

Nicole's POV

He is to me, God's greatest creation. His smile, his laugh, his voice ; deep voice. He say he can't sing, but he only sings to me. Imagine how special I felt to be the only girl he loves, while theres millions of girls waiting for him to notice them. He is, the one.

I stared at him for more than an hour. His lips, how he pouts when he sleeps. Don't mention when he snores. His eyes, sparkles even when he sleeps. I got chills everytime I admire his figure. He's too perfect for me. 

I touched those cheeks, it's warm. I kissed him, and he moved a bit. Cute. 

"I'm sorry, for lying to you Ravi. I'm sorry for being selfish. I felt a bit lonely and I thought I wanted another companion. But you see, I was wrong. I have you, and why should I have someone else. You're more than enough ; precious to me.  Forgive me honey, for I've cheated"

Tears roll down my face. I don't know if he will listen to what I'm saying, because he is a deep sleeper. I checked again if he's awaked, but he does not flinch at all.

"Ravi, you can leave me if you want. I deserve it, I deserve your punishment." 

"I'm sorry Ravi. If you are listening to me, you can give the answer tomorrow. If you don't, I would assume that you still want me. I'm sorry again--a-nd, I love you."


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