Chapter Two

I Want it All

"Okay, so let me try and get this straight," a laughing voice on the other end of his cell said, "you believe you've fallen for this kid when you know nothing about him and he's ten year younger than you? Do you know how gross that sounds?"

"Oh, shut up, will you?" Yunho hissed into the receiver before exhaling heavily, "yes, that's what I think, and I know. Anyways, I spoke to the woman in charge there and she said he's been there the majority of his life. Can you imagine, Yoochun! Living in that sort of place for six years..."

"Well, maybe it's not as bad as you think it is -- Maybe he likes it there..."

"How could a sweet little boy like Jaejoong enjoy living there? The place is a mess, the staff are horrible, and the kids are rude. I even had to bribe the lady with a date so she would tell me how old he was!"

"Are you actually going to keep your word and go on the date?"

"Ew, no."


"Whatever. Chun, I need to help him. I need to get him out of there... that kind of environment isn't good for a growing boy, especially at his age..."


"Please, please, Yunho, don't tell me you're considering what I think you are..."

"What's so wrong with it?"

"Your parents will kill you!"

"They don't care what I do; I live on my own, I have a well paying job, I'm getting my degree... I'm already fulfilling all their wishes!"

"That's right, man -- you have school and work. How are you going to take care of him?"

"That's where you come in."

Another prolonged silence and then, finally, a defeated sigh. The one standing in front of the orphanage smiled with victory.

"I'm adopting him. Today. How do you like the sound of Jung Jaejoong?"

The other line gave a long beeping signal -- A sign that the other hung up. Yunho smiled like a cheshire.

"He likes it."

- * -
"Jaejoong, start packing your things," the older woman who walked into the dark-haired boy's room advised before retrieving a suitcase from the top of the room closet.
"Why?" the pretty male asked while grabbing the few clothes he owned from the dresser and beginning to pile them into the case. The woman glowered at the question.
"You're leaving with your new father."
He blinked, his mouth falling open in surprise as he stopped moving, "I got adopted...?"
Nodding her head and beginning to leave the room, she let out a gasp as she got pushed aside by a running Jaejoong carrying a half-fast packed luggage case.
 Stopping at the end of the stairwell, he was told to stop and wit for his new guardian to arrive. Growing antsy with nervousness, the young boy decided to spend the time thinking about what his new parent might look like and how they might act. Nice? Handsome? Or will they punish him like the staff did here?
Without even meaning to, the image of the stranger he met earlier the last week came to his mind and he blushed. That stranger was handsome, strong, and seemed very nice...
I want my guardian to be able to protect me and be a good papa, he thought to himself as he crossed his fingers in hope.
Hearing the door to the orphanage ding open, he in a breath due to anxiety before the person turned to him with a smile, the stranger's maple-chestnut hair shifting a bit with the breeze entering the room.
"Ready to go?"
Jaejoong's smile had never been so big and happy before as he nodded his head vigorously.
Perhaps he would finally find happiness with this new papa. Perhaps.
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wow!!!!!! already subscribed kkkkk actually i like this kind of story, yunho appa?? ha ha, so how old jae is? and yun too? can I know? daebak!!! double update in one day!! author sshi pls update soon, nae????? I'm waiting.