
It was only once

You shook your head a little. "No, I think I'm gonna take a bath though," you you said trying to stand up. 

You got onto your feet and almost collasped, but Taemin came and saved you right on time. He a grip on your arm and kept you standing up straight. "How about I get you to the bath first. We'll take it one step at a time."

You slowly nodded before the two of you walked into the bathroom. He sets you onto the the toilet seat and begins to run warm water. "Would you like some bubbles?" he asks. 

You nod a little, and he pours in some bubble bath into the warm water. 

"Do you want me to leave?" Taemin asks helping you stand.

Once again, you nod.

He helps you get into the tub before going into the corner of the bathroom with his back turned. "Tell me when and if you need anything."


Your POV~

“You can’t be in here.” I said.

“What? It’s not like I haven’t seen you before.” Taemin said, still facing the corner. He was right of course, but it still felt wrong, and I felt exposed.

“But..” I tried to argue, but I couldn’t get the words.

“Do you need help undressing?” He asked.

“No.” I said quickly.

“I promise I won’t turn around, I’ll be right here.”

“Fine.” I gave in. I started to take my clothes off slowly, and I felt like I was moving through molasses. Once I was removed of clothing, I checked to see if Taemin was still looking at the corner. He was. I looked in the mirror, and saw the multiple scars all over my body. I began to tear up at the sight of them. Taemin would never want to see me , not if I looked like this. I turned away from the mirror, not wanting to see my ugliness.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

“I’m fine. I’m getting in the water now.” I said, sticking a foot in the water. I slowly sunk in, and sighed in relief. It felt nice, but it suddenly began to sting. I winced, then looked at the water. The bubbles were soap, so I guessed that the soap was getting into my cuts and was hurting.

“Are you still okay?” He asked, checking in again.

“Yes. My cuts just hurt in the water.” I said.

“I thought you only had a few.” Taemin stated.

“I only have a few you can see. There aren’t many on my arms, or the bottom part of my legs. Its mostly my thighs and stomach area, and my chest a bit.” I said. Taemin continued to stare at the wall.

“I’m so sorry.” He said suddenly.

“Yeah? Me too.” I said, getting some shampoo for my hair. We sat in awkward silence for awhile, and I continued to sit in the bathtub. After awhile I wondered if I could drown myself. If I just stuck my head under the water, and didn’t come up for air. Half of me wanted to do it, the other half was scared that I had even thought of it. My scared half controlled my mouth.

“Taemin.” I said, my voice wavering.


“I-I think I need to get out of the tub now.” I said, but I couldn’t bring myself to unplug the drain. The half of me that wanted to die controlled my limbs.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“It’s- My thoughts are- I don’t think I should…” I choked out. Half of me was desperately crying out, saying get out of the tub, the over half was reminding me of my scars, and how tired I was, so why not sleep forever? Why not sleep in the water?

“Tae, close your eyes, and come unplug the drain please.” I asked, my voice hardly audible.

“I won’t be able to if my eyes are closed.” He said.

“Find. Tae, please.” My voice begged quietly. I closed my eyes, and hoped that if I was closing my eyes then it would feel like he couldn’t see him. I heard him move towards me, and my heart started pounding. He scared me,and I scared myself. I was so tired of being scared. I wouldn’t be scared if I was dead though. I started to sink in the water, my face finally going under.

“Caille?” I heard Taemin’s gargled voice. I was just so tired, so tired of being scared, so tired of fighting myself. I heard the drain in the bathtub. Part of me was elated, and relieved, the other part felt betrayed and frustrated.

“Caille?” I heard his voice again, above the surface. My lungs started to hurt.

“Caille!” He shouted, putting his hands in the water, he grabbed the nape of my neck, and pulled my head above the water. I started to cry immediately. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was alive, or if it was because I wasn’t dead. He lifted me out of the tub, and grabbed a towel quickly, to try and dry me off. I finally opened my eyes, and stood on my own two feet again.

“I’m sorry.” I sobbed. Taemin just gave me an odd look. I grabbed the towel from him and wrapped myself up quickly. I tried to walk to the bed, but I still couldn’t do it on my own, not quite yet. Taemin helped steady me, and helped me to the bed where he quickly let go of me.

“What happened, Caille?” He asked.

“I’m tired.” I said.

“So you want to sleep?” He asked.

“That’s what happened.” I tried to explain.

“I don’t understand.” Taemin said. I wiped my eyes.

“Can I have clothes please?” I asked.

“Of course, I’ll get you some pajamas.” He went into the closet and got me some homey pajamas. He then turned around to let me change. I threw the towel to the ground, and started to get dressed while on the bed. Once I was fully clothed, I told Taemin he could turn back around.

“So, explain to me what happened.” He said, sitting on the edge of the bed. It took all my willpower not to scoot away.

“It was like I had two mes. One me wanted to live, and one wanted to die. One told you to help, the other one put me underwater.” I said, not making eye contact.

“Which one of them is you?” He asked.


“We’ll talk about this later, how about you go to sleep now, okay? You did say you were tired.” Taemin said. I nodded. I laid down in the bed, moving my wet hair behind me, and quickly fell asleep. Before I was completely asleep, I felt Taemin’s hand on my cheek, and I could’ve sworn I heard him say the words, “I love you so much.”


Other POV~

Taemin took his hand off of Caille’s cheek, and headed towards the phone. He quickly called Jonghyun’s number.

“Hello?” He heard a groggy voice.

“Jonghyun, it happened. She tried to drown herself in the tub.” Taemin said nervously.

“Wait. How did you get her out? What happened?” Jonghyun said, sounding less groggy.

“She told me to come help her.”

“Before she tried to do it?”


There was a silence on the phone as Jonghyun’s brain worked.

“Jonghyun, I think she needs help of some sort.. Or.. or something. Or maybe I need help.. I feel overwhelmed doing all of this alone.” Taemin said. 

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Chapter 74: Aannnniiii i wanted her to be with Taemin
2026 streak #2
Chapter 85: OMG!!! I just finished reading this fic. It was really beautiful. I enjoyed a lot reading it.
But I just have a doubt... The first time when Caille was drugged, did she do it with Jonghyun or Taemin? Hope I'm not troubling you much with it. Hehe :D
Chapter 85: I absolutely love this story. I read it all in ONE DAY!!!!! I loved it!!!! Especially since she ended up with Jonghyun......(I'm a Blinger) AMAZING STORY AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!
Chapter 85: So sweet :) Good story :) although leaving Taemin made me kinda upset in the beginning...
Blackjack27 #5
Chapter 85: Yay I love the ending!! You are the best writer I have ever met!! XP
Chapter 85: Aww... Her happiness felt so short >.< (aka I wanted more chapters) lol
But I loved it ♥
Ayamegumi #7
Chapter 85: I loved this soooo much !!!! Thank you for writing this wonderful fanfiction!!!!!
Chapter 85: gahhh, that was actually amazing <333