Chapter 4

The Ugly Side (Yook Sungjae)


When you like someone, there’s always a part of you which tries to deny it. It will never come to your senses that you are, unless someone tells it to your face. The irony is that, someone else knows when you yourself don’t. I wonder how falling in love feels? Vampires fall in love, zombies are even capable of ‘exhuming’ (Warm Bodies is a cute movie). So how the hell do they do it?

“Hey.” Jaeyeon tapped me from behind. I opened my eyes and squinted as the light of the sun came into view. “Eunbin said to go over in his apartment next week.”

“A celebration for passing his university exam?” Jaeyeon nodded in response. Eunbin and I started talking. Apparently, he was ‘lonely’ that I didn’t talk to him for weeks. We bumped into each other at the canteen and I guess I just thought about how useless it is to not talk to my best friend.

“He’s graduating. I never thought he ever will, honestly.” I chuckled and stood up. One thing impossible about Eunbin is passing a very difficult exam.

“He got a scholarship for basketball, apparently.” Jaeyeon and I walked over to our room talking about nothing. Laughing about something that Jaeyeon said.

“Ok. That is impossible!” I exclaimed maybe a little bit too much since I caught everyone’s attention. The hallways are packed more today. What’s happening? I felt Jaeyeon nudge my side.

“What?” She pointed at a direction across the hallway. Eunbin came out from the crowd running like a mad man.

“Hey! Sisi!” He shouted. “Hey. I came over to tell you we’ll be going to the beach on Saturday instead of celebrating in my apartment. I called Sungjeon, Hunjun and Leemin. They said they miss you already.”

Ignoring the glares of some girls, “Those boys see me every day.” I rolled my eyes and Eunbin shrugged.

“OK. You guys, I really love you both, except you Eunbin. I love you lesser than I love Si. Anyway, I really am hungry! Can we go now?!” Eunbin and I nodded. We know better than asking a fight from the hungry Jaeyeon.

“Why is there such a crowd today?!”Jaeyeon complained as we pass the crowd.

“Oh. Probably because I’m here.” Jaeyeon and I rolled our eyes. We understand that he is good looking but there is no way I’m helping on inflating his already massive ego! “And, that guy’s here, too.” Eunbin nodded at the corner of the hallway.

Well, there he is surrounded by all the girls again. I’m used to it then, but now, I don’t know. It’s like I don’t even want to see that again. It’s been two weeks since I stopped doing whatever that I’ve been doing. A lot of his fans have been asking me if how far I have gotten in revealing his true colours. No one knows how hard it is to keep my head down in shame. But I guess it’s fine because I’m convinced that Sungjae really is a nice guy.

“Let’s go.” I said. I took one last glance at Sungjae but it’s kind of hard when all the girls are all over him. He shifted his head in my direction and then suddenly, our eyes met.

Hi. His eyes seemed to say. There was something else but I didn’t know what it was since I tore my gaze away from his.

I miss those eyes’ smile. Stop thinking about that now Sierra!

The whole lunch was uneventful. It was full of Eunbin saying his plans for his big celebration and most of the time was me thinking about Sungjae.

“Hey, you’ve been out of it. You ok?” Eunbin asked. I smiled weakly at him since even the smallest smile can convince him that I’m fine.

“I’m fine. Excuse me for a bit.” I stood up and went to my usual place at the ground.

If you were trying to give yourself a bit of relaxation, there is nothing that can beat a nice nap under a tree. That’s what my mum always said. But that won’t apply to what kind of situation I am in now.

“May I?” I asked but made myself comfortable instead. I would have just turned back but he saw me so... and I really wanted to approach him. I don’t know why.

Silence has always been comfortable for me. The dark is relaxing sight. But this time... it’s no-

“How far are you from revealing my true colours?”

“Ok. I expect that question from your fan girls but not the man himself.”

“You didn’t really answer me.” What’s up with this guy and his upset tone? I frowned then sighed.

“I-I kind of decided that two weeks ago to stop this nonsense.” I chuckled.

“What nonsense? What you were doing was not nonsense!” He exclaimed. OK, whoa? “What if- what if I’ve actually been nasty these past days? What if I’ve done something despicable?”

I looked at him weirdly. Why is he so getting worked up? Wouldn’t he want it if I actually didn’t care anymore and just leave him alone?

“But you didn’t right?” I said and he returned being silent. Sighing I said, “Look Sungjae-ssi...” why? Why did he look hurt when I said his name? Why does he have to look pained when I didn’t continue what I was doing? “You, you may look like a total douche and a jerk and may look like you’re playing the girls, but that- that was just me. I thought that you were playing this good guy image to not destroy your popularity. But I was wrong.” I stood up. “You’re a nice guy Sungjae-ssi.” I smiled at him. “You win.”

“How can I win when I’m not even playing?” He whispered to himself. I smiled to myself thinking about how great this guy is.

“Then the more that you should take pride of being yourself.” Just like that, I left him alone. It’s funny how I didn’t want to leave. It’s funny how I feel like I’m leaving a piece of myself in that bench. It’s funny how leaving him is much more painful than leaving my family.

This is bad; really, really bad.

“Hey, can you get that for me?” I took the book Jaeyeon asked from me. We were told to review for a quiz later on.


A couple more moments and we had our quiz. It was nothing complicated or anything. Anyone could even perfect that quiz.

“Someone got a full remark but at the same time someone also unbelievably have zero remarks.” Our teacher sighed. Zero? Wow. That just might go down in history.

“Sierra Stone.” My teacher called out my name and smiled. “Congratulations for having a full remark on your English test.” I smiled back and took my paper. I probably should have said that the subject was English. Easy piecey.

I turned around to sit down. “Mr. Yook.” Our teacher called out. “Are you having troubles with this subject? How is it possible that you got zero remarks? This is the first time, Sungjae-ssi.”

I was left there standing in front of the teacher’s desk. I probably need to move for this person to be able to go up front and take his paper.

Move damn it!

He stopped in his tracks and is probably waiting for me to move.

What the hell are you doing?! Move!

“May I?” His voice made me return to my senses.

“Sorry.” I followed his every step. Every movement as he went to claim his paper.

What’s happening to you?

“This is the third time that you have low remarks Sungjae-ssi. Not just in my subject but in your other subjects too. We understand that being a celebrity can take most of your time but you need to give time for your education too.” Our teacher reprimanded him. He just responded with a small nod and went back to his seat. Not a word, not an emotion, nothing.


“What do you think is happening to him?” Jaeyeon asked and I just shrugged.


“LUNCH TIME!” Eunbin shouted as he put his arm across my shoulder. I chuckled at his absurdness. “You know, you can always treat me.” I nudged his stomach and let go of his arms.

“You guys go. I’m not hungry.” I said with an empty voice.

“Aww. Come on! Let’s go eat!” Eunbin exclaimed and returned his arm where they are.

“No Eunbin. Go.” I said.

“No.” He said again.

I’m losing my mind here for pete’s sake! I’m not really in the mood to have this kind of conversation!

“Come on. Let’s go.” Eunbin said with a frown. And now it makes two of us who doesn’t want to be in this conversation.

“Eunbin, it’s only one lunch.” I retorted with an angry tone.

“No. You’re coming with us.” He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of the door. I tried to break free but he won’t budge.

“Eunbin! I said let go! You’re hurting m-“

I felt arms wrap around my torso. Strong pair of arms, familiar scent of peppermint, a familiar voice.

“Let go.” His voice was firm and strong like his old on me was. His hold was tight and seemed like he would never let go. It was a kind of hold that doesn’t suffocate me. It’s comfortable.

Eunbin eventually let go of my hands. Unlike him...

Sungjae didn’t let go.

“Wh-what are y-“ Without letting me finish my question, Sungjae grabbed me by the arm and led me through the crowd and to the back of the building. The usual building.

“OK. Stop.” I yanked my arms back and massaged it. “What is wrong with you?” I asked out of the blue. His response was his head down with his face covered by his hair. “Su-Sungjae-ssi.”

He suddenly chuckled. “I lost.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“You and the whole school just saw my weakness.” What is he talking about?

“What? I don’t-“

“When I saw how another man holds and touches any part of your body, I just lose my mind.” He paused. What is Sungjae talking about? “I’ve been keeping it in because he’s your best friend, but just now, I just lost it.” He let out a soft chuckle. “You probably think I’m crazy being possessive of someone who’s not even mine to begin with.” He lifted his head up and his flustered face came into view.

“You’re my weakness, Sierra. You bring out all of my side. My ugly side included. I don’t like any man touching you, I don’t like any man laughing with you, and I don’t like any man talking to you.”

He lowered his head and covered his face with his hands.  “I want that man to only be me.”

At those words, I just lost it. I hugged him so tight that I might just squeeze the hell out of him.

“Please. Don’t let go.” I said with my voice wavering into whimpers. “Don’t let go and I promise you’ll be the only man to be able to do it.”

His one arm wrapped around my torso and the other on my neck.

“Promise?” He asked.


He took my face within his palms and caressed it tenderly. With our faces inches together, our lips centimetres far apart... he chose to kiss my forehead.

He chuckled. “I will give you a memorable first kiss.” I chuckled and rest my head on his chin, his lips still on my forehead. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”



Well, unless you guys want some more? LOL

I actually have something in mind for a continuation.

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August8 #1
Chapter 4: waahh~~!! this is really good ! good job author nim .. ^^
nessa2 #2
Chapter 4: i really2 love it~~ good job author~~~ <3 <3 kekeke