10 This Love

River Flows in Me


The salty air from sea makes ChaeRin’s hair dump and the sun burned her pale complexion. She flip her hair back and smiled to the shirtless three young men. They looked fabulous with their well toned body.


ChaeRin came to the island where they take their photo shooting with SeungHyun. She tried to avoid the shooting venue but she accidently bumped to Seungri and the flirtatious young man brings her there.


“Noona, what brings you here!!” DaeSung asked her with his usual bright smile. Those boys didn’t know she is with SeungHyun as they kept coming apart to avoid unnecessary talks.


“I was coming here for snorkeling then I find out you guys here for photo shoot , so I came by to say Hi!” she half-lied as she and SeungHyun prepared for snorkel after photo shoot.


“No, you won’t come if I didn’t bump into you. Why you are too cold to me? You don’t love me as much as I love you.” Seungri pouted and swaying Chaerin’s hand.


ChaeRin ws amused by this young man, who is cute and annoyed at the same time.


“No, I liked you all equally.” She winked with wide smile.


“Jingja. Then let me join your snorkeling. Let meeeee…… “ Seungri stomped tugging her arm like a kid.


“I want to come too.” DaeSaung dip his finger too.


“Me too.” YaungBae added with his eye smile.


“No, if we waited for all you guys finish shooting, I would be dark. “ SeungHyun’s voice came from behind. His face shows absolute annoyance.


Seungri faced SeungHyun with I-know-everything looks.


“Why hyung? I thought you want to join us too.” He wiggled eyebrows and watched his other two hyungs for help.


“Yes, we thought you want to come too. It would be waste if you don’t but we can understand your nudophobia (phobia to take off clothes)” YaungBae added that made SeungHyun’s face redden like tomato.


“No way, it’s me who first plan to go snorkeling.” SeungHyun slipped his secret.


“WHAT are you two dating?” DaeSaung shouted with unbelief.


“No”ChaeRin tried to reject.


“YES” but SeungHyun’s voice covered her.


The three young men looking their hyung’s face who is now red enough to explode with amusing. They really enjoyed the time for their life.


“I …. I .. have to… g-go now… It’s my turn” He spot and half run to the shooting place without looking back at them. They can see he rubbed his nape anxiously. There must be volcano of shame erupting in him.


“Really noona?” DaeSaung asked ChaeRin with innocent face.


ChaeRin didn’t know what to reply thus why she bite her lower lips and can only smile to them.


“Wow! Hyung is too lucky to be true.” Seungri voice is filled with jealous.  


“But can we still join you two, right noona?” he added with pleading face.


“SeungHyun said no and I have to say no too. Sorry Seungri-ah” She tried not to laughed at twitched smile of Seungri.


“Noona!” she ran away before that kids can disturb her again.




SeungHyin tried to embrace himself because he feel a little bit (or more than a little) shy for his half body.  Even it is well toned and ivory white with no touching sun light , he is still not used to being without clothes in public. (he doesn’t’ know is it wrong to call only ChaeRin and their snorkeling guide to public.)


ChaeRin smiled at him before putting on her mask and mouth piece. SeungHyun do the same and followed their guide.


It is really cold under water. They can see variety of small fishes and colorful corals in fainted sunlight through blue water.


They swam for further following the guide. SeungHyun take for ChaeRi’s hand to keep the distance between them. Is it because of cold water or something else, he shivered. He tried to talk to ChaeRin who tilted her head towards him, but only bubbles are come out.


They grabbed tightly each others hand and swim for coral reefs but to their horror






ChaeRin jumped into SeunghHyun’s chest and SeungHyun embrace her tightly to protect her from whatever danger may come. Even their guide try to run away for his life.


They can’t see anything for a while except dark shadows of strange creatures fallen from nowhere.  When the water stable and the ripples disappears, they can see three men with masks and mouth piece waving their hands vigorously to them.


“What??” only bubbles came out. SeungHyun can’t believe what these men are doing here. His hands are still strongly wrapped around ChaeRin body before the creatures laughing hysterically. He can’t see their mouth because of mouth piece but he still knows they laugh.


He kicked towards surface with one of his hand still around ChaeRin. The three followed them.


When he reached surface and the cold air strike his face he pulled off his mask and breathing profoundly.


“What are you all doing here?” He asked between catching his breath.


“Why? Can’t we enjoy our free time? “SeungHyun turned to nasty voice and he saw it is JiYoung who is sitting lazily on the boat.


SeungHyun can’t control his anger more then he throw his mask to boat.


“Why you are disturbing us? Why can’t I have my peaceful time alone? Why you all follow me? “He shouted crazily. His face is red with anger and his head is boiling.


“Waee? We just want to spent happy time with hyungs but if you don’t like we will leave” it’s DaeSaung who said these words to SeungHyun with puppy eyes.


ChaeRin was rubbing SeungHyun’s back to comfort him. SeungHyun sighted heavily. He was angry but it’s DaeSaung who is the most innocent one among them. He can’t harsh to him.


“It’s ok SeungHyun-ah. The more the merrier we are, right?” ChaeRin try to make him realx.


SeungHyun looked everyone with depress. Why his over annoyed brothers can’t leave him alone? And he looked again ChaeRin’s face which looks fresh and spackle with water drops. Doesn’t she know I want to spend my time with her ALONE?


The three boys looked at him with pleading puppy eyes, especially Seungri who is over acting.


“Araso , araso. You can join us if you wish.” He finally gave up and sighed heavily.


“Yahoo!!” boys shouted with joy. YaungBae summersault and DaeSaung smiled widely that his lips may hang to his ear. Saungri moved towards ChaeRin and tried to hug her before SeungHyun can stop him. 


JiYoung looked at them with poker face. He watched his brothers messing with their hyung. Then ChaeRin summersault and he saw her perfectly shaped curves.


“WHAT! You shouldn’t watch it.” His angle inside yelled but the monster wins for. His eyes followed ChaeRin’s booty.


“F**K JiYoung” he hissed to self and dived into cold water to followed them.




SeungHyun dipped his toe into the fine white sand. ChaeRin is ahead him humming and walking with swaying her body softly like she is dancing. The silvery moonlight shines upon her well.


The cold breeze from sea makes him shivering. SeungHyun took off his sweater and put it on ChaeRin.


“Feels cold?” he cleared his dry mouth. ChaeRin smiled kindly at him. He squeezes all his courage hiding in every corner of his body and put his one hand on ChaeRin’s shoulder.


“Let’s sit here for a while” ChaeRin sat on the sand with SeungHyun beside her.


“Sorry for today’s incidence. I don’t know when they become that powerful destruction.” SeungHyun frowned when he thought about his band mates.


“It’s ok SeungHyun. I have had a good time with all of you today.” ChaeRin patted his hand on her shoulder with a smile on her face.


“But finally we can enjoy peaceful time alone.” She winced her nose jokingly.


They managed to sneak out after dinner. It’s a very difficult thing because BigBang members seem to be too possessive to ChaeRin suddenly and they wanted to keep her under their eyes.  


But ChaeRin made excuses and pretend to go to bed early and SeungHyun did too. Then they took a walk along the moonlit beach.


SeungHyun chuckled about their escaping scenario


The salty air from the sea made ChaeRin’s hari dump and flying in the wind.  . He got a sweet smell which only defined to ChaeRin whenever he is around her. His body becomes stiffen when he noticed they were very close that their faces are only inches apart.


“Chae….. “SeungHyun softly hissed into her ear. His voice is dry due to the burning flame from heart.


His eyes are locked with ChaeRin’s. he didn’t know why but thousands of butterflies are fluttered inside his chest.


His face moves a little space towards ChaeRin who gazed him. Her eyes are dark and her rosy lips are parted a bit.


SeungHyun’s lips dry with desired. He want to press his lips against her, want to kiss her and want to possess her. But like something made a barrier between them, he can’t move forward. He is stoned in this point.


“I don’t know you may know this or not. But I really like you” He can’t believe what comes out from his mouth. But he knows that he really meant it.


ChaeRin is still looking at him. He tried to find something in her eyes but he can’t catch the meaning inside these dark eyes.


“Please, let me be your boyfriend” he said as his face moving to close the space left between them and his lips are claimed for her.


ChaeRin’s eyes are still locked with him. The angelic face that is shinning under moonlight is dissolved into SeungHyun’s mind.




JiYoung sighed with heavy heart. He already expected this may come whatever he did, tried to stop. He turned around as he can’t take any more to the scene of two people’s love under the moon.


He want back to hotel room , dragging his tired feet, but some part of his is left behind and he can’t understand why. 



SKYTEMPO!!!!!!!! i know this chapter is too short , but i want to keep some parts for next chapter. hee hee....

i wish you would enjoy this and i feel really happy for all the supports you guys give. 

Thank you mimi_qitchi roses14 Thanhmai  Smile_Dork Ravaaaa allyie for all your comments and your supports. 

i was thinking all the time about this fanfic and i tried to upload as fast as i can. 

Love you guys... <3 <3 <3

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CLforever #1
Chapter 26: pleaseeee continue the story:(
Chapter 26: update pleaseee :(
hee he. . . . .
ra21ah #4
I mean not essentially!
ra21ah #5
I know you've lost inspiration to continue this and I totally understand since I've also felt the same and then deleted both my fics.the recent incidents shocked us alot. But you see fan fics are essentially connected with real life.our jiyongs and Chaerins are not the real gd and cl. We are just using as an excuse to create our own world.I wanted to suggest if you like of course, i can help you regain your inspiration I d be happy bcuz this story is really beautiful and deserves a good ending ^^
Hamtone #6
Chapter 26: Please update this fic pleaseeeeeee authornim :((((
I really love it i want to translate in Vietnamese !
Please update
KhinDoubleCT #7
Chapter 26: Please, update author nim....=_=
I really wanna know the end of this two cuties......
It's been a long time u didn't update.
Chapter 26: UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE .... PLEASE .....
Ravaaaa #9
Chapter 26: update please :(
where r u :(
JessLuv21 #10
Chapter 26: Waaa another update please don't leaves us for so long again ! Oh by the way you spell Jiyong wrong there are no U in Jiyong ! :)