You've Fallen For Me...Again (Season 2)

A/N: Well I promised I would update soon and here I am!! Taadaah!!
Thank you so sooo much for your comments on the last chapter :D

Oh and forgive me if you find grammar errors or misspellings!


The sun rays entered directly through the window, announcing that a new day had begun. The brunette stretched her arms vehemently, accompanying the gesture with a long yawn. Her eyes began to close again when a disturbing horn sound was heard in the street, reminding her that she was at the bustling Manhattan and had to rush to work.
After bathing, she washed her teeth vigorously in front of the mirror, wondering what would this new week bring. Without warning, something fell from the top of the rack to the sink, and something was clearly heard as glass smashing.
Her eyes widened in surprise and with little trepidation she lifted the object to see what was left of it. In the center, between all the the broken glass, she saw her photograph. In it, she posed elegantly with a big beige hat perched with a slightly provocative smile. In the background, the top of a white lighthouse and an almost orange sky could be seen.
The memories of that day quickly came to her mind. They had gone to Jeju Island with their friends and as the two of them walked alone, Lee Shin had taken that photograph. He had always said that it was his favorite picture, so he had printed two copies and had framed them the same way for each of them to have one in their bedrooms.
A shiver ran through her body.
Meanwhile, in his own room, the guitarist sat motionless on his bed, holding inside his fist that day's newspaper. He was extremely angry.
Since the young woman had become famous years ago, all sorts of nonsense rumors had appeared. However, this time there were lots of evidence and although Shin did not want to believe in the newspaper's photographs, he had witnessed himself a similar scene before.


Arriving at the theater, Kyu Won looked at the faces of all her subordinates and colleagues, who looked at her in silence. Some showed curiosity, others approval and others concern. However, she simply did not understand the situation.
Finally, near the locker room, the young director met Hyun Ki Young, in whose face she could only see sadness.
- Oppa. - The girl whispered cautiously identifying to the rest of the cast hidden behind the walls and curtains.
- I'm sorry. - He apologized earning a strange look from her. - I didn't know we were being followed.
The director tilted her head slightly, showing her confused face.
- What are you talking about?
Ki Young sighed and then began to look for something inside his bag.
- I knew you wouldn't have found out yet. - He said, handing her the newspaper.
She began checking it without knowing what she was looking for. Suddenly, her face paled  when she found the front page in the entertainment section.
Her face quickly went from pale blue to red and back to white as the snow.
The actor held her hastily to prevent her from falling to the ground and sat her carefully down on a chair.
- Forgive me. - He said again. - I should have been more careful.
She shook her head knowing she could not blame him. She tried to tell him not to feel bad, but the huge lump in prevented her from issuing a word.
- Director Lee. - Suddenly called Steve, one of the musicians.
She looked at him suspiciously.
- One of the producers is looking for you. - Continued the young man just as a bad news deliverer.
Kyu Won's heart pounded heavily, feeling the pulses throughout her body. She stood up with some difficulty, as her knees were shaking.
- Miss Lee. - Said the man as she entered the theater's office.
She just nodded and then went to take a seat in front of him.
- I wanted to talk to you about this. - Said the producer putting the paper on the desk.
Kyu Won could clearly see herself being taken to the guillotine.
However, for her own surprise, the producers were bizarrely pleased with the scandal. They all had come to the conclusion that they were not interested in the private life and the relationship between her and the lead actor and in fact, it was very common in that environment; but they were rather happy to get free publicity in the yellow press since that would definitely contribute in ticket sales.
She was so nervous she didn't even try to explain that it was all a misunderstanding. Furthermore, with such incriminating photographs, no one would actually believe her anyway.
"Not even myself would believe it" she thought.
The rehearsal of the day went in a rather uncomfortable way, but no one dared to make any comment about the situation. Ki Young, on the other hand, felt much better knowing what the producers had said. Somehow, what the press could do stopped worrying him knowing that their relationship did not compromise Kyu Won's career or job.


The following night, Lee Kyu Won was lying comfortably on a chair inside her apartment, reading the script carefully to make sure that no detail was missing, when she heard the doorbell sound.
- Who is it? - She asked through the comm.
- Ki Young.
She was surprised and hesitated momentarily to let him in, but eventually unlocked the door.
The actor went up to her apartment, arriving with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She smiled at him and placed the flowers in a vase with fresh water.
- What are you doing here? - She asked then.
- Well ... as I know you don't want to go outside since what happened the last time, I decided to bring the date up here. - He replied with a smile.
She laughed at the comment and sat beside him.
- So, since you're here, let's watch television. - She said turning on the device with the remote control.
Hours later, Hyun Ki Young decided to leave because it was getting late. She walked him to the sidewalk.
- See you tomorrow. - Kyu Won said.
He smiled, but made no move to leave.
- What is it? - She inquired thinking something was wrong with him.
- Just wondering ... - He said slowly approaching. - When will be the day when you say you love me?
A chill went down her spine violently, making her close her eyes. Ki Young placed his hand gently on her cheek clasping his lips with hers, not realizing that Lee Shin was standing in front of them.
- This is what I wanted to check myself.

A/N: Please leave your comments and I'll update soon! :)

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alfinina #1
Chapter 5: Love the story. Update pleaaaaaaaaaaase... ^.^
Lramos70 #2
Chapter 5: Still waiting for the continuation of this story, please update soon, I want to know what's going to happen...
demonicangel226 #3
Chapter 5: oh please update! I'm dying to see these two fix their problems!
Chapter 5: Is that all??
keina1 #5
Chapter 5: Nice story... But, why is there another girl "Samantha" who like Lee Shin?? And Hyun Ki Young?!! They must be made another way to make Dooley couple get into misunderstanding again... Please update soon.. Yongshin figthing!! ^_^ Thank you
aienne2587 #6
Chapter 5: Finally an update!thanks author! Aishh! I got carried away with your story..this is the dark period of lee shin and shin hye's journey of their relationship..probably towards the happiest ending ever! <3
Chapter 5: What will happen next ?!. I hope Dooley will meet.:)
diehard_yongshin #8
Chapter 5: update soon dooley fighting!!
ananda23 #9
Chapter 5: Kya i'm very curious author! Update soon~
aienne2587 #10
Chapter 4: My heart cries for lee shin..i was deeply touched by the story. .