How It All Started

Oh My Goodness! I Fell in Love With Author-nim






“You know I should be the one mad, right?”

SungYeol could be impulsive but he wasn’t clueless. It had been a while since he noticed the unusual way his friend was acting around him yet he couldn’t believe things were actually that bad between them.

“Mad?” WooHyun clicked his tongue trying his best to control himself.

After sharing a bedroom – life – with WooHyun for almost two years left SungYeol with no option but to know the guy better than his own mother.

Or at least, that’s what he had thought.

“Should I remind you who ditched me, once again, in the last minute for BleuBusters’ concert?” SungYeol crossed his arms. His eyes never losing contact with WooHyun’s sharp ones. 

“I told you something came up.”

One of the few things SungYeol was sure he knew about WooHyun was his usual habit of lying. He was a specialist when it came to tell lies. Same lies SungYeol was already immune to and still WooHyun had dared to tell them. Right in front of his face.

“Stop lying for god’s sake! I’m not an idiot!” SungYeol raised his voice hating the direct lie.

“Then don’t make me lie!” WooHyun raised his voice too, walking closer to his roommate. “Why don’t you get it, SungYeol?”

The question provoked a frown on the tall man’s forehead.  He was smart but not a psychic.

“The fact that we have so much in common and an open friendship doesn’t mean we have to do everything together,” WooHyun raised his hands to accentuate his words.

“We don’t do everything together.”

“Really? We both study law, we’ve been sharing the bedroom for god knows how long and most of our classes are together. Yeol, more than half of our friends are friends in common. We work in the same place! It’s a miracle our shifts are different!”

If there was another thing SungYeol knew well about WooHyun was his low touch when it came to talk. Just like him, their words tended to come cold and sharp. For WooHyun, if they weren’t lies, they were ugly truths.

It was funny how accurate WooHyun’s words were.

They did spent a lot of time together.

Did it bother him that much?


There was no need to try and reach out for the older college student. It was obvious what he wanted. There was no need to get rejected for the nth time by WooHyun.

“I’ll go out with KiBum and the guys at night. Don’t wait for me.”




♪  ♫ ♪  ♫



For being a Friday, the day wasn’t going so great in SungYeol’s life. Right after he left the scene of crime – or his shared dorm – he found out he had missed to hand out an important assignment and that he had forgotten to study for the short test their professor had informed them a week ago; same short test that was worth thirty percent of their monthly evaluation.

Guess who’s going to fail Commercial Treaty this month?

“Are you still mad at WooHyun?” A young man with light coloured hair asked as he leaned forward to place three iced coffee on the bar counter.

The question came just as SungYeol expected. He believed he was going to cry his eyes out right after it came – just like he had done before going to his morning classes – but it turned out differently.

“Why wouldn’t I?!” The tall college student answered loudly calling people’s attention. Quickly SungYeol controlled himself when a glare was directed at him. For being a young man Kim SungGyu had fierce eyes. “It’s not the first time that he ditches me in the last minute…”

“Maybe he had his reasons, SungYeol.”

SungYeol groaned deciding to shut his mouth with his coffee. There was no need to share WooHyun’s reasons to his boss.

“I should be the one mad at him, not you,” the young man sitting next to SungYeol finally spoke between a yawn. “I had to go in WooHyun’s place to the concert.”

SungGyu snorted. “Really? You went to BleuBusters’ concert? You know those guys have the craziest fans on earth, right?”

“Yah! Hoya should feel honored!” SungYeol intervened in the name of the Bleubelles.

“I don’t know how I came alive from there. But, seriously, Sunbae, I could’ve used that time to get some sleep,” Hoya sighed as he stirred his iced coffee. “If I get arrhythmia it’ll be your fault, Yeol-ah.”

“Stop drinking coffee, then.”

“So I can fall asleep in endo-sys? No thanks.”

“Endo-sys?” SungYeol slowly repeated the word.

“I think he just insulted you, SungYeol,” SungGyu murmured enjoying the not so humored expression on Hoya’s face. That was what the shortest man got for studying medicine.

Both males kept bothering the medicine student for a bit more until SungGyu’s attention diverted to the entrance door that had been opened. Forgetting about his friends the owner went to offer a glass of water and the menu to the arrived customer.

“I better go now. Unlike you, defender of the law, I’ve got four more classes to attend.”

Said that Hoya took two of the three iced coffees and stood from the tall white chair. Lazily, he waved goodbye to SungGyu.

“Good luck on not falling asleep,” SungYeol grinned as he eyed his friend leave.

Apart from WooHyun the only close friend he actually had was Hoya – they had known each other since they were toddlers. It wasn’t that he didn’t got along with others, he was a really, like really, sociable person. But SungYeol always kept a delicate distance from people. Yes, he talked to them, and yes, he never created a deeper bond with them. WooHyun and Hoya were enough for him.

Though it seemed it was too much for WooHyun.

“Yah, I hired you to serve not to daydream in my counter,” SungGyu’s voice woke SungYeol from his thoughts.  

“Sorry,” a sloppy smile covered the taller student’s lips.

“Whatever,” SungGyu shrugged. “Get me a white mocha with double shot of coco and single shot vanilla for the guy at the corner.”

“Whoa, that’s a lot of sugar,” SungYeol scrunched his nose before standing up from the chair.

Roughly, he fixed his black apron, took his iced coffee and walked to the other side of the bar. Even if he didn’t have a sweet tooth – he was more like a meat kind of guy – he had the gift of preparing delicious sweet drinks and SungGyu wasn’t planning to let go of that knack.

Plus, the boss loved to order him around.

“So, how was the concert?” SungGyu asked after a while as he leaned on the sink. His hands were busy drying the white porcelain cups.  

“It was a blast!” All the scowling and depression thoughts SungYeol had before disappeared when the memories from yesterday came to his mind. A gigantic smile covered his face. “Once again my love for them was reborn! It had been so long since I last went to one! Oh my goodness, they are just amazing!”

“I’ve known you for a while now but I still can’t get what you like so much about them.”

“What?! Their vocals are out from Korea. Their dancing skills, I mean, their synchronization is perfect. Do you know how many hours a day the practice? They are the gods of perseverance.” SungYeol stood up straighter as his words came out. He looked so proud talking about his boys. “And they have the best looks in all Korea. No Idol can match their looks.”

“They are guys,” SungGyu gagged.

“Also, all of them are hard working people. Before they were a bit awkward in programs but they were never boring! They are so much fun on TV and on the radio too!” SungYeol beamed as he shook the whipped cream bottle. His contagious excitement never reached his boss’ face. “You have to see all their programs! Also all the members have charming personalities, their leader, BooHyun for instance—”

“And I won’t ever get it,” SungGyu cut him as he passed him the cinnamon powder. If he didn’t do it now there was no way the tall male was going to shut up later.

SungYeol groaned. “If you just gave them a chance, Boss.”

“I don’t like K-pop.”

With that SungGyu ended their conversation before he walked to the right corner of the bar counter. A short teenage girl was standing there, close to the cash register, obviously ready to pay her bill. 

SungYeol risked his life by murmuring, well, rock , while taking the finished white mocha.

Smoothly, the waiter walked out of the bar – and far from his boss’ grip – and directed himself to their newest customer. The guy was seating in the far corner facing the windows so it took a while for SungYeol to see the mocha guy’s face.

When he was at a close distance he stopped.

If he wasn’t wrong this guy was a freshman at their university. He was studying something boring like economics or software engineering—don’t mind SungYeol, he didn’t really remember.

When SungYeol renewed his relaxed steps he noticed the way the younger male was looking at the screen of his laptop. The waiter could only suppose the customer was preparing a project or something for their studies, they were about to start the project’s week, but this idea got changed when SungYeol noticed that the guy was actually posting a photo in what seemed his Tumblr. And that photo…

“Isn’t that MoonSoo and SunKyu from BleuBusters?”

SungYeol couldn’t stop himself from asking a bit too excited as he leaned forward to see the picture better.

“Oh my goodness, I’m right!”

The happiness in SungYeol’s face cracked when his eyes met the sharp ones of the customer. And he thought his boss had piercing eyes.

“Oh! Sorry, I just couldn’t stop myself from getting excited about them,” SungYeol stood up straight as a stupid smile bloomed in his lips. “I’ve seen you before. You’re a freshman at S University. Kim, Kim MyungSoo, right?”

As soon as the name left SungYeol’s lips the younger man’s features tightened a bit making the waiter grin.

“Ha, I knew it.”

SungYeol’s grin widened before he placed the mocha drink next to the laptop. His eyes scanning the screen once more. The quality of the picture was impressive.

“Those stage clothes look like the ones they used in their past concert.”

“They are.”

It was the first time SungYeol had listened MyungSoo’s voice, and just like he had heard from the campus rumours, the voice was the monotony itself yet he had no time to point that out for he was busy trying to swallow his fanboyish scream.

Quickly the waiter did a squat close to the coffee table, letting his eyes see better the high quality image; face too close to the screen. Oh god, they looked gorgeous with their exposed arms and tight dark pants while holding the microphone close to their lips. They looked perfect even with their hair covered in sweat. Specially MoonSoo who seemed he was about to—

“Really?! Did you go there?” SungYeol turned to look at MyungSoo’s emotionless face. A short nod was given and that was enough to make SungYeol open his mouth wide. “I was there too! Where were you?!”



SungYeol’s eyes popped at the answer. How come this freshman guy had gone to BleuBusters concert? And to platinum zone? And those professional pictures? Without having too much common sense in his head SungYeol broke MyungSoo’s personal space as he leaned closer to his face. Pores and everything could be seen from that short distance.

“Are you a Bluebelle?”

The answer to that pretty obvious question never came since SungYeol found his body meeting gravity when he fell backwards flat on the bamboo floor. Unfortunately it hadn’t been the gravity’s job but someone’s hand.

“Yah!” SungYeol groaned as he looked up to see who had been the one.

The colour from his cheeks instantly got drained.

“Stop harassing our customers or I’ll personally call the authorities,” SungGyu’s hissing voice reached the core of his bones.

“B-boss, I was just—” SungYeol, being his optimistic self, tried to talk things with his boss but he was being plainly ignored as he was pulled by his shirt’s neck.

What an embarrassing scene.


The called man did stop but just to lower his head to look at his employee.

Who would’ve thought those small eyes could show so much hatred?



♪  ♫ ♪  ♫



Now that SungYeol found himself in his empty bedroom he cursed under his breath. He should’ve gone to the Medicine dorms and nag Hoya to hang out but he was such a good friend he decided to let the poor student get some sleep.

Those dark circles were starting to get scary.

Wanting nothing more but to feel at ease SungYeol kicked with all his strength WooHyun’s desk. Seeing the pencils and papers scattered after his action did help him feel better, yet it wasn’t enough.

“Bastard,” SungYeol murmured this time kicking his roommate’s bed before he plopped on his own mattress. Suddenly he felt how close their beds actually were. 

“Aish!” he groaned while squirming his body, adding more mess to his tangled sheets.

Suddenly he sat straight on his bed, his gaze quickly turning to the clock he had on top of his desk. As expected, it was pretty early to sleep but he didn’t feel like going out. Maybe SungYeol was a masochist that wanted to rot in his bedroom while having WooHyun’s words repeating like a broken disk on his head.

Yes, WooHyun was right. They did spent a lot of time together. Back in high school when SungYeol met WooHyun, thanks to Hoya, they had a pretty distant relationship. If they meet was because of said friend in common, but when they reached last year of high school things changed between them. Especially when they got to know they were enrolled to the same career in the same university.

It had been great news for them when they had found out they were going to share a dorm in the faculty’s dormitories.

WooHyun didn’t waste time to present SungYeol to his friends and their friendship got tighter when they found out both had the same gray limited edition shirt. Quickly the roommates found how alike they were. They had lots of things in common and without them noticing the time they spent together started to grow.

None of them had noticed. None of them had minded it.

Until that moment. 

“Aish!” SungYeol said for a second time as he felt his eyes sting. If he gave more thoughts to what their friendship was embracing at the moment SungYeol was sure he was going to cry another river.

Stupid, sensible side. I hate you.

Crawling on the mess of sheets, SungYeol reached for his iPad before throwing himself back on the mattress.

“That self-centered bastard,” SungYeol murmured clicking a bit too hard on the screen to unlock the tablet.

The only way SungYeol could stop thinking about WooHyun’s words was by distracting himself and there was no better way of doing that than reading a good classic. No, it wasn’t something among Pride and Prejudice or Nana, oh no, it came more along Anterograde Tomorrow or Arbitrage.

Yes, fandom classics.


How did he end up in that different world was something SungYeol didn’t really know. One moment he was buying BleuBusters’ first single and the next one he was reading something his healthy mind would have never imagined. He was in his last year of junior high when he first met that unique world named fanfiction.

Fiction after fiction, summary after summary, SungYeol started to learn more about this special internet world. As the lecture increased SungYeol started to analyze the fictions better. Some of them were pretty good. Some lacked in sense. A few were good to pass a good time. There were some perfectly written ones and others with lots of empty spots and lack of characterization. Some were dark and other pure crack. Some made him wonder about his life and others made him imagine things he had never heard of. The fanfiction world was too wide, it had everything. It could please whatever taste people had.

As the months passed, SungYeol learned what he was more into and what he didn’t really like to read. As he kept reading he got a bit – a lot – more open minded.

SungYeol would never forget that night when he found the existence of a great author, Lkimnit.

He was getting stressed since none of the summaries he had read were to his likes; he was just scrolling down and catching a few words that didn’t manage to call his attention. That was until he saw it, at almost three in the morning, Mockingbird

From then on SungYeol kept reading every single fiction Lkimnit wrote on his blog on Tumblr. His writing was addictive and they always managed to reach deep into his soul.

And that’s what SungYeol needed at the moment, something that could conquer all his feelings and kick WooHyun from his thoughts.

With quick fingers SungYeol opened Google Chrome on his iPad just to find his Tumblr open.


You see, SungYeol had a slight addiction to that specific site. Whenever he opened the home page he would find a hard time to stop himself from watching all the different post on it. He usually stopped when he reached the last post he had seen, or when he had five minutes to reach his next class. Sometimes less.

Unconsciously, the college student pressed the down arrow as his eyes registered the different post from the people he followed. There were plenty of pictures of BleuBusters and other idols he found either lovely or fun. There were some quotes. A few Disney post. And lot of stunning photos from all over the world.

His fingers stopped moving when a certain post called his attention. It was from Lkimnit.


Talk to me

Who would’ve thought a voice could make the simplest things sound better?

Coffee sounds good in my head now...

I guess good things can happen even to people like me.


There was a sincere smile on SungYeol’s face as he read the post. Apart from the fanfiction, SungYeol liked to see the beautiful pictures Lkimnit took and the small post he wrote. They were short but real.

Too personal but too open to actually understand.

As SungYeol kept looking the past post, some pictures from BleuBusters’ last concert appeared. He knew there was a stupidly wide grin on his face by then but he didn’t care. There wasn’t WooHyun to about it.

“Ah, I saw that one already,” came SungYeol’s low murmur when his eyes posed on a certain image. SunKyu and MoonSoo looked gorgeous with their exposed arms and tight dark pants. The grip to their microphones defined their muscles. The idols looked perfect even with their hair covered in sweat. Specially MoonSoo who seemed he was a bout to—“What?!”

In not even a second SungYeol was sitting cross-legged as he pulled the tablet closer to his face. 

It surely was the same picture he had seen on the mocha guy’s laptop. And the post was certainly not reblogged.

Who would’ve thought? SungYeol was actually following MyungSoo’s blog on Tumblr.

“What a small world,” SungYeol was amused with the small discovery. That was until his eyes caught the name MyungSoo was using.

“No way…”

Last time he checked SungYeol wasn’t dyslexic. Yet he found himself re-reading the username over and over again just to be sure. Maybe it was a mistake or the name was pretty similar.

Because, it just couldn’t be.


It was just impossible.

Feeling his head getting clouded by the biggest enigma he was about to reveal, SungYeol squinted his eyes as he clicked the way too similar display picture from MyungSoo’s blog. 

Why was his Internet connection so quick?

“Oh my goodness!”

Quickly his hands went to cover his face as the poor iPad fell, screen facing the dark bed sheets. A yelp bloomed from SungYeol’s lips before he took the tablet again.

He had hoped for the image to change the second time he saw but for his misfortune it was still there. The post he had read before, the picture of a fluffy cat, the photographs from BleuBuster’s last concert, the heart-warming background and the legible yet pale font.

The five year old enigma had been unintentionally unveiled.

“Oh my goodness Kim MyungSoo is Lkimnit!”



Author's notes

So, how was it for being my first non angst chapter?

Big thanks to my 30 subscribers! and the ones to come too! 

Hopefuly this first chapter keeps you interested in my fic and doesn't disappoint you..

If you don't tell me I won't know! Please leave a pretty comment :3



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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm officially starting to write chapter 6. This fanfic isn't forgotten! :D


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octuyet #1
Chapter 1: So i'm here, back to asianfanfics after 3 years. Well, life will take me away again, that's why I understand why most of on-going fanfics on my subscription stop updating (kinda sad tho, but who am i to blame lol). Your fic has the latest update, so here I am. Well, this brings back memory, and regardless of what happens, I'm still glad that I got to know your fic. Hope life isn't so rough, wish you luck, and maybe after few years when i'm back, I will see the word "finished" on some on-going fics lol
Chapter 1: Ohmaig what a gem
Chapter 5: I hope you update soon! I really like this story line :)
yuunii #4
I really like the idea of Yeol-fanboy/reader and Myung-author :D Don't forget about this story, Author-nim. It would be a pity! ;))
I just started reading this last night and i am totally completely hooked! Lol fanboying yeol is just too darn precious. Update soon <3
Endlessgame #6
Chapter 5: Author-nim Please update soon! !!!! :)
Chapter 5: I loved reading this story up until now. As all your stories, it has a special feeling to it which personally, I enjoy very much! I had downloaded all your stories for offline reading during holidays, so that's why I never commented on anything, but I have become an avid reader of yours. Sometimes I even get the real facts and the facts from your stories mixed up and I need to re-google Infinite, hahaha. Please keep up the good work - me encanta! :)
Keyq1998 #8
Chapter 5: Cute>< i like it! Please update soon!
Chapter 5: Hahhaahhahahahah omg Myungsoo and Sungyeol are damn cute. Your story is pretty adorbs too! Update soon please, author nim~
Awwww! well I can be patient! I loooove this fic so much~