It was Luna. She was smiling at me and she say, “Hey, dinner’s ready.”


Just when I’m going out from the room, Luna-unnie pulled me by the hand and told me to sit down on my bed.

“Waeh?” I ask her when she sit downs beside me.

She looks at me and said, “Can you tell me what’s bothering you, Sulli?”

“Aigoo…it’s nothing, unnieee..” I stand up. “Let’s just eat, my stomach been aching with some food now.”

“Sulli-ah. You’re telling me it’s just nothing, when you keep acting today as if it’s been the worst day of your life?”

“You don’t have to worry about me, unnie. I can handle it myself.”

But Luna stand up too and she put her both hands on her waist. Like a big sister lecturing her little sis. But it’s a little funny because I’m taller than her and she’s looking up at me.

“I’m your unnie, Sulli-ah. You can tell me all your problems and don’t just try to hide it all by yourself. You know, I can’t take it every time I see you looking so lonely. Even Vic-umma, talks to me about it too. She also worry about you. You can share it with us.”

I sigh and looks down at the floor. “I’m sorry if I get you two worry about me. Even though I tried to hide it from both of you, you still know me so well that you can sense it by just looking at me even though I’m not telling anything.”

“That’s why we called as your unnies.” Said Luna and she brush my growing hair using her hand. “Come over here, let’s talk about your problem now.”

We both sat down on my bed again.

“So….you can tell me anything now…”

I took a deep breath and started. “M-my real problem is….”

Luna-unnie look at me and waited for my next words. But I find it hard to say those words.



Her….” I whisper.

“Sorry? I didn’t hear it well.”

I look at her and whisper again. “It’s her….”

Her eyebrows furrowed and after a few seconds sinking in the words in her brain, she said, “Her? Who do you- OHH!”

Luna’s facial expression becomes funny. Her eyes become wide and shaping like an O like a gold fish’ mouth. Then she look at me.

She is your problem?”

I nod my head. And I think, she gets who I’m referring too easily. She can read my mind so well.

“Then, I’m so right all this time.” She said and clap her hands.

“Why you say so?” I curiously ask.

“Because every time I see you, looking at her  from a distant, there were sadness in your eyes. And I just noticed that this past few days, you two are not hanging out with each other lately.

I hung my head down. And sigh. “You’re right.”

“But I’m still curious if what’s the reason behind all this, Ssul."

I laugh sarcastically. “Even me don’t know the answer.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“I don’t know. It’s just happened.”

“Omo! It can’t be. There must be something wrong that’s why all this thing is happening to both of you.” She continued. “Did you try asking her about this?”

I shook my head. “Not yet.”

“Aishh. Waeh?”

“Can’t find the right timing for us.”

Luna ruffles my hair. “Can’t find the right timing? You can always talk to her whenever you want. Even today, you can talk to her right now. You want me to call her?”

I protest immediately. “No! I’m not ready yet!”

“Omo! That’s your problem, Sulli-ah. You are too afraid to ask her, that’s why you have many doubts on your self now.

“How can I talk to her when she’s all busy talking with Amber?” I burst out. My anger is letting out now.

Luna was shocked by my sudden outburst. is hanging openly again. We both become quite for one minute. Then, she speak. “You’re jealousness is taking over your feelings, Sulli-ah. You still don’t ask Krystal about all of this, and you’re judging her without even asking her reasons.”

It hit me. Maybe, Luna-unnie was right. But, I still can’t think of any reason why Krystal had a sudden change towards me.

“I didn’t do anything to her, unnie. She just change so suddenly, then she keeps ignoring me. It was her who started this first, and I can’t take down my pride on her this time. She should be the one who talks to me first.” I said.

“But you know Krystal, she has a lots of pride.”

“If she really wants to talk to me, she will do it. But if she wants to ignore me forever, let her be. That’s what she wanted.” I said coldly.


Creakkkkk… Me and Luna both jump when the door suddenly open and Vic-umma’s face slip in the door.

“Yah! You two, why it’s taking long for you to go out here? Dinner’s ready, it’s gonna gets cold if you two don’t eat it now.”

I stand up. I guess, I already cleared out my problems to Luna. And I don’t want to eat cold food through this cold weather.

“Yeah, we’re going to eat now, umma.” I said. I don’t wait for Luna-unnie’s reply. I immediately get out from the room but I can tell  that she and Vic-umma exchange look behind my back as I rushed towards the dining room where Krystal and Amber was waiting for us.




I’m sitting in between Victoria and Luna while Krystal and Amber sitting in front of us. Victoria-umma cooked 4 different kind of dishes for tonight’s dinner and I still it enjoyed even though Krystal keeps flirting with Amber in front of us.

The two of them sharing food with each other and I tried all my best just to ignore them. As Luna knowing what my problem was, she told Krystal and Amber not to flirt in front of the food.

“Yahhh, we’re not flirting, Luna.” Said Amber, “Krystal was just being sweet.”

“That’s not called being sweet. She only does it to you, so that’s called flirting.”

“Unnie, why would I flirt with her?” said Krystal smirking while putting some food on Amber’s plate.

“Aishhh…just stop it, you two. I can’t even take it any longer.”

“Waeh?” ask Krystal and Amber in unison.

“’Coz…” Luna were speaking while having some food inside . “It’s disgusting” Then some food fly outside from .

We all sniggered.

“It was you who’s disgusting, unniiieee!” said Krystal. “Look! Some food let out from your mouth.”

“Aisshhhh, “Vic-umma stated, “Don’t talk when your mouth is full, Luna.”

Luna gulped down all her food. She drunk some water and wipe . “Okay. Sorry-sorry, guys.” She giggled.

I quietly laugh then I noticed there still some food left over in Luna-unnie’s side lips.

“Omo…unnie. There’s some leftover on your lips.” Then I reach some tissue and wipe it off her.

“Ohh..thanks, Sulli-ah.”

I just smiled at her. But I accidentally look at Krystal and I saw her looking at me. We made eye contact for a second then she look away from me and she starts giving her food some attention. I heard her heavy sigh as I watch her picking her food but she’s not eating it.

That’s Krystal mannerism whenever she is uncomfortable or something’s bothering her. She just keeps picking on her food and looking at it, as if that was the most interesting thing to look in the world.

Then a question went on my mind. Why all of a sudden, she becomes uncomfortable? I mean, just earlier she was all smiled flirting with Amber then now, she change her mood suddenly?

A crazy idea went on my mind. Did Krystal saw when I just wiped the leftover on Luna’s lips and then she becomes jealous over it?

Omooo… impossible! Stop thinking about impossible thing, Choi Sulli!

But I look at her again. Hmmm… I think I need to do it again for confirmation if she’s really jealous over Luna-unnie. You’re really crazy, Sulli.

“Unnie, “ I called Luna.


“You’re too cute when there some food spitting out from your mouth.” I said while giggling.

Victoria, Luna and Amber laugh. But Krystal’s interest was all over her food.

“Why do you find it cute? They said, it’s disgusting.” Said Luna.

“No, for me, it’s not. You’re too cute. Can you do it again? Talk while your mouth is full then try to spit some food and I’m going to wipe it off you again.”

The three of them can’t stop laughing when I said that. But still, Krystal gives the expression like she was bored or something.

“Crazy kid!” Vic-umma ruffles my head while laughing.

“Aigoo…what’s so funny?”

“You!” said Luna and Amber in unison.


The laughter volume down then Vic-umma noticed that Krystal were not eating her food anymore.

“Hey, Sooung, you don’t like the food? Why did you stop eating?”

“I-I’m full, Vic-umma.”

“Are you sure? You just eat a little.”

She smile not showing her teeth. “I’m really full. I guess, I need to go home now. The rain already stop.”

“You already going home?” ask Amber.


“Oh, want me to accompany you through your house?”


Luna said, “Yeah. And Ssul, go with them.

I look at unnie. I guess, I know what she wanted to happen. I turn to look at Krystal’s expression if there’s any approval. But I was disappointed when she look at me coldly then she said, “It’s just a disturbance to Sulli. Amber’s company is fine with me. And besides, my house is just 3 minutes away from here.”

I didn’t say anything.

Vic-umma stand up. “I’m going to wrap some food. Bring some to your family.”

“Okay, umma."

It becomes awkward afterwards while the four of us sitting there in front of the food while Victoria getting the wrapper from the kitchen. I already lost my appetite knowing, Krystal doesn’t want my company anymore.

I stand up and excused my self that I’m already done eating. I go to the kitchen sink and wash my own dishes.

Luna followed me and she whisper something in my ear, “Why didn’t you told Krystal that it’s not a disturbance to you accompanying her home?”

I just shrug. “It’s no use when she don’t want me anymore.”

“But what if she’s just playing hard to get towards you?”

I laugh sarcastically. “I don’t have time for playing hard to get, unnie.”

“Then, you should go straight to the point.”

I dry my wet hands on the towel. I didn’t answer Luna. I walk away from the kitchen but she still following me and trying to pull my arms to talk to me. Victoria, Krystal and Amber look up when we reach the dining area. That was the moment when Luna was holding into me. Then she let go of me when she saw the intriguing look from the faces of the three.

I just shrug and don’t care anymore. I go into the bedroom and l lay on my bed feeling so cold. I wrap myself into the big blanket and closed my eyes. I need something to keep me warm.

There is someone that I need the most right now. But she decided to ignore me again this time.

Suddenly I feel something hot against my skin. And I realized it was my tears streaming down from my face.

Why Soojung, Why?

I fall asleep thinking about her….

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zysteyeon26 #1
Chapter 3: Please update please
Chapter 3: update update update.
Chapter 3: Pls update soon authorshi =)
Monkeygurl12 #4
Chapter 3: Update what's gonna happen to jungli
kpopmanic #5
Chapter 3: Omo... Jungli stole my heart!!! Update soon!!!!!!
Monkeygurl12 #6
Chapter 3: U should update. This is a good story n I want to knew what happen after that
Chapter 3: New reader here ^___^ i really love your story hahaha :D author-nim jjang !! update soon ^__~
Chapter 3: A newbie and a new reader here! XD
I love your story! I hope Krystal stops being cold to Sulli.. it's SOoooooo obvious that she's jealous of SulNa~ argghh~ anyway, Luna~ just keep on comforting Sulli and if possible flirt with her so Jjung will burst out her anger and admits that she ignored Sulli because of Luna. hahaha~ jk. seriously, I want to know why Krystal is being cold to Sulli. >.< Update Soon!