
The Girl with the Fake Smile
(Author's POV)

Jirin sat down next to Lay.

"Have you been well since the last time we saw you?" Lay asked Jirin.

"Yes, I have. Kris has been feeding me and supporting me," she said.

While Jirin and Lay were talking, Kris and Jina were fighting.

"But I want to go where Luhan is!" Jina complained.

"You came here with ME. Luhan came with JIRIN," Kris said. Jina punched Kris's stomach.

"I want to be with Luhan!" she yelled. Kris grabbed her and pushed her against the wall.

"The only reason why you're my date is to make you realize that Luhan's one and ONLY best friend is his first and ONLY love," Kris coldly said.

Jina started shaking her head. "I'M MUCH MORE PRETTY AND POPULAR THAN HER!" she yelled.

"What's going on over there?" Kris and Jina heard. They turned their heads and saw Luhan.

"Oppa!" Jina called out. Luhan raised an eyebrow. Kris let go of Jina and she ran to him. "I want to be with you! But Kris won't let me!"

Luhan tilted his head. "You want to be with me......? How?"

"I want to be by your side! I want to be your girlfriend! I've been waiting so many years to tell you this," Jina said. Luhan blinked.

Luhan sighed. "Look, I don't want you to be mad or anything, but I'm in love."


"No. With this girl. She's the most amazing girl ever. She always puts on a smile although she's in horrible pain. I honestly don't know why she's like that, I just can't ask her. I don't like to see her cry. Her tears is like a knife stabbing my heart," Luhan said.

"Then let me-"

"Listen to me. What I'm trying to say is that I won't love another girl. I've been trying to be with that one girl for so many years," Luhan said.

Jina didn't like these words. She stomped her foot, "FINE!" She ran away in tears.

Luhan walked up to Kris. "That was.... weird," Luhan said.

"You got that right," Kris said.

Little did they know, a person was watching their every move. "Where is she?"

(Jirin's POV)

I was dancing with Xiumin. "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!" Xiumin said.

"You really love food, huh?" I asked. Xiumin blushed and I giggled at his reaction. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Luhan.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked. I looked at Xiumin and he was nodding at me. I looked back at Luhan and smiled.

"I would love to," I said. Luhan led me to the dance floor. I wrapped my hands around his neck while his arms were wrapped around me waist. *This is so perfect.*

"How are you liking prom?" Luhan asked.

"It's good so far," I said. Luhan smiled softly.

The song ended. Everyone was heading back to there tables.

Luhan and I walked back to the table that Lay was sitting at.

"You two look like a couple. Cuuute," Lay said and smiled.

"Thanks," I said.

"Luhan! Jirin!" I heard. Me and Luhan turned around and saw a waving Kris. "Let's go take pictures!" he said.

"Would you like to take some pictures?" Luhan asked me. I nodded.

We headed to the area where they were taking pictures. There wasn't a long line because everyone was too busy dancing.

"Next!" we heard.

"Me and Jirin first!" Luhan said. Kris and the others nodded.

"Awwww, are you two dating?" the photographer asked.

"No," I said.

"What a shame. You two make a really cute couple," he said. I smiled and nodded. "Okay. On the count of three, I'll take the picture. One. Two. Three!" Me and Luhan smiled, then the flash appeared, blinding our eyes for a few moments.

Luhan motioned the rest to come. We got into our positions and took the picture. We got our freshly print picture and awed.

"You look stunning in the photos," Luhan said. I blushed.

"You do too," I said.

"Stop flirting!" Tao whined. I shot him a look and he looked away.

"Cheer up, Jirin. I agree with your boyfriend," Kris said in a teasing manner.

"Yah! We aren't dating!" me and Luhan said. Then we looked at each other and awkwardly laughed.

"You two sure?" Kris asked.

"Yes!" I said. Luhan hugged my waist from behind.

"He's just being an right now," he said.

"You got that right," I said. Luhan laughed.

"Let's go outside and get some fresh air," Luhan said. I happily agreed. We walked outside to the garden. It was quiet and peaceful. "Jirin."

"Yes?" I asked. Luhan just stared at me, like there was no tomorrow. "What is-" I was cut off when Luhan kissed me. My eyes widened. I felt a jolt of electricity. Then he pulled away. *He kissed me...*

"I've waited so many years to do that," he said. I was still in shock. My heart was going out of control. Then he stood up and stared at me. "Jirin, would you like to be my official princess?" he asked and softly smiled.

*Finally......... The question I've been waiting for..* I smiled and nodded. Luhan's smike grew even more.

"Now I'm your official prince," he said. I giggled and hugged him. Then he let go, "Do you want something to drink?"

"A Coke will just be fine," I said.

"I'll be right back," Luhan said and ran into the hotel.

While I was waiting, I heard a shuffling sound. I ignored it because I thought it would be a stray cat..... but I was wrong.

*Luhan.... Help me*

(Luhan's POV)

This is the happiest day of my life. I kissed the girl I've been in love with and now she's my girlfriend after so many years!

"Luhan!" I heard. I turned around and saw Kris.

"Wsup big boy," I said and started to laugh.

"Yeah. Ha ha ha. Very funny. Anyways, where's Jirin?" he asked.

"I'll take you to her after I get her a drink," I said. I grabbed two bottles of Coke. "Let's go."

Kris and I started walking to the garden.

"How is the night going for you and Jirin?" Kris asked.

"It's going perfectly," I said.

Kris sighed, "My date left me for a jock."

"You know how gurls are."

"Yeah. I didn't even like her anyways. Well, I kind of did, but the main reason I chose her is to make her stop liking you." I looked at Kris.

"Thanks," I said and smiled. "Oh! Why do you need to see Jirin?"

"I am her guardian. I'm suppose to look after her," Kris said. I nodded. *That's true.*

"We're here," I said. "Jirin!" I called out. No answer. "Jirin!!!! I got the Coke you wanted!" I called out again. Yet, no answer.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom?" Kris said.

"I'll call her," I said. I put down the soda and pulled out my phone. I dialed Jirin's number and started to call her phone. Then we started hearing a phone ring. Kris and I looked at each other before we walked towards the phone.

We stopped walking when we saw the phone. "Can it be?" Kris asked.

"Maybe she dropped her phone because she had to go really badly?" I said. Kris shook his head.

"Jirin might not use her phone a lot, but she NEVER goes anywhere without her phone," Kris said. I started to think about the worst of the worst.

"Did her........."

"She probably did," Kris said.

There was utter silence surrounding us. No one moved an inch and no one said a word. We both were planning on how we could get Jirin back.

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ExOtIc43v4 #1
Chapter 19: omgah the story was amazing authornim!!!!
i cant wait to read the sequel!!!
striped-cat #2
Chapter 18: oh god that was over too fast!!! ><
shinee3112 #3
Chapter 19: noooooo.... life without jirin???!!!! awww... i am so gonna miss them
Chapter 18: And i read coz i thought it was rated coz of violence. Oh gosh, i really didnt expected that OuO