Number 024

Love's Fate

Your eyes widened as you stared at them. Indeed, you were taken back at how Beast's stage presence was so strong and it appeared like as if they had this glowing aura around them. The crowd screamed and cheered with much enthusiasm as they waved and smiled. And your brain started to register their faces. 'Dongwoon, Yoseob, Hyunseung, Junhyung, Kikwang, Doojoon.' And surprisingly, you managed to say names in your mind as you scanned them from right to left.

"SO BEAST! Annyeong-hasaeyo! Beast Imnida!" The six of them said in unison and bowed 90° towards the audience while fans screamed in response.

Fans were saturated in happiness as they screamed for their idols. "DONGWOON OPPA!!!!!!! HYUNSEUNG OPPA!!!!!!!" You could hear B2UTIES behind you screaming. "JUNHYUNG OPPA!!!!!!! DOOJOON OPPA!!!!!!!" Eun Mi tried to get them to look at her fanboard. "KIKWANG OPPA!!! SARANGHAE!!!!!!" The girl beside you did a heart with her hands. "YOSEOBBIE!!!!!!" You heard someone shouting. You rolled your eyes at how B2UTIES tried possibly everything to get perhaps just a simple wave from their idols.

It wasn't long before Doojoon finally spoke, "B2UTIES~! We can't thank you all enough for coming today! KAMSAHAMNIDA~!!!" Yoseob spoke after that, Yeah~ We really appreciate your support all this while~ Please stay with us in the future as well!" And slowly, the noise within the audience disappeared. "Yes~ B2UTIES, we are really so thankful. Thank you so much for watching over us." Junhyung continued as everyone listened. "Deh~ We will work harder to show a better side of us. We will do our best for B2UTIES!" Kikwang said his piece before Dongwoon added, "Yeh~ Let's stick together B2UTIES~ Thank you, genuinely. JINJJA KAMSAHAMNIDA~!!!" Beast flashed sincere smiles and bowed to show their gratitude towards B2UTIES.

"B2UTIES SARANGHAE!" Yoseob exclaimed and did a heart with his hands. B2UTIES screamed in happiness and excitement. 'It's all just a show...duh!' You rolled your eyes at how fake and scripted everything sounded but you still clapped, while keeping a straight expressionless face, because you didn't want to be rude.

"Do you all want to hear our debut song?" Dongwoon grinned. "We'll perform Bad Girl now~!" Kikwang announced. 'WHUT. It's such a ridiculous name.' You dreaded the performance but you still continued clapping.

The music started playing and Eun Mi turned to you and said, loud enough for you to hear, "YOU'RE SO GONNA LOVE THIS SONG _______!" You just nodded and awkwardly smiled.

B2UTIES were singing along and chanting their names in unison. And you? You started staring into space, not showing any interest at all."Pffft.. This is so... Boring." You murmured. After awhile, you finally shifted your attention to Beast's performance. 'This is hopelessly boring...' you sighed. And shortly after the performance ended, fans cheered and screamed even louder. "This song is really awesome right?!" Eun Mi raved. "Well, not that bad." you lied. 'Not bad? It was terrible!!! BUT YES!!!!!! I survived the first song!' You smiled to yourself and clapped.

"Hmm... What's the next song, Junhyung?" Hyunseung said to Junhyung. "Every day I shock?" Junhyung raised an eyebrow. "SHOCK!!!!!!" B2UTIES shouted in response. "Yeah~ Shock is next up!" Kikwang beamed. Beast went to their positions and the song started playing. 

'I can survive this!' You tried to convince yourself. But no, you almost died from the boredom. On the other hand, B2UTIES were enjoying every second of the performance—singing and chanting. 'This is worse than Bad Girl!' Shortly after, you unintentionally yawned without covering your mouth and you were hoping no one noticed that. But something caught you off guard, Kikwang, he was looking at you—you were sure. You immediately covered your mouth and he laughed. You didn't know what to do so you awkwardly looked away. 

"OH MY GOSH!!! KIKWANG WAS SMILING AT YOU!!!!!! I SWEAR! I SAW IT!!!" Eun Mi nudged you and shrieked. "Don't be foolish, why would he even look at me?" you laughed it off. But you knew exactly why he was looking at you. 'FML!!! He didn't just see me yawn without covering my mouth right?!?' You were panicking and you had no idea why. 'Why am I panicking? I SHOULDN'T EVEN CARE!' You tried to calm yourself down. 

Soon after, Shock ended and you finally got the courage to look at Beast again. 'YESHHH! He isn't looking at me anymore! And I survived the second song!!!' You couldn't wait for the fanmeet to end and go home. You smiled at that thought, but unknowingly, you actually smiled in the direction of Kikwang. He saw your smile and thinking that you were smiling at him, he smiled and waved.

"DID YOU SEE THAT!!!!!! HE WAVED AT YOU!!!!!! LEE KIKWANG FREAKING WAVED AT YOU!!!!!! I'M SUPER SURE HE DID!!!!!!" Eun Mi screamed. B2UTIES waved back at him and the girl beside you exclaimed, "KIKWANG WAVED AT ME!!!" You rolled your eyes at her because you knew that he was surely waving at you and you started to find him rather cute. In fact, your attention was entirely on him during the next performance, Soom.

'ARGH! PABO YAH! You're not supposed to like anyone of them.' You lightly slapped yourself. "I think Kikwang likes you." Eun Ae joked. You looked at him and there he was, pointing at you and laughing. You blushed and gave him an awkward smile. He smiled back and teased you by doing what you just did—lightly slapping himself. B2UTIES screamed while you laughed at his foolishness.

"What shall we do now?" Yoseob pouted as he asked the audience. B2UTIES screamed for more performances and games. "Did I hear games?" Yoseob beamed with excitement. "B2UTIES~ Yes! It's time for games!" Dongwoon declared. "Each of us would draw out one ticket stub from this box!" Doojoon explained as he held out the box in his hands. B2UTIES screamed and cheered, hoping they would be the 'lucky ones'.

"Please...please...let me get chosen!" Eun Mi pleaded. Many B2UTIES started to cross their fingers and pray to be the 'lucky one'. While you, on the other hand, you crossed your fingers hoping that you wouldn't get chosen. "Doojoon and Kikwang will draw 2 ticket stubs for the first game!" Yoseob said. 

Doojoon started to dig his hand into the box for the ticket stub. "Number 5...6...7!!!" Doojoon said aloud. Someone from behind screamed and ran forward to the stage. You looked at your ticket stub, it was number 024, thankfully. And then it was Kikwang's turn, he started to search for the 'lucky' ticket stub in the box. You crossed your fingers while chanting in your heart, 'Please let it not be me, please let it not be me, please let it...-' "Number 0..." 'WHAT THE HELL." Eun Mi and the girl next to you started hyperventilating. "...2..." Kikwang continued. 'NOT ME, PLEASE!!!' You started to worry. "...4!!!" Kikwang exclaimed. 


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Chapter 5: I clicked on the button 'random stories' and landed on yours...and I loved it!! it's really good and super cute! keep it up :D
#2 Hello there! SOrry for advertising here but mind subscribing to my fic :"D thanks :3
meiwai #3
OMFG i don't know why i was so excited reading this chapter LOL you really write well!! and this story is really interesting!!! then... this means they are meant to be? haha <br />
please, update soon~!! ^^
Beast_79 #4
Sooo cute! love it, please update.
That was so cute ! Update soon !
Omgeeeeee~ heh xD update sooooooon~ ^^
pewpewmallow #7
She was picked ! :DDD If she was me... I think I'd die! :D<br />
Update soon !
Wah !! She is so lucky ! Update soon !
Stellastarry #9
Hehe eun mi! :) BB ah!! Awesome fanfic! ^^ hwaiting!