The beginning

The drabble story of Baekyeol

    It was the middle of winter, the lands were covered in snow, and the skies were dotted with white. Two people, in their mid-twenties, lay cuddled in front of a fireplace. Surrounded by blankets and pillows, they tried to combat the cold.
"Hey... Do you remember when we met?" Asked the shorter of the two as he snuggled closer to the other.
"Of course I do." Replied the taller. "It was the day that I met my future." The taller of the two hugged the shorter close and rested his chin on the others head.

"You need to watch where your going!" Shouted a petite woman in her 30's. "Don't get out of my sight!"
"Ne, Umma!" The little boy replied as he ran as fast as he could. CRASH! The boy landed with a thud on his bottom.
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The stranger asked.
The little boy looked up to see a boy around his age holding out his hand. The boy took it and steadied himself.
"I'm okay. My name's Baekhyun. What's yours?" Said the little boy, who's name is Baekhyun.
"I'm Chanyeol!" Shouted the other boy, who's eyes twitched as his smile widened.
"Do you want to be friends?" Questioned Baekhyun. Now entranced by the others hyperactiveness.
"I'd love to little Baekhyun!" Exclaimed Chanyeol while clapping wildly. He then proceeded to smother the shorter in hugs.

That was the day our friendship started.

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