Chapter 2

The Ugly Side (Yook Sungjae)


“I’ll make sure to show all these people that you are not what you seem to be Mr. Nice Guy and all that! I’ll prove to them that you’re a despicable !”

I may have blurted out something that I can never take back ever again and will probably the total end of my existence in this school.

“What just happened back there?” Jaeyeon asked me while looking shocked. I shook my head in response. What happened back there is not something I’d normally do but what he was doing was just getting to me too much already. “What made you do that?”

I hastily turned to look at her. “That girl was just done confessing to him and what does he do after turning her down?! He goes back to the sea of girls that he have! That’s not the way a guy should act! I’m getting tired of him being this Mr. Nice Guy when he might just not be!” I can feel my face heating up from my outrage but Jaeyeon just sat there.

“Might? So you don’t know if he is a despicable guy. Might.”

“So what? What he did shaming that girl back there is unforgivable. He’s supposed to be a gentleman about it! You’re a girl. I know that you understand what I’m saying.”

Jaeyeon stood up and took her bag. “What are you planning to do then? How exactly can you make his real colour come out?”

“I don’t know, honestly. But I will do everything to prove it!” I was determined I’d be able to pull something out from that guy. Everyone has their own weakness. I’m sure.

“Oy! Spacing out again.” Eunbin suddenly appeared in front of me.  I don’t have time for this shiz with him. I need to go find out where that Sungjae is and prove everyone his ugly side. “What’s wrong with y-“ I immediately stood up leaving Eunbin behind. “Oy! Sisi Where are you going?” He shouted from the back.

If I’m right, he’s in the music room right about now. OK. Let’s go check that place first. I sprinted into a run on the hallways receiving a lot of curses from the people around. Yeah, I don’t have time for you all lot.

I turned left at the corner then suddenly bumped into someone hard. The last time, it wasn’t my fault but now, it is.

“I’m so sorry! I’m-“ I looked up. “Ilhoon sunbae! I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to run into you!” I exclaimed frantically. Ilhoon sunbae chuckled and stood up.

“Don’t worry about it. I have the right amount of arse fat right here.” He patted his bum then laughed. I sighed in relief that he didn’t get irritated. He helped me stand and pick up my things. Now, if only I can find a way out of this situation.


“Ah right! I heard there was a ruckus between you and maknae in your room a while ago.” Why did he have to bring this up right now? I really don’t have the time to embarrass myself in front of him or anyone in that matter. “What was that all about?”

I felt blood rushing up to my face so I averted my eyes. Ilhoon sunbae chuckled. “I heard it was something about revealing Sungjae’s ugly side?” He chuckled again. “That will be hard. Not even we can bring out that unknown ugly side of him and to think that we even live together.”

Why do all people think that that guy is Mr. Perfect?

I started to walk away. “I’ll be able to do it sunbae.” I bowed and excused myself. If they think that Sungjae is really that perfect then he’s no longer a human. He’s probably an abomination from another planet.

I took a peek inside the music room and there he is with our music teacher. Wait. What’s a teacher doing with a student in a room all alone?

Don’t tell me Ms. Lee and him... Well, it’s possible because Ms. Lee is only twenty two years old. Let me just grab my phone. Where’s my phone?! Pocket, none. Bag, none. Where the hell is my phone?!

“Teacher, is this ok?” Sungjae said while showing a piece of paper to Ms. Lee. I looked closely and saw a test paper in his hands with answers. What’s Sungjae doing with a test paper? Exams don’t start until next-

I gasped in realisation. Could it be that...

I stepped back two steps and a clatter came from my back. I turned to see a tin can knocked down on the floor. Stupid, stupid me!

I heard rustling from the inside and made a mental note to run away but there was no place to hide. The rustling and steps started to grow louder. I had no choice so I ran as fast as I can in the corner and clasped my hands over my mouth to keep my muffled breath in control.

The steps continued in my direction. It was the clacking of heels. Oh no. Ms. Lee will kill me now!

“Ms. Lee, I think we should not waste more time.” I heard Sungjae say. The steps began to walk away from my direction. I sighed in relief. That was close. Maybe I should just go home for now.

As I was walking home, I was thinking of how it’s fortunate that Sungjae didn’t want to waste anymore time. What could they possibly be doing there? Oh god. I hope they’re not... No, no, no, no!

Let’s not imagine anything... unwanted! Sungjae may be able to do that but let’s not spoil our innocent minds with that! Still, I should find out what that was all about. Maybe it’s my chance!

I completely didn’t get to sleep last night thinking about what Ms. Lee and Sungjae could possibly have done in there.

“OK. Let’s start homeroom!” Our homeroom teacher announced. The students scampered back to their seat. I turned around to see if Jaeyeon was able to make it since she was running late. In cue, Mr. Popular entered the class with a heavy breathe.

“I’m- I’m sorry ma’am. I-I’m late again.” He said. I rolled my eyes and continued to look for Jaeyeon. Is she skipping today? It’s not like her to skip.

“It’s ok Mr. Yook.” Maybe she’s sick or something. If only I can bring my phone out to text her and ask. I fished my phone out and saw that I received a message from Eunbin telling me we’ll be eating together today again since Jaeyeon is sick. I hope she can get well soon and come for the exams. “I understand that you’re busy with your early exams.”

Speaking of exams- What? What early exams? I lifted my head and the teacher and Sungjae were still talking. “It’s really unfortunate that I can’t be here at the day of the exams, ma’am.” Sungjae responded.

“Are you done with the exams then?” Our homeroom teacher asked.

“Yes. I finished Music yesterday. It was my last exam from Ms. Lee.” He smiled. Ms. Jung, our homeroom teacher instructed him to seat down. I remember he seats beside the person behind me. His bag came down with a thud and like the thud, it suddenly dawned on me what I just saw yesterday.

Sungjae had an exam. But why did he have to have an advance exam though?

I turned around and saw Sungjae looking at me intently. I turned to face the front immediately and felt blood rushing to my face. Is it hot in here or what?

“OK. Let’s start homeroom.”

After three subjects and a debate with the teacher about whether it is better to use blue or red as theme for the senior graduation, which is still eight months away, might I add?  I was able to go home with nothing in mind. Oh right! There’s the homework for History! Oh shucks! I hate History!

I sighed. “What are you sighing for?” Someone asked from behind. Eunbin was standing behind me so close.

“Jeez, Eunbin! Don’t do that!” I exclaimed while holding my chest. I was never good with these things. Damn him!

“What are you sighing about?” He repeated.

I sighed again and he raised his eyebrow at me. “History.”

“Ah. Homework, huh?” I nodded.

“ for you.” After saying that, he left me all alone in the campus grounds to dread about the history homework. How am I able to do a Korean History timeline when I don’t even know anything about Korea?!

“Oy! Eunbin! Kim Eunbin!” I shouted after him. “Help me!” And my good best friend just waved his hand on me. Really?!

“I can help you.”

It’s him. Oh god. Why does it always have to be him?

“No thank you. I’m fine.” I started to walk away but he stepped in front of my path. “Move.” I was trying so hard to not glare at him. OK, maybe glare is not the right word but I would like to assume that. He showed me his billion dollar smile.

“You do need help for your homework, right?”

Not from you I don’t


Nothing. I mean no thank you.” I feigned a smile and left.

Damn it! If only he wasn’t doing it for free then I might just say yes! And that’s a good opportunity to reveal his ugly side!

“You know, you can always pay me if you feel uneasy about me helping you. That homework is quite a handful especially for you.”

Still, no, thank you man. I turned around to tell him that.

“Ok. How much?”

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August8 #1
Chapter 4: waahh~~!! this is really good ! good job author nim .. ^^
nessa2 #2
Chapter 4: i really2 love it~~ good job author~~~ <3 <3 kekeke