
Fiction and Fact

After a week of being in Jeju, you've finally adjusted to your new schedule which was wake up, help with the breakfast for the guests , clean up the rooms and all those stuff. Your halmeoni and harabeoji told you to just relax and enjoy the island, but 'relaxing' in a beautiful resort room in a beautiful island made you think of Lee Kikwang.

It was better to occupy yourself with chores to temporarily forget about him. Dongwoon would text you to ask how everything was, and all your replies were the same. You 'were fine and there nothing to worry about', but Dongwoon knows you too well and would call up and comfort you.

Today was Wednesday. you needed to take some of the guests to the beach for their last day in the island.  you patiently waited in the lobby for the guests. staring at your cellphon from time to time.just in case he calls, or texts. You have a feeling that Cube also took his phone.

"if we ever meet again anyway, he might get in trouble..so it's better if I'm away" you thought to yourself. "he's going to find someone better, someone who won't cause him so much trouble.."

"___, why are you up this early?"

you nearly jumped.

"The guests can go the beach by themselves ___-ah, just realax and enjoy." your harabeoji told told you. "you've been here for a week and a half"

you give him a smile. "ania. It's ok harabeoji."

your grandpa's smile fades and he rubbed his chin. "I can tell there's something wrong ~"

before you could answer, a group of guests came in carrying picnic baskets and umbrellas. You shot up from your seat "Let's go! please follow me ^^"



Doojoon poked Kikwang, who was 'fast asleep' on his bed. It was already 10 am. Kikwang would normally wake up at 6 and jog with the other boys, but he's been oversleeping lately, and stays  in the dorm all day on days off.

"yaaah.. wake up Lee Kikwang.."  =.= Doojoon said for the nth time.

Junhyung walked in with a towel wrapped around his waist looking dismayed "I took a bath about 20 minutes ago, and he's still sleeping."

Doojoon rolls his eyes. "yeah. YAH Lee Kikwang.!"

"well, let's just let him sleep then. He won't come with us." Junhyung winks at Doojoon, "the plan" he whispers to the Leader. Doojoon finally gets it and plays along.

"oh well. If he doesn't want to come, then he could stay here for 3 days alone."

Kikwang sits up on his bed, rubbing his eyes. "wha..what plan?.."

Junhyung was busy adding a bit of gel in his hair. Kikwang throws a pillow at him. 

"YAH..WTF. I nearly got my signature Junhyung hair..."

"you weren't aswering me"  

"Remember, because we just wrapped up that SNSD/B2st MV, Mr. Hong told us we could spend a few days anywhere we want..."

"How about Japan?" he asked his hyung.

"tsk. not Japan. too far, just here in Korea, Kikwang."

Doojoon goes back inside the room, looking happy to see Kikwang finally awake. "so, pack your bags. We're going to Jeju!"


It was already 4 pm when the guests left. you, your grandpa and your grandma were happily chatting in the lobby.

"well, we should prepare the other rooms, time for the next batch of guests." your halmeoni put two glasses of water on the table for you and your hareoji. You chugged the water down in seconds. 

"whew, what a day.. new batch? wow that's nice halmeoni! I should come here during break, and help around. You two do such hard jobs, compared to my part time job in Seoul..bye the way grandma, when are they coming?"

your halmeoni's eyes sparkled. "tomorrow. they are a lot.  maybe they are coming for a group date. They personally requested for picnic at the beach. sunset. which is also a bit weird, because the picnic is only for two. but they are 6 people. they will occupy 4 rooms." your grandma chuckles "aigoo. what am I saying. it's none of our business anyway. We should prepare instead."

"I know what I'll do" your grandfather said. "pour them wine." ^^

"ania, Harabeoji and Halmeoni, that's why I'm here. to lessen your jobs. I'm a waitress in Seoul. I can also be a waitress in Jeju! ^_^"


"ok. change of plans. we're coming tomorrow afternoon." Doojoon told everyone.

"WHAT," Yoseob sighed. " I was looking forward to going now.." 

Yoseob looked really silly, because he wore flower printed shorts, summer inspired shirt and shades. plus a hat.

"save your flower shorts for tomorrow Hyung hahahaha" Dongwoon told him.

"ok. I'll go upstairs then. hyung.." Kikwang said. " Doojoon hyung, can't I use YOUR phone?"

"sorry Kikwang-ah. orders. we don't want you to get in trouble and -"

Kikwang doesn't even let the Leader finish his sentence, he always gets the same answers. he goes back to the room without another word.





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aww... this was a good story...
i just finished reading your story... this is great! especially that i'm a Kikwang and Dongwoon biased!:)
HatrednAshes #3
awesome :)
xsaranghaeee #4
OH WOW. my name is there ! <br />
I though I misread when I saw that but yea,keke. :D<br />
AWESOME STORY, I really enjoyed it ! :D
Loved it ! <3 :)
Joo-Mi #6
xyeobo #7
/SOBS. It was so cute <3 i loved this fic!
omo. huwah /sobs <br />
so beautiful :') <br />
great story ^^
Aww, thank you guys! >:D< I'll write a fic soon! starring Taemin :D please look forward to it! ^^
Cutie_Pie #10
What a great story! :D