The Ugly Side (Yook Sungjae)

The Ugly Side (Yook Sungjae)

Hanlim Arts High School.

This has always been my dream school ever since I was a kid. But not all things come on silver platter and served with a very blimey drink of champagne. No. That is not my reality anymore. Having to grow up with a mother who spends most of her days in the hospital is not what any high school girl wants. My brother, twin brother, and father do what they can to keep our failing company up and running. The hard thing is... they are not here. This is not my home country. South Korea is not my home. Seoul is not where I belong to.

“Sierra! Good morning!” My friend waved me as I was entering the classroom. As usual, people stare at me like I’m a piece of art... worthless piece of art that is. I walked towards her and as I was about to sit down, she whispered, “Don’t mind them. They’re just insecure because you’re a pretty girl. And not to mention you have posh English.” She winked at me and nudged my side.

I rolled my eyes in response as I took my seat in front of the class next to the window. “Yeah right. I don’t have a posh accent. Just because I lived in London and I have an accent, doesn’t make my English posh. Besides, I’ve been here for two years and they still do that to me.” I pointed at the people at the back of the room but suddenly they were gone.

I looked around and saw that they were all crowding at the door... noisily.

“Here comes Mr. Popular again.” I said bitterly.

My friend, Jaeyeon, squealed incessantly for a good twenty seconds before turning to me. I get this reaction from her all the time that that guy comes in class. Actually, I get this reaction from all the ladies in class... in school... in the district... yeah... probably even the whole world. I’m not kidding.

“You can’t blame me! I mean, a singer comes to our school, our class!” Jaeyeon shouted.

“Yeah, yeah. I know. You’ve said that to me for the past... I don’t know... twelve months?” I answered sarcastically. “And it’s really not great news anymore." I stood up and walked towards the back door of the class. Things like this are not what I need early in the morning especially when you’re sleep deprived.

“Where are you going?”

I turned around, “Somewhere peaceful and quiet. Somewhere where that guy...” I pointed at Mr. Popular “won’t think of going.” I smiled sweetly at my friend. In my peripheral vision, I kind of saw her eyes go wid-...

“Ouch!” I lost my footing after bumping into something. I looked up and... oh. Let me rephrase that. It’s not something, it’s someone. I stood up and cleaned my skirt and jacket. It’s summer here and I don’t even know why I used my freaking jacket.

I moved aside and walked past the not-so-tall-but-everyone-thinks-he-is Mr. Popular Guy and of course, as expected...

“How rude! She didn’t even say sorry after bumping on Sungjae!”

“She really is a bi! She’s not enthralled by the looks of him! Yuck!”

“She really has no manners!”

“Is that how western people react when they hurt someone?!”

OK. The last one was just offensive... and twisted.

Just because I don’t admire the guy doesn’t mean I’m bi and dude... me being a westerner doesn’t automatically make me rude AND, I was the one who hurt him? Last time I checked, I was the one who got thrown on the floor with not even one help from the guy!

I shook my head and closed my thoughts about the things they call me.

As I took my first step I heard him talk. “Sorry about that. Are you ok? Are you hurt somewhere?” His voice lingered in my head for a while. If I didn’t know any better, I would have lost my balance and melted on the cold floor. But of course, I had control... which is a good thing... a very good thing.

He sounded sincere and warm. It’s the kind of voice you’d be willing to trust and love. But still, I know that he’s just doing this for his image. He’s probably laughing at how stupid I can be to walk into him.

I shook my head. “You don’t need to worry your pretty little head about this.” I continued to walk on the hallway, trying to ignore all the looks I get from girls. The boys don’t really care though that’s why I have a lot of male friends. Actually, except for Jaeyeon and her cousin, I pretty much have boys as friends.

I found our favourite tree just outside of the cafeteria and sat down on the bench beside it. I sighed and closed my eyes. This is life... peaceful, quiet; I can’t hear those girls’ voices, no voice of his...

“I’m really sorry about what happened back there.” I just said I can’t hear his voice, why am I hearing his voice now? Probably my brain playing tricks on me. I felt a presence beside me so I opened my eyes and surprise, surprise. The person I least want to see is sitting beside me while staring at my face with a huge grin plastered on his mouth. As I thought, he really thinks I’m stupid.

“What?” I asked while averting my eyes from his gaze. Oh wow! The ants are on the job again!

“You are really peaceful to look at.” He smiled. I snickered and looked ahead of me. I don’t know where I got the sudden confidence. I heard him chuckle. “Do you really despise me that much?”

I grinned and turned to look at him. Wrong move. He looks like a cat. Let’s say, Puss in Shrek 2. But I won’t back down! I cleared my throat and looked at him straight in the eyes. “Despise is a strong word. Probably inappropriate too.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t despise you. I just...” I trailed off.

“You just, what?” He said tilting his head looking interested.

I just don’t like the thought that you’re just acting like a good guy because you’re a popular singer and you need to maintain a good image. I hate the thought of how you only are good to other people when they’re looking at your direction but think ill of them as they turn around. I don’t like the thought of you not actually being a true person.

“Are you still with me?” He waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked twice then hastily stood up.

“We have to get back.” I started to walk away from him as fast as my feet can. I can’t tell him what I was thinking can I? It’d be unreasonable. Besides, I despise people who know nothing but pretend for their sake.

I’m thankful he didn’t stop me so I was able to reach homeroom before the bell rang but that’s not the case for Sungjae. He came in two minutes late after the bell. Who’s counting? No one’s counting!

“Mr. Yook, you’re late.” Our homeroom teacher reprimanded him. You’d expect him to be scolded and punished for being late but no... Of course that’s not the case. All Mr. Popular has to do is scratch the back of his neck and smile at the teacher while “I’m sorry, ma’am. I’ll come in earlier next time. I just loved the view in the grounds.” And the teacher goes... “Oh it’s ok Mr. Yook. Please take your seat and observe your time next time” with a smile plastered on her face.


Like I said, damn people with pretences.

After a whole morning of listening to our teachers blabber about our lessons... “I think I’m going to lose my brain!” Jaeyeon exclaimed.

I laughed at how dramatic she can get. “What are you going to eat today?” I asked.

“Oh that’s right. We have a varsity meeting today.” She suddenly realised. She needs to tell me these things in advance! Who am I supposed to eat with today? “I know that look.” She sighed. “You can go ask my brother to eat with you, you know?”

I scrunched my nose. “You do know how girls act when I’m around you guys especially your brother, Mr. Popular number 2, right?”

She made gagging noises while holding her stomach. “Yeah right. He’s just a good looking bastard and nothing more if you ask me.” She pointed to her head. “And a stupid one too.” She stood up and took her bag. “Well, I’m off. He’s at the third floor right now.” I sighed in defeat. I guess I’m going to have to endure more gossips and shiz.

I stood up from my seat and gathered all my stuff. Did you ever have the feeling of being watched? Because that’s what I’m feeling just about right now. I turned around to see if someone is looking at me but as I turned around I saw a different scenario. There he is again. Yook Sungjae with all his women.

“Sungjae-ssi, do you want to eat with me?

“No! With me!”


“NO! Me!”

Anyone can imagine all the rest of what those girls are saying.

Sungjae smiled his killer smile and I swear I saw those girls’ eyes turn into a heart. “Thank you so much for asking me to come eat but I already promised someone else first. I’m really sorry. Maybe next time?” He said with gargantuan smile on his face. Wow. I never thought I’d be able to use that word here.

Feeling silly of why I’m looking at him, I continued to the third floor contemplating if I should or should not ask for Eunbin to eat with me. Should I? Or should I not? Eunbin being Mr. Nice-Athletic Guy doesn’t really lessen those girls trying to get at me.

“Sisi?” A voice called out from the back. I turned around to see Eunbin there surrounded by senior girls. “Sisi! What are you doing pacing in front of our room like you’re a lost kitten?” He said while running towards me. The thing about Eunbin is that he likes being touchy and putting his arm around me which makes not only the students of my year hate me but also the seniors. The only difference, the kids at my year hates me because I’m different, for the seniors, they hate me because I’m Eunbin’s best friend.

“Let me guess, she ditched you for a meeting huh?” Eunbin tightened his arms around my shoulders.

“Eunbin... Can’t. Freaking. Breathe.” I said while trying to inhale some oxygen. What was he thinking doing that?!

“Oh sorry!” He said holding his hands up while I hold my throat. I glared at him and walked away. “Oy! I said I was sorry!”

“I heard you!” I totally did. I only left because I can’t take all those stares... glares I’m getting from your fangirls! I heard him sighed then yanked me back.

“OK. You’re just hungry. Let’s go eat.”

While Eunbin is dragging me somewhere, I saw Sungjae ahead of us standing in front of a classroom talking to a girl. I stopped at my tracks and Eunbin did the same. “What’s up?” He asked me. “Oh. Looks like a confession for Mr. Big Star again.”

I scuffed. “(English) Yeah. Doesn’t he get enough confessions to last him a lifetime?” I said sarcastically.

When you’re that kind of a big time handsome young man, you’ll probably receive confession to last you for a hundred lives.” He answered.

“You know, you’re becoming better with your English.” I said jokingly while nudging his side. Like me, Jaeyeon and he didn’t really spend all their lives in their home country. While I came here in Korea two years ago, they stayed in the Philippines to study English and lived there for almost thirteen years.

“I’ve always been good with it.” I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of him not minding the confession-like atmosphere I was about to pass by. “Hey! What does that mean?” Eunbin complained behind me. I felt hands around my shoulders and being pulled back. Right. Just where the confession is being made, Eunbin has to be noisy!

I wasn’t wrong when I thought Sungjae was looking at us. Although... there’s something in his eyes...

I pulled Eunbin out of the place as fast as I could. Why was he looking at me like that? He looked like a dog that misses his master. The girl was even blushing awhile ago but I guess it wasn’t a confession that was happening.

“You know, you’ve been spacing out a lot these past few days.” Eunbin said while biting a chunk from...

Is that my sandwich?!” I screamed. I yanked my sandwich from him and immediately took a bite. “You’re not gonna get anything from me!” He just rolled his eyes and lay down at the tree at the grounds beside the cafeteria. It was our favourite spot.

“Aren’t you gonna eat?” I asked him. He shook his head and said that he didn’t have the appetite. “Why?” He just shrugged. Nice talking, smart . I sighed and offered him half of my sandwich but he just shook his head. “Here I am, offering my food to you even if I’m hungry!”

“Feed me.”


“I said feed me.”

I frowned at what he said. “And why would I?”

“I don’t want to move. My body’s really painful after the morning practice. Please?” He cooed. Both Jaeyeon and Eunbin love sports. I don’t do badly with volleyball and archery but them? I think they can most likely do everything.

I sighed in defeat and told him to open his mouth and he did. If anyone was to see us right now, they’d probably think we’re dating. Well, maybe some of the guys would think that but the girls might think I’m just trying to lure him in. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

“Stop rolling your eyes. You look like a dying chameleon.” Eunbin complained.

“You know, I was thinking of giving you my entire sandwich but because you said that, I won’t.” He suddenly sat down and took my wrist.

“OK! I won’t say that ever again.” I smiled at how childish he can get. It’s really fun messing with this guy.

“Not gonna.” I said laughing.

“Aww. Please...” He said while batting his eyes. Now that made me crack up. I laughed so hard that the girls around us glared at me. Well, whatever. I’m the happiest when I’m with this guy.

“Sungjae-ah!” I heard a guy speak from the cafeteria so I turned around. Right there on the cafeteria window, Sungjae was standing and Ilhoon sunbae was behind him.

“Oh. Ilhoon!” Eunbin shouted to Ilhoon sunbae. Oh right, they’re on the same class. Eunbin waved them over to us. Oh no. Is he doing what I think he’s doing?

The Eunbin rumour is enough for me but to actually have two stars to add up with that? I think I’m going to be toasted alive!

“Yow!” Ilhoon sunbae said while walking towards us with Sungjae trailing behind him while looking down. What’s up with him?

“What are you eating?” Ilhoon sunbae then saw me and smiled. “You must be Sisi. Eunbin’s been talking about you a lot. If I don’t know any better, I’d actually think you’re his girlfriend.” I wrinkled my nose in disgust and Ilhoon sunbae laughed. “So what are you guys eating?”

“Oh! We’re sharing the sandwich that she made! It’s really delicious!” Eunbin said gleefully.

I guess eating with three hot guys is not bad right?

OK I regret what I said. I don’t think I can.

Not when Mr. Popular is looking at me like he’s ready to kill a lion.

What’s his problem?

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August8 #1
Chapter 4: waahh~~!! this is really good ! good job author nim .. ^^
nessa2 #2
Chapter 4: i really2 love it~~ good job author~~~ <3 <3 kekeke