Ch 6

How Can I Help You?

Sehun was lightly tapping his finger on the keyboard of his laptop. He was on microsoft word, but he had yet to type anything on it so he just stared at the screen hoping for words to magically appear on the document. He’s been sitting there like that for a while and he was slowly growing frustrated.


Sehun had just finished writing up his last book earlier that day and had sent the final draft to his editor. He was happy that he was done with that story because he had been writing it for a few months now and wanted to write other things for a change. He wasn’t actually fully satisfied with it but he thought it could do. However his editor saw this when he read over the story and threw it out and demanded that Sehun write another story without half assing it and actually putting his all into it.


After a few “words” were exchanged between the two, Sehun gave up and decided to start anew and write a story he would be thrilled or inspired to do. However not a single idea for his new book was good or interesting enough. So here he was, sitting at his kitchen table, staring at the computer screen and almost falling asleep out of pure boredom.


Honestly Sehun never really had much problems with getting some type of idea to write and managing to make it show up in the top 20 best sellers. But now his mind was blank and he had no idea why.


Sehun exhaled sharply and picked up a coffee cup from his left. He took a sip and grimaced as he tasted the liquid inside. Maybe it was the store bought coffee that was clouding up his imagination Sehun thought. He pushed the cup away from him and leaned back in his chair. He scanned around the room, his eyes first setting on a umbrella, propped up against a wall.


Maybe he should make a story about an umbrella that holds some importance. Maybe it could make people time travel or it could be a weapon of some sort. But that sounded ridiculous, Sehun thought after a while. Besides he wasn’t much of an action writer. He was more of heartwarming, coming of age and drama type of author.


Sehun then looked around and saw a picture of himself, when he was about 12 years old. He was wearing a baseball jersey, a cap covering his curly hair and held a baseball bat with both hands. He wore a big smile on his face and looked truly happy. Maybe he should write a story about how a child’s innocence was taken away from him and the psychological trauma it caused the poor boy. Sehun shook his head no. That idea was too close to home.


Sehun sighed again and was deciding if he should just read a book or go to sleep because what he was doing now was apparently a waste of time. As he was closing his laptop, a soft knock came from Sehun’s door.


“Come in Luhan.” Sehun said.


The door opened and a boy stepped inside with a bright smile on his face.


“Hello Sehun.” He greeted then closed the door. He walked over to the table and sat down with both hands in his lap.


“You know you can just enter without knocking like everyone else, right?”  Sehun said.


Luhan always knocked before entering and actually had the decency to not barge into his house like his crazy friends. Although Sehun did oddly prefer if Luhan did come in without knocking, but it just wasn’t part of the boy’s character.


“But I’m not like everyone else.” Luhan replied softly.


“True. So what brings you here today?” Sehun asked, hoping for something.


“Just checking up on you, that’s all.” Luhan smiled at Sehun.


“Oh.” Sehun couldn’t help but sound or look disappointed.


Luhan was probably the only friend to not bother him with his problems. He never confided in him or ever complain about a thing in his life and if he did, it wasn’t something that he couldn’t solve or handle on his own. Luhan was a few years older than Sehun although it did not look like it, but he was very mature, kind hearted and trustworthy. At first Sehun liked the fact that Luhan didn’t bother him over petty mishaps or problems. He was one of Sehun’s friends that he could actually talk with and have a conversation that didn’t involve trying to figure out a solution.


However Sehun began to feel a bit insecure. Maybe Luhan didn't trust him enough or couldn’t see him as someone to rely on and that made him sadder than he would like to admit. And then he realized that he would sometimes tell Luhan his problems or what would be troubling him. Although he didn’t like talking about himself too much, he somehow ended up doing exactly that with Luhan. For Sehun it was like a goal for him to get Luhan to talk with him about his troubles as well, no matter if they’re small or big.


“So how are you Sehun?” Luhan asked, interrupting Sehun’s thoughts.


“I’m fine. Real fine.” Sehun asked nonchalantly


“Are you sure. Something seems to be bothering you.” Luhan looked at Sehun with concern.


“You’re worrying over nothing my friend. What about you? You seem to have something on your mind.” Sehun said. He didn’t see anything wrong with Luhan but Luhan was a pretty good actor if you asked him.


“You’re on my mind. I’m worried.” Luhan leaned forward. “Are you sure you’re ok?”


Sehun looked away, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Luhan sure knew how to make a guy feel special.


“Of course I’m ok. You know me, I’m pretty laid back.” Sehun said after clearing his throat.


Luhan gave Sehun a suspicious look but said no more about the nagging feeling that told him Sehun wasn’t in a happy mood.


“So how have you been Luhan?” Sehun reached to pick up his coffee in which he bought from starbucks.


“That could hold on for a minute. What I’m wondering right now is why are you drinking store bought coffee. You usually don’t like them.” Luhan said as he gave Sehun a confused look.


“Yeah I’m not really a big fan of these.” Sehun held up the coffee cup. “ But I have no choice. I’d rather have this than no coffee at all.”


“What happen to your coffee maker?” Luhan asked as realized that there was no longer a coffee machine on the countertop. It was always there and it to not be there was kind of weird.


“Chen broke it.” Sehun grumbled.


“What?! He broke your coffee maker?! How?!”


“Yes that little troll accidently broke it. Yesterday he came over when I wasn’t here and messed with some of my things in the house. One of them involved hiding my precious baby. After he accomplished his plan in freaking me out he tried to return it but the clumsy idiot tripped and dropped it.” Sehun wiped a fake tear. “It broke into pieces and was not able to be put back together again.” He choked out.


“Whoa. I’m sorry to hear that. I know how much it was important to you.” Luhan sincerely said.


“Yes. I’ve had that coffee machine for 3 years. Now its gone. But at least I was able to avenge it’s horrible and unfair death.” Sehun said slyly.


Luhan’s eyes grew big.


“Please don’t tell me that Chen’s buried in your backyard?!”


Sehun only smiled deviously.


“Oh god, I need to call the cops!” Luhan jumped from his chair but sat back down when Sehun started laughing.


“I didn’t kill him Luhan. God I’m not that crazy to kill someone over a coffee machine.” Sehun said sarcastically.


“Then what did you do?” Luhan asked.


“I chased him around the house with a knife.” Sehun said as if it was normal to do so.


“Then?’” Luhan asked


“Then after I managed to calm myself down, I threatened that he wasn’t allowed inside my house until he buys me another coffee maker of the same exact brand then I kicked his out.”


“Woah. How did he take it?”


“First of all, he was still in shock because I almost stabbed him to death. Then after the shock wore off he begged for forgiveness for a while. Finally he told me he couldn’t get the coffee maker for a few weeks since he doesn’t get paid until next week and he had bills and debts to pay and I told him alright, but he couldn’t step a foot in this house until then. He seemed a bit sad but whatever, no one messes with my coffee.”


“I see. So how is that starbucks coffee working out for you?”


“Terrible.” Sehun said without hesitation. “But like I said, I’d rather have this coffee than no coffee at all.”


“So is that why you're not in a happy mood?” Luhan asked.


Sehun almost slapped himself. He didn’t even realize he was talking about himself again. Only Luhan could make him slip up like this.


“Partly I guess, but its no big deal. Also who said I’m not in a happy mood? I’m just a bit tired.”


“Sure you are.” Luhan smirked at Sehun, seeing right through Sehun’s facade.


“I am. Take it or leave it.”


“I’m leaving it then. It seems fake.”


“Like your innocent personality? Oooh, do you need ice for that burn Lulu?”


Luhan rolled his eyes. “No,I’m fireproof.”


“Since when?” Sehun asked.


“Since the last time you tried to burn me.”


Sehun chuckled.


“Only you seem to keep up with my snarky comments, Luhan.”


“Well I have to since its the only thing that seems to makes you laugh. Also what about Kris? He’s keeps up well.”


“Kris doesn’t make as much smart comments like you do. He mostly just makes passes at me.” Sehun rolls his eyes.


“Well that must not be too pleasant.” Luhan said.


“And that’s why I love ya Luhan.” Sehun smiled causing Luhan to blush a bit and smile as well.


“So did you get your book published yet?” Luhan asked, striking up another conversation.


“No.” Sehun sighed. “It was not and it won’t be.”


“Why?!” Luhan practically shouted. “You’ve been working on the story for months now.”


“I know. My editor told me it was half assed and no matter how much I hate to say it, I think he’s right.” Sehun said.


“Really? But I’ve always seen you working hard for that one. I thought you loved it.”


“Well at first I did but after a while it became like a chore to finish it. So the ending probably .”


“Well I’m sorry to hear that.” Luhan looked at Sehun


“Its ok. Its not a big deal.” Sehun said although it did bother him a bit but he wasn’t going to tell Luhan that.


“So what are you going to do now?” Luhan asked.


“Well my editor says I have 3 months to write another book and I better get to it.”


“Are you serious?! Why would he only give you 3 months?”


“Well I was suppose to publish a book this month but that didn’t work out. I guess he doesn’t want me to start losing popularity or any recognition.” Sehun said knowing full well how fast a person’s name can be easily forgotten among a thousand others.


“Is that why you have your laptop out? Because you were typing the new story?”


“Well not exactly.” Sehun said.


“What do you mean by that?” Luhan asked, confused.


“I haven’t written anything at all. I don’t have any ideas flowing  and I’ve been staring at the screen for an hour before you came.”


“Don’t tell me you have writer’s block?”


Sehun frowned realizing that could be the case.


“Maybe it is.”


“That’s  definitely not good.”




“You need some inspiration!” Luhan exclaimed.


“Already tried that.” Sehun said “Nothing in my kitchen is inspiring to me.” Sehun added.


Luhan rolled his eyes again.


“Of course you’re not going to get inspiration from a place you’re always in. You need to get out and have a small adventure of your own.”


“You know I don’t like leaving my house.”


“And that’s your problem. You need to get out more and explore different locations.”


Sehun groaned.


“Doesn’t matter if you don’t want to. You, me, and only with the clothes on our backs and some money in our pockets, are going places next Saturday.” Luhan announced.




“No buts, you hermit. Now is the time you crawl out of your cave and get some fresh air. And I don’t want to hear anything otherwise.”


Sehun gave up trying to go against Luhan because he knew once Luhan has decided something, its set into motion and you can’t do anything about it.”


“Fine but I hate you.” Sehun said.


“Didn’t earlier didn’t you say you loved me?”


“Oh I did.” Sehun paused. “Fine I love you then.”


Luhan smiled and gave got out of his chair and gave Sehun a bear hug.


“You won’t regret it, I swear. I’ll make it so fun for you, hunnie.”


Sehun rolled his eyes but hugged the other back.


When they both pulled away, Sehun jabbed Luhan’s side with his finger.


“Ow! Why?!”


“Don’t call me hunnie. You know I don’t like that nickname.”


“But why? It fits you so well hunnie.” Luhan chirped.


Sehun frowned at Luhan.


“Fine, I’ll stop for now.” Luhan sighed


Luhan pulled Sehun down to his level where they can see eye to eye. He rubbed Sehun’s hair, to the annoyance of the latter.


“Yah!” Sehun yelled.


“I’ll get out of you hair right now, but I’ll be back next week to climb back into it.” Luhan whispered into Sehun’s ear, making the said area warm up.


“Bye Lulu.”


“Bye Hunnie!” Luhan said as he left the room, already making Sehun miss his presence and secretly anticpating their adventure for next Saturday.

Author's note

Do you know what time it is?!


lol, that just got into my head.

Anyway here I present the hunhan couple. I made a bit of change in which Luhan doesn't treat him like a therapist. Is that good? Or could that be bad?

The next chapter could be anybody really. I'm not going to do the whole couple thing each chapter so who knows, the next chapter might contain Kris and Suho or heck, even Kyungsoo. *Kanye shrug* I'm not sure though, so I'm still brainstorming.

Also last but not least, I would like to think all 77 subscribers because ASGFHDKDSFSKHVJSGX I love you all! Thank you fo looking forward to my story and thank you to those who comment because I really enjoy feedback on my stuff. 

Well I'm going to go hit the sack or in other words, go to sleep. Have a wonderful dreams everybody!



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Heads up: I might not be able to update due to finals. I have a lot of projects and studying to do to past all my classes with at least a B.


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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 20: Update soon please
Chapter 20: I love this story so much.Every little line is funny and cute hahaha.I love the hunhan in here and just about every pairing.Eventhough this has'nt been updated in a while,i'm still gonna subcribe because i want to read it again(after i finished browsing through stories)that way,its easier to find.All in all i love it to bits,esp the dialogue.
NoizHuang #3
Chapter 20: it's 2016 and i am still waiting for this update because i love this story soo muchhhhh!! please update author-nim!! XD
Chapter 20: Uuuuupdate please >◇<. I want to know what happen to Taoris.
butlerontoast #5
Chapter 4: I am Sehun. Sehun is me
Chapter 20: I never knew why I didn't read your story sooner, its really good! I'm loving every ship so far especially Sulay and Xiuchen because they're my OTP's! Thanks for including them!

I feel bad for both Kai and Sehun in this chapter! Kyungsoo must realizes his feelings so Kai cam loveeeee him! At least Sehun knows his feelings and what he said to Kai was a bit too harsh.

I love Minho at the end! Lol I knew something was fishy when that gun was blue... I hope he and Taemin can get together!

Its been a while since you updated so I hope you can update whenever you can!
TheAlmightyNeko #7
Chapter 20: PLEASE AUTHOR-NIM!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I really really love this story and I NEED a new, seriously I'm addicted to this story!!!
fangrlxbecky19 #8
Chapter 13: I'm like, dead. This fic just brings out the inner psycho inside me and makes he scream internally at how beautiful this fic it. AAAAAAAH IT'S SO CUTE AND AMAZING AND THE HUNHAN FEELS LIKE WHET
Yuki2626 #9
Chapter 20: AUTHOR NIM ITS BEEN FORRRRRREVERRRR SINCE YOU UPDATED !!!! PLEASE COME BACK. YOUR STORY IS REALLY GOOD!!!! You should make a chappie about sehunnies opinion where he's all sad bc his friends r buts or his sAd past or something... ~he could have luhan comfort him ;)~ I JUST WANT MY HUNNIE TO BE HAPPY
anyway, please come back soon author nim!