So Be It

Is This Love A Sin?



Sitting by the window he desperately tries to concentrate on the work lying in front of him but it’s no use. He glances trough the window to see what’s happening outside. Nothing special of course, just the normal training all the Hunters go through. His gaze drifts from the training field too the forest behind it, lit up by a beautiful full moon and he wonders if anyone would notice him if he’d slip out to take a walk to clear his head.


No, you can’t, you have your own duties to fulfill, he tries to reason, as he forces is eyes back on the documents lying on his desk. Slowly his gaze drifts back to the window and the woods of which he could swear are calling out his name.


He sighs and stands up, walking towards the curtains with the intention of closing them but he stops mid in his actions, eyes yet again drifting too the woods for the nth time. He sighs, not able to withstand the temptation. He closes the curtains and grabs his coat out of the closet, wondering if it’s cold outside. Before he leaves he walks over to his drawer and takes out the two guns he had kept there during the day. He fastens a holder around his waist and tucks the guns away on either side. He’s about to open the door and walk out of his office when it’s pushed open by someone else on the other side.


“Oh, Yongguk, you’re leaving?” the man asks, looking up at him while wondering why the other suddenly decided to leave.


“Himchan?” Yongguk asks surprised, “Shouldn’t you be training together with the others?”


“Yesterday I sprained my ankle during the field training so I’m allowed to take a break. Have you noticed they tend to forget how fast we recover?” Himchan asks chuckling.


“They only want to make sure you’re fully recovered before you continue the harsh training.” Yongguk reassures him with a smile on his face as he continues to walk through the dark corridor. Of course he has no problems with it, having the advantage of better eyesight.


Like a puppy Himchan follows each step the older takes. “Yes but look,” Himchan says while jumping up and down as demonstration, “it doesn’t hurt at all. I could have trained together with the others but because I’m actually a bit tired I didn’t want to. No, I’m not really tired, just lazy. You know the feeling right? Sometimes you too don’t come out of your chair! You lazy !” Himchan keeps rambling nonsense while hopping behind the taller. “Hey! Are you even listening? By the way, where are you going? Why did you put on your coat? Are you taking a walk? Should I come with you?”


Yongguk looks at the ball of energy jumping up and down. “You know why I often can’t leave my office, I have a lot of responsibilities, if I could I’d be training with you all but I don’t always have the time.” He explains. An apologetic smile crosses his face, “And I’m sorry but I’d like to walk alone. I’ll be right back, it’s only to take my mind off of some things.”


“Oh,” a disappointed look crosses Himchan’s face, “okay.” Himchan stops following the elder, “I guess I’ll go to my room.”


Yongguk turns around and sees Himchan standing in the middle of the corridor, looking like an abandoned puppy. He walks over to him and ruffles his hair, “I’ll be right back so don’t worry.”


Himchan smiles slightly while focusing his eyes at the ground as Yongguk turns around and leaves.


Opening the outside door, Yongguk takes a deep breath as he enjoys the cold air gently brushing against his skin. He closes the door behind him and walks straight towards the forest, not taking the time to look at the Hunters who are all covered in sweat due to the harsh training.


Relieved Yongguk slows down his steps when he finally reaches the border of the field. He glances back at the house which is his home, not only his but everyone’s. He now takes the time to look at the Hunters. He smiles when he sees the serious expressions of every single one of them and sighs when he remembers the face of the only one who isn’t training; Kim Himchan. But he can’t be angry with him. Yongguk has seen Himchan grow up and him being here is entirely his fault. Yongguk shakes his head, clearing it form the depressive thoughts and starts walking again, thinking about nothing specific.



After spacing out, Yongguk realizes he has been walking for more than two hours. He curses and turns around, heading back to the house as he quickly glances at his watch and curses again. He still has some documents to go through and it’s already 5AM, which means he only has a few hours before the sun rises. Fastening his steps he hurries back home, not really focusing his attention on anything particular as he thinks of a way to get everything done.


That’s mainly the reason why he doesn’t notice it until he feels a sharp pain in the lower half of his neck and arms wrapping around his waist to hold him in place. He wants to turn and look at the person behind him but the pain increases until it becomes almost unbearable. He struggles, trying to find a way out of the other’s arms. He kicks the other against his shin which causes it’s grip to weaken. Yongguk takes the chance to push it back and he himself takes a few steps forward before he turns around after placing a hand on the wound in his neck.


Yongguk’s eyes widen and instinct takes over when he sees what attacked him. He pulls out on of his guns and points it at the other who had been given the time to recover from Yongguk’s sudden movements. Red, longing eyes stare at the hand lying on his neck through which blood is oozing out. It’s lips curl up in a way that shows its teeth, sharp fangs and the blood dripping from its mouth. The shirt it’s wearing is ripped, revealing the unique cross on his chest but unlike Yongguk’s, which is black, the other’s red. As red as blood. The color of sin, of those who aren’t allowed to exist in this world. The color of a Demon.


The Demon growls, lowering its upper body, ready for its next attack but Yongguk doesn’t allow it to do so. Without a second thought he pulls over the trigger, the silver bullet hitting the Demon in its shoulder.


The injured monster, yelps in surprise and quickly realizes the dangerous situation. It turns around and dashes away, sometimes hitting against a tree along the way. It takes a while for the overwhelmed Yongguk to fully grasp the situation. For a second he wonders if he should run back to the house and alarm everyone. Due to his injury it would be a bad idea to pursue it alone. But then he realizes a horrible fact.


It’s heading towards the village.


Overthrown by panic, Yongguk sees no other choice but to follow it. Those clueless mortals can’t take care of themselves; the first passer-by the Demon comes across will be killed. Especially now that it’s wounded and will need blood to recover.


Although he’s injured himself, Yongguk follows the Demon without hesitating for a second. He can’t risk the lives of those helpless creatures. If only they’d officially accept their help, that’d make everything a lot easier.


Running at full speed Yongguk is horrified when he realizes he reached the end of the forest without catching up with the Demon. It could’ve gone anywhere he’d have to…


A metallic smell invades his senses; Yongguk curses when he realizes what happened and tries to ignore his natural reaction to it but the alluring scent is strong and slowly Yongguk starts walking, hypnotized he follows it without any awareness of his surroundings until he reaches the scene. What he sees leaves such a big impact he immediately wakes up from his previous trance.


Yongguk runs towards the Demon who is holding someone in his arms, pulling his head to the side to get better access to his neck and drinking its newfound victim’s blood.


Finally close enough Yongguk pulls his gun out for the second time and shoots again, this time hitting the Demon’s upper arm. The injured beast cries out in pain and lets go of the boy it was holding on to. Now Yongguk is finally able to see the face of the Demon’s victim. Yongguk’s eyes widen in shock. The victim… was still a boy! A kid! He couldn’t be older than fifteen or sixteen! Controlled by rage Yongguk points his gun at the Demon.


May you never be forgiven.


He states and pulls the trigger, the bullet hitting the Demon in its heart, which causes it to die immediately.




Pulling his eyes away from the Demon’s dead body Yongguk focuses his attention back on the pink-haired boy as he kneels next to him. His hands travel over the boy’s body and he sighs in relief when he notices the kid’s still breathing, but it won’t be for long anymore and Yongguk knows that. He looks at the poor boys neck, showing a big and visible vampire bite. The kid has only one way to survive and although Yongguk isn’t completely sure if he’d be able to save the kid, he’s prepared to try. The poor boy doesn’t deserve to die, not here, not in this way. Yongguk takes a deep breath and mumbles the first lines of the spell.


May your blood rush out of the known to the unknown. May my poison give you a new chance.


He immediately continues with the second verse because the first one had already been fulfilled by the Demon.


May our lips seal to the unbearable and give you your second chance, the antidote to death.


Yongguk carefully presses his lips onto the kid’s, giving him the only antidote that can save his life if given the right amount.


To take the pain, may it cross your eyes and find a way to the light, which will give your life a new start. A new view. A new world.


Yongguk continues, relieved he always carries a small dagger around. He brings the tool towards the kids face but hesitates a second, this would seal the boy’s life. Yongguk wonders if the boy would really be happy with the decision, having to live the rest of his life during the night, never returning to his family and feeling the irresistible urge for blood. Craving for it, begging for it. Not able to withstand the addicting flavor. Maybe it would be better if he’d rest in peace.


Yongguk stops his thoughts, sighs and continues the ritual. He closes the distance between the boy’s face and the small dagger and in one go, slits both the boy’s eyes over.


May you be reborn.



He finishes the ritual. The effects are immediately visible: both the wounds in his neck and eyes are slowly closing up.


“You’ll be alright.” Yongguk mumbles and suddenly feels his body getting heavy. He had conveniently forgotten his neck injury but now that he finished, Yongguk falls on the ground due to the blood loss. The Demon had his blood too, a lot of it. Now he realizes it but obviously too late.


Yongguk notices voices around him. Mortals who had probably been woken up by the two gunshots they had heard. Curiosity taking over from fear, they entered the street. Only to see three guys lying on the ground.


Suddenly a dark shadow covers him and a worried voice speaks to him. “Mister, are you alright? Do you hear me?” The voice asks. “Mister? Can you hear me? Please give me a sign if you hear me.” The pleading voice continues.


“Uugh.” Yongguk groans and tries to turn away from the loud voice talking to him but as he turns his head the sudden pain he feels in his neck overwhelms him and he brings his hand to cover it up.


“Don’t move. It’ll make the wound worse.” The worried voice tries to reason with him. “Please hold on. Keep breathing and try not to pass out.” He hears and then some shuffling. Not the boy, Yongguk thinks, when he wakes up, he’ll be thirsty for blood, stay away from him, stay away from us.


Author's note!

Hi BABYs!!!!


What did you think of this chapter?

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*judging you*


Don't mind me =.=;


Anyway, I just wanted to add Yongguk's Informational Blog and Himchan's Informational Blog.

Thank you very much for reading!! :)


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Chapter 3: Waaaaah what is going to happen when yongguk wakes up >.<
Chapter 1: waaaaaah this is good!!
shaxobyarm #3
please continue :))
Chapter 3: why don't you just tell them the truth guk ? I mean it's up to them whether they gonna believe it or not, at least your explanation will scare them a bit and they won't go near the boy..
*please ignore this comment* *bow 90 degrees*
Chapter 2: Whoah so now zelo is a vampire too right ? Bcs yongguk changed him that morning..
Anw just asking, is this going to be banghim or bangdae ? I kno you probably won't answer this question author-nim kkk
Chapter 1: Oh wow what a impressive intro chapter ! ^^
yellowbunnies #7
Chapter 2: Ohmy... its damm interesting! Is the pink haired boy Zelo in any chance? Hahahaha, i suddenly rmbed him in the 'power' era.

Looking forward in the next chapter! :)
Song_HanEul #8
Chapter 1: This is so amazingly incredible!! So loving it!!!!!!! ^^