Abandoned Lad

Abandoned Lad


October 28, 2018 04:46:12 pm Sun dazzling the mount


            It’s been 5 years, and here he was; feeling the past memories. The place was now like a Paradise, trees was faming of sunlight’s, and river flow continuously to its oh-so-clear-blue-water. Since then the mountain serves as a place for peaceful mountaineers and family in a vacation. Civilization is now making itself build at its rest and guess what citizens are now living on the other sides of the creator’s made. No more evidence of the horror and creepy place that people use to avoid.


            Same date and memories; reminisce calling. Sorrow cuddles its heart more than blood circulating. Pictures of smiles, chuckles and angelic-face snap on his head, making it memory full. He missed him more than anything else, more than he miss the last train home or the last flight going to nowhere. He was his love, his one and eternal and undying love.

“I miss you, Zi Tao.” Kris smiles and eyes were on the abandoned mansion. Eyes were so bright, mind is so serene and heart is so overwhelmed and blissful.


August 2013 Rainstorm strikes South and North


            Stiff and not feebly, strident and not hushed, and oodles and not pinch; rain was entirely filled within and outside the whole city of Seoul. According to the weather proficient, the whole Southern part of Korea will experience high and hard falls of rain the whole week. On its further part, was a place, a quiet and calm undeniably the opposite of Seoul. A place; not as noisy as Seoul, not so populated as Cities, and machinery civilization was not around and resting. A massive mass of mountain owned the border of roads from the hush place into Seoul. Heading back to Seoul was not that so uncomplicated to riders, for the rationale of they had to pass by the mountain filled with terrifying and bulky trees.

            Old citizens of Seoul and Jeju argued back then that the forest was protected by bloodcurdling and creepy, not human things. Like ghosts and spirit, mischievous spirit. People were always passing by to the forest-mountain every morning and up to afternoon, not on the evening and not on the midnight. Since then they placed a notice board saying “Caution. Do not enter the Forest. It’s for all sake. This mountain is hunted.”


           Back on 12th of October 1934, an accident filled the news of the entire Korea, South and even North. A family of Chinese resident of the place between Jeju and the city of Seoul were found death. The family was burned alive. The city polices and investigators stated that their old maid, named Kang Ah Jin, was the one who planned for the accident. Her conscience did not want to stayed on and just went out and she, herself went to the police and thought what really happened. She avowed that the mother of the family treated her like she is not a living creature; she serves as like an animal to her. She is doing that infront of her children. Head hitting on the ground, body fully soaked because of water spilled over her and wounds were filled the exposed skin. She planned to burn the house because of the too much amount of antagonism; anger and she want her to curse the mother to fatality. The mother and her daughter were only found on the area. And the only son’s body was still omitted, ‘till now. The father was not there when the accident was held. And the police thought that they lost the contact to the father and he already abandoned his family. The body of the mother and her daughter was obscured. But according to the elders, the son also died at the accident and his missing body was the one securing the mansion at the peak of the mountain.


           The story about that mansion was passed from generation to generation. People road in to the mountain keep themselves not to enter the not-so-safe tree-filled mountain, and on that mansion; at its peak.


           Don’t be a victim. Do not let yourself enter this place. You don’t know when will you go out, or even worst you will be found death.


“Kris. Should we really have to go back to Seoul at this kind of situation?” Chanyeol making steps to make Kris to think twice.


           He was quite correct, driving on the nightfall without lights, just the car’s two front lights, will be not that easy as they knew. Adding the fact that it was raining through and it made the passage really soggy. Wet highway may cost accident prone area.


           Kris and Chanyeol really need to make their way back to Seoul. Despite of their one week vacation at Jeju, their company needs them and their other co-workers as well.


August 23, 2013 01:04:22 am Nightfall still very gloomy.


“We need Yeol~” Kris answered in a serious situation of driving.


“But it’s raining and the road is not a joke. What if accident found us? Hu-” The younger complained, pointing at the road.


“Aiissshh- You knew we should follow our superior’s decisions. Or else-” And he was again interrupted.


“Or else what? Or else we will be fired from the company. Are you kidding me, Kris?”


“I know he will never do that. But he is still our superior, and we should follow his commands.”


“Na, na, na. Fine. Whatever.” The younger already shut his mouth.


“What do you think the purpose of why he wanted us to go back ASAP?”


“I don’t know. He called you, didn’t he? So, why asking me?” Chanyeol was not now on its greatest good mood.


“I’m just asking Yeol. It was just quite all of a sudden.” Kris sighs.


“Did he say something?” Chanyeol gazed at the older’s sight.


“He just wanted us to go home from vacation. That’s all.” Kris replied. Eyes were still on the road.


“He gave us vacation then he will just call and want us to go home. What’s the point? Hu-” Chanyeol grind his teeth because of irritation.


“You just act like you don’t know his mind. I’m sure he called us for some important reasons.”


“He had to make sure of that.”


           Chanyeol reached for the radio button, set the volume to 9 and just rest his back on the seat. Tonight is just one night….Every day, every night, I am missing you. (Fly to the sky’s Missing You was playing.)


         Silence and peace filled the entire car, from the outer into the both passengers. Head were just nodding up and down to the low beat of the song. Feet were tapping quietly to the silence pound of so-good-to-hear melody. They suddenly interrupted when then rain started to go hard and noisy. Beads of rainfall can heard from the car’s upper cover and moist wet of water covered the whole front glass, wind shields can’t help. The rain was worst because of the additional hard breeze of wind. It like that the wind can take away the whole mountain.


           And the so-important-sign, “Caution. Do not enter the Forest. It’s for all sake. This mountain is hunted.” flew away. Oh, no-. This is not good. This is so-bad-situation.


“Oh fu- Why did the rain getting harder and harder?” Chanyeol’s bad temper was getting to its worst.


“Tssk. We can’t drive like this, in this kind of rain.” Kris placed the vehicle to the side of the pathway and turn off the car’s engine.


            Deep sighs were now filling the whole car. Questions on mind; how can we go home in this situation? How will thing be in hurry with this rain? How will we be out of this stranded place? We are freaking stranded!


“Otoke?” Chanyeol hit his fist at the right window of the car.


“We have to find a safe place to spend the night.”


“I agree. But where wi-” Chanyeol gazed at where Kris’s finger points.


“There.” Kris points at the path infront of them.


“Wa- Are you freaking kidding me! That’s the way up the mountain, up that hunted and so-ghostly-mansion!” Chanyeol eyes popped out.


“What’s the deal? It’s not very scary at all. And hey, the accident happened almost 80 years ago!” Kris explained.


“So what if it happened 80 years ago? I still can’t handle those kinds of things.”


“You’re like a cry baby, Yeol.” Kris started to turn the car’s machine.


“Li- Hey! Stop the car. We can’t go up there! What if we cannot go out there alive? What if they also found us death?”


“What if I left you here? What if you get sick because of cold? What if you died because you can’t hold it anymore?” Kris faced Chanyeol with a blank face, a face like so-deal-with-it-or-not.


            Kris stopped the car and waited for Chanyeol to go out. But the younger felt guilty about it and he just leaned his back on the seat and hands on knees. Kris was right after all, they don’t really have an option and choices to deal with. They were now taking their way to the mountain’s half, road was quite full of rocks, enormous rocks and lumpy paths. Solid amount of rainfall and hard breeze of wind was added to mind-off things on their mind. Plus loud and strong strike of thunder and an affixed of lighting, made their way more scary and creepy in the same time. And wait; there was a tiny amount of light blinking on the left sight part of the road.


“What’s that! Wait, I think that a light from a house.” Kris was making clearly at the light.


“SO WE ARE NEAR THAT HOUSE?! WAIT, WHAT, WHAT WILL I DO?!” Chanyeol was not now comfortable at his seat.


“Just relax, okay? Nothing will happen. Like, they can hurt us Yeol.” Kris stopped the car at the top and the end way of the road.


           And the diagram and the large figure of the mansion popped on their in fronts. It was abandoned, scary and when a storm passed by it will take the whole house with it. And it was not that damaged, the house was not really burned its other parts at all. It was a mansion; it was so big to be burned just one night.


“Okay here we are. I think the house was still can live by people. I thought it was already ashed.”


“Can I stay here? You can check if there is some person living there. I’ll wait, promise.” Chanyeol was too scared to go out and just made a creepy smile.


“O-kay, just stay here. I’ll go there and find what’s on. You are like a 5 years old boy. I can’t believe you are on your 20s.” Kris just closed the door and let out a deep sighs.


            That mansion is really scary and creepy. You can hate it like hell. You can actually make a think twice decision. Stepping in front changing into backwards and knees were like so very weak and shaking.


            And feet were making steps in to the path of the house. Owls sound creepy and wind blew so gusty. Feet were now stepping the wood stairs, and hearing a sound like the stair was so fragile and weak. Body soaking with sweat and water from rain, and face was now just 5 inch away from the wooden door. Kris slowly grabbed the doorknob and gradually opened the door.


“Hello- Excuse me. Is there someone in here?” Kris started to walk slowly and wooden floors on can be heard.


“Ummm- Hello…I just wa-” And he was interrupted and make him fell down the floor; eyes wide opened. A black cat showed in front of him; yellow colored-eyes were at Kris’s and like it will dig a hole on you.


“Oh, I thought it was someone.” Kris quickly went up and the cat stood too and walks out on the opposite side.


“That was creepy.” Sighs filled the house’s air. Atmosphere is now getting spine-chilling and creepy.


        Kris continued to walk and mind focuses on the way. When he found out a large portrait of a family hung up on the end of the pathway, Huang Family. A man standing, beside him was a beautiful woman. And a young sweet girl was next to a boy quite higher than the young girl; which were sitting on an antique chair.


“Huang family. So it’s true that the family lives in here were Chinese.” Kris slightly fixed the portrait to stand it straight.


      Suddenly sounds of dribbling of ball heard from upstairs. Because of curiosity, Kris walked to the left side of the hallway and found out a large living room. The living room was quite fixed, sofas were covered by white garments and walls were painted of black because of fire. On its very left side was a long stairway, long wooden and quite damage stairway.


         Steps of hard leather shoes can be heard from climbing upstairs. Dribbling of ball was getting louder and louder and nearer and nearer. And then there was that room, it opens and closes because of the hard breeze of the wind coming from outside the house. Kris was now on the last step of the stairs, when a cold thing passed from his back. He quickly turned around and found out nothing.


“That was scary.” Kris rubbed his both arms and took a deep breath and held his way at the second floor.


            It was getting creepy and he was going near the room, stepping slowly and eyes where observing the inner room. Hand was on the knob and slowly opened the door. When he was already inside, the sound of the dribbling ball was gone. Yes like a snap and more quickly than a bubble pop, the sound was gone. His mind is really confused and puzzle because of finding out what early happened.


“Where did that sound go? That was weird.” Kris scratched his head and went down stairs.

            Meanwhile at the car, Chanyeol was still alone. He was already waiting for about 20 minutes and patients of him were being lessened.


“Kris took already 20 minutes inside the house.” Chanyeol was feeling some coldness and owls crying field the trees around him. He made a decision and step out the car.


“I can’t wait anymore! Aissh-”


            Chanyeol start to walk and double check if someone was following him or watching him. Actually he can’t handle these kinds of things, ghosts, hunted house, or any creepy and scary things. A bat flied infront of Chanyeol’s pace which made him screech and his hand over his head and sat on the ground.


“Waaahhh! Let go of me, leave me alone!” Chanyeol yell like a kid. Further than he knew that was only a bat. He stood up and run of hurry going inside the hunted. And he closed the door and sighs deeply because of being exhausted of running fast.


“This is a bad idea.” Chanyeol popped his eyes and saw the creepy and scary setting of the house’s hallway.


“Hello. Is anybody home? I and my friend will just spend the night.” Kris keeps on calling and calling and calling.


            And there was this little source of light. The hallway was lightened by the small amount of it. As Kris walks at the path where the light was, the light starts blinking slowly and then faster. Kris feet stopped and the tall man really don’t know what to do. He felt scared and afraid because of the weird things happening. Maybe because that house is hunted; or elders were afraid about the legend of the mansion.


“Kris you can do it, fighting!” Kris started to walk one more step and one more and more.

            Kris was just so scared but what the sense if he will run and walk out from the house. Before entering the room, he thinks twice but as he entered…


            He found nothing, or maybe no one. But the wind blew was so cold, it was like refrigerated room. And suddenly, a voice was heard…


“Who are you?”


            Kris was wondering, where did that voice came? And where did the blinking light go?


“What are you doing here in my house?” Kris slowly turned around to found out what was the voice all about.


             He saw a man, an innocent-like young man; possibly 2 inch less tall than him and he was on white long sleeve and glows like a diamond light.





             He was shinning and glowing. It was the first time Kris saw a man glowing like this, maybe sometimes in neither television nor movies. Honestly he was a ghost, an abandoned spirit abandoned on an abandoned mansion. That was not the thing on Kris’s mind; he thinks he was just an ordinary man like him who wore glowing clothes. And he was 1 inch floating from the floor and Kris doesn’t know about that. But hey, he was frozen like ice and hard as rock. He can’t move, just his eyes were at the man’s.


            He grabbed his phone but unfortunately the battery is death. The darkness around them was eaten by the light from the glowing man in front of him. He was like an angel but more on like a human ½ angel.


              If you were in this kind of situation, I’m sure you will be firm as ice and as rock. Or maybe you will just run away and scream.


Who is he? Is he the one taking care of this abandoned mansion? And how does he glow like this?” There were many questions on the tall man’s head.


              He was like a sculpture, a perfect firm and soft sculpture. His almost perfection curved jaw and black dyed hair. His tall and huge body mass. And his dark, black and shining eyes.


“You can’t speak? I am asking you, why are you here? Are you trespassing?” The guy in white was at its serious tone. And on the other hand, Kris was not on himself.


             Another blink from the guy wakes Kris to reality.


“Oh-Yeah! I just quite, umm- Me and my friend, who is waiting outside, were finding a place to spend with. We can’t go back to Seoul with this kind of weather.”


          And the guy was just staring at him. He looks at Kris like plain and blank. His eyes were moving from Kris’s shoes up to his black and wet hair.


“Ummm- Excuse me.” Kris is now on himself and his hands were moving left to right at the front of the guy’s face, upper at his eyes.


“You can’t stay here.” The guy’s quick and short answer.


“But, we will just spend the night. Don’t worry we will leave at the morning, just this night.”


“No.” The man stated and started to walk out but Kris followed him.


“Just now. Please it’s raining outside.” He continued and the man suddenly stopped.


“Where is he?” The man asked.


“He? Who are you referring at?”


“Your…friend.” He continued.


“Oh, Chanyeol? He is waiting outside, at my car.” The guy turned around and stares at Kris.


“Get him; I’ll prepare your rooms. That is the way out.” He pointed the path on the left, which was the way out.


“Really~? Thank you so much. Thank you.” Kris turned to the left side path and turned again at the guy’s position. But as quickly as a finger snap the guy was gone. No evidence of that glowing, in white guy.


“Where is he?” He turns and turns around. Finding him there, here and in every side; and corner of the hallways.


         On Kris’s mind, these things were so suspicious. The lost sound of the dribbling ball upstairs, the flicking light from the last room on the left hallway and that glowing man, was gone.


“Yeah! Chanyeol, I almost forgot about him.” Kris immediately runs out the hallway in to the mansion.




“Kris? Kris, where are you?” Chanyeol was now glued on the door and don’t had the plan to get off of it. Beads of salty water starting to fall down from Chanyeol’s forehead, to his cheeks and down to his exposed neck.


“Kris…” Chanyeol’s shoes were now the one heard, its hard wedge were ticking the wooden floor.  He walks slowly, eye balls were moving left to right. Standing straight, making sure not to act like he was scared which he was actually like.


           Stepping to his right foot was been stopped. He saw a man facing his back at him and was standing infront of the window, watching the water flow from the glass. Eyes were popped out, nerves were wrecking, and knees were now fragile.


         Suddenly the man in white turned around. Chanyeol starts to walk backwards, and there was a time that he already hit the door, dead end.


“Are yo-“The man started to walk on Chanyeol’s place.


           Until the poor little guy runs, he runs on the right side of the hallway; as quickly as he can.


“Waaahhh, HELP ME! THERE IS A FREAKING GHOST IN THIS HOUSE.” Chanyeol continues to run, he just run even he don’t know which way to go. He runs to the left, in to the right and even to the stairs going under.


           He already felt exhausted and stop for a moment. He lay down, sited at the ground and back resting on the concrete wall. Sighs was deep, chest was moving up and down in a count of 1 second. On his mind was the face and image of the man.


“Wait~ Where am I? Oh, what now? Because of that ghost, I am left here in this place.” Chanyeol grabbed his phone on his pocket but unluckily it was not there.


“Oh men! I think it fell down when I was running.” He just made a faced palm.


I think that was a ghost. Like, who the hell will live in this kind of mansion? So the story about the ghost living in here is true.


           After a mare minute of resting, Chanyeol had already gained his energy, to run again? Nah, he just wanted to be out of this scary mansion and get home. But first he had to find Kris.


“Kris!” He almost jumped out from being sited because of he came into the house because he just want to find Kris.


“Okay, I’ll go up there and find Kris. I will be brave, I think.” He wanted to have much will power but he just can’t. He is tooooo scared.


           Chanyeol started to go up the stairs and found out a kitchen. How did he know that was a kitchen? Well because of the light from the sudden strike of lightning entering the window. As I was saying, he continues to walk; from left to right. Mini Maine Moo was his best friend at that time. He was not that afraid anymore and he just found the way and walk on. He made some tip toes and slowly walks, when suddenly… A hand tapped on his shoulder!


“Ah! No! Don’t touch me! You-” And Chanyeol was too scared and screams like a cry baby but…


“Hey! Hey! Yeol~ it’s me Kris.” And that was Kris, tapped him and the reason of him screaming.


“Hu?” Chanyeol lift his head and yes, it was Kris. “Kris! I hate you hyung! What did you think you’ve done to me?!” Chanyeol punch Kris on his chest because of anger.


“Oh oh oh~ Wait Chanyeol! I was just kidding. Don’t be mad. Hahaha” Kris laughed at what reaction was Chanyeol’s.


“Aiissshh, why did you do that? And, what happened?” Chanyeol stopped from punching the taller man.


“Ah about that, the owner of the house said we can stay and spend the night.” As Kris said as he was interrupted from laughing.






“There is a ghost in this house!” Chanyeol grabbed Kris’s hands and.


“Oh, wait! There is no such ghost in here! I just saw the owner.”


“I really don’t get what you want Yeol. If you don’t want to sleep here inside, go and sleep at the car. Alone.” Kris started to tease Chanyeol, he just want Chanyeol to be scared.


“No! I don’t want to sleep there alone! But…Ok-…”


“What?” Kris smile, he already know what will be Chanyeol’s decision.


“O-okay, Okay I will sleep here. Here in this creepy hunted house. I don’t want to sleep alone at the car.” Chanyeol was making his I-just-deal-with-this-guy face.


“Okay. Let’s find the owner. And stop talking Yeol, or else.” The two starts to walk and Chanyeol was holding Kris’s arms like he was his Appa.


“But Kris, I swear I saw the ghost. He was quite tall than me and he dress in white.” Chanyeol tried to make Kris believe about what he saw earlier but he failed.


“Yeol, low your voice. You are too loud. What if that ghost heard you, he will eat you.” Kris was making fun of Chanyeol’s being scared.


“No. Okay I will shut my mouth, zipper. There I zipper it already, is that fine to you?” Chanyeol already shut his mouth and just closed his eyes and sometimes peeks.


“Ummm… Hello? Owner, owner of the house!” Kris quietly called for the man he talked to a few moments ago.


“Like, what’s that? What kind of name is that hyung?” Chanyeol looked up and face confuse.


“I said shut up. You littlecry baby!” Kris slap the younger’s forehead and continued on calling.


“You can go now upstairs. Your rooms are ready.” A voice was heard behind and air was so freaking cold. And the two slowly turned around and found out the man Kris talked to and Chanyeol saw on the hallways.


“HE IS THE GHOST! HE IS THE GHOST I SAW-” Chanyeol let go from Kris’s arms and pointed at the man infront of them.


“What are you saying Yeol? He is the owner of this house.” Kris covered Chanyeol’s mouth using his hand. But Chanyeol tried to remove it and saying that again and again. Chanyeol’s eyes were moving from Kris’s and to the man and to Kris and to the man. Unexpected he fell down on the floor and fell asleep because of too much panic and scared.


“Yeol, Chanyeol!” Kris quickly catches the younger on his arm and slowly slapping his cheeks, trying to wake him up. He panics because of the sudden happening.


“Chanyeol?! Aiissshh you should not sleep here. Chanyeol wake up!” Kris continues to wake up Chanyeol.


“You can put him on the bed upstairs.” The man suddenly spoke, sat down beside them and pointed at the upstairs’ room. Kris was frozen because of seeing the guy so close to him.


          The man’s face was glowing, so as his clothes. His sitting height was quite tall. And the way he looks at Kris was so innocent and peaceful. The way his mouth opened as he talks was occupying just small amount of space. And the tone of his voice was very angelic-like. Kris was looking him at the eyes for about a minute and reality snaps in 3, 2, and 1.


“Ah yeah, can you show me the way?” He stood up and carries Chanyeol on his back and started to walk. And the man just nodded at him.


           They were walking upstairs, the man was leading the way and Kris’s eyes were nailed at him.


“He is quite tall, but not as tall as me but taller than Yeol. He looks so manly but in the other hand his face is like an innocent young boy. I just don’t get it. And why am I asking these questions and I know I can’t answer these questions neither.”


            The man stopped and so as Kris. The man walks aside and opened the door infront of them.


“You can put him inside and you can also rest now. The room is not fixed but you can still sleep at its bed. It’s already pass 3:00 am.” The man looked at Kris straight at his eyes. Kris looked at the whole room and it’s not bad after all. Even it was burned many decades ago.


“It’s not bad after all. And thank you again-” He turned around and the man was gone. He went out the room and found the man, already downstairs. The man was walking on the left side of the living room. He suddenly stopped for a moment and looked up and found Kris looking at him. Kris was shocked; hands were at the stair’s veranda and blinks several times.


“U-mmm. Thank you by the way and sorry for the disturbance.” Kris smiled at him but he just turned away and walked away.



As I said I am busy, but I was quite guilty letting you guys read my story even its not complete. Sorry guys, I am very sorry. *cries* Sorry for the less additional story.

I love you all guys T_____T

I give you these guys for Thank Yous *throw hearts*


Thanks for reading and wait for my update. Mwuahxx XOXO –MagitingDO



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