT for the next chappter :)_ yaaaaaay
Chapter 1: Haha, this is definitely going to be an interesting story :) Can't wait for more ^_^
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D