21 Meet the Parents

River Flows in Me

The road was clear as it drew near midnight. SeungHyun didn’t know how this girl managed to stay out that late. She insisted that she can go home by self, but he didn’t want her to wander around the dangerous street at late.

“Don’t your parents worry about you when you stay out that late?” MinJi shakened as SeunHyun just woke her up. She was immersed in her thoughts.

“It’s ok. I talked to appa that I would go and see unnie and eomma thought I’ll be at night study class.”

This is while he remembered that this girl is still in high school.

“You still go to school. I thought you dropped out.” His brows raised.

“Eomma won’t let me drop out. She would get mad if she found out I took full time training at YG.” She avoided SeunHyun’s eyes and tried to fix her look on the road through window.

“Don’t you have boyfriend at school?” He teased the girl just to change topic to lighted the situation.

“No.” MinJi blushed at this unexpected question.

“Then find a time to date someone before you got banned.”

“Umm… why?” She confusedly asked.

“After you got debute at the end of this year, Sajangnim would ask you to sign for dating ban. So you should find a boyfriend before……”

MinJi’s head spun to his directon with her eyes widened and filled with complete surprise.

“De-debute….. End of this year!”  She can’t believe what just heard. Her heart was racing fast and her body was shaken with happiness.

“Aish… You don’t know yet. This means I shouldn’t tell you in first place. Sajangnim would….” But SeungHyun can’t continue his talk. MinJi thorw to him and hugged him heartily and kissed him on cheek.

His eyes enlarged and he tried to maintain his look at road ahead unsuccessfully.

“Thank you oppa. Thank you so much for telling me.” Despite SeungHyun felt uneasy, the girl still unnoticed what she just did to him. She was overwhelmed with the happiness for the moment she longed for her life.


ChaeRin woke up in his arms. JiYoung put one of his arms under her head as a pillow and the other one wrapped around her. ChaeRin shifted her head because she afraid that his hand would get numb after a long time, but he caught her back and made her head rest on him again.

ChaeRin snuggled her face against his hard chest and the fresh and mesmerizing sweet smell of JiYoung tickled her nose.

“Morning babie.” JiYoung voice was hoarsed and cracked.

ChaeRin became suspicious and palpated his forehead and cheek with her palm. It’s warm.

“Are you ok?” She asked with her palms cupping his face. JiYoung took her hands and put it on his chest.

“I don’t know.” He whinned and closed his eyes tight with his chin rested on ChaeRin’s forehead.

“I’ll call a doctor.”

But he refused.”I’ll be ok by noon baby. Please let me sleep just for a while.” He tightened his hug and hid his face in her hair then wnet back to sleep.

ChaeRin became more worry as time passed by. JiYoung was sleeping till noon but his body still feels warm.

“Finally we become a patient couple, right?” ChaeRin can’t even laugh to JiYoung’s lame joke. She didn’t know how he could pull off a huge concert on his own, if he’s sick and weak.

“Shouldn’t we go to doctor?” She insisted again.

ChaeRin’s fingers ran in JiYoung’s hair who was sleeping on her lap.

“No.” JiYoung hate to see doctors and especially their needles and syrings. He coiled like an infant and looked at ChaeRin with puppy eyes and batted lashes.

“Please Chae, doctors hate me. They would bring out their needles to hurt me.” He sentimentally said. But ChaeRin looked at him with straight face.

“Why’d you become a whimpy kid when you being unwell.”

JiYoung pouted and rolling in bed. “Ok… ok... Then call my manager, NanGook-hyung. He must know a doctor who won’t enjoy giving injection.”

As soon as she got permission, ChaeRin called his manager who arrived within minutes.

“Aish, this kid drives everyone into trouble again. How can he sing if he’s ill and have sore throat.” They’re on their way to hospital and Kim NanGook made several phone calls to YG Papa and other crews to let know of JiYoung’s current situation when JiYoung was sitting backseat and sleeping on ChaeRin’s shoulder.

They get to hospital back door and sneaked in before everyone can notice.

JiYoung was lying flat on the bed in examination room and continue insisting for ChaeRin to stay with him during the doctor examine him.

“I don’t want any injection!” JiYoung complainted with warning tone before the poor doctor can even open his mouth to explain about his condition.

“But Kwon JiYoung-ssi, if you want to get well in time and perform by this evening, I would like to suggest you to get IV line and injection for fast recovery.” The doctor tried to persuade JiYoung, who acted like a stubborn kid.

“No!” JiYoung spontaneously rejected at the doctor’s suggestion and didn’t give ChaeRin a chance to persuade.

“Kwon JiYoung, listen to what doctor said.” A small woman from nowhere stromed into the room before everyone in the room noticed. She’s around 50 but whith still baby face which was totally resemble to JiYoung.

“Who made her come?” JiYoung blurted out in shock.

“I’m with your Sajangnim when NanGook called him and now here to handle all your mess before your sajangnim can come.” She turned her face to doctor. “Don’t listen to him doctor. Please give any treatment he need.” She insisted but the doctor still hestitate because JiYoung shouted

“No, you can’t give permission over me.”

But she slapped JiYoung’s arm and stopped him from shouting.

“Why I can’t give permission over my son. Aigoo… That kid is spoiled. How dare you talked like this to your own mother.” She nagged and ChaeRin now realized where JiYoung got all his personalities from.

“What are you waiting for? Do what you need to do.” JiYoung’s mom changed her direction to doctor who hesistately watched the mother and son’s battle.

“Let the doctor do injection or I’ll make you take all your appa’s stupid weird things called herbal medicine.” This is the time JiYoung nodded spontaneously to doctor.

ChaeRin tried to suppress her wanted to laugh when JiYoung’s mother concern shifted to her. She just noticed ChaeRin who was standing at the corner of the room and study the scence before her.

“Who is that pretty lady?” JiYoung’s mom whispered to him but it was enough for ChaeRin to hear.

“Umm.. She’s…” JiYoung can’t find the proper word to express their relationship between. He hadent’s prepared to introduce ChaeRin to his family. But ChaeRin solved by stepping forward and give a proper bow to JiYoung’s mom.

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Kwon. I’m JiYoung’s friend, Lee ChaeRin.” ChaeRin thought she heard JiYoung sighed in relief.

“Oh……. You are friend. I thought you were his girlfriend, its pity.” She pouted and showed her disappointment clearly. “I want him to have a steady relationship, get marry and give us grandchild.” She blurted before JiYoung can’t cut her off.

“Eomma!” She shot a glare to him.

“Call me Mama Kwon baby.” She patted ChaeRin’s back friendly. Before ChaeRin can reply her, there’s a loud shouting which can scare off the whole hospital came from JiYoung.

“Garrr……. That’s not needle. It’s too big. Don’t you have smaller than this?” He spontaneously shifted away from nurse who just tried to access IV line.

Mama Kwon ran to bedside and slapped his arm again. “You make me embressed Kwon JiYoung. Stop making scence. What are you afraid about this small needle after you get those stupid tattoos almost covers your whole body?” She scolded.

“It’s not same eomma.” But he allowed the nurse with his face twitching.

“Chae, please hold my hands.” JiYoung’s request made ChaeRin to move beside him and held his hand in her palm.

“Relax Ji, it’s not that painful.” She tried to convince JiYoung and also avoid the suspicious look from Mama Kwon. After the nurse successfully access IV line on JiYoung’s forearm, only Mama Kwon and ChaeRin were in the room left with JiYoung.

This is when ChaeRin realized she felt exhausted. She was too occupied with JiYoung and forgot that she was weak, too. Mama Kwon saw ChaeRin held the edge of bed to maintain her, thus she ran to ChaeRin and held her.

“Are you ok, baby?” She asked and held ChaeRin in one hand and made her sit on the couch beside.

JiYoung was nearly jumped out from bed and he felt guilty at the same time. He can’t forgive himself that he didn’t think about ChaeRin’s health and made her to come along with him to hospital when she needed a complete rest to recover.

“She’s not ok eomma. She just discharged from hospital yesterday.” Mama Kwon’s eyes bulged out and she looked at the young with disbelief.

“Aish, kids of these days were thinking what. You need to rest well baby.” And she pointed to JiYoung who was half lying on the bed. “You made so much trouble to everyone around you Kwon JiYoung. You will need to give a very good explanation for all those after. Take that note down deep.” Mama Kwon said as she strolled to the door.

“I’ll go and call a doctor for you, ChaeRin.” She made sure ChaeRin left in comfort. But before she reached the door, it opened and a doctor with pleasant look came in, followed by young doctors, nurses and stuffs.

“Omo…….. Dr. Lee.” Mama Kwon greeted her with surprise. Dr. Lee smiled gently at her

“I heard JiYoung-ssi was ill. So, I decided to drop here before I continued for antoher hospital. It seems not right when I can hear his voice even from far corner.” Mama Kwon smiled satifactedly at Dr.Lee’s sweet words. Dr. Lee was the principle of big health care firm and this hospital was one of theirs.

“do you feel better JiYoung-ssi.” She approached to JiYoung’s bed but her legs stopped moving when she saw the girl with stoned face beside him.

“ChaeRin!!” She muttered as she can’t believe what she just saw. ChaeRin stood up firmly on her legs and bow to Mama Kwon.

“I have to leave now Mama Kwon. Thank you for taking care of me.” Then she faced JiYoung”See you later.” She walked to the door through nurses and staffs althouht JiYoung tried to stopped her.

“Stop there Lee ChaeRin.” The cold voice of Dr. Lee echoed in the room but ChaeRin ignored and left them behind. JiYoung remebnered that Dr. Lee is MinJi’s mother, and then he understood the fact that ChaeRin hate her step-mother and didn’t want to fce her. But Mam Kwon was still confused by what just happened.

“Sorry Mrs.Kwon, that girl is always like that. But how did you know her.” Dr. Lee asked with a smile plastered on her face.

“She’s my friend.” JiYoung pretended like he didn’t know the relation between them. Dr. Lee didn’t show surprise but JiYoung thought he saw her face twitched.

“Ok… JiYoung-ssi, if you feel better now I’ll leave you to rest.” She said and leave with all those members following her.

Mama Kwon sat down slowly beside JiYoung. She felt disappointed by ChaeRin’s reaction before.

“How come this girl being rude to Dr.Lee. She’s a nice woman.” But JiYoung didn’t pay attention to his mother. He pulled out his phone and called ChaeRin who didn’t answer his calls.

“Eomma, give me your phone.” Mama Kwon pushed her Belkin handbag to her back and covered it from her son’s invading hands.

“Why should I?” JiYoung clicked his tongue inpatiently and extended his palms to her.

“Just give me eommani. It’s important, I’ll explain later.” He fireacely grabbed her phone and dialed ChaeRin’s number again but now she turned off the phone.

JiYoung’s shoulder slumped down with depress. He wanted to follow her but now he’s tied to this sick bed. He was extremely worried that he knew ChaeRin would be somewhere alone and built a wall to shut down her feelings from every other as she usually did.




First i want to shouted out loud is "FALLING IN LOVE" ....... i can't wait for 2ne1 come back......  my mind is overwhelmed by how to fall in love these days... keke..........

I don't know how to say, but i'm really happy by your comments my friends ...... i wanted to reply , talked and get to know well and be friends buttttttttttt............ the connection in our city is sometimes slower than snail... you won't believe  <0.1k/sec ...   plz forgive me for my delay updates!!

Thank you so much Hamtone LinLin05  soojinCL Ravaaaa kxox_k and aillyee who was super busy these days..... Thanks a lot my friends.........

Hamtone ngel12 midnightcatch for subscribing my story... i hope you guys will enjoy my story............ ^_^

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CLforever #1
Chapter 26: pleaseeee continue the story:(
Chapter 26: update pleaseee :(
hee he. . . . .
ra21ah #4
I mean not essentially!
ra21ah #5
I know you've lost inspiration to continue this and I totally understand since I've also felt the same and then deleted both my fics.the recent incidents shocked us alot. But you see fan fics are essentially connected with real life.our jiyongs and Chaerins are not the real gd and cl. We are just using as an excuse to create our own world.I wanted to suggest if you like of course, i can help you regain your inspiration I d be happy bcuz this story is really beautiful and deserves a good ending ^^
Hamtone #6
Chapter 26: Please update this fic pleaseeeeeee authornim :((((
I really love it i want to translate in Vietnamese !
Please update
KhinDoubleCT #7
Chapter 26: Please, update author nim....=_=
I really wanna know the end of this two cuties......
It's been a long time u didn't update.
Chapter 26: UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE .... PLEASE .....
Ravaaaa #9
Chapter 26: update please :(
where r u :(
JessLuv21 #10
Chapter 26: Waaa another update please don't leaves us for so long again ! Oh by the way you spell Jiyong wrong there are no U in Jiyong ! :)