Bad Things and Good People


Why, exactly, do bad things happen to good people? This is all I want to know...



Why do bad things happen to good people? That’s a question we all ask ourselves. Why me? How could this happen? What did I do to deserve this? I’m sure you’ve though this at least once before. Let me tell you that I am no different from you. No different in that respect at all.

You see, in my relatively short life, I’ve had so much happen to me. Good things and bad things. But nothing will ever compare to that one day. That one terrible day. That day is the reason I am where I am right now…


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loyal4ygfamily5ever #1
Chapter 1: wow this is so touching and sad and beautiful and I'm so glad I started looking through your fanfics :'( :')

i also really liked how he asked if he could kiss her, that was so much like what I would expect the gentleman in T.O.P to do and... gahh I love this. it's just.. sweet and gentle and soothing to read. thank you :)
sunset812 #2
Chapter 1: what a sweet story. she needed time to grieve. it was good she waited.