
Our EXO Appas


Chapter Twenty Three: Risks

Chapter Twenty Three: Risks






The day passed quite normally for the three.

In Hui Ying's class, they had normal study time and a few break times or as they call, circle time. They had simple recitations and easy lessons and lectures. Whatever they do though, Hui Ying participated actively

Jonathan's class had normal schedules too. They had a few lectures and a few new lessons, the others, just some reviews and such. Of course, like Hui Ying, he was the most active in class, reciting from now and then.

Hyerin's class wasn't that different. Teachers came and go and new lessons came and go. Like her siblings, she excelled well in class and recited actively.

In a nutshell, the three were actively participating as usual.

In fact, they are the most active ones in their class.

They were totally into studying...

The day went like that, nothing really changed.

Hui Ying, Jonathan and Hyerin spent their break times and lunch time with their peers, and as for Jonathan, his crush, Park Yoonmi. The day was filled with laughter and that's how it actually ended for them.

So, school ended just like that. "So, you wanna go visit a cafe or two?" Daehyun suggested.

"I'm fine with it!" Jaewan nodded.

"Sorry guys, I need to buy some things for my mom. You know how it is as the eldest around the family, right? Errands here, errands there, and your younger siblings just sleep there, relaxed." Yoonmi giggled.

"Yeah." Daehyun smiled. "I know that feeling alright, except I'm not the eldest, but well, I have an annoying younger brother, so, yeah..."

"Well, I guess I'm lucky to be an only child!" Jaewan chuckled. "Too bad Jonathan needs to go home early, we should've invited him."

"Yeah." Daehyun nodded. "So, see you tomorrow, Yoonmi-ah!"

"Sure, bye~" Yoonmi waved.

Upon reaching for her locker and opening it, a pink envelope fell on Yoonmi's shoes. "What is this?" she thought before reaching for it. After scanning it a little bit, she finally opened it and read the words written in the white paper inside. "Meet me at the park after school? Who on earth is this?" Yoonmi mumbled. "Well, I guess I need to find out then."

After that, she placed the envelope in her bag and walked out of the school campus, heading to the park.

Meanwhile, the sender of the letter is already in his way to the park the time Yoonmi had read the letter. Yes. This was no other than Jonathan.

"You sure you can do this, oppa?" Hui Ying asked.

"Nae." Jonathan nodded. "I know I can. The appas said that if I trust myself, then I can!"

"Aish, those oppas are nothing but dorky dudes!" Hyerin sighed.

"Hey, they aren't!" Jonathan laughed. "Well, not all of them."

"I agree!" Hui Ying nodded. "There's Tao-baba, Suho-baba and... Kris-baba!"

"Three out of twelve, nice." Hyerin groaned. "And I do hope those three gave you advices, yes?"

"Well, yes." Jonathan nodded.

"Then I advice you to use those three's advices instead, not everyone's."

"Eh, why not?" 

"Just, don't."



"Nope, I'm following everyone's advice."

"Aigoo, fine." Hyerin giggled as she ruffled her brother's hair. "It's your confession anyway."

"Nae." he smiled. "I'll do my best, don't worry."

"You better should, but  if she ever becomes your girlfriend-!" Hyerin teased.

"No one's becoming my girlfriend, noona. I'm just confessing, arraseo?"

"Even though~" 

"I'm too young for that."


Soon, the train arrived to their destination and the three dashed to the park. Jonathan had explained his plan to his sisters already. They can and will watch his confession, but with that, they must hide themselves. 

Minutes passed and they waited.

And waited...

And waited.

Until Yoonmi finally arrived.

"Oh, Jonathan!" Yoonmi called out upon seeing Jonathan. Upon hearing the girl's voice, Jonathan quickly stood up, his face flushed bright red.

"Oh, h-hey, Yoonmi." Jonathan nervously greeted.

"Didn't expect you to be here, what's up?" 

"Oh, uh... nothing, you?"

"Oh, someone left a letter in my locker and told me to head here."

"Ah, jinjja?"

"Yeah. I wonder who he is." Yoonmi pouted. 

Jonathan fell in a deep trance. Yoonmi's in front of her. Should he say it? Now? What does he do? 

Well, after shifting his eyes, he met Hyerin's eyes and saw how she gestured him to take a move already. Thank goodness that Hyerin can read his eyes or else she wouldn't have gestured him like that.

"Um, Yoonmi-ah..." Jonathan spoke. "Do you have any ideas on who gave that letter?"

"Huh? Well, to be honest, no. I don't really have any ideas..." Yoonmi said. "Wae?"

"Will you be surprised if I tell you that I know who gave that to you?" Jonathan smiled.

"Jinjja? You know? Who?" Yoonmi cried, curiousness rising up in her. Jonathan can't believe her. He was the only boy in the park and yet she didn't notice?

"Aish, this girl." Jonathan sighed. "Yeah, I know." he smiled.

"Who?" she jumped.


Jonathan saw Yoonmi's eyes widen. Her jumping stopped. She looks so shocked, ajar. "You? You're joking, right?" Yoonmi softly asked.

"I'm not. I'm the one who told you to meet you here and was the one to put that pink envelope in your locker." Jonathan confessed.

Yoonmi was silent, and so was Jonathan. Neither of them knew what to do. "Are you serious?" Yoonmi asked, blinking faster than ever. Jonathan just lowered his head and nodded his head a bit.

"Wow... this is, unexpected?" she snickered. 

"I know." Jonathan smiled shyly.

"So, what, confessing to me now?" 

"Seems like it."

"Okay..." she mumbled as she looked down.

"Um... well," Jonathan faltered. "Er-"

"Say, what made you like me, eh?" Yoonmi asked.

"You-you're cute. And when Jaewan introduced me to you, your smile just captivated me." Jonathan said. "You just... well, I don't know actually. I believe there's no reason I can give to tell why I fell in love with you. You're long and straight black hair, your cherry-colored lips, your sparkling eyes, everything. I liked you for that, and when you approached me after Jaewan introduced me to you, I felt that you really are a good person and that made me feel safe and happy around you. Your smile, it was angelic too. Whenever you smile, I feel my heart racing fast."

Yoonmi just listened to Jonathan's confession, and so did Hyerin and Hui Ying. After Jonathan confessed, Yoonmi just looked at him.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Yoonmi asked.

"What? No!" Jonathan blushed. "I'm confessing, not asking you to be a girlfriend or anything!"

"I see." Yoonmi smiled.

Her smile... 

No.. it wasn't a smile...

It was a smirk...

Not something angelic...

It was different...

This wasn't the Yoonmi Jonathan liked. Her smile, it was different. It wasn't angelic. "Yoonmi?" Jonathan softly called out.

"Y'know, you're sweet, but honestly, I don't like you." Yoonmi said frankly, shocking Jonathan. The dumbfounded young boy stepped further away from her. Her voice, it was different.


"I never liked you, Jonathan. I hate you. I pretended to like you for the sake of being close to Daehyun. I know that you and Daehyun are very close, and that's why when Jaewan introduced me to you, I took that opportunity." Yoonmi smirked.

"But... you told me that you enjoyed being around me." Jonathan said.

"I lied. I never did. I hated being around you, but since you're always around Daehyun, I had to." Yoonmi said, her voice cold. "Can't you see, Jonathan? I used you. I used you and that's all."

Yoonmi's words...

She might not see it, but they were piercing Jonathan like numerous arrows being fired at him at the same time.

"I used you. I can't believe that the class' number one is so naive!" Yoonmi scoffed. Jonathan just stood there, astonished, hurt and not knowing what to do.

"From the beginning, I never did like you. Not even as a friend! I don't understand people these days, so what if you're the school ulzzang in our level?"

No more...

"You don't look anything like it!"



The loud voice not far away from them made Yoonmi and Jonathan spin their heads around to the source. 

To their surprise, well, especially Yoonmi, Hyerin was standing a few meters away from them. Her eyes were filled with rage and were glaring at no other than Yoonmi. Slowly, she walked towards the two, her hands curled into a fist.

"Such a shame." she hissed as she walked in in front of the two. She soon grabbed Jonathan's arm and pulled him close to her.

"Hyerin-unnie?!" Yoonmi cried in shock.

"I can't believe you! At first, I thought you're someone beautiful inside and outside. But, I guess I'm wrong. You're only beautiful outside but inside, you're ugly!" Hyerin cried angrily. "And that only makes you look ugly outside as well! Nothing matters outside, but what's inside. The personality is the one that matters more."

Hui Ying soon stepped in front and glared at Yoonmi. "You know, unnie, I might be young, but I know that someone should treat others like that." Hui Ying said. "Jo-oppa likes you, and we know that, but what did you do? You dumped him just like that. I'm not saying that you shouldn't dump him, but at least do it more gently! We have feelings too! He has feelings too!"

"I'm sure that if others discovered this persona of yours, they'll never like you, Park Yoonmi." Hyerin said. "Not even Daehyun will!"

"What do you know?!" Yoonmi hissed.

"What do I know? Maybe none, but I know something true. No one likes a girl who is like you. Beautiful and angelic outside but pure ugliness inside. Nobody likes that, and lemme tell you something. Daehyun? You think he'll like you? He won't. No man in this world ever likes a person like you!" 

With that, Yoonmi darted off, leaving the three. "Jo, I take everything back, she's not worthy for someone like you." Hyerin said as she patted her brother's back.

"I know." Jonathan softly said. "I'm a fool too, I let her outer beauty trick me."

"Everyone makes mistakes, oppa." Hui Ying smiled.

"Let's just go home, okay? I'll make some snacks." Hyerin said as she held Jonathan and Hui Ying's hands and then walked home. 


A beautiful person, but a total heart wrecker.

She's no one worthy of Jonathan's heart.

She's not worthy of anybody's heart...

Lesson learned...

Never judge a book by its cover. Never judge anyone by their looks. Sometimes, the prettiest persons can be ugly inside and those who weren't gifted with beauty are the ones pure in heart.

Soon, the three arrived back in the dorm and as promised, Hyerin made some snacks for her siblings. Jonathan is obviously not okay, and his sisters are greatly worried for him. He hasn't talked much and he was dazed. He refused to watch T.V or even read, and he just locked himself in his room.

Hyerin and Hui Ying tried talking to him through the door, but he refused to answer much. He refused to eat much too, and it was his favorite!

"I'm worried for oppa, unnie." Hui Ying frowned as she sulked on the couch.

"Me too." Hyerin sighed as she sat beside the younger girl. "I don't know how to cheer him up. This is the first time he had love issues."

"Nae." Hui Ying sighed. "Let's just wait for baba to come home then. Maybe they know what to do."

"Nae. Good idea."

Hours passed. The two did their homeworks and such, and they both knew that Jonathan is working on his as well. 

Soon, Hyerin began making dinner for the three of them, and finally, Jonathan came out of his room to eat dinner.

"Thank you for the food, I ate well." Jonathan said as he stood up and headed to his room.

"Jonathan, where're you going?" Hyerin asked as her eyes followed her brother.


"Sleeping? It's still too early, and the oppas haven't come back yet."

"I'm sleepy."

"Don't sleep yet. You just ate. Watch T.V for a while or something and wait 'till the food is digested."

"I'll stay inside the room then."

"No! Yah-! Chakkaman!"

Hyerin quickly jumped off her seat and grabbed Jonathan by the arm, not wanting to let the young boy enter the room. She knows that when he does, he won't come out anymore, and she didn't want that! How if she doesn't attend classes tomorrow because of that damn Yoonmi? 

"Wae?" Jonathan asked.

"Stay here. Please." Hyerin pleaded.

"Noona, I'm fine." Jonathan smiled. "Don't worry too much."


"Noona, really, I'm okay." Jonathan smiled.


"Yes. Do you not want me to go inside the room?"


"Fine, I'll stay out here."

At least, Hyerin felt a bit more relieved that Jonathan smiled and decided to stay with them. After a few more hours, EXO finally returned and to their surprised, the three weren't smiling.

"Hey~" they greeted, but still, the three didn't smile and just greeted them with a bow.

"Hey, what's with the gloomy atmosphere?" D.O asked. "Did you guys fight?"

"Aniyo, oppa." Hyerin answered.

"Oh, thanks goodness." Baekhyun smiled.

"So, how'd your confession go, kiddo?" Kai smirked as he sat beside Jonathan. To his surprise, Hyerin quickly hit his head and glared at him. "WAE?! WHAT DID I DO?!"

"Just shut your mouth!" Hyerin cried.


"It's okay, noona, I'll tell him." Jonathan smiled. "I got busted."

"What?!" the twelve cried.

"Seriously? You? Busted? Wae?!" Kris cried.

"She likes someone else." 


"And what else, that damn girl is pure evil!" Hyerin scowled. "Who ever knew?!"

"Really?" Tao asked.

"She said that she only used Jo-oppa to be close with that guy he likes." Hui Ying explained. "The guy she likes is oppa's friend."

"I see." Lay nodded. "But, wait, used Jonathan?!"

"How evil." Luhan scowled.

"Doing that to our son! She must rot in hell!" Chen cried.

"Appa, please, don't say those words." Jonathan frowned. "It's okay, it's okay, gwenchana."

"Nothing's alright here, Jonathan!" Xiumin cried. "Where does that girl live?! Aish, I'll beat her into a pulp!"

"Hyung, that's too much." Sehun sighed. "Calm down."

"But..." Xiumin pouted. "He hurt Jonathan, and worse, used him!!!"

"Gwenchana, appa, I'm alright." Jonathan smiled.

"Are you?" Chanyeol asked. "That's pretty painful, Jonathan."

"Agreed." Baekhyun nodded.

"I'm really alright." Jonathan smiled. "Really."

Without hesitation, Hyerin placed her hands on Jonathan's cheeks and spun his head so that he was looking straight into her eyes. After a few seconds, Jonathan finally bursts into tears, crying on Hyerin's shoulder.

"I thought he was okay?!" Suho cried.

"I lied..." Jonathan sobbed. "I'm not. Chanyeol-appa is correct, it is painful."

"She doesn't deserve you, remember that." Hyerin comforted.


"You're not the one who lost someone, remember that, Jonathan." Chen said. "She lost someone who likes her a lot, and if she can ever find anyone like you in the future, well, I say that's 30%."

"Yeah." Hyerin nodded. "I'm sure you'll find better than that devil!"

"She might be beautiful, but, what's inside is what matters, right? The heart is what matters." Hui Ying smiled.

Jonathan didn't reply. He was just crying. The words he heard from Yoonmi pained him, a lot. He just kept it but when he can't endure it any longer, he finally bursts.

"It's okay, everybody experiences pain once in a while." Kai said as he patted the young boy's back.

"Baba's right! Pain is a part of life." Hui Ying smiled.

To admit it, Hyerin was actually amazed on how everyone comforted Jonathan because of one issue. They really are a family, and their bond is strong. The twelve guys are obviously tired from practice but still found time to comfort Jonathan. Everyone was gathered in the living room, trying to stop Jonathan from crying.

Hyerin and Hui Ying knew how emotional Jonathan can be, and since he's a man, he tries to fight his tears back. But this time, he finally bursts, crying hard as he reminisces all bad memories.

A couple of moments later, Jonathan fell asleep on Hyerin's lap after crying so hard. Kris had to carry the young boy in his bed since well, they didn't want to wake him up any longer.

"I feel bad for him." Kris sighed. 

"Everybody does, ge." Tao said. 

"I just hope that he won't give up the next time he has a love issue." Baekhyun said.

"He won't." Hyerin smiled.

"How'd you know?" Sehun asked.

"Jonathan's the type of person who won't give up that easily. Trust me." Hyerin smiled.

Heartbreaks is a part of life.

Confessing is a risk, it's either you get accepted or meet a painful "no".

And for now, Jonathan met the second one.

But his family and sisters who supported him...

That's what makes him strong.

To never give up...

To keep on going, no matter how painful and hard the challenges are.

Family will always be beside him.

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Chapter 39: I really loved this and really enjoyed reading this story.. I really loved this story.. thank you for such an amazing story..
lormestoirevan #2
Who's the guy who plays as Jonathan?
tahlima #4
When r u gonna start writing the sequel
I can't wait!!!!
Plz write it soon
mints_ad96 #5
Chapter 38: Omg!! Thank you for making a sequel
I can't wait to read it...
Good luck and hwaiting!!
Chapter 38: OMG YES! THANK YOU! Your story is so lovely it makes me happy that you are going to make the sequel! Cant wait!!!
syirosaifuddin #7
Chapter 38: woop..woop...finally ...thank you ...thank you....can't wait...hurry up.
Chapter 38: Omg!!! thank you!!! (: keke
avisdawn #9
Chapter 38: Weeeheeee! Thanks! ^^
Neisha #10
Chapter 38: