Part II

I Won't Give Up

You stared at the ceiling of your bedroom, slanted rays of sun coverimg its surface. Morning had come quicker than expected along with other matters.

You remembered last night, the tense situation between both you and Kevin after your long sought for date, the hot kisses from the door to the lounge room, then the blurred moments from the couch to your room.

Kevin lay calmly beside you on your crisp white sheeted bed, lightly sleeping as he hugged one of the pillows. You examined his expression as he snoozed comfortably.

Rubbing the back of your neck, you sat yourself upright, leaning against the backboard, pulling the quilt with you to keep yourself warm. You patted your chest, feeling the lace of your bra beneath your silk black night dress before looking once again to Kevin who shifted as he hastily woke up from his satisfying sleep.

"..Good morning" He mumbled, lazily tracing his finger down your arm,

Keeping quiet to yourself, you gave Kevin an unsure smile as he fully awoken, seating himself upright beside you,

"You're quiet" He pointed out, knowing something wasn't right, "What's wrong?"

Kevin grabbed your hand, and warmed it up by holding it with his. You gave him another quick glance, realising that he was wearing a tank top and his boxers underneath the sheets.

"We didn't..." You slowly let out the words, "We didn't... you know, have-"

Squeezing your hand, Kevin silenced you by attacking you with a quick spontaneous kiss on the lips.

"Nope" He grinned a little too happily, "We didn't"

"That explains why I'm still in my dress" You tried to laugh it off, whilst waiting for an explanation,

"And on it shall stay until we both say 'I do'" Kevin reassured you,

You bit your lip as you tried to hide the smile that formed on your face. You loved Kevin, and even more so in that moment. He was guy, faced with one of the biggest temptations; yet he resisted. 

"I love you Kevin" You said softly, before giving him a tender kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too" Kevin replied, returning the gesture, "And that's why I didn't dare to even touch the zipper on your dress"

You chuckled to yourself, before realising something,

"Zipper?" You , "My dress doesnt have a zipper!"

"Hey, you know what I mean" He poked out his tounge before pulling you closer to him as he wrapped his arms around you,

"The wait" Kevin stared straight ahead, looking to your dresser where a frame holding a picture of the you the night he proposed, "The wait is worth it"

As you leaned your head on his shoulder, you stared at the picture frame too, embracing the moment,

"God knows we're worth it" 




Comment if you liked/disliked, and/or if you would like me to write more oneshots! (mention UKISS bias and/or themes etc)


Thanks so much for subscribing and reading my lovelies! ♥♥♥♥

(P.S this one is special cause I finished it today, which is my birthday hehehe)



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Chapter 2: Omg please can you write angst-y fic like this, but Eli's the character? T_T
Chapter 2: <33333333333
meigrace #3
Chapter 2: yay!! that was so sweet :D more kevin fics please!!how about one where the oc is.. insecure cause she's not as skinny as the girls he surrounded by in the entertainment industry
Please review my fanfic! With Eli & Kiseop !
"If life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?"
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D