The GD, The Big Bang and The Wardrobe

Seuta Cafe (CLOSED)

The GD, The Big Bang and The Wardrobe

Drabble written by imsosofia in response to MusicChibi's Challenge 004

Foreword: Clothes, clothes, clothes. Our Kwon Leadah has been spending tonnes and tonnes of cash on them... so much so that he has absolutely nowhere to keep them. So what does he do? Hide them in his bandmates' rooms, of course! Problem solved!

Only... what if he gets busted?


"Hyuuuuuuuuuung ah!!"

            Ji Yong froze in his office swivel chair at the high-pitched, shrill scream from the room next door. The next second, his door burst open and a fuming boy stood outside, his hands balled up at his sides and his body heavily heaving with quickened breathing.

            Ji Yong's eyes flickered up to the cat-like scratches on his maknae's face, ran down his almost shredded shirt and then fell upon the bunch of brightly-coloured clothes that were painfully wrenched up in Seung Ri's shaking fists. He flinched at the terrible sight.

            "Hyuuuuuuuuuuung ah!!!" Seung Ri threw his head back and screamed again, forcing Ji Yong to cup his ears from the glass-shattering pitch of his voice. Seung Ri returned his murderous glare to his hyung and dramatically flung the clothes in his hands onto the floor.

            "What is this???" demanded Seung Ri like a sergeant to a recruit.

            "... Clothes???" replied Ji Yong incredulously.

            "I'M NOT A RETARD! I KNOW THEY'RE CLOTHES!!" yelled Seung Ri, his face red and hot. "I MEAN WHOSE CLOTHES ARE THEY? AND WHY THE HELL ARE THEY IN MY ROOM?" At this point in time, the bad-tempered child in Seung Ri had begun to throw his tantrum, and Seung Ri began to stomp around, his hands energetically smashing air as he stomped about in a circle, causing Ji Yong to shrink up in his chair more and more.

            "Do you know what happened when Chae Rin found these in my room?" He savagely snatched up a pair of bright pink leggings from the pile of clothes on the floor. Holding it up to his face, he bared his teeth like a bulldog and shook the leggings to further prove his point. "Huh? Do you? Do you? Can you imagine what she did to me when she found this... this THING under my bed?" He flung it as if it were a woman's used underwear at his hyung's face.

            "What's going on here?" Young Bae's head popped up from the side of the door frame. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Ji, what the frigging hell is that on your face??"

            Ji Yong gawked speechlessly at Young Bae before throwing himself off his swivel chair. "God! What's wrong with you guys? This," he held the leggings out to Young Bae. "Is a perfectly sane, fashionable and masculine piece of clothing!"

            "Dude," Young Bae cringed. "Are you sure you didn't steal that out of Dara's underwear cabinet?"

            Ji Yong's face flushed red. "I did not!!! I bought this with my very own money! My money!! And it's clean, too!!!"

            "Stop waving it about, you ert!"

            "I am not a ert!!!"

            "Who's a ert?" seung Hyun had now joined in the fun. He wiggled his eyebrows up and down at Ji. "You've been doing some naughty stuff when your hyung wasn't around, eh, Ji?"

            "Gah!" The accused fought the urge to strangle his hyung with the leggings. Seung Hyun sniggered, but his face changed when he caught sight of the haggard Seung Ri.

            "Oh my god! What the hell happened to you?"

            "He hid that thing under my bed!" Seung Ri wailed like a baby. With a sob, he flopped down onto the floor, slumped and began to yell.

            Young Bae exchanged looks with Seung Hyun. He understood as well. They both turned to shake their heads at the shame-ridden GD.

            "Ji, you bad bad boy."

            "Is this how a leader leads his band? By stuffing underwear under 's bed?"

            "IT'S NOT UNDERWEAR!"

            "What if Chae Rin doesn't believe him?" continued Young Bae, narrowing his already quite small eyes. Ji's face twitched. "How are you gonna take responsibility, huh?"

            "I could... I could... I could always just say Dara and I used his room!" blurted out Ji, pointing the hand with the leggings in the direction of 2NE1's dormitory. "And that we stuffed it under the bed after that! And then we... and then we... sort of... forgot to... pick it up."

            Silence rang in the room as Ji Yong's words sunk in.

            "YOU USED MY ROOM???"

            Before he could even bother to explain himself, Dae Sung came crashing through Young Bae and Seung Hyun. Panting heavily, he dragged the both of them inside the room and then shut the door, before throwing his body against it, as if there were zombies on the other side, clambering to get in.

            Seung Hyun scowled as he pushed himself off the floor. "And what's wrong with you now?"

            Dae Sung swallowed hard. "They saw it."

            Young Bae's face froze. "S-S-S-Saw what?"


            "What? What it? Don't tell me they saw my collection of Barbie dolls?" yelped Seung Hyun in full horror. Ji Yong stared at his hysterical hyung.

            "Whaaaat did you just say?"

            "They saw that make-out video I took with Bom!" gasped Young Bae, sitting back down on his heels and with his fingers to his mouth. "They saw it! Oh no! Oh Jesus no! It was supposed to be a secret!!" He cried for the whole world to know.

            "They... they saw that voodoo doll I made of GD!" guessed Seung Ri, pointing at Dae Sung for confirmation. "The one with the right eye torn off!"

            "They saw the stash of Dara's underwear I had so painstakingly hidden behind my computer!!!" Ji Yong clutched the leggings to his chest. "And to think it took me three weeks to steal that much!!"


            "Wait, what?" Young Bae asked.

            Dae Sung widened his eyes. "Hyung, I didn't know you did such things!"

            "Omo." The leggings slipped onto the floor. "I... I said that out loud?"

            "Well duh," drawled Seung Hyun.

            Young Bae clicked his tongue in disapproval. "Man, you at keeping secrets."

            "What? I... I... just now you were..."

            "Anyway, what was it that they saw? And who are the "they"?" cut off Seung Hyun.

            "The paparazzi," sighed Dae Sung as he left the door to sit dejectedly with his hyungs. "One of the cleaning ladies saw it, took a photo of it, and posted it all over the web. We don't even know which cleaning lady it was."

            "Must be the one that went for belly-dancing classes," accused Seung Hyun straightaway.

            "Must be the one that walks around in a tight jumper suit," countered Young Bae.

            "I think it's the one that bounces and sings 'HIGH HIGH, I'M SO HIGH KawooooooO' whenever she's cleaning the toilets." Seung Ri muttered.

            Ji Yong raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Wait, aren't they all the same person?"

            The other boys exchanged horrified looks.

            "... Then it must be her," murmured Seung Hyun darkly as if he was talking about Voldemort. The other three nodded thoughtfully.

            "Anyway," Dae Sung cut in firmly. "It's gone viral now. They're saying that the whole of Big Bang are erts."

            Seung Hyun gasped at the slanderous accusation. "That is so not true!!"

            "What was it that they saw?" asked Young Bae impatiently. Dae Sung stared at him square in the eye.

            "You... don't know?"

            Young Bae gave him a suspicious look. "Erm. No."

            Dae Sung took a deep breath, and let out his news in a rush. "They saw that neon yellow shirt with the suggestive picture on the back and on the front which was hidden rather unsuccessfully under your table."

            Ji Yong gulped.

            "What? Are you sure? I don't remember having such a shirt."

            "It's there all right."

            "But... it's not mine."

            "P-P-Perhaps it was a ghost," squeaked Ji Yong. As inconspicuously as such a gesture would allow, his foot stretched out and nudged the guilty, tattletale pink leggings under the table. "Yeah, heh heh. That totally makes sense. Doesn't it?"

            Each member stiffened, and they slowly turned their heads to him, creating a mechanical creak with every turn, their eyes growing as narrow as slits. Ji Yong's face went as white as if he had just ran face to face with a group of Terminators.

            "Ji Yong ah..." growled Seung Hyun.


            "Was that shirt yours?" Seung Hyun's already very deep voice sounded absolutely beastly.

            "... Eh..."

            Dae Sung gaped at Ji Yong. "Hyung! How could you?! You just ruined Young Bae's clean reputation!!"

            "I did not! Did I, Young Bae?" pleaded Ji.

            Young Bae sat frozen on the floor, his mouth slightly ajar and his eyes looking up at the sky like a retard. He did not answer.

            "I didn't, right, Bae?"

            Bae's head snapped towards Ji, and a wild look came over his eyes. With a girly scream, Young Bae shot up to his feet and began hopping from foot to foot, his hands locked by his sides. Still screaming, he clutched his head, threw it about, ran it into a nearby wall and collapsed at Dae Sung's feet.

            "Oh My God! Young Bae hyung!"

            "You are so dead, GD," chided Seung Hyun.

            "What? I had way too many clothes, okay? There's absolutely no space left in my wardrobe to keep them! Look under my bed! There's at least 20 pairs of pink leggings underneath, not to mention 3 other green ones!" Ji Yong gestured wildly. "I had to find somewhere to keep them!!" He groaned as he flopped down onto the floor and eyed Dae Sung, whom was franticaly fanning Young Bae. The poor boy sighed, hung his head and massaged his temples.

What a horrible day... He cradled his head and groaned.

            It took a long time for the members to fling Young Bae into his bed, and an even longer time for Chae Rin to stop yelling long enough to listen to Ji Yong's explanation. The exasperated boy flung himself onto his bed with a groan, accidentally bringing with him a pair of skinnies that had gotten hooked around his foot. The billions of clothes he had retrieved from 's rooms lay strewn about his floor like uncollected garbage. He had to wade through them to get to his bed, for heaven's sake.

Otoke? What am I to do? I can't live like this forever.

But I can't throw them away either.

            "Aigoo!" groaned Ji. He rolled himself off his bed and tumbled unhurt onto his precious clothes. Wrapping them protectively around himself, he snuggled deep into the comfortable, quality cloth and dug his toes under a particularly thick fur jacket. He laid his head down, adjusted himself, and then went to sleep with a smile.

No matter what happens…

I'll never get rid of them! With those peaceful thoughts, he let his mind slip away.

The next day...

            "Oh my god! GD KILLED HIMSELF!!!"


Writer's note: Lololololol. I can't believe I wrote this!! >-< It was kinda fun, heh heh, but very difficult. Oh btw this is meant to be a drabble, so there's no ending. And once more, it was one of Music Chibi's Challenges, which you can try if you click the link.


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why are you closing Seuta Cafe ces baby??? why???? TT.TT
imsosofia #3
Lol do you know that to me the guy in the far left looks like Show Luo aka Luo Z(h)i Xiang aka Xiao Zhu aka the guy that I idolised for a mini-short-while just before G-Dragon?? :DDD<br />
Anyway yay! Another request fulfilled! It's really quite pretty~ :) *proud of you* Has a warm aura
SSZE_A501 #4
<br />
btw<br />
<br />
Hope you will recover soon :)<br />
ilovelove #5
i love it! ^^ kyaa!
ilovelove #6
just wanna let ya know i will be writing a story but i havent put it up yet i hop to soon ^_^ please read it
SSZE_A501 #7
hahahahaha xD don't worry, i don't like it, but LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE it so much!!!<br />
thank you so much!!!
wow, it really does seem similar. but yet you think that MINE came out better? geez! you give me too much credit, you're an amazing writer~ ♥