I Know I Said It Before

Is This Love A Sin?



The moment he wakes up from his alarm clock Daehyun realizes it’s his day off. With a sigh he falls back on his bed and tries to sleep again. After staring at his ceiling for a while he realizes he isn’t sleepy at all. The brunette turns on his side, searching for a comfortable position but no matter what he tries it’s no use. His body itches; his eyes won’t close and his feet are cold. His T-shirt strangles him whenever he moves and after turning a few times Daehyun gives up. With a sigh the boy throws his legs over the edge of the bed and turns his head towards the window, only to see it’s still dark outside and although it’s 5AM he isn’t sleepy at all.


Daehyun runs his fingers though his hair pushing it out of his eyes but it’s completely useless because his hair stubbornly falls back in its previous state. With a second sigh he blinks a few times and waits until his eyes adjust to the darkness. When they finally do, Daehyun looks around in his room, only to discover everything is as messy as he left it last night.


Slowly the brunette stands up and walks towards the door, however when he lifts his head he’s startled as he sees someone else is in his room. Shaking his head, he realizes it’s his reflection in the mirror and he wonders why it scares him every morning.


Daehyun leaves his room and walks straight to the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror and quickly grabs a hold of his toothbrush and toothpaste; brushing his teeth to get rid of the horrible taste he has every morning.


With a sigh he puts back his toothbrush and decides to take a walk outside. Too lazy to change his clothes he walks towards the door of his apartment while still wearing his grey T-shirt and red sweatpants. Sneakers are too tiring to put on so he chooses his slippers. He’ll be back immediately anyway.


There runs a shiver down the boy’s spine when the cold wind hits his bare arms. Without caring Daehyun closes the door behind him and looks around, wondering if there’s anyone else outside at this hour but the streets are empty.


Ignoring the cold winds blowing through his hair and creating goosebumps on his arms, Daehyun walks though the streets not paying attention to where he’s going. He has to admit he regrets not taking his coat with him because this walk would probably last longer than expected. The wind, darkness, mist and dawn drops and on top of that the sound of crickets and the wind blowing the leaves making this one of those beautiful mornings even when the coldness is slightly uncomfortable.


With a sigh Daehyun looks up to the dark sky and sees nothing but tiny, little lights shining far away. Hoping he could touch those warm stars, the boy reaches out to the endless dark, only to feel cold air hitting his hand, stopping him from the impossible. With the nth sigh the brunette starts walking again.


Daehyun doesn’t know how long he has been walking but he wakes up from his daze due to a sudden gunshot. Surprised and slightly scared, the brunette crouches down in a reflex only to feel wet sand touching his bare arms. The gunshot sounded so loud, the scared boy thought it was aimed at him but he doesn’t feel anything. Daehyun looks around through his bangs, which fall in front of his eyes. Dumbfounded he stays glued to the ground and his heart beats kilometres in seconds.


Minutes pass and when Daehyun’s about to move, a second gunshot is heard. Again Daehyun hides his face, accidentally pushing his face in the sand. His breathing becomes quicker and his hands and legs start trembling.


Please go away, go away.


The boy is so scared he doesn’t dare to move. Then he realizes every sound around him stopped. As the shock slowly fades, he’s able to hear soft voices that keep on getting louder.


Slowly Daehyun lifts himself up and looks around. He tries to find out where the voices are coming from but his ears aren’t cooperating. Sometimes the voices seem to disappear, but then they get louder again. Maybe some after-shock effects… or maybe he became temporarily deaf due to the loud gunshots.


With much effort the brunette finally stands up on his trembling legs and makes his way towards the unknown voices. The darkness prevents him from running, it makes it hard to see, but with every step the area gets lighter and everything becomes clearer. Finally Daehyun reaches a crowd of people. Grabbing all his courage, Daehyun walks to the person closest by and asks what happened. The reaction he gets is quite rude for someone who is younger than him: “Can’t you see we’re all here to find that out?”


Rejected Daehyun rolls his eyes and follows his instincts, pushing through the bunch of people, all standing in a large circle. He receives irritated glances as he pushes those people aside, but he has much better things to than waiting until someone else takes action.


“Excuse me. Sorry. Please let me through” Daehyun apologises softly to everyone he pushes aside. “Out of my way. Sorry.”


Finally Daehyun reaches the other side of the crowd, in the middle of the huge circle he discovers three guys lying on the ground, full of blood. Quickly the brunette takes action and he falls on his knees next to the first one. In a rush he tries to remember what he needs to do in a situation like this, because of his messy head, it’s hard to remember. Daehyun decides to check the guy’s consciousness.


“Mister, are you alright? Do you hear me?” he whispers and leans forward, using his cheek to feel if he’s still breathing, listening closely and keeping an eye on his chest, to see if it’s rising. Luckily the other’s breath softly hits his cheek. “Mister? Can you hear me? Please give me a sign if you hear me.” Daehyun pleads.


“Uugh.” The man groans turning his head to the other side but then groaning again because of the wound in his neck Daehyun now notices. The guy lifts his hand up and covers his injury.


“Don’t move. It’ll make the wound worse.” Daehyun tries to calm himself down before he does anything stupid.


Please don’t mess things up.


Daehyun worries about the wound in the guy’s neck, which is shielded from his view by the only half conscious man’s hand.


“Please hold on. Keep breathing and try not to pass out.” He orders as Daehyun crawls to the other boy, who looks much younger. Why would he be outside this late?


Repeating the same procedure as he has done with the other guy, Daehyun shakes the boy’s shoulders but this time, doesn’t get a reaction. He looks the boy’s chest, but it doesn’t move up and down like the other guy’s. Panicking he leans forward to check the boy’s breathing, leaning so close, the boy’s lips are touching his cheek, but only then he can feel soft, slow and uneven breathing. Indicating he’s weak and his breathing could stop any minute.


Luckily Daehyun remembers the first-aid course he had to take some time ago. He quickly positions himself on the left side of the boy as he places his hands on the boy’s chest, above his hart. Daehyun glances at the boy’s face before he starts the chest compression.


After doing this 30 times, Daehyun moves to the kid’s face. He lays his right hand on the boy’s forehead, pulling it up and pinches his nose closed while with his left hand he holds the chin up. Taking a deep breath, Daehyun presses his lips on the other’s and exhales it into the latter’s mouth, repeating this two times. The brunette repeats the actions of chest compressions combined with CPR a few times and then listens again to the weak boy’s breathing. Exhausted but relieved, Daehyun sits back up when the boy’s breathing is back to normal.


Suddenly the crowd starts screaming in fear. Daehyun looks around and sees everyone staring at a point behind him.


“Oh my god! He disappeared!” Daehyun hears. “Where did he go to? What happened? Just a second ago he was lying there, right there!”


Daehyun looks to the place to people are pointing to and staring at but sees nothing. Wasn’t the third guy lying behind him? Where did he go? Then it hits him; he still needs to call an ambulance. He quickly crawls back to the still conscious guy. “Hang on for a moment, I’ll call for an ambulance.” Daehyun reassures him.


“NO!” The bleeding guy suddenly exclaims with new strength. Causing the crowd to fall silent. “Y-you can’t.” He whispers.


Daehyun is shocked by the man’s sudden words. Wide eyed he stares, not knowing what to do. The phone he just took out of his pocket is still lying in the brunette’s hands. “W-why not?”


“You can’t.” The guy repeats, weaker than last time. “Please, we’ll be alright, so please, don’t.”


With confused eyes Daehyun looks at the guy not knowing what to do. Why doesn’t he want to go to the hospital? He’s fatally wounded! He lost so much blood! He should get treatment and fast!


Dumbfounded Daehyun runs his fingers through his hair and looks at the other boy who seems to still be breathing normally. Slowly he crawls towards him to check his wounds. Carefully he pulls the boy’s collar down, the blood on it has already dried up but for a strange reason there is no wound in his neck. There runs a shiver down Daehyun’s spine as he searches for other injuries on the boy’s body but doesn’t find any. This boy is perfectly fine… but then, why did he pass out? There is nothing wrong except for the blood on his shirt and around his eyes. Something must have happened, his shirt doesn’t rip on its own.


Daehyun looks around and discovers a dagger lying on the ground, next to the young boy. Not knowing what to do, the brunette takes the dagger and looks at the dried blood on the blade. What exactly happened here?


Daehyun is pulled out of his thoughts when he sees a kid reaching out to touch the ‘wounded’ boy in front of him.


“Don’t touch him!” Daehyun slaps the child’s hand away. “Right now he’s in a really bad state and it’ll be bad if you come close him. Who knows what exactly happened? Just go back to your bed, I’ll handle this.”


“Why are only you allowed to touch him? I’m not sleepy at all! I want to stay here as much as you do!” The little boy argues while raising his voice.


“I’m a doctor. I mean, I’m studying medicine so I know what I need to do.”


The kid turns around and runs to his mom. “Mom! I also want to be a doctor! I want…” the rest of the boy’s sentence fades as Daehyun crawls back to the other guy for the nth time already.


“You okay?”


The guy nods but is obviously in pain. “It’d be better if you leave too.” He whispers with a husky voice. “It’s dangerous for you to stay.”


“How can I just go and leave two half-dead people lying on the ground waiting for their destiny for who knows how long it’ll take until you recover or just die here because of the lack of blood?” Daehyun shouts, right after regretting for raising his voice. “Sorry, maybe I should call a doctor. I’m no good.”


The man groans after hearing Daehyun shout. “I already told you not too.” He says, his voice getting weaker by minute. “It’s dangerous here, leave.”


Ignoring the guy, Daehyun again takes his phone out of his pocket and dials a number.


“If it’s that bad to call the doctor, I’ll call my friend to come pick us up and you’ll need to stay at my house until you both are recovered.” He says stubbornly. Without waiting for an answer the brunette presses on the call-button and holds his phone against his ear. After waiting a few seconds, the other person finally picks up.


“Hey, Youngjae, why did it take so long for you to answer?” Daehyun asks his childhood friend.


“Do you know how ing early it is right now?” The other exclaims, angry to be woken up at this hour. “The sun has barely risen and you decide to wake me up? You know I sleep until at least 9 o’clock!”


“Sorry, but I have an emergency right now and I need you to be here as fast as possible, please?” Deahyun asks, hoping his friend would agree if he asked nice enough.


Youngjae sighs loud, letting the other know he’s still irritated. “I got it, tell me where you are right now, I’ll come as quick as possible.”


“Uuum… wait a minute.” Daehyun answers, looking around. The crowd had clearly shrunk in the time he was taking care of the two unconscious men. Daehyun turns to a woman who’s standing not to far from him, looking worried at the two still on the ground. “Sorry, but, could you tell me where this place is?” Daehyun carefully asks.


Daehyun repeats what the woman had told him and Youngjae tells him he’ll arrive within a few minutes. Nervous, Daehyun decides to check both guys for other possible injuries but as expected the pink-haired one has no outside injuries. This worries Daehyun, something must have happened, maybe he has some kind of internal injury causing him to faint and the blood on his clothes could be from the older. Maybe the boy wanted to help the guy but ended up falling unconscious but that doesn’t explain the gunshots and the dagger…


Moving to the older guy, Daehyun discovers small bruises on his arms and waist, nothing serious but what he didn’t expect to find two guns in a holster on both the sides of his waist. Daehyun looks shocked at the older man.


The latter shows a sad smile when he opens his eyes and notices Daehyun’s expression. “I told you so, didn’t I?” He softly whispers. Feeling weak he closes his eyes again but Daehyun’s only able to stare.


Suddenly a car stops not so far from them and Daehyun looks up.


“What the hell happened here?” Youngjae asks with wide eyes, looking at the scene in front of him.


“Shut up and take them with you.” Daehyun says sounding irritated. Carefully he swings the older guy’s arm around his shoulder and slowly stands up, receiving a groan from the injured guy. “Hold on and I’ll treat you at my apartment.”




Daehyun keeps silent until he places him on the backseat. “I decided to become a doctor to keep people alive so I can’t leave you here dying.” He says and without waiting for an answer he closes the door, waiting for Youngjae to drag the younger boy into the car.


“Bring them to my apartment.” Daehyun orders as he takes place on to the front seat.


Both friends stay silent during the ride; the only noise comes from the heavy breathing of the wounded guy. They still keep quiet as they reach Daehyun’s apartment and bring the two guys to Daehyun’s bed. Eventually, Youngjae speaks up.


“Why are you doing this?” He whispers, trying not to wake the now sleeping guys. Daehyun ignores the question as he goes to his bathroom and takes out his first-aid kit.


Why? Yeah, I’m wondering about that too.


Author's note!



Annyeong BABY's!!


Author doesn't know what to say ^.^;

Daehyun's Informational Blog and Youngjae's Informational Blog

As said before, more will be added along the way :)

Love you all, thank you for reading!!! 



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Chapter 3: Waaaaah what is going to happen when yongguk wakes up >.<
Chapter 1: waaaaaah this is good!!
shaxobyarm #3
please continue :))
Chapter 3: why don't you just tell them the truth guk ? I mean it's up to them whether they gonna believe it or not, at least your explanation will scare them a bit and they won't go near the boy..
*please ignore this comment* *bow 90 degrees*
Chapter 2: Whoah so now zelo is a vampire too right ? Bcs yongguk changed him that morning..
Anw just asking, is this going to be banghim or bangdae ? I kno you probably won't answer this question author-nim kkk
Chapter 1: Oh wow what a impressive intro chapter ! ^^
yellowbunnies #7
Chapter 2: Ohmy... its damm interesting! Is the pink haired boy Zelo in any chance? Hahahaha, i suddenly rmbed him in the 'power' era.

Looking forward in the next chapter! :)
Song_HanEul #8
Chapter 1: This is so amazingly incredible!! So loving it!!!!!!! ^^