

Kyungsoo is cast out of his tribe for something he cannot control, and Jongin takes him in.


im editing the out of this fic atm, the chapters will go back up as i finish them

[primitive] this fic has become such a chore to me so i think im goin to just.let it goo..


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Nellygjj #1
Chapter 7: Aghhhhh estoy triste justo ahora πŸ˜”
crissyjae #2
Pleaseeeeee continue this!! ???
Shion_x #3
I knew this was discontinued but it is so good that I kept reading it anyway, but now I'm suffering ;;
However thank you Author nim for such beautiful chapters !!! ;;;
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 7: Although the story is discontinued but i really loved reading it. It's so beautifully written . Fighting on your future projects
lashy337 #5
I just came to check up on this story because I think about it a lot, and saw you've discontinued it... ToT I understand not having inspiration for something and don't want you to force yourself to write it, but I'll still be hoping in my heart you'll continue it someday.

Author-nim fighting!
This has been one of my favorite fics since I started the exo fandom, I love the world you set up and all the lore around the tribes, I know you don't have the drive to get back into writing it, but I just wanted to let you know it's close to my heart :)
Hug's, don't push yourself into this story if you can't feel it. Maybe you need to take some time off with this story and focus on something else. IF by then you come back and this wonderful story is still not in your heart, then maybe it's for the best to let it go. Or if you feel you can trust someone who will do justice and the way you want your story to go, then give it to said person. It's all up to you though. I will stand by you any which way.
Aw i saw your feed regarding this fic and it feeling like a chore and... *whispers* letting it go.. T__T *ugly sobbing cause I love this fic*
Don't force yourself if inspiration is being a b**th
We can wait, I promise you we can. I WILL!!
But you're the author and this is your fic so I'll support you in whatever you decide! ^^
Chapter 6: Loving the story, I've read kaisoo fics similar to this AU, but never with this type of plot. Can't wait for an update:)