Unwelcomed Guests

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams


The pair hesitantly walked into the living room of their apartment, half expecting the outburst that was sure to come, but surprisingly found nothing of the sort. The brothers were nowhere to be found till a cold breeze blew past them, sending their eyes to the now open balcony door that gave them a beautiful view of Seoul’s nightlife. Gogi wrapped her arms around her instantly while Nana rolled her eyes in annoyance. She marched over towards the door, kicking their bags on the side.

“You guys staying out here because I’m closing the door!” Nana announced pulling the doors closed annoyed as Ji Hoon reached out to stop it.

“Get in or stay out.” She hissed as both boys shuffled into the room, allowing Nana to shut and lock the door.

“Jesus, it feels like it’s snowing in here now.” Nana muttered turning to the two boys who simply took a seat on the couch, looking around in interest.

“So this is your apartment?” Koa asked making small conversation as Nana continued to stare at him, her arms crossed over her chest in clear annoyance. Gogi was positioned on the other side of the room, her eyes planted on her brother.

“So what are you guys doing here?” Gogi finally spoke up catching the boys attention.

“What do you think we’re doing here?” Ji Hoon asked putting his feet up onto the coffee table. Nana scoffed at the gesture, walking over before slapping his leg off.

“God, were you raised in a barn? Have some manners.” Nana hissed as he looked up to her surprised.

“So who were those guys?” Koa asked, turning his attention to Nana who was now sitting in the recliner.

“None of your business.” She spat never turning to look at him.

“Ana, who was he?” Koa sat up immediately as Nana turn to glare at him.

“Koa, just because you are here does not mean that I have to explain every aspect of my life here.” She hissed as he blinked in surprise.

“Hey! All I’m asking is who was the dude?! I mean, he had his hands all over you!” Koa snapped causing Nana to stand from her chair.

“All over me?! Pffft, he pulled me away from ringing your neck dry!” Nana lashed out at him just as Ji Hoon stepped between the pair.

“Alright, everyone needs to calm down.” Ji Hoon pulled Koa away while Gogi attempted to pull Nana away.

“Calm down, calm down my . You guys just suddenly show up out of nowhere, scolding us about having guys in our apartment, which by the way, they are one of Korea’s top artists. Yes, you dumb ! You almost punched Korea’s top bachelor in the face.” Nana snapped as Koa slowly sat down unable to fathom words to say back. Nana sighed, shrugging out of Gogi’s gasp before putting a hand through her hair.

“We’re busy this week so don’t get in the way. I don’t care why you’re here just don’t expect anything from me.” Nana hissed before marching down the hallway towards her room, slamming the door in the process.

“Um….well….that went better than I had expected.” Koa sighed as Ji Hoon side eyed his best friend. Koa turned to his expression confused.

“What? It could have been worse. I half expected her to throw me off the balcony.” Koa shrugged as Gogi shook her head, taking a seat.

“So how has it been so far?” Ji Hoon asked his little sister who only looked up to him.

“It’s been exhausting.” Gogi admitted leaning back in the recliner.

“Well of course it is, it’s supposed to be that way.” Ji Hoon added as she nodded.

“What sort of things have you guys done so far?” Ji Hoon then asked in interest as she smiled.

“We did our debut photo shoot, a music video with a duo and a music video with one of our label mates.” She explained as Koa turned to her surprised.

“So did Ana?” he asked as Gogi nodded.

“She did one with me and the duo then the other with this really famous singer.” Gogi explained as Koa turned his head to the hallway.

“Koa.” Gogi called carefully as the older man turned to her.

“This singing gig isn’t what you think it is. She really loves it and loves the people here. I know you, aunty and uncle don’t agree with this sort of life style, but Ana is amazingly talented. Having her drop this sort of dream is such a waste that it wrenches my heart just thinking about it. Give it a chance, you’ll see that she loves this sort of work more than anything. It’s not hopeless.” Gogi explained as Koa sighed turning to the hallway again.

“Which room is hers?” He asked standing up to collect the bags around the room.

“Second door on your left.” Gogi answered as he nodded, saluting to his friend before quietly walking down the hallway.


Nana shuffled into her room, huffing and puffing as she dressed herself for bed. Plopping down on her back, she stared aimlessly at her ceiling. How could they have shown up? And now of all times. She groaned, throwing her arm over her eyes in annoyance. She had the Teen Top filming tomorrow and now her brother was here. She cringed at the thought of him tagging along.




She flinched in surprise, pulling her arm away from her face to look at the door.

“Maybe if I don’t answer they’ll go away.” She whispered to herself in thought.

“I won’t go away even if you don’t answer.” The voice on the other side answered her thoughts as she snorted, rolling away from the door to face the far wall.

“Go jump off a bridge Koa, I don’t want to see you!” She yelled before groaning when she heard the bedroom door open.

“Holy , this is your room?” His voice asked in surprise as she rolled her eyes, pulling the comforter over her head. The door shut followed by the sound of his luggage tires rolling across the tile. She hid my face in my pillow before sighing.

“Ana.” He called calmly as she rolled her eyes from under the comforter.

“Ana.” He called more sternly this time causing her to sigh in irritation before pulling the comforter down far enough to peek over.

“What?” She spat as he sat on the edge of the bed by her feet.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized as she blinked in confusion.

“If you’re apologizing for showing up unannounced, I won’t accept it till you leave.” She hissed, pulling the covers over her head. She knew her brother meant well, but the fact that he had obviously showed up out of pure distrust for her and her dreams, pissed her off. How different was he from their parents?

“Ana, I didn’t expect you to get this far.” He bluntly admitted as she snorted.

“Well seeing that you judge just as quickly as ma guys do, I didn’t expect anything less.” She hissed quietly, pulling the covers down before sitting up on her side of the bed.

“I’m sorry Ana. I honestly didn’t think you would get this far.” He looked over his shoulder worried as Nana just rolled her eyes from her spot.

“Seeing that you came here out of distrust for something I told you I had control over, just further proves you are no different than dad guys.” I hissed putting a hand through my hair annoyed before walking over to the one window I had in my room.

“Well seeing that you proved me wrong, tell me, how has it been?” He asked interested as she snorted, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Why does it matter to you?” She hissed never turning to look at him.

“Ana.” He sighed.

“You proved me wrong already, now give me a reason to continue my trust in your dream.” He scolded as she sighed, looking down to her feet.


Nana finally turned and spilled everything, well most everything that had happened since they arrived in Korea. She made sure to leave out the more personal things that had happened, and being the good brother he was, Koa sat there and listened to her ramble. It may come to a surprise to people who were only ever introduced to her hard and stubborn side, but she was closest with Koa, even over Gogi. That sibling bond between the both of them was strong enough that even Koa knew a few things about Nana that even Gogi herself didn’t know.

“S-so you have a music video filming tomorrow?” Koa asked overly interested as Nana nodded from her spot on the bed.

“My manager is supposed to come by in the morning to pick me up.” She answered looking to the clock to see that they had spoken for the last 2 hours, it was now midnight.

“Woah.” Koa sighed, unable to bring any other words to his lips.

“You even have a manager, that is sooooooo cool.” He praised causing her to roll her eyes and chuckle slightly.

“Will I be able to go with you?” He then asked hesitantly, he knew there were rare times when she was in a good mood like now, but flip the wrong switch and her snappy attitude would appear immediately. She pulled her knees up and shrugged.

“Not sure if there is some sort of regulation or procedure we have to go through for that. I mean, if you guys let us know ahead of time, I could have spoken to our president.” Nana sighed, looking to her brother in a deep thought across the room.

“How long are you guys staying for?” She then asked as he looked up to her.

“Ji Hoon said for about a week or so.” He shrugged as Nana nodded.


“Oh my god this is so awkward.” Koa whispered in the dark room as Nana snorted from next to him.

“You’re the one insisting on sleeping in a bed and there are only two beds in this apartment.” Nana hissed with her eyes closed, she didn’t care about sleeping next to her brother but he was obviously letting it bug him.

“I can just sleep out in the living room on the couch.” He retorted in a whisper causing Nana to roll her eyes.

“If my ears serve me right, Min Hee and Ji Hoon are still out there talking.” Nana explained through a yawn before allowing sleep to take hold of her.



“You think they’re ok in there?” Ji Hoon asked from his spot against the wall behind the couch. He was worried for his friend’s well-being the moment he thought it was a good idea to go check on her. Gogi rolled her eyes and whacked her brother thighs.
“Would you get down already?” Gogi hissed quietly as he plopped down, rubbing his now throbbing thigh.

“So aside from the reason that Koa practically dragged you here, what are you guys doing here?” Gogi asked, resting her head on the back of the couch.

“Koa was worried about Ana, he said that after their last phone call, he was worried that she was chasing dead end dreams again.” Ji Hoon explained only causing Gogi to roll her eyes.

“Aish, that boy.” Gogi hissed annoyed at her friends brother.

“So he basically came to see if what we were saying was true?” Gogi asked over as Ji Hoon sighed and nodded.

“Basically.” He added as she nodded and yawned.

“By the way, was that GD&TOP?” Ji Hoon asked over interested causing Gogi to laugh before nodding.

“Wow.” Ji Hoon mentioned, being that he had listened in on quite a few of Gogi’s music interests.

“What were they doing here then? Aren’t they supposed be off being famous and whatnot?” He teased causing her to snort.

“They were hanging out with us, if you must know. And yes, we are friends with them.” She spat seeing the disbelief in his face.

“Alright, alright, I believe you. But now, you need to explain these cameras to me.” He explained gesturing with his head up to the cameras set up around the kitchen and living room.

“Ah those, well they are off right now, if that’s what’s bothering you.” Gogi reassured as Ji Hoon sighed in obvious relief.

“We started filming a reality show with MTV-K the moment we left New York. It’s supposed to show fans the real life of trainees becoming idols.” She explained as he nodded in understanding, still staring at it.

“So they only film in the apartment?” he asked as she shook her head.

“Our president has had us on a temporary hiatus from the cameras this week, but on normal days, there are camera crews who follow us around also.” She explained as he nodded in interest.
“So what’s on the agenda tomorrow?” he asked turning to look at his sister finally.

“I have a music video filming for Jay Park tomorrow.” She explained as he nodded.

“And no, you can’t come.” She added as he turned to her surprised.

“Why? I came all this way, why can’t I come. I wanna see you in action.” He spat causing her to roll her eyes.

“One, it’s not up to me. He’s a musician from another company. Visitation has to not only go through my president but his as well. It’s too late to request that sort of thing from them. And two, I don’t need you there distracting me.” Gogi smirked over at her brothers annoyed face before standing up and turning in for the night.


Tomorrow would be interesting start for the two unwelcomed brothers.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi