You've Fallen For Me...Again (Season 2)

Hi hi!! Enjoy! :D

Narrated by Lee Shin
My heart twisted in my chest to see Kyu Won in Hyun Ki Young's arms, sharing such a bold kiss in front of me. I felt as if the sky fell apart over my head and the pieces clobbered my senses.
Never in life I had come to even contemplate the idea that another man would possess the lips of my beautiful girl. Indeed, she had never disappointed me to this magnitude.
I didn't even wait for them to try to explain, but I left.
I understood very well what had been happening during this time between them. The theater girl had warned me and even the newspaper had been very clear. I just had been very stupid, refusing to believe all these facts, but now there was no way I would think otherwise.
As I closed the door of my room at the hotel, the tears started coming out of my eyes like a river overflowing with no way to stop it. I threw myself on the bed, trying to drown out the cries in the pillow, but I could not.
Helplessly, memories of the beginning of our love started coming to mind, when like two stubborn children we pretended to hate each other, when inside we both overflew in love for the other. Now I wonder if she really loved me or if I was only the popular boyfriend at the university.
The more I think about it, the more it hurts inside here.
Opening my eyes, I realized I had slept for a few hours on the carpet inside the bedroom. Looking up at the ceiling, I began to remember what had happened and my head began to ache terribly.
I was so depressed I did not want to get up of such dark and dirty place, because that was how I felt myself. But someone started knocking on the door violently and screaming ... and I realized it was the housekeeper lady.
I opened and she looked at me a bit disgusted, I can not imagine how I look like right at this time. The woman said she had been knocking at my door for about ten minutes and was about to call 911. Anyway, someone wanted to talk to me by the phoned at the reception. I didn't know who it was, but she said it was from Korea, so I decided to go down to attend.
- Who is this? - I asked through the device.
- Lee Shin, I was worried about you. - He said, it was Kim Suk Hyun. - Tell me, how are you? Did you find Lee Kyu Won?
I sighed. Why did he have to call just right now and ask for her?
- Lee Kyu Won doesn't matter anymore. - I said, taking him by surprise for sure.
- What?! - He asked out loud.
I really didn't want to, but director Kim had helped me get until here, so I gave him a brief and concise explanation. Somehow, perhaps fantasy of mine, I did not perceived him really surprised.
- Lee Shin, don't rush. - He said. - Don't come back to Korea yet.
- Of course not! - I shouted angrily.
- Very good! That is the att-
- I can't go back to Korea yet ... - I interrupted him. - I don't have enough money to buy my plane ticket. It is the only thing stopping me!
I spent so much money on this stupid trip that I should've never done, that now I barely have enough to pay this horrible lodge. I'm left with no other choice but to work to buy my ticket back home.
The director stood in silence for a moment listening to my explanation and then continued.
- Hey, I have a friend in Manhattan who owns a bar. - He said. - I'll talk to him to get you a temporary job as a musician, for he is looking for one to liven up his business.
"Well, better than nothing" I thought.
- But Lee Shin. - He Continued. - Don't give up the idea of ​​solving your problems with Lee Kyu Won. Don't let Hyun Ki Young get between your love.
- It was me who stood between the love of those two. - I said persuaded, because I certainly  would not more.
- But listen you boy! - He exclaimed irritated. - Did you explain to Lee Kyu Won what happened between you and Park Eun Kyung? Did you tell her you were actually going to propose?
- What would be the point now that I know that she doesn't love me?
- Lee Shin, she loves you, she's just hurt by what she thinks you did to her. - He said. - When she finds out the truth, she's going to go back to you.
His words shook me. Could it be true? If I confessed everything to Kyu Won, would she return to my arms because she loves me?
How much I would like to think she would, but my heart is really too damaged and I don't know if there is a fix for it.


I'll be anxiously expecting every comment and please be anxiously waiting for the next chapter ;)

Thank you for reading!

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alfinina #1
Chapter 5: Love the story. Update pleaaaaaaaaaaase... ^.^
Lramos70 #2
Chapter 5: Still waiting for the continuation of this story, please update soon, I want to know what's going to happen...
demonicangel226 #3
Chapter 5: oh please update! I'm dying to see these two fix their problems!
Chapter 5: Is that all??
keina1 #5
Chapter 5: Nice story... But, why is there another girl "Samantha" who like Lee Shin?? And Hyun Ki Young?!! They must be made another way to make Dooley couple get into misunderstanding again... Please update soon.. Yongshin figthing!! ^_^ Thank you
aienne2587 #6
Chapter 5: Finally an update!thanks author! Aishh! I got carried away with your story..this is the dark period of lee shin and shin hye's journey of their relationship..probably towards the happiest ending ever! <3
Chapter 5: What will happen next ?!. I hope Dooley will meet.:)
diehard_yongshin #8
Chapter 5: update soon dooley fighting!!
ananda23 #9
Chapter 5: Kya i'm very curious author! Update soon~
aienne2587 #10
Chapter 4: My heart cries for lee shin..i was deeply touched by the story. .