Two Cailles

It was only once

Taemin woke up after he felt his back was cold and turned around. You were still laying in the corner of the bed. He smiled. "Good morning," he whispered.

You stared at him.His eyes were still puffy and swollen from his crying last night. You almost wanted to touch his cheek before feeling the fear of Rogelio. 

"What's wrong?"

"You broke the rule."

Taemin immediately turned around. "I'm sorry," he whispered.



Turn around again, please. "Never mind."


The two of you laid in silence for a little while, but after a few moments Taemin turned around to look at you and let out a sigh of relief.


"Nothing," he said turning back around.

Another few moments of silence. "Hey, Caille."

"Yeah, Taemin."

"I love you."


Your POV~

I didn’t know how to respond to him. I just sat there dumbfounded.

“I-I-I… well. I kn-know. I-I- well you-you. Thanks, I’m t-tr-“

Taemin cut me off.

“Don’t hurt yourself.” He said.

“But I d-do. I a-as well, you know, I-I.. It’s just when I was b-being hurt, h-he made me, it’s just.. I didn’t mean it! I h-had to! I was- It was- I wasn’t t-trying…” I couldn’t seem to form my sentences correctly. Taemin turned back over and smiled at me. I stared at him wide-eyed.

“It’s okay, I know what you’re trying to say, and that’s good enough for me.” He said. He sighed. I closed my eyes again, his being in my bed causing me discomfort, but I didn’t want to ask him to leave.

“You know, Jonghyun seems different after he found you..” Taemin wondered.

“What did he see that changed him I wonder..” Taemin continued to ponder. My eyes flew open. I knew exactly what he saw. He saw Rogelio pound into me the last time, and he saw all the fresh cuts, he saw me . Jonghyun knew how bad it was.

“He saw.” I said. Taemin didn’t understand.

“Saw you?”

“Saw me. Saw Rogelio. Saw the cuts. He saw the , he saw my scars,” my voice started to rise as I got agitated by the memories, “He saw the knife! He saw my face! He saw everything! Taemin, he saw everything! The pain, and torture, and-and everything! H-he saw everything..” I started to sob.

“I’m sorry. Oh gosh, Caille, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I was just thinking out loud. Oh goodness, I-I didn’t mean to.” He said, he scooted towards me, and held me against his chest. I stopped sobbing, and I also stopped breathing.

“Taemin.” I breathed out. He continued to hold me, and he began to cry.

“I never want to let go of you ever again, Caille. I feel so guilty. I should’ve done something. I love you so much Caille. I love you so much. I’m so sorry.” He cried.

My body began to shake.

“Taemin, please.” I said, my voice breaking with nervousness. Taemin sniffed, and suddenly came back to Earth. He realized what he was doing and immediately let go.

“Oh. Sorry. I forgot. God, I’m so stupid!” He said.

“It’s okay. It-It wasn’t bad.” I said, finally breathing again.

“You were terrified.”

“One half of me was.” I said. Taemin looked at me again, with that look of confusion.

“So you have two personalities inside of you?” He asked.

“Right now? I think yes.” I said.

“So half of you wanted to be hugged, the other half didn’t?” He asked, finally starting to understand my position. I smiled at his understanding.

“Yes!” I said, he was finally getting it.

“So the half of you that wants to hug me, wants to live, and the half of you that doesn’t, doesn’t want to be alive either?” He asked. I nodded.

“That’s what happened yesterday.” I said. Taemin understood finally.

“You hungry?” Taemin asked. “You have an appointment today at about 3 o’clock. You should really eat beforehand. You don’t want to be hungry.” He said, getting out of the bed.

“Wait. I don’t want to go.” I said.

“But part of you does,” Taemin’s eyes sparkled as he realized what he needed to do to help me, “and I’m going to cater to that part of you until the other one goes away.”

I stared at him. It seemed like a good idea, but something told me it wasn’t going to be very fun on my end…

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Chapter 74: Aannnniiii i wanted her to be with Taemin
2026 streak #2
Chapter 85: OMG!!! I just finished reading this fic. It was really beautiful. I enjoyed a lot reading it.
But I just have a doubt... The first time when Caille was drugged, did she do it with Jonghyun or Taemin? Hope I'm not troubling you much with it. Hehe :D
Chapter 85: I absolutely love this story. I read it all in ONE DAY!!!!! I loved it!!!! Especially since she ended up with Jonghyun......(I'm a Blinger) AMAZING STORY AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!
Chapter 85: So sweet :) Good story :) although leaving Taemin made me kinda upset in the beginning...
Blackjack27 #5
Chapter 85: Yay I love the ending!! You are the best writer I have ever met!! XP
Chapter 85: Aww... Her happiness felt so short >.< (aka I wanted more chapters) lol
But I loved it ♥
Ayamegumi #7
Chapter 85: I loved this soooo much !!!! Thank you for writing this wonderful fanfiction!!!!!
Chapter 85: gahhh, that was actually amazing <333