
Mail me your Love ( on hiatus )

Myungsoo quickly retracted his steps from the window, a guilty conscious churning at the pit of his stomach. With eyes glued onto the scene before him, he fumbled around with the device he was holding onto, slipping it into it's rightful case. From there, he gently placed it back on the desk and finally, he averted his eyes for fear of being caught. In a amazingly fast speed, the boy gathered up a small pile of almost transparent pieces of plastic paper and chucked them onto Dongwoo's bed, scattering them across the green covers. He stumbled right into the frame of his bed and tripped onto the bed itself. Myungsoo clasped his thumping chest with his hands, as if it could help stop his heart from beating too much. He took a deep breath, letting out a whisper that was barely audible.

"In the count of three; one, two, thre-"


A knowing sigh escaped the dark haired boy as the voice of his friend erupted from downstairs. Despite hearing the -much expected, if he must add- loud footsteps outside, he squeezed his eyes shut and encased himself inside the soft black blanket. He pleaded silently in his mind that he would be left alone and unharmed, but with the seemly bad luck on Myungsoo's side, he knew very well that he didn't stand a chance.

Unconsciously on cue, Woohyun pushed the door open almost aggressively, hard enough for a picture on the wall to drop. Myungsoo could call it luck that the picture still remained in one piece by the time it floated its way down. The older boy was breathing heavily, his chest heaving up and down as he headed towards the bundle of blankets. If Myungsoo wasn't pretending that he was asleep, he would be rolling his eyes at the fact that Woohyun acted as if he ran 10 laps around the lake instead of approximately 10 meters. 

"Myungsoo, wake up!" he grabbed a fistful of the blanket and yanked it off. The said boy gasped and covered himself with his hands, as if he was being horribly violated. 

"Oh, you're awake." Woohyun narrowed his eyes at his friend and proceeded to pull the younger off the bed. To say the very least, Myungsoo clung onto the bed sheets for dear life. His fingernails planted itself in the fabric and it just so happens that his refusal was downright insulting to the other. 

"What is that suppose to mean, huh?!" Woohyun screeched and childishly grasped the younger's legs, pulling them with all his might. And wow, can this boy pull. Myungsoo was forced to let go, for fear of being teared apart by his own 'best' friend. "Aish, I'm coming already! Stop pulling me, it hurts!" 

"Hmph, damn straight." Woohyun dropped his legs as if it was some kind of garbage to be thrown away. He took a step back and crossed his arms as he waited. The way he straightened up and let out little huffs from time to time, was obviously clear to the younger that he was pissed to the point of no return. 

"Just what is life?" Myungsoo half-sobbed as he straightened up. He was unable to cast one last look at the trembling figure under the green canvas, where he knew the Kenya Dino is more than afraid to speak up. "Your life is in my hands, Kim Myungsoo, so I suggest you listen and you listen well."

It was when Woohyun had literally dragged the younger away did the older male pop his head out from the muddy green covers. "Don't worry, myung, I'll store those polaroids away." the boy mumbled, desperately clutching onto the photos as he unsteadily stumbled off the bed. All he didn't know was that one specific photo had escaped his grasp. The one that clearly depicts the image of a boy with the caramel hair and the mysterious hooded man, both whom are doing the unbelievable.


"I'm telling you, those two were in on this . . . this thing they were planning!" Woohyun had exclaimed for the hundredth time that day. He slammed both of his palms against the wooden table and pushed himself up.

"Oh, they're doing something alright," Myungsoo leaned back onto the hard wooden chair and winced slightly, shifting uncomfortably as the older's blabbering continued.

The elder shook his head with a exasperated frown. "I sense trouble from those two." 

"Yeah, I wonder what they're going to do with that," he replied without a thought, leaving Woohyun in a confused mess. He cocked his head to the side before opening his mouth to speak. "Do with what?" he focused his dark orbs onto the younger boy, inspecting the look on his face.

"Hm? What?" Myungsoo feigned innocent by widening his eyes and pursing his lips, though it had no effect whatsoever.

"The thing you just said, Myung." Woohyun stated slowly, narrowing his eyes into slits. "Just what are you hiding?" 

The younger boy bit his bottom lip, averted his eyes and climbed off the stool almost guiltily. That basically gave away everything to the sharp-eyed Woohyun. "What the hell, man? I demand you get your back on that stool before I glue it there." his eyes virtually grew a tad bit darker.

By now, Myungsoo had a hard time swallowing the lump in his throat. "It's nothing, seriously." 

"Yah, Kim Myu-" he grabbed fistfuls of the boy's checkered shirt, emitting a low growl, but he stopped abruptly when the familar chime of the bell went off. The said boy peeled Woohyun's fingers off and stalked off with a 'tsk'.  

Woohyun started after him but he froze when Myungsoo's voice spoke up, his fading voice had a hint of amusement in it. "You might want to check up on that 'fried' egg of yours."

"Huh? Oh shi-" the boy cursed aloud, quickly turning the flame off as he examined the result of his lecturing; a black egg.

Myungsoo let a small chuckle pass his lips and pulled the door open, forgetting to check the peephole. He raised an eyebrow at the visitor, leaning on the doorframe with a blank look plastered on his handsome features. "Are you a resident of this house?" the strange man questioned in a gruffy voice. 

"What kind of idiot do you think I am?" Myungsoo focused his cold gaze on the stranger, folding his arms over his chest in a disapproving manner. "What are you trying to pull with that stupid sounding voice, huh?"

"What do you mean 'stupid'?! Hyung said it was fine, so there!" a loud clear, yet demanding voice erupted from the tall figure.

"It sounds stupid, not to mention, unattractive. Don't do it again." the boy replied in a flat voice, slightly interested how the strange man's voice had changed in a matter of seconds. He peered at the other closely, unconciously leaning forward as he inspected the familiar features. That was until Myungsoo spotted what the male was wearing. "Wait, you're that guy from this -" 

He was unable to finish his sentence because right then, Myungsoo had a loose leather bag pulled over his head and a sharp pain penetrating his nape. He was knocked unconcious and carried away by no other than the black hooded man.  

- - - 

guys, i've let you down and it's only the second chapter. ;; not to mention that it is unbelievably short. i'll try for weekly updates since school is nearing it's end so please bear with me until then. thank you to all the subscribers and readers who stayed with me in this story. see you later soon.

(unedited. forgive me.)

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Chapter 2: Lol...I don't understand a thing....but I'll subscribe..haha..fighting...;)
Chapter 1: LOL Woohyun! Just, XD. This is hilarious! Can't wait for them to meet :D Thanks for updating!
Chapter 1: This is Hilarious! Love it~ Update soon kay! :)
Yay, Woogyu fluff! :D I'm looking forward to it!
Update pls sounds like a great plot!:)
i'm first hehehehe
update soon