Chapter One

I Want it All

Autumn - A time for chilly winds, beautiful scenery and endless amounts of work. For the twenty year old walking down the side pavement of the street, work was all he had ever known. It wasn't because he felt 'the need to prove himself' to his parents, it was because it gave him something to do on those days when he truly started to hate his life. Of course, once he came out to his parents he felt that their relationship with him would never be the same, but he never once thought he would need to prove himself to them; they knew what he was capable of when it came to his schooling.

Sighing gently as he stopped in his tracks at the mere memory of his parents, gazing around himself while unconsciously pulling his sweater closer to his body, the young man began to wonder how he even got this far with work. True, work had always been a distraction, but now because of that distraction he was entering his third year in college. Honestly, he wasn't too sure what he was doing with his education... Was he there just because it was a convenient place to spend his time for seven or eight hours? Or... Well, now that he thought about it...

Getting my degree in teaching wouldn't be too bad... I love kids, and I always have been good when tutoring... he mused to himself before being pulled out of his thoughts by a small body running into him from behind. Catching his footing quickly, the cause of the fall wasn't as good with his reflexes and the young boy fell onto his rear and back. It only took a moment longer before his eyes started to tear with pain and the college student quickly got down on his knees to check if the boy was alright whilst his eyes widened.

"Are you o-" he managed to ask before being frozen in place, gazing at the boy's face. Though it was tear stained, the softer complexion and delicate bone structure was still extraordinarily beautiful. Yunho had to admit he was caught off guard by the younger's appearance.

"I-I'm fine," came a soft voice escaping the plump, softly cherry-colored lips of the boy and the taller smiled in relief whilst attempting not to faint at the angelic traits of the smaller before helping him to his feet, "do you know where Flora Orphanage is? I-I got lost when we went out on a field trip and now..." his lower lip trembled and the older's heart ached to see the boy so scared and confused, however, he couldn't remove his sights from the boy the entire time he was speaking. The taller maple-chestnut haired man kept wondering to himself: How old is this kid? How can such a pretty face be an orphan? And who was the that didn't keep her watch on him?

"Sir...?" He looks about 11 or 12...

The younger began to fidget with nervousness at the awkward silence playing out, "s-sir?"

"Ah, yes, sorry, excuse my behavior. I believe Flora is," turning all around, his eyes narrowed in concentration before lighting up once he spotted the frail sign fronting the dilapidated children's home, "right there." 

"Thank you," the boy responded swiftly before scurrying away and Yunho hissed a bit as he felt a stabbing in his chest as well as a scolding forming in his head.

Nice going, Jung, now he probably thinks you're some sort of planning on kidnapping him one day.

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wow!!!!!! already subscribed kkkkk actually i like this kind of story, yunho appa?? ha ha, so how old jae is? and yun too? can I know? daebak!!! double update in one day!! author sshi pls update soon, nae????? I'm waiting.