I love you so much

I Think I Love You [PART 2]

The next morning Yuri woke up early.
She looked at her sleeping husband. She loved him so much, but she was so hurt about what he said yesterday.
She sighed, and then got out of bed.

The time was 8 AM, and Yuri decided to eat breakfast.
"I guess you're hungry, my baby" Yuri mumbled to the baby in her stomach, even though it barely was a baby yet.

She picked out juice and bread from the fridge.
She poured up some juice in a glass and then sat down at the table.

While she was eating her bread and some grapes, she thought about Minho and his weird reaction yesterday.
She was so hurt and worried. Are he going to leave me? she thought all the time
She could still not understand why he wasn't happy.
They had been together more than a year, he always told her how much he loves her, and now they're married.
Yuri tried to push the thought away that he was going to leave her.
No, no, no! He'll not going to leave me! she thought
And after that, the door the their bedroom opened and a sleepy Minho walked out.

Yuri looked at him sadly.
He just looked at her quickly and then immediately walked to the bathroom.
Yuri sighed and took a sip from her soda and looked out of the window.

After a couple of minutes she heard the bathroom door open.
She didn't look after him, she just continued looking out of the window.

Suddenly she felt two hands that her hair.
"Honey..?" Minho said

"What is it?" Yuri asked and sighed

"Look at me" he said

Yuri got up from the chair and stood in front of him.
Minho held his arms around her waist and looked deep in her eyes.

"Yuri, i love you most of everything in the whole world... You're my ideal type, and i wanna spend my life with you more than you can know.
I love you so much... and i hope i can love our baby as much as i love you" Minho said and smiled

Yuri started crying of happiness and then hugged him tight.
"I'm so sorry for what i said" Minho whispered while his wife were in his embrace.

She let go of the hug with happy tears in her eyes.
"I love you too" she said and caressed his cheek.


Thank god it's good between them again!!

I know this is a veeeryyyy short chapter... But i wanted to make it short just because it's very emotional.
I'll update tomorrow!~

Kamsahamnida for reading<3

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shipping_onfany #1
Chapter 10: Hope you can write a onfany fanfic
supergoodtimes #2
Uhm can someone SOMEHOW give me the lonk to part one ? I AM lazy right now...
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #3
Chapter 12: T~T its finished already :(((
Thank you author-niim for the wonderful storyyyy :D <33333
glowglows #4
Chapter 12: cute story...
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #5
Chapter 10: OMO the baby is comiiiing!!!! \o/
glowglows #6
Chapter 10: cute couple..update soon..
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #7
Chapter 9: Awww look at these 4 >,<
Update soon!!!!
Chapter 8: ahhhh finally ..
update soon please !!! :D
glowglows #9
Chapter 8: finally...minho can love the baby
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #10
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH ... What was that Minho??? Oh poor Yuri, she was soo happy and excited ó.ò
Update soon!!!