
Fiction and Fact

HI ~ ^^ PLEASE LET THIS SONG LOAD ~  and don't play it yet


you woke up from your long slumber. it was like you were back home, when your Umma was taking care of you when you were sick, but this time, it wasn't your Umma. It was Kikwang Oppa, and the rest of b2st. 

you we're in the table, about to eat breakfast with them. You thought things were going to get akward. you had crazy thoughts. What if Kikwang actually 'forgot' that he kissed you or said that he liked you? the craziest, What if he was drunk? -.- 

someone places a bowl of piping hot soup in front of you. 

You look up. it was Dongwoon. he was about to grab the seat next to your right when Kikwang takes it.

"thank you Dongwoonie."

Dongwoon looks at him. "err..Welcome. -.-" then he storms into to the kitchen to get more soup for the other sleeping members.

you can see from the corner of your eye that Kikwang was smiling.

Hyunseung checks your temperature. "you sure you're fine ok?" ^^

"Ne oppa, you are really good at taking care of sick people.." ^_^

Hyunseung lets out a chuckle.

there were only 4 people in the dining area. you, Kikwang, Dongwoon and Hyunseung. but Dongwoon was in the kitchen getting some soup.

Hyunseung excuses himself to wake up the other members.

It was only you and Kikwang.

you look at Kikwang. it was evident that he was really happy. "Oppa, what's that smile for?"

he looks at you intently. "why are you like that.."  he pouts.

he rests his arm at the back of your chair.

"look at me" he says.

you look at him. "Ya, listen well ok because I will only says this once today.."

"what do you-" he places his finger on your lips so you would stop talking.

"Park ____. Sarang-" 

Dongwoon enters with more bowls of soup.

"Everyone, let's go eat up."

Kikwang groans. "Dongwoonie, you're really right on time." he says sarcastically.

"Of course, I'm always on time" he sits on the other chair next to you. completely satisfied with himself.

Dongwoon taps you on the shoulder "___-ah, look at my soup, it has more meat, do you want it?"

"err. sure Oppa."

"ania, ___--ah, I'll put some in your bowl." Kikwang adds more meat in your bowl soup.

you could feel tension in the air. thank god the other members were now awake, and were able to join in.



after eating breakfast, you decided to take a shower to make you feel better. it was like the first time with b2st, you didn't have any clothes again, so they let you borrow theirs, again. "Thank you very much everyone. I don't know how to repay all of you.'

"No need ___-ah, you are always welcome here" says Doojoon. 

you bow. "I would love to stay longer, but I have to work."

"Work? ___-ah, stay here first and rest." Kikwang insists.

"____! Why didn't you tell that Kikwang slept with you last night" said Yoseob sleepily. Junhyung eyes you curiously.


"Kikwang, he didn't go to the room last night." Yoseob says.


"yes, why, I kept her company last night. she was sick." he spoke as a-matter-of-factly

"___ah, let's go for a while in the balcony before you go?"

he gently takes your hand and you follow him. you were sure you saw Dongwoon scowl at Kikwang. 

"wait, does Dongwoon like me now??... impossible." you think.

you temporarily forgot everything when you saw the breathtaking view of the city of Seoul.


Kikwang grinned at you. 

"you like it?" 

you stare out, it was so beautiful it lifted your spirits. you simply nodded at him.

"I always go here when I feel down. Usually after practice. "

but you had a fear of heights so you moved back. 

"It's a pretty view." you tell him.

"just like you." Kikwang says.

"Oppa, why do you have to be so cheesy?" -.-

"I'm not being cheesy. I'm just straightforward." he gives you a look, then he looks back at the view. "You're one of a kind ___-ah. really one a kind."

Kikwang motions toward the small bench. "lets go sit for a while, shall we?"

"sure ^^"

you sit beside him.


you clear your throat.

"___-ah, your really cute" he messes up your bangs.

"Oppa" you look out the view, it was easier to speak here. It was calm, and quiet. except for the bustling cars. but being alone with Kikwang made you feel at ease.


You: "oppa, Why me?"

Kikwang: "what do you mean by that?"

You: "I mean, there are a lot of girls out there. and I don't want to get you in trouble."

Kikwang "...It's not about that ____. why do you always think like that?. I know its worth it."

you look at him. "worth it?"

"What we have right now. I know its not just infatuation. I'm sure of it. You see, when I'm with you, I just feel happy. Everything in the world is right. I missed you terribly too, When you went home on that day, I tried asking Manager Hyung if I could take you home. but when I came back, the van already left. I was devastated."

"so that explains why I didn't see him". you thought.

'the kiss." you looked down. embarassed by it.

"what about it?___-ah, I'm sorry if you didnt want it..." you can see him looking at you at the corner of your eye. you were sure he was also intently listening to every word.

"ania Oppa. Is it because..."

"____-ah, I wouldn't kiss you for nothing. I really like you.." his tone was really honest. he stand up and extends his hand to you. 

you are now facing him.

without any notice, he kneels in front you.

"Park _____. Will you be my girlfriend?"

you didn't know what to say.

"of course..."

Kikwang flashes a beaming smile, and quickly wraps his arms around you.

"____, saranghae." he rests his chin on you shoulder.

you close your eyes and cherish the moment.

"I love you too, Kikwang."




thank you everyone! I just can't stop saying thank you! because yeah, I'm really thankful to all of you! To be honest, I had different plans for this story, but I just typed away and got lost -.-"" 

and maybe you're also wondering why everything is happening so suddenly? But don't worry, I know and I have that taken care of. ^^  there are still a lot of stuff that will happen.

I just hope you keep on supporting this fic!

Saranghamnida! o^^o












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aww... this was a good story...
i just finished reading your story... this is great! especially that i'm a Kikwang and Dongwoon biased!:)
HatrednAshes #3
awesome :)
xsaranghaeee #4
OH WOW. my name is there ! <br />
I though I misread when I saw that but yea,keke. :D<br />
AWESOME STORY, I really enjoyed it ! :D
Loved it ! <3 :)
Joo-Mi #6
xyeobo #7
/SOBS. It was so cute <3 i loved this fic!
omo. huwah /sobs <br />
so beautiful :') <br />
great story ^^
Aww, thank you guys! >:D< I'll write a fic soon! starring Taemin :D please look forward to it! ^^
Cutie_Pie #10
What a great story! :D