
Im 9 years younger than you! but I LOVE you!

Re cap:



Oh no.

That voice.




Shocked I turn around, my eyes widen as Leeteuk stares back at me. I drop the baseball bat, but it seems as if everything was in slow motion.

It felt like forever till the bat finally hit the ground, but in real life it was only a few seconds. everything was silent, I take a step forward towards Leeteuk to tell him That I love him as a brother but........

"Kaylajo...I don't like you like that....I will NEVER like you like that!" He says while he yelled 'never' instead of saying it calmly.

I felt hot tears on my cheeks as I fall to my knees, I hear Heechul gasp in suprise as he walks towards me, I look at Leetuk again to see his face that had a surpried look, he reaches his hand out towards me.

I quikly get up and run to my room with Leeteuk screaming out my name.


I didn't listen to him, I slam my door shut and lock it, 'I have to get out of here' I look around the room to see my suit cases that were already packed for a year long tour in America......THATS IT! I grab my small back pack that had some cloths in it.

As I was putting my back pack on my back, my door handle started to ratle, then there was loud bangs. It was either Leeteuk or my brothers.....

"KAYLAJO! OPEN THE DOOR!" Leeteuk yells.

I look over at my glass sliding door then back to the door. I grab my ipod and head phones and quikly ecscape out the glass door, I didn't shut the door, I just run over to my car and quietly leave.


Leeteuks P.O.V


I rush after Kaylajo, but was stopped by her brothers.

"Leeteuk! why did you lie to my little sister?!" Shin says in a pissed off tone.


I then rush to her door and try to turn the door knob, '! its locked!' I start banging on the door, but no such luck.

"KAYLAJO! OPEN THE DOOR!" I yell, still she didn't open the door, after a few minute I could tell something was wrong.

"Shin! Help me brake down the door!"


"Cause something isn't right! its too quiet!"


As we were trying to get the door open, all I could think about was my angel.....Kaylajo.....Her tear striken face as she fell to her knees killed me.

I came back to reality as we finally got the door down, we llok inside to see nothing but her empty room, with her slidding door open. Shin rushes to the slidding door to see that Kaylajo's car was not there anymore.

"No.." I whisper, a tear had fallen from eye, 'What have I done...I'm so sorry Kaylajo..'


Kaylajo's P.O.V


I have nowhere to go to hide.....WAIT! I can hide out at SHINee's dorm! I still have some tears falling from my eyes, I decide to play my CD that had different songs on it.

The song that starts to play made me cry again........The song was Broken by Seether and Amy Lee

I drive a little bit faster as I see SHINee's dorm.

Once I park the car I grab my back pack and head into the building, I was able to walk pass the desk without being seen so I quickly hop into the elevater.

As the silver metal doors close I felt the tears again, but I couldn't control them this time. I finally reach SHINee's floor and head to their door, once I get to their door I quickly knock and wait, but my tears will not stop fallen now.

The door finally opens to reveal................


Here is chap. 6 hope you enjoy! comment and subscribe plz! :)

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AmiSimple #1
Oh it's a good story! <3<br />
Love Teukie!!<br />
Gah! Onew's evil! Noooo! ): <br />
<br />
Oh well it's a gr8 story!
whiteprincess23 #2
omo! really? kaylajo so soon you fall for leeteuk hyung? O.o<br />
KatieRose380 #3
I love this story..... and I love Leeteuk :)
i feel it's onew! :D