Prince Charming

A series of extraordinary events

Jinki was having a horrible day at work. He blames his mother for keeping him hostage last week. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have so much work right now.

Jinki scribbled on the files pointing out mistakes and giving directions to his secretary.

"I want you to take this to the second floor and give them to Mr Yong. Also get a rectified copy of this file and collect the copys for the meeting."

His secretary left the office and Jinki rubbed his face in fatigue. He read the time on his watch and sighed.

"Pull yourself together, Lee Jinki." Jinki prepped himself and straightened out his suit.


Jinki sat down in front of the two business men after exchanging a formal greeting with both men.

"The collaboration for this project serves an important purpose for our future relationship with your company." The brunette said.

"I understand the importance and the advantage of this temporary merge." Jinki replied professionally.

The two men smiled satisfied and placed a folder in front of Jinki and Jinki did the same. They exchanged the files and proceeded to read the contents.

Jinki was satisfied with the conditions and it semed that the men also agreed with Jinki's conditions.



Jinki signed the most important deal of his life and honestly, he was pretty happy and tired at the same time.

"Here you go, sir." Jinki's secretary placed a cup of coffee in front of Jinki.

Jinki smiled tiredly. "Its okay Fany."

Tiffany shook her head with a smile and sat on the chair opposite Jinki.

"You know, you look like ." Jinki grinned at his best friend.

"That's just mean." Tiffany scoffed. "Yeah, you should know better."

"My mother.." Jinki trailed off.

"I knew it." Tiffany looked at Jinki with pity. "You poor thing."

"She just won't give up!" Jinki groaned into his hands and banged his head on the desk.

"Well, maybe you should accept what she does. I mean it wouldn't kill you or something."

"Hell no! The last thing I want is to encourage her." Jinki half shouted.

"Its your fault any way you look at it." Tiffany stood up and went for the door.

"Some best friend you are." Jinki glared at Tiffany's back.

"I know I'm special." She opened the door. "And get over that good for nothing idiot."

She slammed the door before he could remark.

Jinki pulled out a picture from inside his drawer and stared at it. "Maybe I should.."




Jinki sighed for the nth time. Jinki didn't want to be here at all.

The attractive man stood near the flower display with a champane glass.

Jinki didn't realize that he was attracting many people present in the event. He stood there staring into space mentaly lamenting his bored state.

Jinki felt someone beside him and turned to face the company. Why not? He was bored out of his wits.

"Hi." The man greeted before he could.

"Uh- Hello." Jinki nodded in acknowledgement.

"My name is Lee ChangSun." Changsun gave Jinki a charismatic smile.

Jinki's cheeks suddenly felt hot.

"My name is Lee Jinki. Nice to meet you, Mr Lee." Did you just stammer, Lee Jinki? JInki mentaly kicked himself.

Changsun smiled showing his pearly whites. "Just call me Joon. We both have same surnames."

Jinki smiled acknowledging the fact. "Call me Onew then, Joon."



The two men chatted for a while and Jinki realized that Joon was the ideal prince character they talk about in fairy tales.

"Hey. Do you want to get out of here?" Jinki agreed eagerly.


Jinki sighed with content feeling less sufocated. "Wow, you must have been wanting to leave." Joon said getting comfortable to the outside environment.

Jinki smiled sincerely for the first time that night and breathed in the fresh scent of the grass.

"Woah.." Joon watched Jinki in awe. He's beautiful. [Not that he thought he wasn't since he approached the lone man due to his attractiveness. Hehe.]

"What?" Jinki questioned confused. Joon shook his head and smiled softly.

"Its the first time I'm seeing you really smile." Joon replied.

Jinki blushed. "Oh."

Jinki slowly made his way to the wooden bench and sat down. Joon followed close behind and sat beside him.

"It's a beautiful night." Joon said and Jinki hummed in agreement.

"Tell me something, why did you come when you clearly don't enjoy attending these events?" Joon asked.

Jinki smiled sheepishly. "Because it's a family arranged event. My mother would have never let me stay home."

"Wait.. Your saying your.." Joon looked surprised for a moment.

"I guess it makes sense." Joon said. "And you don't like to appear on tv I gather?"

"Yeah." Jinki grinned. "The media doesn't know me since i don't make public appearances. Its a blessing."

"We've got something in common." Joon said unconsciously leaning towards Jinki.

"Huh?" Jinki looked confused.

"Our company is collaborating with your's for the autumn special." Joon said.

"Oh.. Oh!" Jinki widened his eyes in shock.

Joon grinned. "Your adorable like that." He unconciously stated.

Jinki looked even more shocked and Joon internaly panicked.

What the heck, Changsun? Joon mentaly shouted.


"Hahahahahahaha.." Joon stared surprised at the laughing Jinki.

"Hah, your expression just now! It was epic!" Jinki said in between laughs.

"Wha--" Joon smirked and made a funny face causing Jinki to break down in another fit of laughter.

"Stop!" Jinki said trying to calm his excited nerves.

"Uh-uh. I'm gonna make you wish you didn't laugh in the first place."

Joon tickled Jinki while making funny expressions.

"I give! I give! Stop!"

"Why?" Joon raised his left eyebrow.

"Please." Jinki weased in between laughs.

"Call me hyung." Joon continued tickling Jinki.

"Hyung! Stop hyung." Jinki shouted.

Joon grinned. "You gave up quite fast." Jinki rubbed his waist and stomach.

"I can't handle getting tickled." Jinki pouted at Joon.

"Aww, that's so cute." Joon mocked.

"Now your just making fun of me." Jinki accused. Joon made a fake hurt face.

"You shou-" Joon stopped short feeling his phone vibrate.

He took it out and frowned. "I have to go, Onew."

Jinki nodded in understanding. "Go do what you have to, Joon hyung."

Joon smiled feeling happy that Jinki didn't forget to call him hyung. "I'll come see you, Onew."

Joon stooped down and pecked Jinki on the lips before rushing inside.

Jinki stared at Joon's back feeling his lips. Did he just? [He sure did, honey.]






There you go~ Not proof read. So bare with any errors. Truly sorry.

I'm having massive writers block these days T_T




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Update soon!
SuDarkWind #2
Chapter 7: O_______O So that's how Jongyu fits into this. *le sigh* If the bad guy's not Minho it's Jonghyun. Can't say I'm not excited for the next chapter though.
Chapter 7: Its soo nice... but seriously!!!! Minho just ing disappeared after Onho's first meeting?????
Chapter 7: Is this where JongYu comes out? Update please!
Chapter 7: Update soon! O.O
Chapter 7: omg.. haha so funny i love this!!
oconje #7
Chapter 6: Super cute story. I love onew x everyone!!!