


Yixing's morning had started out like any other.
He got up, put the coffee on, got in the shower, and then made himself a hearty nutritional breakfast of eggs and toast, all the while yawning widely and wishing the coffee would finish faster. 
Maybe it's finally time to get a new coffee pot, he thought offhandedly as he turned to check and see if it was done yet, only to nearly run into a ridiculously tall stranger who was all of a sudden standing there in the middle of his kitchen, wearing only a pair of boxers and what looked like one of Kris's old t-shirts. He had a strange, almost threatening aura around him, and his eyes narrowed as he stared down at Yixing, obviously confused.
“Who are you?” He asked.
Yixing spluttered. “Who am I?” He gasped, “I'm Yixing! This is my house!” He stumbled back and picked up the closest weapon-like object he could – a spatula – and brandished it at the creepy unfamiliar guy who looked way too sleepy to be a burglar.
The creepy tall guy stared at him, “Oh. You're Yixing.” He gave him a small, reserved smile. “Nice to meet you.”
Yixing's mouth fell open.
“Yixing, is something wrong?” Kris walked into the kitchen then, a frown marring his features, “I thought I heard someone shouting.”
I was shouting!” Yixing exclaimed. 
Kris blinked at him. “Why?”
Aghast, Yixing pointed his spatula at the creepy tall guy who still hadn't explained his presence, quite ready to start screaming . “Him!
Kris suddenly looked sheepish. “Oh … whoops.”
“Whoops?” Yixing echoed tersely. “What do you mean whoops?
“I mean, this is Tao,” Kris stepped closer to the creepy, ridiculously tall guy – who Yixing now saw was actually shorter than Kris – and smiled. “He's …” he glanced at Tao who smiled and nodded, as if giving him permission, before turning back to Yixing, “He's my boyfriend.”
Yixing dropped his spatula.
“Yeah,” Kris laughed a little sheepishly, running a hand through his hair, “I would've told you earlier, but we got home really late last night and then I sort of forgot that you didn't know each other yet, so yeah. Sorry about the confusion.”
“No, uh, it's – it's alright.” Yixing stammered, swallowing hard. Oh. Boyfriend.
Kris moved to pick up the fallen spatula, “It's okay if he stays, right?”
Yixing sighed heavily and nodded, giving up. It wasn't like it made any difference to him anyway whether there was one more person living there. “Yeah, sure. Whatever.” He glanced at Tao, noticing that he wasn't as creepy as he'd originally thought, and offered him a friendly smile, “I'm Yixing.”
Kris took Tao's hand, “Hey, Yixing, would you mind making us some of those eggs too? I want to show Tao something real quick.”
“Sure, sure,” Yixing said, “Just make sure to keep it down, will you? I don't really need to know about the inner workings of your lives.”
Tao flushed such a bright color of red at that comment that Yixing honestly thought he was going to catch fire. “U-uh, we're not … I mean, we haven't ...”
“Ignore him,” Kris said, sending Yixing a glare. “He's just jealous because he's not getting any.” Then, with an extremely douchey grin, he pulled a still-blushing Tao out of the kitchen, flipping Yixing off over his shoulder as he left.
Yixing pouted heavily, not even caring that he'd burnt his breakfast.



I had a lot of fun writing this.


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AnimeNightcoreKitty #1
Chapter 3: I loved the story but I can't stop laughing when Yixing picks up I spatula XD
alicemusic666 #2
That was so sweet. I love the beginning.
Chapter 3: wow..cool~ so do tao gets his eternity outside the temple? ^^
Chapter 1: I just freaked when I saw vrijeme in italic. A word from my first language akjbdfakbfskdbfskjbgfskd <33
how??? seriously... how does everything you write turn into gold??? you're making me jealous. this is brilliant. and i really really hate asking people to write more, i usually think it's insulting, because that's where your brain told you to end the story, but i'd love to see what else would happen. how is tao not flipping out about all of the new things he sees or how kris explains the appearance of a new person... *looks around* oh gods i need to write more stuff
Chapter 3: Wooowwwwwwwww. I love it!!
Chapter 3: wah this is amazing and sweet and i love the whole idea but im just wondering, will Tao keep his eternal life? what would happen to Kris if he did? Im sorry for asking questions im just curious but i have no complaints on the story i always love your writing!
Chapter 3: /wails/
i loved this so so so much ;A;
ChubbyChoco17 #9
Chapter 3: hee hee hee :D nice ending <3 That was a good story :D