Chapter Six

The Bermuda Misfits

Chapter 6




“PUT YO HANDS UP YOU MOTHERFCKERS!” Yongguk screamed, running into Daehyun and Youngjae’s room, swinging the bat like an eager child who missed the pinata at a birthday party.


“AHHHHH!” screamed Youngjae and Jongup as they immediately dropped their video game controllers onto the ground with a loud thud.  Jongup threw his hands up into the air, whereas Youngjae on the other hand, jumped into the younger one’s lap, clinging on for dear life.


“AHHHHH!”  Himchan screamed in reply, clutching onto Yongguk.  Yongguk tried to nudge the latter away, but his grip was too strong.  Yongguk looked around the room and realized that it was just a false alarm.  Himchan put a hand over his heart and sighed with relief that there was no robber.  Just two idiots playing video games and getting over excited.


“So you mind explaining what happened here?”  Yongguk said, impatiently tapping his foot and arms crossed with an eyebrow raised.  Papers were strewn across the room like confetti and snacks had fallen out of their bags and sprawled across the wooden floor.  Soda and juice cans ranged all the way from their desks to the bed to on and around the TV.  Even Youngjae was covered in cheese puff powder and Jongup’s face had remnants of chocolate here and there.


“Uhhh,” the two blondes looked at each other than shrugged at their leader.  Yongguk stared intently at the two before further interrogating.  Himchan left the scene and went to find Daehyun.




“AHHHHHH!” Daehyun ran into the room screaming the girliest scream mankind had ever heard..  He closed the door with a slam and quivered in fear.  He turned his back and slid down the door, clutching his erratically beating heart.


Zelo jumped up in surprise, sprawling his long limbs, trying to cover the mess he made on Himchan’s bed.


“D-daehyun hyung?”  Zelo asked, quietly approaching the older.


“Oh it’s just you Zelo,” Daehyun relaxed.


“Y-yeah... What happened?” The maknae asked.  Before Daehyun could answer, they both heard screams coming from Daehyun’s room.


“Uhh, I think there was a robber.  Yongguk hyung heard a bunch of noises coming from upstairs, and so we came up and I ran for my life after opening the doors,”  Daehyun explained, sitting down on Yongguk’s bed.


“Oh,” giggled Zelo.


“What?” glared Daehyun.


“Eo?  Ah, n-nothing... It’s just that.... I never knew you could scream like that hyung,” The maknae replied, stifling his laugh.  The older hit him on the head and blushed in embarrassment.  


“Sayy,” Daehyun suspiciously stared at Zelo.


“Hmm?”  The maknae answered, skimming through a sports magazine.

“What are you doing in Yongguk and Himchan’s room?”  Daehyun asked.  Zelo froze.


*Caught!*  Daehyun thought.


“N-no r-reas-son.  I just wanted to looked at Himchan hyung’s sport’s magazine,” Zelo lied, trying to maintain his composure.


“Oh?  Geurae?”  Daehyun slyly asked.  He examined the younger’s face.  Zelo’s eyes nervously shifted back and forth.


“Y-yeah,”  Zelo replied softly.


“Oh I see.  Then I’ll just join you,” Daehyun answered, expecting a ‘no’ coming any time soon.


“Oh, yeah sure.  Go ahead hyung”


*Not the answer I was expecting*  Daehyun pouted.  He was going to get to the bottom of this no matter what.  He looked over at the variety of magazines that covered Himchan’s bed and saw the notorious Playboy magazines buried underneath.  Yongguk’s phone was nowhere in sight.  Daehyun gasped at the thought of their youngest, reading a Playboy magazine.


“Zelo!  NO!  YOU DIDN’T!  YONGGUK HYUNG’S GOING TO KILL YOU,”  Daehyun exclaimed.  Zelo paled, and grabbed onto Daehyun’s shirt.


“Hyung, Daehyun hyung!  Please, please don’t tell Yongguk hyung,” the younger begged, hands quivering in fear.


“Don’t tell Yongguk what?”  Himchan said, walking into his room.


“That I found Zelo reading your Playboy magazines,” Daehyun nonchalantly answered.


“YOU WHAT?!”  Himchan exclaimed, mouth agape.


“I WHAT?!”  Zelo’s eyes were as wide as saucers.


*Wait.  I thought he found out that I broke Yongguk hyung’s phone.  Whew!*  Zelo wiped the invisible sweat from his brow and let out a sigh of relief.




“Well, you aren’t really the best at  hiding your stuff hyung,” Daehyun commented.


“KIM. HIM. CHAN. YOU. WHAT,”  Yongguk bellowed throughout the room.  His grip on the bat had tightened immensely.


“Yongguk,” Himchan squeaked.  Daehyun snickered, which earned him an elbow to the stomach from Himchan.


While Yongguk began lecturing Himchan, Zelo quietly slipped away with Daehyun trailing after him.


The two entered the kitchen to find Youngjae and Jongup with two full bags of trash, one in each hand.


“What happened to you guys?  You looked terrible,”  Daehyun said.  Youngjae glowered at the older and tied the ends of the bag together.


“Yeah hyung, you looked totally stoned.  It’s like you and the Cheeto’s guy did it,” cackled Zelo.  Daehyun high-fived the latter in agreement.


“Yeah, and you look like you made out with Lady Godiva or something Guppie,” commented Daehyun.  Zelo howled and they both high-fived once again.


Jongup grunted and took out the trash, with Mr.  Cheeto right behind him.


“Hey hyung,” Zelo called, taking a seat at the table with a box of cherry tomatoes in hand.


“Yeah?”  Daehyun answered, sitting down next to him with a can of soda.


“I’m bored.  Let’s go out today,” Zelo demanded.  Daehyun hummed in thought while reaching for a cherry tomato, only to have his hand slapped away by the maknae.


“What do you wanna do?”  Daehyun asked, rubbing his sore hand.


“I dunno,” pouted the latter.  They both contemplated in silence, until it was broken by the sound of Yongguk’s shouting.  They both sighed and thought, *Poor Himchan*


After an eternity of stark silence, Zelo sat up and tugged on Daehyun.


“Hyung!  Hyung!  I know what to do!  Let’s get a haircut!”  Zelo exclaimed.


“Hmm, sure why not?”  answered Daehyun.


“Let’s go!”  shouted the younger.


“Go where?”  Jongup asked, as he and Youngjae entered the room.


“HAIRCUT!” Zelo excitedly said.


“Can I come too?  My hair’s getting a bit too long for my taste,”  Youngjae asked, tugging on his blonde hair.


“Sure,” Daehyun shrugged.


“Me too!  Me too!” exclaimed Jongup.  Zelo nodded and jumped in excitement.


“But you might wanna shower or at least change first.  I’m not going out with you looking like that in public,” Daehyun replied, gesturing to all of Youngjae and Jongup.


“You just gestured to all of us,” Youngjae said.


“I know,” Daehyun answered.  But Youngjae and Jongup knew that he was right.  They looked terrible.  Even Lady Gaga’s meat dress would look 10 times better than they did at that moment.


“Alright, I’m going to go shower,” Jongup informed, as he trailed off to the bathroom.  Youngjae nodded in agreement and headed to the other bathroom.


“Should we tell Yongguk and Himchan hyung?” Zelo piped up.


“If you want to,” Daehyun answered, going to into the living room to watch TV.


“YONGGUK HYUNG.  HIMCHAN HYUNG.  WE’RE GOING OUT TO GET HAIRCUTS.  WANT TO COME?” screamed Zelo, as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, awaiting the reply.  Daehyun plugged his ears and waited for the second impact.




“OKAY,” Zelo shouted back, then happily skipped over to Daehyun.


“Couldn’t you just have walked up the stairs and asked?” Daehyun irritatedly asked.


“Too much work.  And does it look like I wanna die today?  I ain’t gonna interrupt Yongguk’s lecture,” Zelo lazily answered while grabbing some popcorn from the bowl and tossing it into his mouth.  Daehyun nodded in agreement and they went back to watching Yongguk’s war movie.


Twenty minutes later, Youngjae and Jongup came down the stairs looking squeaky clean.


“Better?”  Jongup asked.


“MUCH BETTER,” emphasized Daehyun.


“MUCH, MUCH BETTER,” Zelo replied.


Then Yongguk came downstairs, with a bug-eyed Himchan following behind.

“Ready?”  Yongguk asked.  They all nodded in agreement and headed out the door.



HAIRCUT~~~~  I need a trim too man.  My hair is getting kinda long.  LOL. not really but i still need a trim.  too many split ends man.  this is what i get for dying my hair.

you like?  i updated once again! :D  hehehe.  aite.  next chapter should come up soon too.

LOL. i wonder hair i should give them. oh well.  it was kinda long. but i hoped you liked it!

Say..... where did D go?  I'M MISSING MY CO-AUTHOR D;  WAHHHH okay bye    -M

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Chapter 6: Yeah author-nim I think I need a Haircut too My hair is getting too long People even started to Call me a Ghost because of my Hair, My Mom even said that how Could a Girl like me live with a Hair that long, Well enough of me already this Chapter is really Funny especially about the Playboy Magazine I can even stop Laughing Updated soon k I can't wait.^^
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