Part I

I Won't Give Up

The both of you knew just how long it had been.

How long it had been since the two of you could share moments like these. It was rare; probably even the first time.

It was as if everything was perfect; the way that the streets of Seoul were practically empty, the way that it wasn’t too cool or too warm in the car, and the way that his hand lay comfortably over yours as he continued to drive to your place.

After passing your favourite café that was situated in the corner of the intersection; you knew that there was only a few minutes left till you’d be home; till he’d open your door for you, walk you to the wooden front door of your house, leave you with a kiss; then he’d be off again and you wouldn’t know how long it’d be till you’d be able to have this again.

You glanced at him from the corner of your eye as a warm smile formed on your face without you even knowing. That was his effect. All you had to do was see him and it was as if nothing else mattered. Your hand moved gently under his as he kept it firm in place. He didn’t want you to move, more so, he didn’t want you to go and neither did you. It was almost two months till today since you were last with him. The both of you clearly didn’t think it was fair that the last few hours spent together was enough to compensate for all the time missed.

“…Kevin?” With the mention of his name, he squeezed your hand whilst swiftly steering with the other before the car had come to a stop.

“-wait. Why the sudden stop?” You had forgotten what you were originally going to say at the abrupt halt.

Chuckling softly, Kevin turned in his seat to completely face you, turning off the headlights of the car; dimming all surroundings.

“This is your stop” He smiled before sighing briefly and squeezing your hand one last time before letting you go.

You spotted that look in his eyes. That look he had when he wanted to say something so badly but would never let it out. As cute as it was, it bothered you that he would keep things bottled inside, especially from you.

“I don’t want to go yet” You admitted, blocking the seat belt buckle with your clutch bag. Of course you didn’t want to go; you didn’t want to part with Kevin. Your date that started off at the park, then to the new Italian restaurant and then the luxury chocolate house afterwards; everything went so smoothly, it didn’t seem right to just end it here.

“Neither do I” Kevin stated the obvious, facing the dashboard this time, “We’re supposed to be getting married in a few months; yet we only see each other every other month”

All that Kevin had said was true. The two of you had been engaged for over a year and a half and have constantly pushed back the wedding date since Kevin’s schedule was all over the place. From the moment you accepted to date him, you knew what you would be facing; but you never thought you’d eventually get tired of waiting.

You moved in your seat whilst you strapped off your heels from your feet; appearing as if you didn’t hear what he had just said. Readjusting yourself, you turned the engagement ring that had become a bit dull on your finger, before replying to Kevin who sat there silently; contemplating your relationship as well.

“Tonight was perfect” You exhaled, turning the ring for the last time, “But sometimes I wonder if these moments are worth the wait”

Knowing that the two of you would be sitting in the car for a while, Kevin switched off the engine, leaving complete silence till he spoke. And knowing Kevin, you knew that he wouldn’t reply like most guys would. He wouldn’t pull out the ‘I’m so famous, I could be dating superstars, but I chose you do don’t complain’ card; rather, he would blame himself.

“…I’m-” He was about to apologise till you stopped him by placing your hand on his leg,

“You don’t have to say that you’re sorry” You assured him before moving your hand back to your own lap,

“…It’s none of our fault”

With those words, you picked up your high heels from beside your bare feet, grabbed your clutch, unbuckled your seatbelt and opened the passenger seat door for yourself. The balmy air of the night tickled your bare legs, lifting the edges of your black, knee high dress. Familiarising your feet with the chiselled texture of the footpath below you, you began to head towards the front of your house as you pulled out your house keys from your clutch bag after slamming the car door behind you.

Kevin watched your every move as you left him with his blurred thoughts. Gazing away from you, with every might in his fist, he slammed it into the steering wheel. He didn’t want you to go but there you were, almost gone without even a good bye.

You were tempted to turn around just to check if he was game enough to run after you but you bit your tongue and decided that you wouldn’t. Slipping the key into the lock with the clicking noise that followed, two hands made their way to your bare shoulders; they were light and supple; a touch you were used to.

“Yeobo” Kevin let the nickname that he always called you whenever he felt touchy, slip out of his mouth as he spun you around, his hands slid slowly from your shoulders down your arms, caressing your skin till his hands met yours.

You tried your hardest to look away from his eyes for as long as you could even though you knew he would win the staring game, at any time and any place. You couldn’t comprehend the abrupt change of mood; from high tension to sudden playfulness. And you knew that when Kevin was in the mood to play, there was no stopping him.

“Yah!” You , trying to keep your angry face but a smile slipped out, “I’m still mad at you”

“And why would you be mad at me?” Kevin acted as if he had no prior knowledge of what happened as he grinned, pulling you closer towards him as the two of you stood in your house doorway.

His hands then made their way from yours to your rosy cheeks as Kevin engulfed you with a sweet long and tender kiss; so lengthy that you swore the two of you had been standing there in such a moment for a good five minutes.

“Kev-Kevin…” You attempted to catch his attention as he continued to shower you kisses that made their way from your eager lips to your unsuspecting neck, and before you knew it, the both of you had made your way to the white leather couch of your lounge room after Kevin happily shut the front door behind him with his lips still matched with yours.

With a single crash onto your back on the cold leather of the grand couch, you were able to catch your breath as you enthusiastically looked up to see Kevin gazing just as eagerly into your eyes, his hands on either sides of your head to keep him above you.

“This is what we’ve been missing” He whispered, his breathing heavy, “Isn’t it?”

You nodded as you bit your lip as Kevin grinned; knowing what would happen next.

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Chapter 2: Omg please can you write angst-y fic like this, but Eli's the character? T_T
Chapter 2: <33333333333
meigrace #3
Chapter 2: yay!! that was so sweet :D more kevin fics please!!how about one where the oc is.. insecure cause she's not as skinny as the girls he surrounded by in the entertainment industry
Please review my fanfic! With Eli & Kiseop !
"If life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?"
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D