o4. Rivalry

100 Thousand Words [Artwork Challenge]

Credits to: Cloaks, Krypteria HGFlying High and others for the textures and stock pictures used.


 Yay!~<3 I've finally posted up a new poster!~

I'm actually quite satisfied with the results.. unlike the last one.

Imma see if I can fix that, but until then, meh!~

(BIO is a pain in the buttocks. :[ )


Nadeshikoyukai Out!~~<3






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lkw1995 #1
Chapter 8: I think this one is the best so far, at least out of the ones here. The only thing I don't like is how your text was to close together, oh and the 'drink me'.....

The quote makes me think of one of my philosophy lectures though XP