
A Beautiful Love Story





Krystal standing stiff in front of the cafe entrance when she saw a totally bad news for her today.. there’s a note in the cafe’s door that said..


“We’re really sorry to closed this cafe for today.. there was unexpectedly news about one of our owner was passed away.. we’re really sorry to our customers...”


She sigh and turn to see the rain falls down so perfectly in front of her.. today was raining so hard.. she just thought of have some warm tea to heat up her body and write the story, but today everything againts her.. now, she must wait here for her mom to fetch her.. she even doesn’t know when will her mom come.. what a bad day..




Minho stop his car in front cafe’s gate when he saw his dream girl standing alone while crossing her arms with a cute pout in her face.. he take his umbrella and going towards her..

Krystal bowed to Minho who come closer to her with his umbrella.. “Annyonghaeseoyo..”

“Why don’t you come in??” Minho ask..

She pointed to the cafe’s door.. hope that Minho will read it by himself..

“Ah.. so, are you wait for Kibum to fetch you??” He purposely say Key’s real name to remind her that he is her oppa’s friend..

“Aniyo.. my mom will fetch me..” She said while look up to the sky who keep drop the rain.. she feel cold because she doesn’t have her jacket..

Minho stood awkwardly beside her.. he doesn’t know what to say.. he’s playing with his finger.. his body feel shaky.. this is the first time he stayed with her alone.. just the two of them.. without some customers or even the waiters surrounding them..

He take a quick glance to her and saw her hugging herself.. her leg shaking due to coldness.. “A-are you.. cold??” He ask..

“Deh.. aniyo.. kwenchanayo..” Krystal bowed at him..

He quickly let go of his coat and wondering how to give it her.. he keep hesitate to give her his coat.. how will she react if he just give it to her?... he rub his nape.. why he become such a coward in front of her? He never feel this awkward around girls.. he always have confident.. but this girl.. just one look from her can make him shaking so much...

He look at her again.. now, she hug herself even more and her leg become more shaky.. he take a deep breath and quickly put his coat around her shoulder... his eyes meet her when she turn her face towards him...

He feel his world stops when her eyes meet his.. he can’t hear everything.. he even can’t hear the rain sound.. he just hear his heart who beating too fast.. her eyes.. so bright and clear.. he definitely fallen for this girl.. this girl, the one who he want to give all his heart..

She was the first one who end their intense stare when she realized that his arms is around her shoulder.. and there’s coat who covered her arms.. she admit that she feel warm with this coat and his arms around her..

He quickly let out his arms around her and rub his nape.. “Mian..” He said with low voice..

“Deh.. thank you..” she give him a slight bow..

And then the silence surrounding them for some minutes.. no one dare to talk and start the conversation.. Minho keep thinking that he must make a move.. this is a good chance for him to know her better but he can’t think of any words to talk with her..

“Mmm.. a-actually what time will your mom.. fetch you??” He courage himself to ask her..

“Ah.. you want to leave now? I’m still have to wait about an hour or more.. khaseoyo.. it’s okay if you want to go first..” She said and ask him to leave first if he want..

“No no.. I mean.. do you mind to.. mmm.. to wait in my.. c-car..” He said with a low voice

“Deh?” she can’t his voice properly..

He take a deep breath and try to calm himself.. he clear his throat.. “My car.. you can wait in my car if you want.. you can catch a cold if you wait here for an hour...”

She take a glance to the sport car not far away from them and then to her bag.. she smile brightly.. what a good idea.. she might be die if she keep wait here without doing anything...

“It is okay if I wait there??” She ask..

“O-of course.. or.. do you want I.. I.. take you.. h-home immediatelly..? I also have some matters with Key..” He try to find a reason to take her home..

“No.. you don’t need to take me home.. my mom will surely fetch me, we just have to wait here..”

“Okay.. l-let’s go..” He open his umbrella and ask her to move closer..

They walk towards his car with arms  sometimes againts to each other.. he never know that he would walk with her this close.. in the middle of the rain.. he smile to himself.. what a beautiful situation...




“Oh.. I’m save.. it’s so warm..” She smile as she sit at the passanger’s seat... “Thank you very much.. mmm.. sunbaenim..” She bowed at Minho..

Minho chuckled at her politeness.. how can she call him sunbaenim? How he wish she called Oppa instead of  Sunbaenim..

“Just wait here comfortably..” He said..

“I will..” She smile when suddenly her phone rang.. “Appa!!!” She yell as soon as she pick up her phone..

“Princess.. Germany this time.. keke.. my last country and then I will back to you soon.. hihi”

She pout.. “Huft.. you have a wonderful journey there.. and you don’t know that your daughter have so much hard times here..”

“Why.. my wife haven’t fetch you?”

“Not yet.. Seoul was covered by rain since morning.. and the cafe was closed.. you don’t know how bad my day Dad.. How I wish you’re here..”

“So, where are you know?”

“Mmm... I wait at.. mmm  some hut here..” She’s lying.. she doesn’t know how will her dad react if he know that she’s with a guy now...

“Oh.. poor my princess.. thats why I told you to have a personal driver.. you can’t depend on your mom since she’s busy everyday.. wait a minute, I will ask one of my employee to fetch you..”

“No Dad.. I will just wait for mom.. I’ve promise to wait for her, it’s not good if I broke that.. I’m okay now.. I still have something to do here..”

“What will you do in that hut alone huh?? It’s dangerous princess..”

“Mmm.. I’m not alone Dad.. Sulli is with me now.. oh stop your worries.. if you really worried then comeback now and fetch me right away..”

Minho look at her.. she’s not telling the truth to her dad.. did she afraid? Did her dad was scary?

“Writing again??”


“You can write at home.. i will call my employee now..”

“It’s alright dad.. I will just wait for mom.. do your work properly and come back soon!!”

“It is really okay? I’m worried now..”

“It’s okay.. I’m not a little girl anymore..”

“Okay then.. I will just call my wife.. I trust you now.. you should be really okay..”

“Arraseo.. I will call you later..”

“I love you.. Be carefull”

“ Deh.. I love you too..”

She close her phone as her dad cut the connection.. She quickly take her laptop from her bag.. she must write something.. her mom will come soon as her husband will definitely call her..

Minho just look at her busy with her laptop.. she’s like in a rush.. why??

“I’m sorry.. don’t mind me.. you can do whatever.. I wouldn’t bothered you..” She said while smiling..

“What are you doing??” He ask..

“Oh.. I have something I must write.. can I??” She ask for his pemission..

“Of course you can..” He said while nodding..

As soon as she heard his words.. she quickly put her glasses and begin to write... not minding Minho’s smile at her..




“Thank you very much Yonghwa sshi..” Seohyun bowed at Yonghwa as they come out from the cafe..

“It’s okay..” Yonghwa bow back.. “L-let’s go..” He said..

They walk towards the bus stop without saying anything.. the same situation when they’re in the cafe.. no one dare to talk.. Yonghwa feel stupid himself.. he doesn’t know what to say and ask to know her more.. there’s so many question about her in his mind but his mind going blank when faced her.. he even can’t look at her eyes properly..

They enter the bus and sit beside each other but again.. Yonghwa can’t saying anything.. his heart beating faster because they sit really close... she opened her bag as soon as the bus drove away..

She put her glasses and read the book she haven’t finished yet.. without minding Yonghwa.. she thought Yonghwa doesn’t want to talk with her so she have to read to kills the time...


A minutes.. three minutes... five minutes.. and ten minutes...


Yonghwa can’t take his eyes from her face.. her serious face.. it’s remind him when he first saw her.. when he thought that this girl is pretty.. when he can’t forget her after that day.. he smile to himself.. she really like books then.. so, library??... if he want to see her, then.. he must find her at the library..

Another ten minutes he spent to just see her face.. she wouldn’t never know that a guy beside her is madly falling in love with her..

The bus stop at their destination.. Yonghwa slighty touch Seohyun’s shoulder to wake her up from her serious reading.. “We’re here..”

“Oh..” She quickly close her book and come out from the bus followed by Yonghwa...

They’re walking towards Seohyun’s apartement building without saying anything.. Yonghwa know this moment they’re together will end soon as she already reach her apartement.. he want to say something, but he really doesn’t know what to say.. even he can’t control his heart beating since they’re in the cafe..

“It’s better if you go from here.. it’s almost midnight..” She said as they reach her apartement building..

“No.. I.. I will sent you inside.. your parents might be angry if they know you going home late alone like this..”

She smile.. “I live alone.. so, you can just leave me here..”

He widened his eyes.. “You live alone??.. W-where your parents..?”

“They’re in Incheon.. Incheon is far from the college, so I live here to save the time.. Sometimes Yoona stayed with me..” She answered his question.. she feel relieve, finally there’s something he ask about her.. she really thought Yonghwa feel uncomfortable around her, thats why he’s not saying anything from beginning...

“Oh..” he nod..

“So.. you go first.. thank you very much..” She said..

“Okay.. I will go now..” He slighty bow at her..

“See you again..” She bow at him too..

He look at her.. “See you again?? R-really?” He feel excited to hear her words.. that mean she want to meet him again?

She nod.. “Mmm.. I think we will meet again.. knowing Yoona and Jonghyun sshi are together.. wae.. you.. don’t want to see me again??”

He quickly hook his head.. “Aniyo.. of course I want to see you again.”

She let out a small laugh.. “Alright.. we will meet again.. friend?” She smile at him...

He smile shyly at her.. “Friend..” He extend his hand towards her.. offering for a handshake..

“Deh?” She look at him confuse..

“Friend.. u-usually friend will do a handshake..” He said..

She chuckled.. “Ah.. really?? okay then..” She accept his hand..

As soon as her hand touch her.. he made a promise to himself.. he will throw away his awkwardness and fear.. he will try to courage himself to make her his girlfriend.. this girl, he sure she is the one for him...

“Alright.. you go in first..” He said as they end their handshake..

“No.. you go first..”

“I wont leave if you’re still outside..”

She sigh.. “Arraseo.. Good night..” She smile and wave to him..

“Good night..”

After he confirm that she already ride the elevator.. he began to walk towards the bus stop.. a smile never faded from his face.. he know he is stupid for letting the chance to know her more dissapear as he not even saying anything to her.. but, she said they will meet again.. he promise he will throw away his stiffness, awkwardness and confidently ask her if they meet again...








Yonghwa busy carving the tree’s stalk at the park infront of the library.. he’s waiting for his dream girl to come to the library and he will greet her there... she seems like to read, he’s sure that she will be at the library this afternoon..

“L.o.v.e..” He crave even more at the tree as he haven’t see her yet..


He smile to himself.. he know he is stupid.. but he can’t control it.. yesterday it feel like a dream.. even this morning he still can’t believe that he and Seohyun already become friend.. hihi.. now, he must make a move.. he really like her.. her personality, her face and her behaviour.. all perfect.. perfect for a girlfriend.. and wife maybe.. he grin from ear to ear when think about that..


His serious mind when crave interupt by the beautiful sight infront of him.. that girl with light blue shirt and jeans with ponytail hair enter the library alone..


He quickly crave the last word at the tree and prepared himself.. he run towards the library and take  a deep breath.. even though they’re already being friend, Jonghyun keep remind him to not being too obvious.. she still hate the admirers..


He enter the library and saw her at the librarian’s table.. happily chatting with the librarian.. he walk closer towards her and pray that he wont stutter or stiff infront of her..

“Oh..” Seohyun said as she notice a guy beside her.. Yonghwa smiling brightly at her.. “What are you doing here??”

He clear his throat.. “Mmm.. I want to find some books..”

She let out a small laugh.. “What a rare sight..”

“Deh?” He ask..

“Sorry.. I mean, I’ve never saw you here.. not even once..”

“A-aniyo.. well, I’m not come here so often.. but, sometimes I came..” He said..

“Really?? I think I’ve never saw you.. I’ve come here everyday, it’s impossible if I don’t notice a handsome guy like you was here.. right??” She smile and ask the librarian.. the librarian just nod at her..

His heart beating even faster when heard she said him handsome.. his cheek become warm and a smile curved on his face.. so, she thought he is handsome.. he chuckled all of sudden..

“Wae?” She look at him confuse..

He shook his head.. “Aniyo.. well, I admit I’ve barely come here.. maybe.. never”

“So, why bring you here today??”

“I said I want to find a book..” He said..

She nod.. “Okay then..” She back to look at some books recommended by librarian.. “Ah.. it’s so pity that this book haven’t come yet..” She pout..

“It’s about a week or more Seohyun ah.. you can read this book instead..” The librarian give her a thick book.. Yonghwa look at the librarian’s nametag.. it say Kim Hyoyeon..

Seohyun shook her head.. “I think I wouldn’t read self-improvement book today.. I need to finish my report.. is there a book about ‘liver surgery’..??” She ask..

“Wait a minute.. “ Hyoyeon try to look at her computer.. Yonghwa just see the two girl’s conversation and keep look at Seohyun’s face...

“Say that you’re lucky.. someone just return that book this morning.. just find it yourself there..” Hyoyeon pointed at the medical books section..

“Just one? What about Yoona?”

“Just use it together.. recently some medical students always borrow that book..”

“Okay.. thank you..” Seohyun smile and walk towards the medical books section..

Yonghwa followed behind her when he hear Hyoyeon call him..

“What books do you need??” Hyoyeon ask..


“You might find it hard to find it by yourself.. I will search it from here..” Hyoeyeon pointed at her computer..

“Ani.. I can find it by myself.. thank you..” He bow at Hyoyeon and then run towards Seohyun..

He just followed behind Seohyun who busy find the book for her report.. she grab the book she want earlier and search for another book when she notice Yonghwa is behind her..

“Why are you here??”

“Following you..” He said without thinking much..


“Because.. you are my friend..”

“Deh?” She look at him confuse... she sigh.. “Did you find your book??”

He shook his head.. “Not yet..”

She chuckled.. “Business books?”

He nod..

“At the opposite side..”

He just look at her for few seconds.. doesn’t understand what she mean..

She sigh.. “Business section.. at the opposite side..” She pointed at the exact place.. “You’re still unfamiliar with the library??”

“Ah.. right.. my book.. wait a minute.. I will be back..” He quickly run towards the business books section.. Seohyun just shook her head in disbelive..

Yonghwa just took some random books from the rack and then walk back to Seohyun in a rush...

Seohyun look at him confuse.. he already grab some books in his hands.. “Already??” She ask..

“Hihi..” He just giggled..

“So, why are you here again??” She ask as she grab the last book she need for her report..

“Eiii.. of course we need to read it together right?? I don’t know anyone else here..” he said..

She look at him, feeling uneasy.. “Well, honestly.. I don’t really like being interupt when I’m reading.. it’s better if we read it separately.. I need consentration..” She said..

“I wont interupt you.. I’m reading too.. please..” He show his toothy smile..

She sigh.. “Fine.. but, don’t blame me if you find it’s boring..”

He shook his head.. “I wont..”

She nod and walk, followed by Yonghwa behind her... all Yonghwa do is smiling to himself.. he feel relive that he gain more confident around her.. no more awkward feeling.. he bet...

She going up to the second floor.. he find this floor is so solemn.. at the first floor, there’s still some students who talk comfortably.. he guess, the first floor is for everyone to find their books.. thats why it’s still noisy.. while this floor is.. so quite and the interior really make you sleepy, it’s definitely for the serious reading.. Yonghwa sigh.. this atmosphere might be solemn, but for him.. if Seo Joohyun is here, he wouldn’t feel bored and sleepy...

They keep walking to the corner.. there’s one section for a self-improvement books.. Seohyun enter the section followed by Yonghwa.. this section is quite comfortable.. there’s a small place covered by the rack at the three sides.. it’s quite and a bit far from the actual reading table..

He look at her confuse.. “Why we’re here??”

“Of course to read..” She sit at the floor covered by the carpet and opened her book..

He sit beside her.. “Here?? but..”

“Wae? Thats why I told you to read by yourself.. you wouldn’t like this place..”

“Not that I don’t like this place.. but, isn’t it too much?? We’re alone here..”

“We’re not alone.. there’s plenty of people reading there..” She pointed at the some people far from them... “This is my personal place..” She said..

“Per-personal place??”

“I like the quite and peaceful atmosphere when I’m reading.. this is the best place at this library for me.. this three rack covered me by people’s sight.. it’s so comfotable..”

He look at the three books rack covered them.. well, it seems like people barely come here.. these books seems an old books.. three rack covered each side.. just leaving one side for the entrance.. it’s seems like a small room.. a perfect room... for sleep...

He sigh.. he already feel sleepy here.. “So, all this while you hide yourself here..” He blurt out..


“Aniyo..” He lean at the one of the rack.. “Ah, by the way.. why’d you tell me about this place?? This is your personal place right??”

She look at him.. “You are the one who followed me..”

“Oh... so, can I come here everyday, chingu?? ”

“If you want to read.. you can come here..”

He smile.. “So, this is our personal place then.. hihi..” He smile shyly..


“Well, just the two of us know about this place right??” He ask enthusiastics..

She shook her head.. “Everyone know about this place.. they just barely come.. sometimes, the unimportant peoples come just to interupt my thought..”


“I talk about some guys.. they always come here and confessed their love with unimportant reason.. well, I think you know what I mean, since you must have experience it too.. I know you’re popular among girls... don’t you think that so-called admirers is so annoying??”

His face become stiff hearing it.. so, Jonghyun is right.. she hate the admirers.. and many guys confessed to her before.. but why she hate them??

“Admirers??” He ask awkwardly

She nod.. “I know from Yoona that you’re often got confessions from girls.. it’s annoying right??”

“W-well, a bit.. but, I think mine is different from yours.. that girls are not my admirers.. they’re just like me because they thought, I’m.. mmm.. good looking.. maybe.. hihi... it’s like fangirling..”

“Whats the differents??”

“Mmm.. I think admirers is more reasonable?? They’re different.. maybe, one of them is really love you?? well, you know.. l-love at the first sight.. you can’t judge them all same..”

She smirk.. “Secret admirers??”.. He can clearly see her cold eyes when talk about secret admirer.. whats wrong with her??

“Sort of.. trust me.. there’s a guy who love you secretly at the first sight.. that guy is different, not just love you by your looks but your heart..” And that guy is me.. He thought..

“How can you say that?? love at the first sight?? It’s absolutely about looks.. how can that guy judge me if he just saw me once?? Stop that nonsense.. I hate that kind of guy.. especially that secret admirers.. they’re stupid, fool, crazy.. doesn’t have brain.. they just have the imagination.. they live in the hallucinations.. I hate that the most..”

“What make you think that they’re live in the hallucinations??” He feel a bit hurt with her words.. She called the admires is stupid...

“Well, wait a bit more here.. later, this one guy would come.. who’s his name again?? Cho.. cho kyu.. whatever.. you will see how stupid and crazy he is later... at time like this he must have come by now..”

Yonghwa look at her confuse.. so, one guy would come?.. he began to curious.. what kind of a guy he is.. what if he is like him.. the real admirers who love her with all his heart??

Ten minutes they just keep silence.. Seohyun read her book a bit while Yonghwa just keep wondering who’s that guy...


“Seohyun ah..”

Yonghwa look towards the voice directions...

“Speak of the devil..” Seohyun glare at him.. and close her book

“I’m Cho kyuhyun.. you remember me right?? I just want to give you this..” The guy named Kyuhyun give her the letter and flowers.. that guy seems like a nerd.. with his big glasses and not-really-cool clothes..

Yonghwa feel relieved.. at least, he is more stylish than this guy...

Seohyun doesn’t even bother to accept his letter and flowers.. she just keep glare at him, just like she usually did.. Yonghwa feel bad for that guy.. he doesn’t like that guy too, but.. Seohyun really treat him badly..

“Seohyun ah..” Yonghwa call Seohyun..

“Who is he Seohyun ah??” Kyuhyun ask.. there’s a fear in his eyes..

“My boyfriend..” Seohyun said.. make Yonghwa and Kyuhyun shock!!

“B-bo-boy-boyfriend??” Kyuhyun hanging his mouth..

“Deh..” She smile at Yonghwa.. “Right jagiya??” She hold Yonghwa’s hand.. She just thought of to get rid of this Kyuhyun guy.. it’s good that Yonghwa’s here.. she hope that guy wouldn’t come anymore if he know that she have a boyfriend...

Yonghwa feel his body sweating.. he never thought Seohyun would make a reason like this... he feel happy inside, but he pitying this guy infront of him.. after all, he is in the same situation as this guy.. they like her.. what if Seohyun said that to him?? how will he react...

“Ani.. andwe!! Aniya... this is not gonna be happen... my Seohyun... my beautiful Seohyun.. you are mine!!! Andwe..!!” Kyuhyun crying and yell all over the place... not minding that this is a library... he quickly run while keep yelling Seohyun’s name...

Yonghwa look confuse at that guy.. his reaction is too much.. crying?? what kind of man he is... he shook his head.. he just feel pity for that guy? WTH.. that guy is not really cool..

“He is stupid right??” Seohyun ask, still not let go of her hand from Yonghwa’s..

“A bit..” He said.. well, he agree with her about that guy.. “I think he doesn’t know the basic of confession.. he shouldn’t confessed to you like that.. not just you, every girls would think he is crazy if he behave like that..” He look at her and then notice their hands still locked with each other...

Seohyun notice it too and quickly let go of her hand... “Mianhae..”

He smile shyly.. “Aniyo.. it’s okay..”

“Well, so.. the admirers is stupid right?? It’s just one.. there’s more.. and all of them is annoying..”

He nod and pout.. thinking about the guys who confessed to her.. he really want to see them one by one.. he just hope all of them is like Kyuhyun.. well, not about appearance but about their love towards her.. he just hope there’s no another guy who love her as much as he do...

“If you don’t like the guy who liked you.. so, what kind of guy that you want??” He ask..

“I don’t know.. I just think that love at the first sight is nonsense.. I think love can grow if two peoples understand each other and because of frequently meetings.. how can the love grow if you just see that person once??”

He smile.. “I guess, you never experience that feeling for once right?? You never falling in love??” He look at her eyes..

“W-what do you mean??”

“If you ever falling in love.. you wouldn’t judge the love at the first sight is nonsense.. and you wouldn’t think that the admirers are stupid and crazy..”

“Then, do you know what love is??”

“Of course.. because I’ve feeling it now..” He look deep to her eyes

“You’re falling in love??”


She avoid his stare.. “Then.. can you explain it to me?? That feeling.. how’s that feeling??”

“Mmmm... Love doesn’t need explanation.. you should feeling it by yourself so you can understand it..”

She nod in dissapointed.. he look at her closely.. he want to confess about his feeling now, but.. it’s still too early.. they just got comfortable with each other..

“Fine.. I will tell you..” He said..

She look at him curious.. “Tell me please..”

“Mmm... Love is.. when your heart pounding so hard.. beating faster than usual and there’s a weird feeling that you can’t tell what it is..”


“No one would know how they will falling in love.. and with who.. because it’s just beyond their imagination.. you can fall in love with stranger, with someone you just to know, with your classmate, with your neighbour, with the friend of your friend or even with your bestfriend... no one would know..”

“Why??” She ask innocently..

He chuckled.. he never thought that she is so innocent and pure.. “That’s what we called fate.. no one would know why we fall in love.. it’s a human nature.. hihi..” He said..

“So, about that love at the first sight?? How can you explain that..?”

“Hmmm..” He lean towards the racks and strecth his legs.. “You said love at the first sight is just about looks and outside appearance right?? And I’m agree with you..”


“At first of course we would fall for the beauty.. but, there’s one more..”

“What it is??”

He look at her... “That heartbeating.... simple right?? after that, you can’t forget about her.. every times you remember her.. that heartbeating will always there.. you can’t control your heartbeating...”

“Oh.. I think i’ve got the clue here”.. She nod... “Thank you.. I think I wouldn’t read my book today, because I’ve got such a good lecture that I can’t find in books..” She laugh..

“Ah.. sorry..” He laugh with her..

“You’re quite talkative right?? So, why when we’re at the cafe you never said anything?? I thought you feel uncomfortable around me..”

“That time I still in shocked state..”


“Aniyo.. I just feeling unwell that time..”

“Oh..” She look at her wirstwatch.. “It’s almost night.. I better read this book at home.. alone without anyone interupt..” She stand up..

He laugh.. “I can take you home..” He stand up too..


“I have my car.. it’s better than take the bus..” He smile..

“Aniyo.. you don’t need to do it.. I’m fine going home alone..”

“We are friend right??”

“Of course..”

“Then, let me take you home..”

She sigh.. “Okay then.. let’s go..”




Krystal stretch her arms.. “Huwwaa... it’s quite tiring though.. hihi..” She said to herself..

Minho who keep looking at her from the beginning just smiling at her.. from the time she started writing, he keep looking at her but she doesn’t even care.. she’s too serious with her little own world.. just like what she always did in the cafe...

“I’m sorry sunbaenim..” She gave him a slight bow when she notice him..

“It’s okay..” He bow back..

He clear his throat.. “Mmm.. actually, what are you doing?? You look so serious..” He courage himself to ask.. well, he already know that she’s writing..

“Oh.. I’m writing..”

“You are a writer?”

“Yes..” She just reply him quickly.. “Oh.. my mom is here..” She said when she notice a white car enter the cafe’s gate..

Minho quickly grab his umbrella and come out from the car.. he run towards the passanger’s seat and open the car’s door for Krystal.. Krystal look at him confuse.. he don’t need to do this.. she smile at him and come out from the car..

They walk towards her mom’s car while keep silence.. as soon as Krystal open the car’s door, she bow at Minho.. “Thank you very much Sunbaenim..”

“Ah.. a-aniyo.. it’s okay..”

She enter the car and open the window.. “Once again thank you..” She smile..

“Who is he??” Her mom ask..

“Key oppa’s chingu.. and this cafe’s customer...” She said..

“Annyonghaeseoyo ommonim..” Minho bow in front of the car’s window and smile to her mom..

“Ah.. thank you very much.. mmm..???”

“Choi Minho imnida..” He said..

“Deh.. thank you very much Minho.. you are so kind for letting my Soojung waited in your car..”

“Animida ommonim.. she is Key’s sister.. so, I must treat her nicely..”

“Ah.. so Kibum have this kind of good looking friend.. sound so good.. hihi.. next time please drop on our house.. I will make nice food.. I want to thanks you”

“Ah.. deh ommonim.. someday, I will...”

“Okay.. thank you.. sorry for bothered you.. we will leave now..”

“Deh.. ommonim.. be carefull..” He bow..

“Thank you.. oppa..” Krystal gave her most beautiful smile to him as the car drove away...

Oppa?? She call me oppa??... it is just my imagination or what.. I can heard she called me oppa.. but.. it’s not really clear... Minho thought... he just stand still in the middle of rain.. he smile shyly to himself.. he will definitely come to their house knowing that her mom personally invite him... he want to be closer to her..




“Dad called you right??” Krystal ask to her mom..

Her mom nod.. “Mmm.. princess, I think your dad is right.. you need a driver to fetch you everyday.. you can’t really depend on me.. I will be really busy starting from this week as I get the position as a head doctor..”

“You’ve got that position mom??”

“Oh.. congrats me please.. hihi..”

“Congratulation mom.. you deserve that position..”

“Thank you princess.. so, how about your dad’s idea??”

“Don’t need for it mom.. I will just take a cab from the cafe if you can’t fetch me... just let me take my driver’s license as soon as I graduate and give me my car.. hihi..”

“That pink car from your dad a year ago??”

She nod.. “Deh.. I want to drive it quickly..”

“It’s easy to deal with.. it’s your car after all.. but, are you sure you don’t need a driver?? Your dad might be mad if you take a taxi..”

“It’s okay mom.. I’m not a little girl anymore..”

“Try to talk with your dad then.. if my husband agree, then I will agree too..”

She sigh.. “Huft.. fine..”




Minho stop his car in front of her family’s mansion.. a very huge mansion with beautiful garden and peaceful atmosphere..

“Minho yah.. come in..” Key greet him..

Minho come out from his car and offered high five by Key.. “How do you do??” He ask as he put his arm around Key’s shoulder..

“I’m fine.. wah.. I’ve never thought my mom will invite you for dinner tonight.. and thank you for helping my sister few days ago..” Key said..

“It’s nothing..” Minho smile and following Key enter the mansion..

As soon as Minho enter the mansion.. he welcomed by a big picture of this family... he smile when he notice that this family picture was obviously taken few years ago knowing that Key still have his black hair.. his smile become more bright when he see her picture.. she looks like she’s in her middle school with that chubby cheek.. how cute...

“Welcome to my house..” Key said..

“Thank you..”

“Let’s go to my room.. my mom still prepared the dinner..”

“Oh..” Minho following Key towards the second floor.. his eyes busy rolling around, try to find her.. but it seems that she isn’t here... all what he see just some pictures of her hanging on the wall or at the buffet.. there’s pictures she’s with her dad.. with her mom, and with Key.. he notice that there’s a picture of her and the small guy he saw at the cafe few weeks ago.. acutally who’s that guy?? They look so close...

“Your house feel so warm.. “ Minho said as he enter Key’s room..

“It’s because our family is warm.. hihi..” Key sit at his bed..

“Now, I know where you and your sister get that beautiful looks.. your parents is so good looking..” He sit beside Key

“I know.. my mom is the prettiest.. and my dad is the most handsome.. I’m really lucky to have them as my parents..”

“you sure are lucky..” Minho said as he rolled his eyes around the room.. there’s something caught his eyes.. the picture of her and Key placed at Key’s desk..



She is so beautiful with that long wavy hair.. and so cute..

“That when we’re at Mom and Dad’s anniversary party.. we were at the backstage prepared for a performance..” Key said as he notice that Minho staring at the picture..

“Oh.. you’re performed??” He ask..

Key nod.. “Just singing and dancing.. it’s not really good.. hihi.. but, Mom and dad said that was the best performance ever..”

Minho let out a smile laugh.. this family is interesting..


Knock knock...


“Oppa..” He heard that beautiful voice from outside.. he quickly stare at the door..

“Wae??” Key answer her without even want to wake up from his bed..

“Dinner is ready..” She said..

“Arrasseo.. let’s go Minho yah..” Key grab Minho’s arm and open the door..

There she is.. the one Minho looking for earlier... she looks so much like angel with her white t-shirt and skinny jeans.. her hair is in messy bun and she’s wearing her big glasses.. so different with her style when she’s in her school uniform.. today, she look dazzling and shining.. just like her name.. Krystal..




“Minho yah.. I’m sorry if I make you wait..” Their mom said as Minho sit at the dinning room..

“It’s okay ommonim..”

“Let’s eat..”

They’re all sitting and began to Eat when Minho notice the head seat is empty.. he sure, that seat is for their father.. but, where is he??

Krystal notice Minho’s confuse face while looking at her dad seat.. “My dad is not here.. he have some business in overseas..” She said..

Minho look at her and smile.. “Ah, deh.. I’m sorry..” He said..

“Whats your major Minho??” Her mom ask..

“I’m in business management major Ommonim..”

“How do you know our Kibum then?”

“We’re the same team at football club mom.. he is our captain..” Key answered..

“Woah.. captain.. you must be popular among girls..”

“Ah.. aniyo ommonim..” Minho smile shyly..

“You don’t need to ask about it mom..” Key said..

“He is so good looking..” Her mom smile..

“Thank you ommonim...” Minho said.. “And this dish is really tasty.. I bet your husband really love your cooking skill..”

“of course.. he love everything from my mom..” Krystal join.. she really like it when someone talk about her dad..

Their mom smile shyly.. “Ah.. so, Minho.. are you a regular costumer from that cafe??”

“Deh?? Ah.. yes ommonim.. I’ve came everyday to have some coffee..” He said and take a quick glance to Krystal who sit beside him..

“Wah.. then, can you bring Krystal home with you if sometimes I can’t fetch her??”

Minho widened his eyes.. “Deh??”

“Mom..” Krystal glare at her mom.. while Key just continue eating his food..

“I mean.. if sometimes I can’t fetch her..” Her mom said..

“O-of course ommonim.. if s-she doesn’t mind it..”

“Mom.. I already told you.. I’m okay.. I’m not a little girl anymore..” Krystal pout. she’s so cute.. Minho thought..

“You are a little girl, princess.. hihi..” Key giggling at her..

“Oppa!!” She pout even more..

“Your dad doesn’t agree with the idea of you taking a cab or bus.. princess.. at least until your dad come back.. if he’s here, he sure will fetch you instead..”

“I hate dad.. he always treat me like a little girl..!! It’s annoying sometimes..”

“You love him..” Key even more..

“And he love you too.. more than me..” Her mom join to ..

Krystal stop eating and placed her chopstick hard at the table.. as a signal that she’s mad.. she try to fight back and saying anything she always said when she’s mad.. in the end the three of them are busy bickering each other..

Minho just listening silently to their bickrering.. suddenly he miss his parents who’s at overseas at this time.. this family is interesting and fun to be with... he wondering what if their dad is here.. maybe, it will be more noisy than this.. but, he like it.. she is the girl who have so much love around her.. she really look like that she’s a daddy’s  girl, but.. nothing wrong about it.. and don’t forget about that ‘princess’ nickname.. before, he felt jealous when the small guy at the cafe called her princess.. but, now he know that it’s her nickname.. it’s really suit her.. the princess of this warm mansion.

“Huft.. fine!!!” Krystal sigh as she lost the fight to her mom and brother.. if she is a daddy’s girl then her brother surely is a mama’s boy.. how she wish her dad will be here to support her or even fight for her...

Minho look at her.. he doesn’t really catch up whats their conversation..

“So, Minho yah.. I hope it wont be really bothered you..” Her mom smile at him.. what a beautiful smile..

“Deh??” He look at them confuse..

“Please take care of her bro.. I’m busy with my exam so I don’t really have time..” Key smile..

He then realize that Krystal finally agree.. agree to going home with him.. he will take her home after school..?? Yes!!!! Finally.. it’s his chance to be more closer to her...

“Well, at least for a week.. are you okay with it Minho?? If you can’t, it’s alright..” Her mom said to him..

“Ah.. aniyo ommonim... I’ve come to that cafe everyday, so.. it’s okay if I take her home...” He said..

“Oppa.. if you can’t, then tell me okay.. I don’t want to make you more busy because of me.. I’m really okay if I take a cab..” Krystal said to him.. make his heart beating faster.. so, she really call him oppa...

“Yah!!!” Her mom and Key yelling at her at the same time..

Minho chuckled.. “I’m not busy.. and I’m okay with it..”

“Thank you Minho yah..” Her mom said as she sip her orange juice..

“Thank you oppa..” She smile at him.. again.. what a beautiful smile..

“It’s nothing..” He stare at her.. Krystal feel a bit shy when he stare at her like that.. she look down and sip her drink..

“Wah.. the more I see you two the more I feel it.. you two actually really look good together..” Key said.. he is sit right infront of Krystal..

Minho rolled his eyes.. and avoid Key’s teasing eyes who always look at him.. he sure, Key must be notice something...

“Really??” Their mom who sit in front of Minho look at them closely..

“Omma..” Krystal feel a bit uneasy by her mom and brother’s stare.. she sip her drink once more and stand up from her seat.. “I’m finish.. I will study at my room now..” She said as she wave at her mom and brother and then bow at Minho..

“Don’t sleep to late princess.. I’m sure you’re doing something else beside studying..” Her mom said to her.. she pout.. of course she will be writing again tonight.. keke...

Minho look at her figure until she dissapear from his sight when he heard Key clear his throat.. it’s like a sign that Key know what he’s looking at.. he look at Key and a bit startled when he saw Key glaring at him...




“Thank you for the dinner ommonim..” Minho bow at their mom infront of the door.. ready to left the mansion..

“Come here often.. I will gladly welcome you whenever..” Her mom give him a smile..

“Deh..” He stand anxiously.. waiting for Key and her to bid goodbye...

“Huft.. look like she’s in bathroom mom..” Key said out loud from the stairs as he going down..

“Oh.. it’s okay.. they surely will meet again right?” Her mom said while look at Minho, again with that teasing smile...

“It’s okay Kibum ah.. I will leave now..” Minho said.. Key notice there’s a dissapointed look in his face.. “Thank you.. annyonghaeseoyo ommonim.. see you again Key..” Minho bow at their mom and offered high five to key which Key gladly accept..

“Be careful bro.. come here often.. okay..” Key tap his shoulder..

Minho nod and bow once again before he enter his car.. he horn the car as he drove away...

Krystal come out from the bathroom after doing her usual treatment to her face and body when she heard the car’s horn.. she open the curtains of her room and saw Minho’s car already left their mansion.. she smile to herself.. she doesn’t know why, but she feel excited out of nowhere when remember that she will go home with him started from tomorrow maybe... this friend of her oppa is quite charming for her... so good looking and nice..

This day is really one of the best day in Minho’s life.. who would think he will become close to her mom even before he close to her.. he smile brightly the whole time along the way.. sometimes he look at the empty passenger’s seat beside him.. wondering that tomorrow or few days later that she will sit at that seat...

He stop his car when red light on when he feel his phone vibrate.. text from Key..??


From : Key Bum..

“Do you like her..?”


Minho gulp.. as expected.. Key notice his weird behaviour towards her.. what should he do..?? Key is not easy to deal with.. maybe it will be hard for him to convice Key that he’s serious towards his sister...




The rack full of books welcomed Yonghwa when he first opened his eyes... today, as always.. he’s in the library and at their so called ‘personal place’.. and as always.. he must be sleeping again.. even though his eyes still feel heavy, he try to collect his sense when he notice that his head at someone’s shoulder..

He raise his head and saw the most beautiful girl is sit while reading her book beside him.. he gasp.. was he sleeping in her shoulder?? Oh God.. what should he do??..

He saw she stare at him.. he quickly avoid her beautiful eyes and looking down while rubbing his nape...

She smile.. “You sure are a sleepy head.. tsk.. tsk..”

He smile shyly.. “Mian..”. he then sit beside her properly... it’s been two months since they become a good friend.. they always hang out together and he always take her home after the class ended.. he can say that they’re already comfortable around each other.. but, he still have to wait for the right time to confess his love.. she still have the bad impression towards ‘admirers’.. after the shock news for the guy named Kyuhyun when she said that Yonghwa is her boyfriend.. the news spread to the whole college.. it’s quite hard for him to always faced her fanboys.. but, he like it.. at least, everyone know that they’re a couple.. he just have to wait for officialy become her real boyfriend...

He look at her serious face.. this is her most beautiful figure for him.. reading book seriously with her glasses on.. remind him of the feeling of falling in love with her nine month ago.. he sigh and lean on to the rack.. still feel sleepy but her face really made him gain more strength...

Suddenly she close her book and take off her glasses.. “Still sleepy right??” She look at him.. their eyes meet.. if before,  he will die if he stare at this eyes for a long time.. now, he can confiidentely look deep to her eyes.. it’s quite comfortable though...

He slighty nod...

She place her book at her bag and stand up.. “Let’s get some food..”

He smile and following her..

“Thats quite unexpected from you Seo Joohyun.. why suddenly bring me to have some food??” He ask as he catch her and walk beside her..

“Aren’t you starve..??”


“I heard your grumbling sound when you’re sleep.. didn’t you eat breakfast??” She glare at him..

“It is really sound from my stomach??” He ask..

“It’s up to you want to believe it or not..” She walk faster as they almost reach the canteen...

“It’s so embarrassing if I really do..” He said to himself as he following her..




Both of them busy eating while chatting happily with each other.. Yonghwa feel really lucky that he will reach this comfortable level with her.. never in his mind he would eating together with her like this.. he always dream about this, and he always wish that his dream will come true.. but, he really doesn’t expected that his dream become real..

“Yah.. look at that two girls at the corner..” She said with low tone..

Yonghwa take a glance at the corner and gasp when he saw Taeyeon and Tiffany from business departement.. Taeyeon have confessed to him before.. and that face of her look so gloomy.. did she..?? otthokhae..??

“You know them??” Seohyun ask..

He nod awkwardly.. “From same major...” He said while avoid her eyes..

“I think one of them is your fangirl.. right??”

“Deh..?? so what..?” He ask..

“Aish.. I really want to punch that Cho..mmm.. Cho Kyu..”

“Hyun..” He cut her words.. she always easily forget someone.. “Cho Kyuhyun..” He said again..

“Right.. he really have a big mouth!! Now, everyone thought we are couple.. I really doesn’t have time to deal with your fangirls.. look at that girl.. she look so gloomy.. what should I do?? should I tell her??” She ask..

“Yah!! Do you think I have that much strength to fight with your fanboys too??”

“What.. fight??”

“Shim Changmin.. do you know him??” He ask..

She roll her eyes.. trying to remember that name.. after few seconds, she shook her head.. “I’ve never heard his name..”

“Aish!! That guy really..!! she doesn’t even know him.. yet, he still hit me..” He whisper to himself.. Seohyun still can hear him..

“He hit you??”

He nod.. “Oh.. look..” He show his right cheek.. “There’s a bit bruise right?? he just suddenly punch me out of nowhere..”

“Really??” She look closely at his cheek and then touch his cheek with her hand.. “It is hurt??” She ask.. still with her hand in his face..

He gulp.. it feel like an electric shock when she touch him.. he look at her hand at his face and then look at her eyes.. there’s a woory in her eyes.. he quickly grab her hand from his face.. even though they’re already comfortable with each other.. but still, she is his crush.. he might be fainted if it stay longer..

He expected that she will pull her hand from his hand but, she keep stand still and stare at him.. their eyes locked with each other for few seconds before he comeback to his sense..

They chuckled at the same time and pull off their hands from each other.. and avoid each other eyes..

“It’s not really hurt.. you will be more worried for him if you know where is he know..” He said.. try to melt the awkward situation..

“I don’t know him.. why would I worry for him..”

“You’re right..” He nod..

“But.. where is he??” She ask..


“What!!! you make him hospitalized??” She widened her eyes..

He shook his head.. “Jonghyun did that.. Jonghyun said, he is Yoona’s ex.. and now try to pursue you..”

“Crazy..” She said as she sip her goguma latte..

“You still have class??” He ask..

She shook her head..

“Let’s go then.. I will take you home..” He stand up as he finish his food..

She smile brightly and nod.. “I will gladly accept that offer..” She said..

He laugh.. “Let’s go..”.. now, she really doesn’t have too shy around him.. for about few days, she still reject his offer and he really put a lot of effort to make her accept his offer...

Before she come out from the canteen.. Seohyun take a quick glance to the girl with gloomy face earlier.. what if she’s in her position.. admire someone.. how does it feel..??..




“Here..” Yonghwa hand her a helmet..

“Oh..??” She look confuse.. it’s strange that he doesn’t bring his car instead of motorcycle..

“Since the weather is nice.. we could find some fresh air along the way..” He smile as he started the motorcycle.. “Let’s go..”

“What a good idea..” She smile as she sit behind him..

As soon as she sit behind him.. he feel her arms fold around his stomach.. and her head is lean on his shoulder.. again.. he doesn’t expected that she will embrace him like this.. what if she notice his heart beating so fast...

“I’m right when I thought that you would be a good friend for me.. you sure are perfect Jung Yonghwa.. too perfect..” She said..

He cough when heard her words.. perfect..?? she thought he is perfect.. perfect for what?? perfect for a friend.. or..?? he quickly snap from his thought and begin to start the motorcycle..

They both enjoying the air who feel so fresh for them and laughing and chatting along the way to her house..

“You can even take me to Incheon if it’s always like this.. should I move to my parents’s house again??” She said..

“It’s up to you.. wherever your house.. I will always take you home everyday after class.. so, don’t worry about transformation anymore..” He said while turn his head a bit, to look at her..

“Why are you so kind to me??”

“Deh??” he startled at her unexpected question.. he doesn’t know how to answer..

“Why are you so kind to me??” She said a bit more loud from before...

“Mmm... b-because.. you are my friend.. right, we are friend right??”

“If it just because we’re friend.. that mean you are a good friend. Do you have girlfriend??” She ask..

“What?? g-girlfriend..?? n-no.. I don’t have one..” He said with low tone..

“Ha..??” She make her ear close to him from behind.. he can’t really heard what he said..

“Obseo..” He said and try to look at her...  he gasp when know that her face is so close to him...

“Then, can I try to be your girlfriend then?? If you’re a good friend.. then, you must be a good boyfriend too.. I can’t let you become another girl’s boyfriend..”

He suddenly press the brake as soon as he heard her words.. she.. she really.. doesn’t she know that his heart almost torn out now... how can she said it so easily..??

“Why??” She ask as the motorcycle stops..

He keep silence and ignore her question.. his heart still feel a sudden shock from her words.. is she serious..? or just joking..? Joking.. it must be joking.. she really good when it comes to joke.. even though she is a girly and feminin type.. she still have this childish side... he inhale and exhale his breath more and more.. he must comeback to his sense..

“Yah.. why are you like this?? are you sick..??” She said and grab his arms and make him to face her.. “Jung Yonghwa.. why?? Don’t make me scared..” She said as she saw Yonghwa’s blank expression..

“You are the one who make me scared..” He said while looking at her eyes..

She look at him confuse.. she sigh when she remember what she said to him before he stop the motorcycle.. “Ah.. I’m just...”

“Joking..” He cut her words... “Don’t joking about that anymore..”

She gulp.. “Yah.. if you know it’s just a joke.. why you take it too seriously..”

“You..” He stand up.. “Do you want to know??” He stand closer to her and look at her...

“Know what??” She look down.. feel a bit scraed with his stare..

“Why I’m so kind to you..”

“B-because we are friend right??” She siad.. their position is so close with each other..

“Ani.. thats not the real reason..” He said.. still look at her.. he doesn’t know why he think this is the right time for him to say everything to her..

“So.. why??” She ask.. her innocent eyes finally look at his eyes too..

“Because.. I.. I.. I...”

“You what??”

“I.. I..”




“I Like You...!!!”

Krystal startled when heard someone screaming in her ear the words she about to type for the story...

“Oppa!!!!! What are you doing!!!” She stand up from her bed and throw the pillow to Key who already standing in front of the bathroom door..

“Get out now!!!!!” She yelling...

He just giggling and take the pillow she threw on the floor.. “It’s time for sleep princess.. it’s already late.. it’s not good for your health.. especially when you always staring at laptop’s screen...” He said..

She pout.. Key oppa always like this.. make her angry and then acted like nothing happened... it make her sometimes frustated whether will be mad at him or not...

She back to sit at her bed.. “You ruin my story!!!” She said..

Key sit beside her.. “You can continue it tomorrow.. look at that dark circle at your face.. it’s scary..” He pointed at her under-eyes area..

“Arraseo.. I will just finish this last sentence..” She face her laptop once again.. but, Key quickly grab her hands..

“You already save it??” He ask..

Krystal nod in confussion.. “Why..”

Suddenly Key press the shutdown button...

“Oppa!!!!! You nappeun...!!” She said as she hit her oppa’s chest several times...

“Just sleep... it’s late..”

“But... I just want to type the last sentence.. you ruin it!!!”

“I like you.. you want to type it??” Key ask..

“You can type it tomorrow.. what so hard about it..??”

“You don’t understand my feeling..”

“Mian.. but, really.. it’s already late.. you must be sleeping now.. princess!!!” He glare at her..

“Tch.. you are so annoying.. arraseo.. get out from my room now..” She said as she laying in her bed..

Key feel bad for her sister.. but he can’t do anything.. she wouldn’t stop writing if someone not tell her to... he sigh.. “What kind of story this time??” He ask to make her feeling change a bit...

“You don’t need to know..” She covered her face with the blanket..

“I bet it’s a love story, right?? what kind of story? Romantic or sad love story..??”

She sigh.. “It’s a Yongseo story!!!!” She said without even bothered to uncovered herself..

“W-what??! Yongseo..?? You mean Yongseo??”


Key turn silence for few seconds before he let out a big smile in his face.. “Daebak!!!”




Author's note : here the second chapter.. thank you so much for your comments, subscribes and upvote fot the first chapter... i'm sorry if i can't replay your comments.. but, i did read it.. thank you very much... keke

hope you enjoy this chapter.. comments please.. :)  ^^


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Chapter 2: Just found this story and read it beccause there is jongyoon tag. But so far i'm in love with this story line. You do great job with both love story, in real world and krystal's story.I like this story so much. Am i too late for ask an update?
tarquin #2
please please update!! minstal moments please!! and taemin again jajaj i want to see minho jelouse ajajaja!!
clapyourhands #3
Absolutely wonderful^^
Chapter 2: what!? I think yong appa has confessed to hyun umma!?
aigo~ this story needs to continue.
jebal author-nim..

p.s: sorry for my rudeness, I'm a new reader. bangabsemnida
and oh! I like your stories
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 2: I can't wait to read it more .
Waiting for the next chapter ^,^
Chapter 2: what happen the next chapter ?
Keep writing dear !!!!!
Yayacute #7
Chapter 2: Finally Minho can get close with krystal .
Thank q for the update !!!!!
Chapter 2: Just maybe i think yongseo is their parents lololol
Romellete #9
Chapter 2: finally minho have a chance to get closer with krystal.. *thx for her mom. :))
update soon dear...
Chapter 2: Minstal are geting close iright now :)
Update soon ^.^