Ch 8

How Can I Help You?

“I’m one step away from stabbing that .” Was the first thing Tao said to Sehun when he entered the latter’s house.


“And I’m one step away from calling the mental asylum.” Sehun responded. He took out his cellphone from his pocket.


“I’m serious Sehun.” Tao snarled.


“And so am I Tao.” Sehun pressed the number 9.


“Will you stop playing around.” Tao rolled his eyes


“Only if you stop acting homicidal.” Sehun retorted.


“Aish! There’s no winning with you.” Tao said finally giving up with this little game him and Sehun was playing.


Sehun smiled. “Thanks for the compliment.” He sat his phone down on the table and folded his arms. “So what brings you to my kitchen.”


“Kris’s girlfriend.” Tao said.

“As usual.” Sehun added.


Tao slit his eyes. “What’s that suppose to mean.”


“It means thats the only reason you come here Tao. Geez why do you get so offended every time I say something.”


“Because you always have some smart comment to say.”


“True, but at least they hold some truth.”


“Truth?!” Tao exclaimed.


“Yes truth that you can’t seem to handle. Like the saying goes, if you can’t take the heat, get the outta my kitchen.” Sehun pointed to the door.


Tao rolled his eyes. “You’re hanging out with Chanyeol too much because his idiocy is rubbing off you.”


“Actually I haven’t seen him in a while but I did see Kris earlier today. Maybe thats where I’m getting it from.”


“You better shut your mouth or I will.” Tao threatened.


“I would like to see you try. I have 911 on speed dial.” Sehun mocked.


Tao shut his mouth. There was no use to keep arguing with Sehun because he was going to win every time. Not to mention Tao didn’t want to explode in anger. Besides he just came back from a doctors appointment and apparently he has high blood pressure for being so high strung, stressed and angry.


“So since I have obviously won this one, what did Yuri do to get under your skin this time?” Sehun asked.


Tao sighed. “She practically scolded me for going to the baseball game with Kris.”


Sehun smirked. “Oh little Tao got into trouble.”


Tao sharply inhaled. “No I didn’t. She came complaining to me at first. Then she got mad when I told her that Kris told me she didn’t want to go. That’s when she yelled at me.” Tao said as calmly as he could, although he was shaking a little bit.


“Understandable. I would be mad if my boyfriend took someone else somewhere with my birthday present.”


“But SHE didn’t want to go.” Tao said.


“Yes but still. You got to understand from her perspective. She was mad because Kris should know she doesn’t like that stuff. Its obvious she likes jewelry and shoes. However she probably thought about it and decided that Kris just wanted to do something with her. And when she was going to apologize and go to the game, he already went with his friend. Now tell me you wouldn’t be angry if Kris did that you?”


Tao thought about it. “I would be kind of mad.” He agreed.


“See! You always talk as if Yuri is always mad at Kris for no reason. You know better than anybody else how Kris could be.”


“Yeah. He could be a little insensitive and stuck up.” Tao sighed in defeat.


“Yup. So Tao I got some advice for you.”


“And what is that?”


“Try to befriend Yuri.” Sehun suggested.


“What?!” Tao shouted. His eyes widened and his mouth was wide opened.


“Yes befriend her. Stop looking at all the negative things about her. Try to understand her and stop being bias towards Kris. You may end up having more things in common with her than with Kris and actually become good friends.Maybe this way you can notice the  faults in Kris and try to better him as both a boyfriend and a person.” Sehun explained.


Sehun knew it was kind of far fetched to actually suggest this type of thing since Tao can be pretty stubborn and always on Kris’s side even if Kris is in the wrong. However it can get Tao to open his eyes to new things and stop being so clingy and attached to Kris. Tao wasn’t Kris’s boyfriend, but he sure acted like it and Sehun wanted that to stop. He wanted Tao to realize something and distant himself from Kris. Not that Sehun was trying to make Tao move on or anything, he just wanted to see how Kris would react to the way Tao was acting.


“I-I’m not s-so sure.” Tao stammered. “I-I mean we’re n-not close at all. Also I can be such a jerk to her.”


“And I’m sure she’ll forget about it if you actually have a decent conversation with her.”


Tao looked away from Sehun. He was thinking about it. Should he do it or not? If he does what would be the effect of it?


“Ok I’ll try.” Tao finally decided. If Sehun says suggests it, it must be for a good reason. Besides, maybe this way his blood pressure will go back to normal.


Sehun smiled and patted Tao’s hand. “Good boy.”


“I’m not a dog.” Tao snatched his hand away and growled.


“Sure you aren’t.”


“Don’t make me break your coffee maker.” Tao warned.


“Too late. Someone already did.” Sehun frowned.


Tao looked at the counter and saw no coffee machine on top of it.




“Chen.” Sehun said the name as if it was a dirty word.


“Oh. No need to explain any more.” Tao already knew it must’ve been a prank gone wrong.


“Exactly. Now Tao go be a good little boy and buy me some coffee for master.” Sehun said with a smug smile.




“Cook me food.” Chanyeol whined to Sehun. He was sprawled  on Sehun’s kitchen floor pretending to be dying of starvation. His arms and legs were flailing everywhere and to put in simple words, Chanyeol was acting like a bratty child.


“For the last time, NO.” Sehun hissed while angrily flipping through the newspaper.


Sehun was obviously annoyed by Chanyeol’s constant . He’s been there ever since Sehun sent Tao for a coffee run 15 minutes ago. The said boy had yet to come back and Sehun was sure Tao must’ve ran off with his money and bought himself something. He was low on caffeine and his patience level was dangerously low.


“Come ooooooooooooon! I’m hungry! Feed me!’ Chanyeol shouted.


“FOR THE LAST TIME NO!” Sehun snapped. “Go home to Baekhyun and ask him to make you something.”


“But he isn’t home.” Chanyeol said while getting up. He dusted the dirt off the back of his pants and lazily slumped onto a chair.


“What do you mean he isn’t home.”


“He isn’t home. He’s probably somewhere else hanging out with his other friends.” Chanyeol pouted.


Sehun’s eyebrows raised. “Baekhyun has other friends?”


“I’m not sure.” Chanyeol shrugged. “I just assumed. Actually Baekhyun has been coming home really late these days. He’s never home to cook me breakfast or dinner anymore and hasn’t been cleaning the house. I swear its a mess.”


This was surely new news for Sehun. What could Baekhyun have been doing? He’s usually home most of the time if he isn’t at work. He usually just spend his day cleaning after Chanyeol and cooking for him. Sort of like a housewife.


“That’s weird.” Sehun said.


“I know! And he never answer my calls.” Chanyeol pouted again. “Is his new friends more important than me?”


“Maybe they don’t make a mess like you and thats the reason why he isn’t around anymore.” Sehun teased.


“Yeah right.” Chanyeol sneered.


“Think about it. Maybe Baekhyun has gotten tired of taking care of you and dumped you for some other guys.”


“You’re really mean Sehun!” Chanyeol shouted.


“Haha, I know.” Sehun smirked. “You know I’m just messing with you.”


“I know but still.” Chanyeol frowned.


“I’m sure something happened. Baekhyun wouldn’t let you guy's apartment become a pigsty for no reason.” Sehun tried to comfort Chanyeol.


“I’m sure you’re right.” Chanyeol sighed. “But my laundry is stacking up and I’m running out of clothes to wear.”


Sehun scoffed. “So that’s why you miss him. Wow what a great friend.”


“I know I am. Not to mention I have a pile of dishes that need to washing, an empty refrigerator that needs to be refilled, a messy living room, and a bath tub that needs some serious scrubbing.” Chanyeol listed.


“Wow, maybe he should get new friends.”




“No he couldn’t get new ones if he tried.”




“And why is that?” Sehun asked




“Because he loves me and would never leave me.” Chanyeol said confidently.



Sehun shook his head and rolled his eyes. Although he did this, he knew Chanyeol was right. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were pretty much stuck to the hip with each other and their love for each other were beyond anything Sehun has seen. Baekhyun loved Chanyeol regardless of how sloppy or disorganized he was and Chanyeol loved Baekhyun regardless if he was a obsessed with order and a clean freak.They might not be lovers but there was no doubt in Sehun’s mind that they were already like ones.


“I feel bad for Baekhyun.” Sehun said.


“Me too but I can’t let him go.”


“Maybe you should stop being so dependant on Baekhyun all the time.” Sehun said seriously.


“Why? He doesn’t have a problem with it.”


“Yeah to you he might not have a problem with it but one day he might just explode on you. He’ll say some things he doesn’t mean and hurt your feelings. Then you’ll say some hurtful things you don’t mean. Then he’ll move out and ignore you. So where does that leave you? Because you’re always dependant on him, you won’t know how to cook for yourself, clean your own clothes, dishes and house. Then your house will get dirty beyond any maid’s help and you’ll have rats and roaches in your house. Then you’ll die because a big pile of you dirty clothes will fall on you while you're sleeping and you’ll suffocate and die.”


Chanyeol looked shocked and little scared by Sehun’s words. Mostly because of the thought of Baekhyun leaving him was something he never thought of happening and not having him in his life terrifies him more than he thought. Also he was a little creeped out about the whole dying thing by suffocating from his own dirty and smelly clothes.


“Yeah that doesn’t sound too nice does it Chanyeol.” Sehun said, taking notice of the other's face.


Chanyeol shook his head in agreement. This has definitely changed some things for Chanyeol.


“Can I have some orange soda?” Chanyeol asked after a while. “It helps me think.”


“Sure you can.” Sehun got out of his and fetched the drink out of the fridge. As usual he threw it to Chanyeol who surprisingly didn’t catch it like always.


The drink dropped to the ground with a loud thud.


“Are you ok Chanyeol?” Sehun said as Chanyeol picked up the soda.


“I’m not sure. You just got me thinking about this whole cleaning ordeal.” Chanyeol took hold of the soda’s cap.


“Um maybe you should wait a minute before you open th-” Sehun began but he was too late.


Chanyeol opened the soda but the juice sprayed  everywhere. It sprayed on the kitchen’s table and floor, on Chanyeol, and more importantly it sprayed Sehun.


Sehun, who was now dripping with orange soda, glared at Chanyeol. “You’re cleaning this mess up whether you like it or not.”

Chanyeol smiled nervously. “Can’t we until Baekhyun comes, Sehunnie?”      



Author's note

Its a pretty short update but yeah. I have finals this week so I probably won't be updating. I'll try but it depends on how much free time I have.

Also I would like so say:

Reaction GIF:  yeah, dance, Brad Pitt



Omg I would like to say thank you for all that subscribed and gives my story so much love. Honestly I wasn't expecting for so many people to like my story because you have to admit, its lacking in a few departments and the plot isn't so interesting. Well anyway thank you thank thank you and I love you all! 

See you guys soon and don't forget to comment~

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Heads up: I might not be able to update due to finals. I have a lot of projects and studying to do to past all my classes with at least a B.


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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 20: Update soon please
Chapter 20: I love this story so much.Every little line is funny and cute hahaha.I love the hunhan in here and just about every pairing.Eventhough this has'nt been updated in a while,i'm still gonna subcribe because i want to read it again(after i finished browsing through stories)that way,its easier to find.All in all i love it to bits,esp the dialogue.
NoizHuang #3
Chapter 20: it's 2016 and i am still waiting for this update because i love this story soo muchhhhh!! please update author-nim!! XD
Chapter 20: Uuuuupdate please >◇<. I want to know what happen to Taoris.
butlerontoast #5
Chapter 4: I am Sehun. Sehun is me
Chapter 20: I never knew why I didn't read your story sooner, its really good! I'm loving every ship so far especially Sulay and Xiuchen because they're my OTP's! Thanks for including them!

I feel bad for both Kai and Sehun in this chapter! Kyungsoo must realizes his feelings so Kai cam loveeeee him! At least Sehun knows his feelings and what he said to Kai was a bit too harsh.

I love Minho at the end! Lol I knew something was fishy when that gun was blue... I hope he and Taemin can get together!

Its been a while since you updated so I hope you can update whenever you can!
TheAlmightyNeko #7
Chapter 20: PLEASE AUTHOR-NIM!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I really really love this story and I NEED a new, seriously I'm addicted to this story!!!
fangrlxbecky19 #8
Chapter 13: I'm like, dead. This fic just brings out the inner psycho inside me and makes he scream internally at how beautiful this fic it. AAAAAAAH IT'S SO CUTE AND AMAZING AND THE HUNHAN FEELS LIKE WHET
Yuki2626 #9
Chapter 20: AUTHOR NIM ITS BEEN FORRRRRREVERRRR SINCE YOU UPDATED !!!! PLEASE COME BACK. YOUR STORY IS REALLY GOOD!!!! You should make a chappie about sehunnies opinion where he's all sad bc his friends r buts or his sAd past or something... ~he could have luhan comfort him ;)~ I JUST WANT MY HUNNIE TO BE HAPPY
anyway, please come back soon author nim!